Veep Debate Thread

That is the question of the night.

How are you going to unify the country?

Pence: Insults Obama and Hillary first....
Yee haw!

The drunk fraternity brother look.
Mod Q: What are going to do about homegrown terrorists?

Pence: Bigger wall!

Mod: I asked about the local terrorists.

Pense: Yea, but we need bigger wall to protect our citizens!
Both of them were unprofessional. It was nothing but a bitch slapping contest.

Not one of the four candidates has an ounce of class.
Kaine was in the mud and embarrassingly unprofessional.

Pence in contrast was calm, cool and collected. Pence won despite the memorized MSNBC one liners from that douchebag Kaine the Klown and that creepy, Hillary protecting moderator!
Im great, kaine wahay a liar.....clinton stood up to russia......bwhahahahahahahahaha....maybe in a online video that caused ben ghazi......

now go vote for the guy that is being used as putin's dupe.

My guess about Drumpf's tax returns...they would show how much in debt he is to Jhina and Russia.

And how much debt has the Obomanation put on our credit card to China?
Where's your Orange Messiah's tax returns like he promised?

He emailed them to Cunton private server!!!!!!!
Ah...I see you are picking up your Orange Savior's lying, misogynist habits.
now go vote for the guy that is being used as putin's dupe.

My guess about Drumpf's tax returns...they would show how much in debt he is to Jhina and Russia.

And how much debt has the Obomanation put on our credit card to China?
Where's your Orange Messiah's tax returns like he promised?

He emailed them to Cunton private server!!!!!!!
Ah...I see you are picking up your Orange Savior's lying, misogynist habits.

Your talking about the Hildebeasts orange prison jump suit again...Sooner or later you'll learn

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