Venezuela, Greece, Puerto Rico


LMAO you can always count on the same few left-wing nutjobs to come a'running to rabidly defend Progressive LEFT-WING FAILURE!!


LMAO you can always count on the same few left-wing nutjobs to come a'running to rabidly defend Progressive LEFT-WING FAILURE!!


To be fair, the bed wetters didn't defend their dogmatic failure, because they can't.

They simply attacked rabbi and ran away.

This is one of the reasons why I rarely bother to engage these parasitic imbeciles. Even if they actually try to argue a point, half of what they say is either bullshit or a deflection.

You can't defend the continuing list of leftist failure, and you can only continue to believe in liberal bullshit if you're:

1) a completely mindless, weapons grade stupid, bed wetting drone.

2) the sort of criminally insane totalitarian sociopath that usually kills thousands or even millions of people.

If you think the fact that Americans being armed to the teeth has nothing to do with the lack of such an event here, see item 1).

Short-term financing has been arranged to help Greece get through July and emergency funding has enabled the banks to reopen for the first time since June.
But the bailout has been widely criticised and there are many voices still arguing that Greece should leave the eurozone, also known as a "Grexit".

greece may still be kicked out of the eurozone leftard

geesh isnt it just like a left-wing nutjob to try to salvage victories over their failures?
Has the immediate threat of Grexit gone?
For now, the threat of a Grexit is diminished. But it was a genuine possibility in the hours before the 13 July bailout deal was hammered out. Since then, Greece has successfully negotiated the first hurdles put up by its eurozone partners.
The most important obstacle was in the Greek parliament, where the Syriza-led government survived a rebellion and pushed through tough reforms on VAT, pensions and early retirement which eurozone partners said were an immediate test for the government to pass.
That triggered a deal on €7.16bn in emergency funding, to enable the government to pay its arrears with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and its July bill from the European Central Bank (ECB).
LIke I said...

Weapons Grade Stupid.

These imbeciles are dangerous to the people around them, they're at least a standard safety hazard, but if they ever got the sort of power behind their cults of personality that we have seen in past and present leftist regimes I have little doubt these bed wetters wouldn't dutifully dump the Zyklon-B into our showers just like leftist sycophants have in the past.

Oh, please, pretty please, make some more predictions!!!

I predict you will beclown yourself further with idiotic posts.
Of course that's like predicting the sun will rise every day.

Oh, I'm pretty sure you will make an idiotic prediction, just like you did with Greece, n'est ce pas, Le Buffon?

Looky, looky!

Greece is STILL in the Eurozone today.


But you predicted that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone by July 26th.....

Oh, well, keep on predicting.... it's fun to watch.

This is a thread about Puerto Rico, not Greece. Wash that sand out of your mangina and move along, Herr Klown.

Tell me, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, is Greece currently in default? Why, no, it is not!
And was Greece kicked out of the Eurozone by the end of your six-month prediction, cast on January 26th, 2015 and ended on July 26th, 2015? Why no, Greece was not kicked out!!!

So, now, to your illustrious OP:

Exactly what magical things are you going to predict about Venezuela? Puerto Rico??

Please do let us know!!!


Did Greece default on its debt? Yes.
Is Greece still in danger of getting kicked out, soemthing virtually no one predicted in January? Yes.
Wash the sand out of your mangina and move on, sylvester

As for the thread. There is no prediction here. The facts speak for themselves. Socialism is a total failure every time.
Oh, please, pretty please, make some more predictions!!!

I predict you will beclown yourself further with idiotic posts.
Of course that's like predicting the sun will rise every day.

Oh, I'm pretty sure you will make an idiotic prediction, just like you did with Greece, n'est ce pas, Le Buffon?

Looky, looky!

Greece is STILL in the Eurozone today.


But you predicted that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone by July 26th.....

Oh, well, keep on predicting.... it's fun to watch.

This is a thread about Puerto Rico, not Greece. Wash that sand out of your mangina and move along, Herr Klown.

Tell me, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, is Greece currently in default? Why, no, it is not!
And was Greece kicked out of the Eurozone by the end of your six-month prediction, cast on January 26th, 2015 and ended on July 26th, 2015? Why no, Greece was not kicked out!!!

So, now, to your illustrious OP:

Exactly what magical things are you going to predict about Venezuela? Puerto Rico??

Please do let us know!!!



Moodys said yesterday the PR is officially in default, the first step in rating PR bonds as junk. Plus their people are fleeing in droves, causing schools and other businesses to close, adding to the islands problems.

