Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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Your ad hominem is bullshit. You are the shameless fucking liar. Just like Trump.


So it was me lying that 2014 photos of children separated from their families was the work of Trump?

Hardly. Your anger at being held accountable shows that you know full well that what you and your party is doing is evil. Your lust for power mitigates any pang of conscience that might otherwise pierce your sociopathic devotion to the party, though.

As for ad hom, while a highly effective rhetorical tool, you are too ignorant to understand what it is. Ad hominem, against the man. Yet what I exposed in your Comrade is against the method. I exposed that you Communists use shameless and outrageous lies as a tactic.


A total fucking lie, but that's how you Bolsheviks are - you're shameless liars. Vicious and outrageous lies are the tactic your masters have sent you forth to employ in your fight to end America.

This magazine cover was in context an example of what was occurring on our border, no where did it state this cover was a photograph of a real event.

It was an illustration of reality, something alien to a fool like you. Echoing the meme is dishonest, and I stand by my opinion that you are a damn liar and a biddable fool.
Will the OP come clean and admit he supported Clinton or Obama? If he did then he's uninformed or a hypocrite.
I voted for Sec. Clinton and for President,Obama.

Most Americans did. Are you saying the majority of Americans are uninformed or hypocrites because we opted out of the Trump tactics of bullying and bragging?

I see. So, families were separated on Obama's watch and that's OK. Are you uniformed and/or a hypocrite?
Families were separated because the kids walked from Guatemala to the U.S. Without their parents.

That's a lie Nosmo. Come clean dumbass and admit:
A. You're dishonest
B. You're uninformed
C. You're a hypocrite
D. You're short on material
E. All of the above

Shameless lying is the tactic the Stalinist democrats are programmed to use.

It shows the desperation of the rulers of the party. The DANGER though is they have no lower to sink.

The ONLY other thing these democrat scum can do when this fails is turn to violence, as they already are doing.
Will the OP come clean and admit he supported Clinton or Obama? If he did then he's uninformed or a hypocrite.
I voted for Sec. Clinton and for President,Obama.

Most Americans did. Are you saying the majority of Americans are uninformed or hypocrites because we opted out of the Trump tactics of bullying and bragging?

I see. So, families were separated on Obama's watch and that's OK. Are you uniformed and/or a hypocrite?

Families were separated because the kids walked from Guatemala to the U.S. Without their parents.

That's a lie Nosmo. Come clean dumbass and admit:
A. You're dishonest
B. You're uninformed
C. You're a hypocrite
D. You're short on material
E. All of the above

Echoing Trump (Obama did it too) is foolish and the attack on N. K. is unwarranted. Trump created this mess at the border (among other messes of his creation) and Trump flipped when the MSM put a flashlight on his evil policy.

He's now doing exactly what Obama did, catch and release. His policy was not only evil, it was fiscally irresponsible, and as reported 2,000 kids are still separated from their parents in the chaos created by Trump alone.

How anyone continues to support Trump and defend him is inexplicable.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

That you can't stand Donald Trump makes me like him just that much more....
Will the OP come clean and admit he supported Clinton or Obama? If he did then he's uninformed or a hypocrite.
I voted for Sec. Clinton and for President,Obama.

Most Americans did. Are you saying the majority of Americans are uninformed or hypocrites because we opted out of the Trump tactics of bullying and bragging?

I see. So, families were separated on Obama's watch and that's OK. Are you uniformed and/or a hypocrite?
Families were separated because the kids walked from Guatemala to the U.S. Without their parents.

That's a lie Nosmo. Come clean dumbass and admit:
A. You're dishonest
B. You're uninformed
C. You're a hypocrite
D. You're short on material
E. All of the above

Shameless lying is the tactic the Stalinist democrats are programmed to use.

It shows the desperation of the rulers of the party. The DANGER though is they have no lower to sink.

The ONLY other thing these democrat scum can do when this fails is turn to violence, as they already are doing.

You hold very strong opinions, and your hate for other citizens, who have ideas and opinions which challenge you, is palpable.

That most of everything you post shows this hate in your writings, it's pitiful you lack the ability - intelligence and education - to write anything substantive or thoughtful, as can be verified by reading your post #368.

In all honesty, all of your posts seem to be a hackneyed tirade - thoughtless and pathologically angry.

This magazine cover was in context an example of what was occurring on our border, no where did it state this cover was a photograph of a real event.

That magazine cover is a shameless fucking lie. It is indicative of the tactics employed by the radical left and their lying scum press.

You have adopted being shameless fucking liars.

