
You could also call her a "red potato"...who gives a shit. It doesn't change what she is or isn't. Why are you crying over the specific term being used here?

The fact of the matter is that she is here and hasn't went through the proper procedures on moving from one country to another. The point she brought up and the reason it has been brought up here is to discuss the issue of what to do / how to deal with people who have moved to our nation without going through the procedures we have put in place to sanction their movement. At no point in time is she, nor anybody here really interested in what the fuck you want to call them.
FALSE! You couldn't be more wrong. First of all, talking about what illegal aliens are called doesn't mean that you're not concerned with what to do about them. How you could arrive that is something that psychiatrists might work on.

Secondly, of course it matters how are they are called. The term "undocumented immigrant" is a euphemism, purposely designed to give validity to these lawbreakers, as well as legalization to them. The idea is if we think of them as being legitimate, eventually they will get legalized. They should be neither legalized or euphemized.

Lastly, you'll do a lot better in this forum without the F bmbs, which do nothing more than reveal you here to be the rookie you are.
‘She then went on to criticise US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s promise to build a “wall” separating Mexico and the US, calling it a “wall built on hate and prejudice”.’

Good for her, well said.

Brave young woman.

She’s an intelligent young woman as well, correctly referring to herself as undocumented, as one is not ‘illegal’ until such time as she has been found guilty in a court of law – indeed, she is innocent of that crime until proven guilty, and entitled to due process of law.
You could also call her a "red potato"...who gives a shit. It doesn't change what she is or isn't. Why are you crying over the specific term being used here?

The fact of the matter is that she is here and hasn't went through the proper procedures on moving from one country to another. The point she brought up and the reason it has been brought up here is to discuss the issue of what to do / how to deal with people who have moved to our nation without going through the procedures we have put in place to sanction their movement. At no point in time is she, nor anybody here really interested in what the fuck you want to call them.
FALSE! You couldn't be more wrong. First of all, talking about what illegal aliens are called doesn't mean that you're not concerned with what to do about them. How you could arrive that is something that psychiatrists might work on.

Secondly, of course it matters how are they are called. The term "undocumented immigrant" is a euphemism, purposely designed to give validity to these lawbreakers, as well as legalization to them. The idea is if we think of them as being legitimate, eventually they will get legalized. They should be neither legalized or euphemized.

Lastly, you'll do a lot better in this forum without the F bmbs, which do nothing more than reveal you here to be the rookie you are.
Just as a point, you claim that arguing about what they are called doesn't take away from arguing what we should do about them. Yet you used exactly one sentence to describe your feelings on what we should do with them and zero sentences supporting that argument and you used six sentences telling me why we should call them whatever you think we should (I'm still a fan of red potatoes). Maybe you should spend more time telling us what you think we should do with them and then construct and argument as to why...rather than sit around and stamp your feet with big red print crying that we aren't calling them the same name you are.

As to your last point...I hope it doesn't appear that I give any fucks.
How the fuck would you know, drop-out loser?
Oh so you wanna come up out of your sewer hole too, huh trashbag ? OK. Well, how I would (and DO) know is, that people tend to think you are young and stupid when you use the F word (like you do). So right about now, that's what they're thinking about YOU. But if wallowing in dirt is your bag.......Not My Problem.
‘She then went on to criticise US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s promise to build a “wall” separating Mexico and the US, calling it a “wall built on hate and prejudice”.’

Good for her, well said.

Brave young woman.

She’s an intelligent young woman as well, correctly referring to herself as undocumented, as one is not ‘illegal’ until such time as she has been found guilty in a court of law – indeed, she is innocent of that crime until proven guilty, and entitled to due process of law.
Bullshit. Technically she may be PRESUMED innocent, but if she is here illegally, then she is here illegally. If I go out and rob a bank, then I am guilty of bank robbery even if I never get caught and therefore never convicted of the crime.
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I'd be all for offering citizenship to every illegal valedictorian who has been accepted to an Ivy League college.
So, it seems illegal immigrants can just come right out and admit to being just that and nothing untoward will happen. There are no negative consequences?
This is exactly why we have such a problem with illegal immigrants.
Why? Perhaps cheap labor is one reason. Another possible reason is that the Dems see them as a large pool of future voters (for democrats). Also, many states do little if any enforcement of laws that require people to be U.S. citizens to register to vote.
Just as a point, you claim that arguing about what they are called doesn't take away from arguing what we should do about them. Yet you used exactly one sentence to describe your feelings on what we should do with them and zero sentences supporting that argument and you used six sentences telling me why we should call them whatever you think we should (I'm still a fan of red potatoes). Maybe you should spend more time telling us what you think we should do with them and then construct and argument as to why...rather than sit around and stamp your feet with big red print crying that we aren't calling them the same name you are.

