Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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I'll be happy to address your questions after you address mine.


I looked at the post you made that I responded to an noticed a dirth of ?'s. In fact, just one.

Q: While you're at it, tell us when enough will be enough?

I am not of the belief that this is a zero sum game. We always have room for some and of those sum, are asylum seekers. This is long standing law - both federal and international. We have always been a haven for the persecuted. I don't feel that should change - it's foundational in our nation. And, as I said - it is the current law.

Now I ahve answered your singular question.

Your turn :)

If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?
Families fleeing violence are NOT required to come to the United States. There are destinations much closer and much safer to drag children too.

It doesn't matter.
Of course it does.

Flee violence to a country only 100 miles away, or closer. But they chose to jeopardize the life of their children by taking a thousand miles or more is abuse.
I looked at the post you made that I responded to an noticed a dirth of ?'s. In fact, just one.

Q: While you're at it, tell us when enough will be enough?

I am not of the belief that this is a zero sum game. We always have room for some and of those sum, are asylum seekers. This is long standing law - both federal and international. We have always been a haven for the persecuted. I don't feel that should change - it's foundational in our nation. And, as I said - it is the current law.

Now I ahve answered your singular question.

Your turn :)

If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?
Families fleeing violence are NOT required to come to the United States. There are destinations much closer and much safer to drag children too.

It doesn't matter.
Of course it does.

Flee violence to a country only 100 miles away, or closer. But they chose to jeopardize the life of their children by taking a thousand miles or more is abuse.

No. It is not abuse. Don't you guys go on and on about how Mexico treats illegal immigrants and how we should emulate them?
Enforcing the law. Under the loose criteria under the maobama regime almost 80% of asylum claims were unfounded. Under the new criteria it be higher than 95%.

But tell the class, what's in it for you to flood the country, it's roads, schools, housing, health care system, judicial system and many others with non-English speaking low educated and low skilled people. While you're at it, tell us when enough will be enough? We probably have 40 million, do you want another 40, 60, 100 million, give us a number at which point we can enforce our laws and not have to FEEL bad about it.


What is asylum law?

How is it not being enforced?

Fact: they get a hearing. That's their right, would you agree? If it's "no" they are deported. It it's a "yes" they aren't.

So...unfounded or not - are you stating they shouldn't get the chance?

I'll be happy to address your questions after you address mine.


I looked at the post you made that I responded to an noticed a dirth of ?'s. In fact, just one.

Q: While you're at it, tell us when enough will be enough?

I am not of the belief that this is a zero sum game. We always have room for some and of those sum, are asylum seekers. This is long standing law - both federal and international. We have always been a haven for the persecuted. I don't feel that should change - it's foundational in our nation. And, as I said - it is the current law.

Now I ahve answered your singular question.

Your turn :)

If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

No I wouldn't agree, they can wait their turn as I've said 3 times now.

Also get to illegals, answer the two other questions I asked. Here's a reminder of what they were
But tell the class, what's in it for you to flood the country, it's roads, schools, housing, health care system, judicial system and many others with non-English speaking low educated and low skilled people.

We probably have 40 million, do you want another 40, 60, 100 million, give us a number at which point we can enforce our laws and not have to FEEL bad about it.

Your response doesn't seem to match what I said. So, to repeat (in answer to unfettered capitalism) - is this good?

Well first, unfettered Capitalism is no we’re close to reality, never has...

So to clean up your question and deal with reality, yes Capitalism is good, can you provide another economic model that is better for the masses?

I’ll be patiently waiting...

Key term you seem to be missing: "unfettered"


And there is nothing about being a Progressive or a Socialist is anything but American. Unfettered Capitalism and regressive social attitudes have never brought any benefits to themAmerican people at large, only to the wealthiest.
Unfettered capitalism is what made the USA the wealthiest country in the world, dumbass.

Is that good?
If you're American...can't speak for the rest of the world but I do know that prior to American capitalism the number one cause of death in the world was famine, since America is pretty much the reason that isn't true anymore the liberals are now attacking and blaming Americans for obesity...can't have America seen in glowing terms now can we?
Capitalism put an end to famine as a cause of death. It's also reducing the incidence of poverty in the world at an astounding rate. Something like 500 million people were lifted out of the lowest kind of poverty in China in the last 20 years.

It is a mixed bag. Capitalism has no moral compass. I agree, it is the best economic system - but not unregulated (unfettered) - that leads to abuse of labor.