So Comrade, where do you go from here? You've sunk as low as you can. When you openly lie - as you and your filthy party are, you're not expecting to convince anyone.

You are absurd - you are no different that Goebbels claiming Jews had horns - the lies you tell are utterly stupid. Those who repeat them, like you and rderp don't actually believe the idiocy, you just spew them as mantras of hatred

We all know that the only thing left to you scum is violence

It was an illustration of reality, something alien to a fool like you. Echoing the meme is dishonest, and I stand by my opinion that you are a damn liar and a biddable fool.

It's an illustration of the reality that you and your filthy party are shameless fucking liars.

You stand by the orders your were given to lie blatantly in hopes that the Goering "big lie" technique will work.

Dude, you're a fucking liar - do you think that helps your "credibility?" You may as well just start screaming like timmy - no one with a hint of rationality can take you seriously - you are simply another fucking liar of the radical left.
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Will the OP come clean and admit he supported Clinton or Obama? If he did then he's uninformed or a hypocrite.
I voted for Sec. Clinton and for President,Obama.

Most Americans did. Are you saying the majority of Americans are uninformed or hypocrites because we opted out of the Trump tactics of bullying and bragging?

I see. So, families were separated on Obama's watch and that's OK. Are you uniformed and/or a hypocrite?

Families were separated because the kids walked from Guatemala to the U.S. Without their parents.

That's a lie Nosmo. Come clean dumbass and admit:
A. You're dishonest
B. You're uninformed
C. You're a hypocrite
D. You're short on material
E. All of the above

Echoing Trump (Obama did it too) is foolish and the attack on N. K. is unwarranted. Trump created this mess at the border (among other messes of his creation) and Trump flipped when the MSM put a flashlight on his evil policy.

He's now doing exactly what Obama did, catch and release. His policy was not only evil, it was fiscally irresponsible, and as reported 2,000 kids are still separated from their parents in the chaos created by Trump alone.

How anyone continues to support Trump and defend him is inexplicable.

Ah, staying to the shameless fucking liar plan, I see.

So Trump created the mess at the border?

Did he go back in time to do it? I mean, remember all those pictures from 2014? You know, the ones you shamelessly lied about? How did Trump do that? He has a time machine, doesn't he? No wonder you Stalinist pigs hate him.

And his "attack" on NK?

My gawd but you're fucking stupid, even for a Communist. He forced Kim to the table,, WITH the warning that if he fucked around there would be hell to pay. You can't be a pussy faggot like little gay Barry and get anywhere with thugs like Kim.
You hold very strong opinions, and your hate for other citizens, who have ideas and opinions which challenge you, is palpable.

That most of everything you post shows this hate in your writings, it's pitiful you lack the ability - intelligence and education - to write anything substantive or thoughtful, as can be verified by reading your post #368.

In all honesty, all of your posts seem to be a hackneyed tirade - thoughtless and pathologically angry.

You Communists are defeated. You cannot win elections and you know it. This tactic you are engaged in of outright blatant lies is meant to stir your base up.

Stir the base up for what, Comrade?

There is only one answer.
You hold very strong opinions, and your hate for other citizens, who have ideas and opinions which challenge you, is palpable.

That most of everything you post shows this hate in your writings, it's pitiful you lack the ability - intelligence and education - to write anything substantive or thoughtful, as can be verified by reading your post #368.

In all honesty, all of your posts seem to be a hackneyed tirade - thoughtless and pathologically angry.

You Communists are defeated. You cannot win elections and you know it. This tactic you are engaged in of outright blatant lies is meant to stir your base up.

Stir the base up for what, Comrade?

There is only one answer.

You're really not smart, and everything I pointed out which precipitated this hysterical rant is true.

Calling me a Communist is absurd, I'm a liberal Democrat opposed to totalitarianism and despots, be they from the left of the right. I support the concept of a Social Contract; I reject Libertarians as impractical, and Republicans (in today's iteration) as alien to the rule of law and concern for We the People; I work hard to tell the truth as I see it, and to get assholes like you to think. Nothing you and others like you have ever offered solutions, ideas, or common sense to govern effectively, as you and they have no ability to think sagaciously and panoptically.

You will not censor me, nor prove anything I wrote is wrong by calling me a Communist or Fascist - a method that seems to be your primary means to communicate.
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I voted for Sec. Clinton and for President,Obama.

Most Americans did. Are you saying the majority of Americans are uninformed or hypocrites because we opted out of the Trump tactics of bullying and bragging?

