Van Ploughs into Pedestrians at busy Toronto intersection

A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.

You Canadians are sick...
A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.
Just keep repeating, diversity is our strength, diversity is our strength, diversity is our strength...

I am fine with diversity and immigration, take the best of the best from all over the world. In a country like Canada which is not a free market and always misrepresents itself, we cannot deny facts.

Here is the problem in Canada, unless this guy is a bonafide member of ISIS, they will rarely call it terror. It's disingenuous to place our heads in the sand. If he was inspired or just some nutjob copycat, it's the same damned thing to the dead. It's terror and it impacts us.

You can't stop them all, but you better be allocating your resources wisely to prevent this as best you can.
During the G7 also. Witnesses say dude looked "angry", another guy said he "looked Middle Eastern", not my words, his, on CP24 a local news station. It's uptown, in a fairly upscale location between Finch and Sheppard, high end condos and relatively high wealth there.

The POS held up either a cellphone or a gun, according to two different witnesses. Great work by the police taking the POS alive. One guy said he saw 40-50 people get mowed down, Police officially say 10 hit, but haven't updated it in some time. It was intentional almost certainly, and he was apparently going between 70 and 80 clicks.

My guess is this was a terror attack. Canadian police have a reputation of downplaying these attacks, which serves nobody but those trying to give the appearance that terror doesn't occur here.

Posting inflammatory lies as usual. There is NOTHING about the driver’s ethnicity or suggesting he had a gun.

I have been watching CP24 for 2 hours, do you get CP 24? A guy, who even gave his name but I won't provide it here, said, I quote paraphrasing, "contrary to some reports he looked of Middle Eastern descent". This guy said he saw his face as he mowed down people on the sidewalk.

Another guy tried to follow him and couldn't believe all the bodies flying, seeing a stroller.

Stop with the race baiting, I am providing details here as I live in Toronto. He also jumped out and pointed somthing at the police. This is no accident, it was intentional. The ethnicity was suggested by witnesses, the motive still to be determined.

I am betting on some sob, wannabe ISIS terrorist. I am watching right now, a witness get angry at the newcaster when asked if he thought it was on purpose, his quote, and again "OF COURSE (he's adamant), he looked angry, he also looked scared, just kept going at people along the sidewalk".

This is what I am seeing on TV and reporting. Stop with the naive la-la land view of the world.

You are a lying sack of shit. Yes I have access to CP24 and I saw the interview you speak of. The guy said he could have been middle eastern and that he couldn’t tell.

It is you that is race baiting. You’re going to feel pretty stupid if it turns out that he’s not a jihadist.

Really, you saw the interview did you? What was his name of the person interviewed then?

No idea. Dark skinned guy, not black, with a slight accent. Short hair, interviewed in his car. He followed the driver thinking he was having a heart attack. The guy broke down at the end and said “I can’t do this anymore” and ended the interview.

No that interview followed AFTER, the name of the guy you saw being interviewed by the way, was Ali. He was the most impassioned and spoke about the stroller and 40-50 being hit.

I am referring to an interview before him, in which a guy in his car was facing the van as it mowed people down, he saw his face, described him as I stated.

Those are the facts as provided by the witness. Not something I made up, this is what a witness said, I never make assumptions on these cases, I do put 2 and 2 together though. if you don't like the facts, than tell CP24 to stop interviewing people and let's wait for the police report.
During the G7 also. Witnesses say dude looked "angry", another guy said he "looked Middle Eastern", not my words, his, on CP24 a local news station. It's uptown, in a fairly upscale location between Finch and Sheppard, high end condos and relatively high wealth there.

The POS held up either a cellphone or a gun, according to two different witnesses. Great work by the police taking the POS alive. One guy said he saw 40-50 people get mowed down, Police officially say 10 hit, but haven't updated it in some time. It was intentional almost certainly, and he was apparently going between 70 and 80 clicks.

My guess is this was a terror attack. Canadian police have a reputation of downplaying these attacks, which serves nobody but those trying to give the appearance that terror doesn't occur here.