Okay, I’ll keep pointing out the obvious. The Industrial Revolution is the reason. Yes, even you would have would’ve had to work at a tender age. Try studying World and US History and please tell me in your life time, where this occurred...
What is asylum law?

How is it not being enforced?

Fact: they get a hearing. That's their right, would you agree? If it's "no" they are deported. It it's a "yes" they aren't.

So...unfounded or not - are you stating they shouldn't get the chance?

I'll be happy to address your questions after you address mine.


I looked at the post you made that I responded to an noticed a dirth of ?'s. In fact, just one.

Q: While you're at it, tell us when enough will be enough?

I am not of the belief that this is a zero sum game. We always have room for some and of those sum, are asylum seekers. This is long standing law - both federal and international. We have always been a haven for the persecuted. I don't feel that should change - it's foundational in our nation. And, as I said - it is the current law.

Now I ahve answered your singular question.

Your turn :)

If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

No I wouldn't agree, they can wait their turn as I've said 3 times now.

Also get to illegals, answer the two other questions I asked. Here's a reminder of what they were
But tell the class, what's in it for you to flood the country, it's roads, schools, housing, health care system, judicial system and many others with non-English speaking low educated and low skilled people.

We probably have 40 million, do you want another 40, 60, 100 million, give us a number at which point we can enforce our laws and not have to FEEL bad about it.


Do you lump asylum seekers into those numbers?

How can they "wait their turn" if they are fleeing horrendous situations? (and remember - we are talking only about an initial hearing which determines whether their case as merit) - is our situation so dire we can not even allow that?
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

You can't stand Donald Trump because he is pro-America, and you fucking hate America.
Oh shut up. We like the environment. We like a strong middle class. We like social security and Medicare

A strong middle class and Social Security are mutally exclusive. Social Security looted the middle class and made it dependent on government handouts.
No it didn’t. It allowed people to retire at 62

People can retire at any age they want. They just need to have the funds to do so. This allowed them to retire at 62 is hilarious.

I retired at 60, because I could, I could have done it earlier but didn't want to.

Your response doesn't seem to match what I said. So, to repeat (in answer to unfettered capitalism) - is this good?

Well first, unfettered Capitalism is no we’re close to reality, never has...

So to clean up your question and deal with reality, yes Capitalism is good, can you provide another economic model that is better for the masses?

I’ll be patiently waiting...

Key term you seem to be missing: "unfettered"


Unfettered capitalism is what made the USA the wealthiest country in the world, dumbass.

Is that good?
If you're American...can't speak for the rest of the world but I do know that prior to American capitalism the number one cause of death in the world was famine, since America is pretty much the reason that isn't true anymore the liberals are now attacking and blaming Americans for obesity...can't have America seen in glowing terms now can we?
Capitalism put an end to famine as a cause of death. It's also reducing the incidence of poverty in the world at an astounding rate. Something like 500 million people were lifted out of the lowest kind of poverty in China in the last 20 years.

It is a mixed bag. Capitalism has no moral compass. I agree, it is the best economic system - but not unregulated (unfettered) - that leads to abuse of labor.

Okay, I’ll keep pointing out the obvious. The Industrial Revolution is the reason. Yes, even you would have would’ve had to work at a tender age. Try studying World and US History and please tell me in your life time, where this occurred...

I have.

What's your next excuse? The industrial revolution was unfettered capitalism. What is your next excuse?
If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?
Families fleeing violence are NOT required to come to the United States. There are destinations much closer and much safer to drag children too.

It doesn't matter.
Of course it does.

Flee violence to a country only 100 miles away, or closer. But they chose to jeopardize the life of their children by taking a thousand miles or more is abuse.

No. It is not abuse. Don't you guys go on and on about how Mexico treats illegal immigrants and how we should emulate them?
They deny them permits to stay, but permit them to pass through their country -- being subject to criminals who rape their daughters -- so that they don't have to deal with them.

BTW. You can deny it all you want, but to pin a phone number on a kid and drag them a thousand miles or more in the harshest conditions, subject to criminal coyotes, is far more than abuse. It is felony child endangerment in My opinion and I think they should be charged with felony reckless endangerment of a minor.