I see. So, families were separated on Obama's watch and that's OK. Are you uniformed and/or a hypocrite?

Families were separated because the kids walked from Guatemala to the U.S. Without their parents.

That's a lie Nosmo. Come clean dumbass and admit:
A. You're dishonest
B. You're uninformed
C. You're a hypocrite
D. You're short on material
E. All of the above

Echoing Trump (Obama did it too) is foolish and the attack on N. K. is unwarranted. Trump created this mess at the border (among other messes of his creation) and Trump flipped when the MSM put a flashlight on his evil policy.

He's now doing exactly what Obama did, catch and release. His policy was not only evil, it was fiscally irresponsible, and as reported 2,000 kids are still separated from their parents in the chaos created by Trump alone.

How anyone continues to support Trump and defend him is inexplicable.

Ah, staying to the shameless fucking liar plan, I see.

So Trump created the mess at the border?

Did he go back in time to do it? I mean, remember all those pictures from 2014? You know, the ones you shamelessly lied about? How did Trump do that? He has a time machine, doesn't he? No wonder you Stalinist pigs hate him.

And his "attack" on NK?

My gawd but you're fucking stupid, even for a Communist. He forced Kim to the table,, WITH the warning that if he fucked around there would be hell to pay. You can't be a pussy faggot like little gay Barry and get anywhere with thugs like Kim.
Neither you nor Tump seem to be able to understand that winning an election is not the same as winning the World's Series. Bragging rights come along with that victory, but the responsibility of governing does not.

When a candidate wins and election, she is expected to be truthful to her oath of office, take the reins and act responsibly.

Trump and his henchmen (in the White House and out) simply won't take responsibility seriously. Rather they play the blame game to two distinct and reprehensible ends: to divide the nation's citizens one from another and to score cheap political points against their perceived enemies.
You're really not smart, and everything I pointed out which precipitated this hysterical rant is true.

So photographs from 2014 which you tried to pass off as occurring under Trump are "true?"

The fraudulent cover of Time is "true?"

And you claim I'M not smart? :lmao:

Dude, you are posting flat out blatant lies, then demanding they are really true because

hate trump
Hate Trump
HATE Trump

Calling me a Communist is absurd,

So blatant lies are "true" but facts are "absurd." :lol:

George Orwell wrote a book about you..

I'm a liberal Democrat opposed to totalitarianism and despots, be they from the left of the right.


Oh, I see that Comrade.

Just as soon as you crush the ability of peasants to defend themselves by disarming them, you'll put an end to opposition speech and ideas, which will allow everyone to understand that you aren't a totalitarian... :eusa_whistle:

I support the concept of a Social Contract; I reject Libertarians as impractical, and Republicans (in today's iteration) as alien to the rule of law and concern for We the People; I work hard to tell the truth as I see it, and to get assholes like you to think. Nothing you and others like you have ever offered solutions, ideas, or common sense to govern effectively, as you and they have no ability to think sagaciously and panoptically.

Comrade, you are many things, but a "sage" is not one of them, A demagogue without question, but sage? :lol:

You wage war on the Constitution and then deign to vomit on "rule of law?" You work hard to strip rights from those who dare think, those who defy your party.

You totalitarian thugs push the same failed ideas that have wreaked devastation across the globe for 150 + years. You promote the ideals and programs that slaughtered 200 million peace time civilians and have led to human suffering on a magnitude beyond measure.

You demand we surrender our arms while you open the borders to violent and vicious gangs. You attempt to revoke the 1st amendment so that you can silent dissent.

The mild version of what you promote is Venezuela, the ultimate picture is North Korea.

Everything good in this nation is due to those like me, those who support and promote liberty. Those who grasp that it is the entrepreneur and industrialist who creates those things that make life better. You who are bureaucrats and petty dictators offer nothing.

You will not censor me, nor prove anything I wrote is wrong by calling me a Communist or Fascist - a method that seems to be your primary means to communicate.

The only ones seeking to censor are you Communists, with your "hate speech" revocation of the 1st Amendment and PC Speech codes.

Because you hold party above country and honor, you have taken to lying - as is the strategy of your evil party at this time. I will continue to call you out when you blatantly lie. What you Communists count on is for normals to let you get away with lies, to stand silent and not call you what you are, fucking liars.

But the normals are woke, we are radicalized.

When you lie, you'll be called what you are, a liar.
Neither you nor Tump seem to be able to understand that winning an election is not the same as winning the World's Series. Bragging rights come along with that victory, but the responsibility of governing does not.