As to your last point...I hope it doesn't appear that I give any fucks.
Listen moron. Nobody here needs for you to talk about how many sentences I have said this or that, or anything, much less pretend that you are even 1/10 qualified to give coaching to me. I've been in this forum for 3 years, and have posted dozens of OPs about what to do about illegal aliens, and thousands of posts pertaining to that, and most of them more in depth than what the average poster posts.

So if you want an education on this subject, I suggest you quit posting for a week, and just read as many of my OPs and posts about illegal invasion as you can, and then come back and report to me. Got it ?

Here's 10 to get you started >>>

CDZ - Brief Expose' Of The Mexican Invasion Of The United States (1950-2016)

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Illegal Immigration = Sanctuary Cities = Democrats

Illegal Aliens: Just Trying To Make a Better Life for Themselves ?

Are Trump Dumpers Connected To Illegal Immigration ???

CDZ - Question for HISPANICS: Are You Opposed to Stopping Illegal Immigration ?

IUnaccompanied Illegal Alien Kids Swamping Immigeation Officials

Should Obama Increase Deportations of Illegal Aliens ?

Illegal Aliens Using the IRS to Scam the US Taxpayer

Obama Just Gave Amnesty to Illegal Aliens (Again)

Immigrants Get Welfare More Than Native-Born Americans
This is exactly why we have such a problem with illegal immigrants.
Why? Perhaps cheap labor is one reason. Another possible reason is that the Dems see them as a large pool of future voters (for democrats). Also, many states do little if any enforcement of laws that require people to be U.S. citizens to register to vote.
There are quite a few VESTED INTERESTS in America who gain in various ways from the presence of illegal aliens >>>

VESTED INTERESTS wanting illegal aliens

1. Businesses wanting cheap labor.

2. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

3. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

4. Spanish media NEEDING Spanish-only speakers.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
I'd be all for offering citizenship to every illegal valedictorian who has been accepted to an Ivy League college.
That'll do wonders for discouraging migrants to come here illegally. Sheeesh!!
‘She then went on to criticise US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s promise to build a “wall” separating Mexico and the US, calling it a “wall built on hate and prejudice”.’

Good for her, well said.

Brave young woman.

She’s an intelligent young woman as well, correctly referring to herself as undocumented, as one is not ‘illegal’ until such time as she has been found guilty in a court of law – indeed, she is innocent of that crime until proven guilty, and entitled to due process of law.
She is illegal the SECOND that she crosses the border without inspection by US immigration officials. When you commit a crime you are doing something ILLEGAL. It is illegal at that moment, and any other time. She is an ILLEGAL ALIEN, should be deported, and will be when Trump becomes president.

And the wall is NOT built on hate or prejudice, it is to be built on DEFENSE of the US from foreign invasion, and it was voted into law 10 years ago by Republicans and Democrats both, in the US Congress.

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, it seems illegal immigrants can just come right out and admit to being just that and nothing untoward will happen. There are no negative consequences?
Because those in charge of enforcing the law, the executive branch (Obama administration) wants these illegals as VOTES for Democrats. They do engage in some deportation, but they allow in more, and protect them in sanctuary cities, more than they deport. And the deporting they do is just from them feeling it is necessary, to give the appearance of complying with the law.

If they really wanted to enforce the law that could do what Eisenhower did in 1954 with Operation Wetback (mass deportation), when INS agents went around house-to-house in southwestern states hunting down illegal aliens, and deporting them.

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