Who thinks its okay to jeopardize the lives of their children on such a journey when they could be safe from the environment they are fleeing in days?
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

The taxing of one's labor is unconstitutional and the SCOTUS ruled on FOUR different occasions that the 16th amendment (that was never ratified by enough states) did not give "da gubermint" any new taxing authority. One that barters his labor in exchange for federal reserve notes laden with debt should turn over a portion of the proceeds derived via their labor only makes sense to a commie leftist.
Trump is Obama's "divisiveness" and lack of experience turned up from 3 to 11. Republicans love it because they are hypocrites and are authoritarians dying for a "tough" leader. They will support trump no matter what he does.
I'll be happy to address your questions after you address mine.


I looked at the post you made that I responded to an noticed a dirth of ?'s. In fact, just one.

Q: While you're at it, tell us when enough will be enough?

I am not of the belief that this is a zero sum game. We always have room for some and of those sum, are asylum seekers. This is long standing law - both federal and international. We have always been a haven for the persecuted. I don't feel that should change - it's foundational in our nation. And, as I said - it is the current law.

Now I ahve answered your singular question.

Your turn :)

If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

No I wouldn't agree, they can wait their turn as I've said 3 times now.

Also get to illegals, answer the two other questions I asked. Here's a reminder of what they were
But tell the class, what's in it for you to flood the country, it's roads, schools, housing, health care system, judicial system and many others with non-English speaking low educated and low skilled people.

We probably have 40 million, do you want another 40, 60, 100 million, give us a number at which point we can enforce our laws and not have to FEEL bad about it.


Do you lump asylum seekers into those numbers?

How can they "wait their turn" if they are fleeing horrendous situations? (and remember - we are talking only about an initial hearing which determines whether their case as merit) - is our situation so dire we can not even allow that?

There are quite a few asylum seekers in those numbers because they didn't show for hearings and have deportation orders.

Also we are allowing hearing to see if they have merit, but our resources are finite, not infinite. They can wait.

Now stop trying to slip my questions. Give some straight answers if you're capable.

Last edited:
I looked at the post you made that I responded to an noticed a dirth of ?'s. In fact, just one.

Q: While you're at it, tell us when enough will be enough?

I am not of the belief that this is a zero sum game. We always have room for some and of those sum, are asylum seekers. This is long standing law - both federal and international. We have always been a haven for the persecuted. I don't feel that should change - it's foundational in our nation. And, as I said - it is the current law.

Now I ahve answered your singular question.

Your turn :)

If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

No I wouldn't agree, they can wait their turn as I've said 3 times now.

Also get to illegals, answer the two other questions I asked. Here's a reminder of what they were
But tell the class, what's in it for you to flood the country, it's roads, schools, housing, health care system, judicial system and many others with non-English speaking low educated and low skilled people.

We probably have 40 million, do you want another 40, 60, 100 million, give us a number at which point we can enforce our laws and not have to FEEL bad about it.


Do you lump asylum seekers into those numbers?

How can they "wait their turn" if they are fleeing horrendous situations? (and remember - we are talking only about an initial hearing which determines whether their case as merit) - is our situation so dire we can not even allow that?

There are quite a few asylum seekers in those numbers because they didn't show for hearings and have deportation orders.

Also we are allowing hearing to see if they have merit, but our resources are finite, not infinite. They can wait.

No stop trying to slip my questions. Give some straight answers if you're capable.


I have given straight answers to your straight questions.

We can handle asylum seekers. We have for years. What has suddenly changed NOW (when illegal immigration is at a 50 year low and the economy is supposedly roaring) that we can not handle them?
Capitalism is a mixed bag (and before you erupt, I am a supporter of the capitalist economic system) - the mixed bag is in "unfettered". Child labor, the Triangle Shirt Factory fire, coal mine disasters from cutting corners etc...those are "unfettered" capitalism.

When was that?

Google it.

So you've got nothing for this era. Thank you!

This era is not an era of unfettered capitalism. Or...did you realize that?
Capitalism is a mixed bag (and before you erupt, I am a supporter of the capitalist economic system) - the mixed bag is in "unfettered". Child labor, the Triangle Shirt Factory fire, coal mine disasters from cutting corners etc...those are "unfettered" capitalism.

When was that?

Google it.

So you've got nothing for this era. Thank you!

This era is not an era of unfettered capitalism. Or...did you realize that?

Actually...I should say that is not entirely true - what I said applies to the US and much of the western world but not to places like Bangladesh, Myanmar, Phillipines, Thailand - places that have no labor rules or rights.
If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

No I wouldn't agree, they can wait their turn as I've said 3 times now.