Years Of Irresponsible Dem Governance Has PR Circling The Drain US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Greece has no hope of ever paying off its debts. Sooner or later, the taxpayers of the Eurozone are going to eat it.
LIke I said...

Weapons Grade Stupid.

These imbeciles are dangerous to the people around them, they're at least a standard safety hazard, but if they ever got the sort of power behind their cults of personality that we have seen in past and present leftist regimes I have little doubt these bed wetters wouldn't dutifully dump the Zyklon-B into our showers just like leftist sycophants have in the past.

How are they going to get this zyklon in your shower? How were the nazis leftists? They hated unions, and college professors and minorities just like the right wing in this country. Prescott bush and the brown harriman bunch were doing business with the zyklon b manufacturers by the way. I don't think ig farben was leftist by any stretch. .
Oh, please, pretty please, make some more predictions!!!

I predict you will beclown yourself further with idiotic posts.
Of course that's like predicting the sun will rise every day.

Oh, I'm pretty sure you will make an idiotic prediction, just like you did with Greece, n'est ce pas, Le Buffon?

Looky, looky!

Greece is STILL in the Eurozone today.


But you predicted that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone by July 26th.....

Oh, well, keep on predicting.... it's fun to watch.

This is a thread about Puerto Rico, not Greece. Wash that sand out of your mangina and move along, Herr Klown.

Tell me, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, is Greece currently in default? Why, no, it is not!
And was Greece kicked out of the Eurozone by the end of your six-month prediction, cast on January 26th, 2015 and ended on July 26th, 2015? Why no, Greece was not kicked out!!!

So, now, to your illustrious OP:

Exactly what magical things are you going to predict about Venezuela? Puerto Rico??

Please do let us know!!!


Did Greece default on its debt? Yes.
Is Greece still in danger of getting kicked out, soemthing virtually no one predicted in January? Yes.
Wash the sand out of your mangina and move on, sylvester

As for the thread. There is no prediction here. The facts speak for themselves. Socialism is a total failure every time.

Socialism works pretty good in Europe I hear. Germany and France have health care, maternal leave, unions, longer vacations etc. All the things you right wingers have been taught are nightmares. Almost forgot, they also have high speed rail. Oh the horror, the horror. They're living in the 21st century.
Tell me, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, is Greece currently in default? Why, no, it is not!
And was Greece kicked out of the Eurozone by the end of your six-month prediction, cast on January 26th, 2015 and ended on July 26th, 2015? Why no, Greece was not kicked out!!!

So, now, to your illustrious OP:

Exactly what magical things are you going to predict about Venezuela? Puerto Rico??

Please do let us know!!!


Did Greece default on its debt? Yes.
Is Greece still in danger of getting kicked out, soemthing virtually no one predicted in January? Yes.
Wash the sand out of your mangina and move on, sylvester

As for the thread. There is no prediction here. The facts speak for themselves. Socialism is a total failure every time.
Nice dodge, but not fast enough.

You made a prediction and it didn't come true, incontinentia.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Wash the sand out of your mangina, Liberace. My prediction was spot on. Greece defaulted, just as I said. It is only a matter of time before they are kicked out.

No, prick.

Your prediction said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within six months and it wasn't.

Not only that, at this time, Greece is not in default.

The more you lie, the more I am going to bring up your quote EVERYWHERE.

Are you brain-damaged? Do you live in a pink lollipop unicorn world? Or are you just a full-idiot?
Wow what a sore fucking loser. I call it right and you just cant admit it.
Get help, dude. You've got anger issues.
You're the one with issues.
Did Greece default on its debt? Yes.
Is Greece still in danger of getting kicked out, soemthing virtually no one predicted in January? Yes.
Wash the sand out of your mangina and move on, sylvester

As for the thread. There is no prediction here. The facts speak for themselves. Socialism is a total failure every time.
Nice dodge, but not fast enough.

You made a prediction and it didn't come true, incontinentia.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Wash the sand out of your mangina, Liberace. My prediction was spot on. Greece defaulted, just as I said. It is only a matter of time before they are kicked out.

No, prick.

Your prediction said that Greece would be kicked out of the Eurozone within six months and it wasn't.

Not only that, at this time, Greece is not in default.

The more you lie, the more I am going to bring up your quote EVERYWHERE.

Are you brain-damaged? Do you live in a pink lollipop unicorn world? Or are you just a full-idiot?
Wow what a sore fucking loser. I call it right and you just cant admit it.
Get help, dude. You've got anger issues.
You're the one with issues.
There is no economic/political system more failed than socialism. And you subscribe to it. What does that say about you?

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