Vermont Legalizes Gay Marriage

Your post states the exact opposite of all fact.
Two men getting married to put their Penises into each others rectum/and or anus, is classified as Sodomy.! Anyway you cut it it is called Sodomy, and is still illegal in many countries throughout the world.

It is unnatural.Illegal, illogical , a waste of sperm, highly unethical.

... that's just your opinion and you are entitled to it, it doesn't make it fact. As for our reputation, the more equal rights we afford others the more angry the terrorists get and the happier all other countries get ... so yeah ...

No not my opinion, these are laws on the Books in many countries that don't allow that kind of
activity.Homosexuality. Your world of anything goes, no morals or decent rules of human existence, will not last. You are immoral,by supporting Homosexuality.You have no morals!
An abomination in the eyes of God and all God loving Christians.
Two men getting married to put their Penises into each others rectum/and or anus, is classified as Sodomy.! Anyway you cut it it is called Sodomy, and is still illegal in many countries throughout the world.

It is unnatural.Illegal, illogical , a waste of sperm, highly unethical.

... that's just your opinion and you are entitled to it, it doesn't make it fact. As for our reputation, the more equal rights we afford others the more angry the terrorists get and the happier all other countries get ... so yeah ...

No not my opinion, these are laws on the Books in many countries that don't allow that kind of
activity.Homosexuality. Your world of anything goes, no morals or decent rules of human existence, will not last. You are immoral,by supporting Homosexuality.You have no morals!

*yawn* Do you have anything to actually contribute besides insult?
Thanks. When DavidS invited me to his Vermont wedding, I couldn't say 'no' to free beer.

who could?

Was it domestic or imported?

Ha ha ha ha ha! I knew this would happen.

Now wait until churches aren't forced to marry gay people. What other ridiculous arguments against homosexuality will religious-types come up with?

Too late, dumbass. Churches and religious people are already being harassed legally. And as we can see, the ridiculous response we're hearing from the anti-religious types like you is to look bewildered and go, "Whut?"

This I still don't get, where are you getting that? The churches and religious people are not forced to perform any ceremonies nor do they have to participate in the practice or be a party to the legal contracts ... so how are they being forced into anything?

There is absolutely no law that would EVER force a Synogogue or a Church to marry a gay couple and I would oppose any law that would do that. A gay couple can easily go to a judge and get married.
Too late, dumbass. Churches and religious people are already being harassed legally. And as we can see, the ridiculous response we're hearing from the anti-religious types like you is to look bewildered and go, "Whut?"

This I still don't get, where are you getting that? The churches and religious people are not forced to perform any ceremonies nor do they have to participate in the practice or be a party to the legal contracts ... so how are they being forced into anything?

There is absolutely no law that would EVER force a Synogogue or a Church to marry a gay couple and I would oppose any law that would do that. A gay couple can easily go to a judge and get married.

Too late, dumbass. Churches and religious people are already being harassed legally. And as we can see, the ridiculous response we're hearing from the anti-religious types like you is to look bewildered and go, "Whut?"

This I still don't get, where are you getting that? The churches and religious people are not forced to perform any ceremonies nor do they have to participate in the practice or be a party to the legal contracts ... so how are they being forced into anything?

There is absolutely no law that would EVER force a Synogogue or a Church to marry a gay couple and I would oppose any law that would do that. A gay couple can easily go to a judge and get married.

Right, it should be a CHOICE if the church wants to or not.

Wouldn't that be where separation of Church and State comes into play anyway? I seriously doubt the government can "make" a church marry same sex couples.

I know some Unitarian have married same sex partners, and that is their choice.
The legalization of Sodomy between two adults is a miscarriage of our nations legal system, and it makes
the United States of America look like a nation of sexual deviants to the rest of the world.

Your post states the exact opposite of all fact.
Two men getting married to put their Penises into each others rectum/and or anus, is classified as Sodomy.! Anyway you cut it it is called Sodomy, and is still illegal in many countries throughout the world.

It is unnatural.Illegal, illogical , a waste of sperm, highly unethical.

I love how the conservatives say "Oh no! Limited government! Limited regulation!" But when it comes to what people do behind closed doors, they want the government to regulate that.

Anyhow, when a doctor does a prostate exam on you, is that sodomy as well?
Your post states the exact opposite of all fact.
Two men getting married to put their Penises into each others rectum/and or anus, is classified as Sodomy.! Anyway you cut it it is called Sodomy, and is still illegal in many countries throughout the world.

It is unnatural.Illegal, illogical , a waste of sperm, highly unethical.

I love how the conservatives say "Oh no! Limited government! Limited regulation!" But when it comes to what people do behind closed doors, they want the government to regulate that.