Also get to illegals, answer the two other questions I asked. Here's a reminder of what they were
But tell the class, what's in it for you to flood the country, it's roads, schools, housing, health care system, judicial system and many others with non-English speaking low educated and low skilled people.

We probably have 40 million, do you want another 40, 60, 100 million, give us a number at which point we can enforce our laws and not have to FEEL bad about it.


Do you lump asylum seekers into those numbers?

How can they "wait their turn" if they are fleeing horrendous situations? (and remember - we are talking only about an initial hearing which determines whether their case as merit) - is our situation so dire we can not even allow that?

There are quite a few asylum seekers in those numbers because they didn't show for hearings and have deportation orders.

Also we are allowing hearing to see if they have merit, but our resources are finite, not infinite. They can wait.

No stop trying to slip my questions. Give some straight answers if you're capable.


I have given straight answers to your straight questions.

We can handle asylum seekers. We have for years. What has suddenly changed NOW (when illegal immigration is at a 50 year low and the economy is supposedly roaring) that we can not handle them?

OH BS, how many more can we be expected to take????? NUMBERS not obfuscation.

A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

No I wouldn't agree, they can wait their turn as I've said 3 times now.

Also get to illegals, answer the two other questions I asked. Here's a reminder of what they were
But tell the class, what's in it for you to flood the country, it's roads, schools, housing, health care system, judicial system and many others with non-English speaking low educated and low skilled people.

We probably have 40 million, do you want another 40, 60, 100 million, give us a number at which point we can enforce our laws and not have to FEEL bad about it.


Do you lump asylum seekers into those numbers?

How can they "wait their turn" if they are fleeing horrendous situations? (and remember - we are talking only about an initial hearing which determines whether their case as merit) - is our situation so dire we can not even allow that?

There are quite a few asylum seekers in those numbers because they didn't show for hearings and have deportation orders.

Also we are allowing hearing to see if they have merit, but our resources are finite, not infinite. They can wait.

No stop trying to slip my questions. Give some straight answers if you're capable.


I have given straight answers to your straight questions.

We can handle asylum seekers. We have for years. What has suddenly changed NOW (when illegal immigration is at a 50 year low and the economy is supposedly roaring) that we can not handle them?

OH BS, how many more can we be expected to take????? NUMBERS not obfuscation.


What has suddenly changed NOW (when illegal immigration is at a 50 year low and the economy is supposedly roaring) that we can not handle them? Bearing in mind most asylum requests are denied.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.
Congratulations, You're an idiot. The parents have been arrested for breaking the law, you are suggesting we incarcerate the children with the parents? Oh and by the way I don't think that is legal. Tax cuts go to those that actually pay them.

I cannot be inspired by such brazen idiocy. I also was raised as an American and I maintain my love for this country, that is why I think before spewing asinine nonsense.
No I wouldn't agree, they can wait their turn as I've said 3 times now.

Also get to illegals, answer the two other questions I asked. Here's a reminder of what they were

Do you lump asylum seekers into those numbers?

How can they "wait their turn" if they are fleeing horrendous situations? (and remember - we are talking only about an initial hearing which determines whether their case as merit) - is our situation so dire we can not even allow that?

There are quite a few asylum seekers in those numbers because they didn't show for hearings and have deportation orders.

Also we are allowing hearing to see if they have merit, but our resources are finite, not infinite. They can wait.

No stop trying to slip my questions. Give some straight answers if you're capable.


I have given straight answers to your straight questions.

We can handle asylum seekers. We have for years. What has suddenly changed NOW (when illegal immigration is at a 50 year low and the economy is supposedly roaring) that we can not handle them?

OH BS, how many more can we be expected to take????? NUMBERS not obfuscation.


What has suddenly changed NOW (when illegal immigration is at a 50 year low and the economy is supposedly roaring) that we can not handle them? Bearing in mind most asylum requests are denied.

So you refuse to say how many is too many. That's typical of you regressives, I have yet to see ONE that would give a straight answer.

Also bear in mind that the majority of the asylum claims over the last 20 years that were denied asylum are STILL HERE. You've been crying we don't have the resources to round them up and now you folks say we need to abolish ICE.

Just say it, you don't want borders until it effects you directly. The funny thing is it already is, you pay more for everything you buy because of illegals. Justice would you being introduced to the criminal element of border crossers, as have millions of American citizens. I'm not seeing any empathy from you for them.

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