Posting inflammatory lies as usual. There is NOTHING about the driver’s ethnicity or suggesting he had a gun.

Ummmm, that was the point silly person. Bad guy had a van, not a gun, and killed an unfortunate bunch of people. What's the common denominator here?

I'll help because you are clearly too stupid to figure it out without's the BAD GUY! Take away guns they use knives. Take away knives they use vans. DUH! Bad people do bad things. All you asshats can think of doing is taking things away from people who don't do bad things. You can't actually come up with a way of actually STOPPING the bad people from doing the bad things.

Because it ain't politically correct. How sad...
The suspect

A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.

5 people are reported murdered.....more than were murdered with an AR-15 civilian rifle at the Waffle house...

Vans are deadlier than rifles, so Canada must move to ban them immediately.
A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.
More van control is needed.


The Constitution doesn't even mention vans once!
We don't want to ban vans, we just want to make sure no van is ever in the hands of a driver again!

Common sense van control.... they don't want to ban all vans, just assault vans like this one....
Islamic Terrorism must not be spoken of!!

There is absolutely nothing to tell us who this guy is or why he did it. All we know is a light skinned guy with a shaved head hit these people with a rental truck.

You’re the guy who is ready to smear an entire religion on no evidence. I prefer to wait for facts.
NBC's BUDGET for coverage of the Parkland Shooting - $27,684,583.00

NBC's BUDGET to cover today's VAN massacre - $447.59

Number of Leftys dedicated to protesting Parkland shooting - 625,000

Number of Lefty's dedicated to protesting assault vehicle massacres - ?? -(waiting for the first)
A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.

4 people killed, 4 people wounded at Waffle House with AR-15 civilian rifle.

Toronto van attack, 5 people killed 7-8 wounded....

Vans are deadlier than AR-15 civilian rifles since it is only the number of dead that are relevant...right?
A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.

5 people are reported murdered.....more than were murdered with an AR-15 civilian rifle at the Waffle house...

Vans are deadlier than rifles, so Canada must move to ban them immediately.

I haven’t seen any reports of how many are dead. I’ve no seen four blankets covering bodies and from what the reporters are saying there could be several more.
Islamic Terrorism must not be spoken of!!

There is absolutely nothing to tell us who this guy is or why he did it. All we know is a light skinned guy with a shaved head hit these people with a rental truck.

You’re the guy who is ready to smear an entire religion on no evidence. I prefer to wait for facts.

You are the idiot who smears the NRA, and 8 million owners of AR-15 civilian rifles who didn't shoot anyone in that Waffle House......and those Parkland teenagers are calling gun owners and NRA members child sell you crap somewhere else, you twit.
A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.

5 people are reported murdered.....more than were murdered with an AR-15 civilian rifle at the Waffle house...

Vans are deadlier than rifles, so Canada must move to ban them immediately.

I haven’t seen any reports of how many are dead. I’ve no seen four blankets covering bodies and from what the reporters are saying there could be several more.

A reporter from Toronto was on with Hannity on the radio...reported 5 dead...
A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.

5 people are reported murdered.....more than were murdered with an AR-15 civilian rifle at the Waffle house...

Vans are deadlier than rifles, so Canada must move to ban them immediately.

Look dude, all we want is a ban on Assault Vans.........or Vans that look like them......
A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.

Was the Van black, and military style?
Socialized medical situations consist of people getting ran over in the street?
And people wonder why americans dont want that shit?

they have better access to medical care there than people do here.

I adore when a) idiots troll about what they don't know anything about; and
b) when people take a tragedy and try to make it idiotic and political.

good going.

No, actually, they don't....the Canadian medical system is a mess...
A white van drove up onto the sidewalk at the corner of Yonge and Finch in Toronto just minutes ago. 8 to 10 people were struck. The driver is in custody.

Watching on TV now. No idea if this a medical situation or a terrorist attack.

Thank God no AR-15s were involved.

Yes....those who were killed by the van are probably very is had they still been living....

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