Anyhow, when a doctor does a prostate exam on you, is that sodomy as well?

if he's got a hand on both of your shoulders while he does the exam, then yes, yes it is. how many have you had?
No not my opinion, these are laws on the Books in many countries that don't allow that kind of activity.

There are also laws on the books in many countries that don't allow women the right to speak in public and allow men to rape their wives. Shockingly, these are the same countries you're talking about. Wanna keep bragging about this or do you wanna shut up now?

Homosexuality. Your world of anything goes, no morals or decent rules of human existence, will not last. You are immoral,by supporting Homosexuality.You have no morals! An abomination in the eyes of God and all God loving Christians.

Boy are you "judging" someone based upon their acceptance of a lifestyle of allowing two people who love each other to be happy. Your world of closed mindedness, black and white social conservativism will not last. You are immoral by judging other people. It is NOT your place, puny human, to EVER judge another human based upon their actions. You are an abomination in the eyes of God and all God living Christians.

What proof do I have of this? Homosexuality is discussed and condemned in a covenant in which YOU have rejected by creating a new one. Jesus himself said "Judge not lest you be judged."
This I still don't get, where are you getting that? The churches and religious people are not forced to perform any ceremonies nor do they have to participate in the practice or be a party to the legal contracts ... so how are they being forced into anything?

There is absolutely no law that would EVER force a Synogogue or a Church to marry a gay couple and I would oppose any law that would do that. A gay couple can easily go to a judge and get married.

Right, it should be a CHOICE if the church wants to or not.

Wouldn't that be where separation of Church and State comes into play anyway? I seriously doubt the government can "make" a church marry same sex couples.

I know some Unitarian have married same sex partners, and that is their choice.

the government can't force churches to marry gays, and conservatives KNOW it.

I think they trot that out as an excuse, probably because they aren't comfortable publically stating the real reasons they are against gay marriage.
There is absolutely no law that would EVER force a Synogogue or a Church to marry a gay couple and I would oppose any law that would do that. A gay couple can easily go to a judge and get married.

Right, it should be a CHOICE if the church wants to or not.

Wouldn't that be where separation of Church and State comes into play anyway? I seriously doubt the government can "make" a church marry same sex couples.

I know some Unitarian have married same sex partners, and that is their choice.

the government can't force churches to marry gays, and conservatives KNOW it.

I think they trot that out as an excuse, probably because they aren't comfortable publically stating the real reasons they are against gay marriage.

The government can't force churches to marry gays yet. Once enough States allow gay marriages, I suspect the gay lobby will push to require all churches to marry gays on the basis of discrimination. The company eHarmony used to only match straight couples, but a few anti-discrimination lawsuits later and they are now forced to offer same-sex matches. The Conservatives see this coming and are trying to put a stop to it, but I doubt they'll win.
Right, it should be a CHOICE if the church wants to or not.

Wouldn't that be where separation of Church and State comes into play anyway? I seriously doubt the government can "make" a church marry same sex couples.

I know some Unitarian have married same sex partners, and that is their choice.

the government can't force churches to marry gays, and conservatives KNOW it.

I think they trot that out as an excuse, probably because they aren't comfortable publically stating the real reasons they are against gay marriage.

The government can't force churches to marry gays yet. Once enough States allow gay marriages, I suspect the gay lobby will push to require all churches to marry gays on the basis of discrimination. The company eHarmony used to only match straight couples, but a few anti-discrimination lawsuits later and they are now forced to offer same-sex matches. The Conservatives see this coming and are trying to put a stop to it, but I doubt they'll win.

So you're comparing eHarmony to a Church?

I don't think the "Gay Lobby" will push to require all churches to marry gays.
Right, it should be a CHOICE if the church wants to or not.

Wouldn't that be where separation of Church and State comes into play anyway? I seriously doubt the government can "make" a church marry same sex couples.

I know some Unitarian have married same sex partners, and that is their choice.

the government can't force churches to marry gays, and conservatives KNOW it.

I think they trot that out as an excuse, probably because they aren't comfortable publically stating the real reasons they are against gay marriage.

The government can't force churches to marry gays yet. Once enough States allow gay marriages, I suspect the gay lobby will push to require all churches to marry gays on the basis of discrimination. The company eHarmony used to only match straight couples, but a few anti-discrimination lawsuits later and they are now forced to offer same-sex matches. The Conservatives see this coming and are trying to put a stop to it, but I doubt they'll win.

This made me LOL

I suspect the gay lobby will push to require all churches to marry gays on the basis of discrimination.

"Suspect"? Is that the best you got? :lol: Is that like the George Bush fan club that "suspects" the WMD were moved to syria?

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