Are you drunk Comrade, or is your incoherence from a deeper source?

Our nation is in better shape than it's been in 40 years. Not only is our economy healed, but liberty is returning, the totalitarian restrictions you of the radical left have instituted are being rolled back. Yes, our college campuses are still gulags where thought is prohibited and intellectual curiosity is crushed. Yes, our media is still a cesspool of America hating scumbags who seek to destroy national culture and all sense of shared values. Yes, our press is infested by lying scum who make Josef Goebbels look honest. But slowly, sanity is being restored. It took you Stalinist pigs 50 years to corrupt our society to the level it is now, it will take time to restore and heal.

hen a candidate wins and election, she is expected to be truthful to her oath of office, take the reins and act responsibly.

Comrade, you are hate filled and irrational. Trump has kept his promises at a rate 3 times that of Obama.

Most of the rage, both that which is induced by the hate sites that do your thinking for you and that which is organic to the haze of thought within you is based on the fact that Trump IS keeping his promises.

Trump and his henchmen (in the White House and out) simply won't take responsibility seriously. Rather they play the blame game to two distinct and reprehensible ends: to divide the nation's citizens one from another and to score cheap political points against their perceived enemies.


You vile demagogues speak of dividing the nation? You who are openly calling for violence? You who attack women in restaurants because you are hate filled and psychotic?
I see. So, families were separated on Obama's watch and that's OK. Are you uniformed and/or a hypocrite?

Families were separated because the kids walked from Guatemala to the U.S. Without their parents.

That's a lie Nosmo. Come clean dumbass and admit:
A. You're dishonest
B. You're uninformed
C. You're a hypocrite
D. You're short on material
E. All of the above

Echoing Trump (Obama did it too) is foolish and the attack on N. K. is unwarranted. Trump created this mess at the border (among other messes of his creation) and Trump flipped when the MSM put a flashlight on his evil policy.

He's now doing exactly what Obama did, catch and release. His policy was not only evil, it was fiscally irresponsible, and as reported 2,000 kids are still separated from their parents in the chaos created by Trump alone.

How anyone continues to support Trump and defend him is inexplicable.

Ah, staying to the shameless fucking liar plan, I see.

So Trump created the mess at the border?

Did he go back in time to do it? I mean, remember all those pictures from 2014? You know, the ones you shamelessly lied about? How did Trump do that? He has a time machine, doesn't he? No wonder you Stalinist pigs hate him.

And his "attack" on NK?

My gawd but you're fucking stupid, even for a Communist. He forced Kim to the table,, WITH the warning that if he fucked around there would be hell to pay. You can't be a pussy faggot like little gay Barry and get anywhere with thugs like Kim.
Neither you nor Tump seem to be able to understand that winning an election is not the same as winning the World's Series. Bragging rights come along with that victory, but the responsibility of governing does not.

When a candidate wins and election, she is expected to be truthful to her oath of office, take the reins and act responsibly.

Trump and his henchmen (in the White House and out) simply won't take responsibility seriously. Rather they play the blame game to two distinct and reprehensible ends: to divide the nation's citizens one from another and to score cheap political points against their perceived enemies.

Spot on post ^^^.
Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy

The DOW is now down for the year....if the policies did in fact cause the rise, why isn't it still rising?

dow jones industrials average - Google Search

Take a look at what the DOW has done since Trump was elected, Candy! I hate to break this to you but the economy is in great shape which means you progressives are FUBARED in the next election! Who in their right mind would vote in the people that didn't know how to create jobs or grow the economy when things are FINALLY starting to be good again?

You're ridiculous, and your opinions do not reflect reality. You're probably one of those who got an extra $20 in your weekly pay check and think that's terrific. Wait until you do your taxes for fy 2019 and find out you've lost more than that as the CPI rises due to the tariff wars; the standard deduction in 2018 will remain static as taxes and fees climb as will prices for goods and services.

The tax bill is fraud, and Ryan, McConnell and Trump have once again served global corporations and Wall Street, and F'd over We the People. That $20 won't even buy you a good quality pizza today and in the future a large will become the size of a medium.

Try almost $900. You can bluster all you want, Catcher but it won't change the fact that Barry never gave me anywhere close to that much.

Now pizza sizes are going to affected by Trump's tax cuts? Could you be more ridiculous?

I hate to break this to you but Trump is already working on another tax cut for the Middle Class this Fall. You know that "wave" you progressives were expecting in the mid terms? I wouldn't hold my breath...
Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy

The DOW is now down for the year....if the policies did in fact cause the rise, why isn't it still rising?

Under Trump, my portfolio has lost $23,000, this year; I've already had $10,194.85 withheld (as of 6/30/18) in Federal Taxes; and the Tax Fraud will limit my property tax ($ 15,000+) deduction by a third; and no deduction for my state income tax (as of 6/30, $2,800 withheld).

For years I've warned our Republic was threatened by plutocrats, my warning went unheeded, and when Trump was elected he, McConnell, Ryan and five members of the USSC proved Franklin's warning in 1787 was prophetic, that we had a Republic if we could keep it. We couldn't, and that is the legacy we will leave to our kids. much is your portfolio down since Trump took office? Mine is up. Why isn't yours?
Candycorn seems to think that another tax cut targeting the Middle Class is "funny". I wonder how funny she'll think it is when blue collar Democrats vote Republican again this mid term?
Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy

The DOW is now down for the year....if the policies did in fact cause the rise, why isn't it still rising?

dow jones industrials average - Google Search

Take a look at what the DOW has done since Trump was elected, Candy! I hate to break this to you but the economy is in great shape which means you progressives are FUBARED in the next election! Who in their right mind would vote in the people that didn't know how to create jobs or grow the economy when things are FINALLY starting to be good again?

You're ridiculous, and your opinions do not reflect reality. You're probably one of those who got an extra $20 in your weekly pay check and think that's terrific. Wait until you do your taxes for fy 2019 and find out you've lost more than that as the CPI rises due to the tariff wars; the standard deduction in 2018 will remain static as taxes and fees climb as will prices for goods and services.

The tax bill is fraud, and Ryan, McConnell and Trump have once again served global corporations and Wall Street, and F'd over We the People. That $20 won't even buy you a good quality pizza today and in the future a large will become the size of a medium.

Try almost $900. You can bluster all you want, Catcher but it won't change the fact that Barry never gave me anywhere close to that much.

Now pizza sizes are going to affected by Trump's tax cuts? Could you be more ridiculous?

I hate to break this to you but Trump is already working on another tax cut for the Middle Class this Fall. You know that "wave" you progressives were expecting in the mid terms? I wouldn't hold my breath...

a. It seems you expect something for nothing, I thought that's only what guys like you believed that's what the poor wanted?
b. Tariff wars will effect many consumer products, Pizza was only one example.
c. My check came in at only a little more than $200 ($50/week), you must have an enormous monthly check, since mine gross is $11,336.97. I believe you are a damn liar.
Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy

The DOW is now down for the year....if the policies did in fact cause the rise, why isn't it still rising?

dow jones industrials average - Google Search

Take a look at what the DOW has done since Trump was elected, Candy! I hate to break this to you but the economy is in great shape which means you progressives are FUBARED in the next election! Who in their right mind would vote in the people that didn't know how to create jobs or grow the economy when things are FINALLY starting to be good again?

You're ridiculous, and your opinions do not reflect reality. You're probably one of those who got an extra $20 in your weekly pay check and think that's terrific. Wait until you do your taxes for fy 2019 and find out you've lost more than that as the CPI rises due to the tariff wars; the standard deduction in 2018 will remain static as taxes and fees climb as will prices for goods and services.

The tax bill is fraud, and Ryan, McConnell and Trump have once again served global corporations and Wall Street, and F'd over We the People. That $20 won't even buy you a good quality pizza today and in the future a large will become the size of a medium.

Try almost $900. You can bluster all you want, Catcher but it won't change the fact that Barry never gave me anywhere close to that much.

Now pizza sizes are going to affected by Trump's tax cuts? Could you be more ridiculous?

I hate to break this to you but Trump is already working on another tax cut for the Middle Class this Fall. You know that "wave" you progressives were expecting in the mid terms? I wouldn't hold my breath...

a. It seems you expect something for nothing, I thought that's only what guys like you believed that's what the poor wanted?
b. Tariff wars will effect many consumer products, Pizza was only one example.
c. My check came in at only a little more than $200 ($50/week), you must have an enormous monthly check, since mine gross is $11,336.97. I believe you are a damn liar.
Only a Kool Aid drinking progressive thinks that letting people keep more of the money they've giving them something!
Candycorn seems to think that another tax cut targeting the Middle Class is "funny". I wonder how funny she'll think it is when blue collar Democrats vote Republican again this mid term?

Should be interesting to see the election results. I’m out of the electoral predictions business….lol.

But since you brought it up….
We’re 20T in debt. Do you think cutting taxes as we are not cutting spending is responsible? 24 months ago, you did not.
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