Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

That is okay. I have similar feelings about Obama.
I voted for Sec. Clinton and for President,Obama.

Most Americans did. Are you saying the majority of Americans are uninformed or hypocrites because we opted out of the Trump tactics of bullying and bragging?

Why are you bragging about voting for failure?
Trump is in fact wrong on the issues, he has no understanding of the law, sound governance, or responsible public policy – he’s completely unprepared and unfit to be president.

We can only hope he’s gone come 2021.
Trump is in fact wrong on the issues, he has no understanding of the law, sound governance, or responsible public policy – he’s completely unprepared and unfit to be president.

We can only hope he’s gone come 2021.

Trump is in fact wrong on the issues, he has no understanding of the law, sound governance, or responsible public policy – he’s completely unprepared and unfit to be president.

So you're saying he's the third Obama term...….
Sounds like BrokeLoser cannot handle freedom. He wants to be ruled with an iron fist.

Progressives are incredibly filled with hate and anger so they jump on anything to express their displeasure.

Yes, in a way president Donald Trump is ruling with an iron fist. If by an iron fist you mean that President Donald Trump is fulfilling the promises he made which is driving Progressives to utter delirium.
Sounds like BrokeLoser cannot handle freedom. He wants to be ruled with an iron fist.

Progressives are incredibly filled with hate and anger so they jump on anything to express their displeasure.

Yes, in a way president Donald Trump is ruling with an iron fist. If by an iron fist you mean that President Donald Trump is fulfilling the promises he made which is driving Progressives to utter delirium.

Actually, it is a very pudgy fist. Trump is the kid that we all knew in Jr High that everyone wanted to beat up so bad that they had to take turns doing it.
Is it necessary to be cruel to parents and children to enforce the imlaws?

It's only cruel though when enforced by Trump, when Obama was doing it for 8 years, it was pure loved.

Party above all.

simg the praises of Trump's integrity, honor and morality. Show us how he can serve as an example of decent, honorable comportment. Prove to us that Trump is an honorable man who serves with integrity, humility, empathy and aspiration to a greater social good.

Tell us how he oozes respect for others, compassion for others. Show us how he has worked for unity.

Your Straw Man fallacy is stupid. You are a shameless fucking liar.

Whatever Trump might or might not have done, you are a shameless fucking liar.

What you spew is utter and complete lies - whether Trump has respect for others is irrelevant, you are a fucking liar.

You have no honor, your hatred drives you to lie about the application of laws in an attempt to slander those you hate while defending those you worship, party above all.

Regardless of how much honor Trump does or does not have, you are devoid of even a shred of honor.

You have control of your own filthy lies, yet you CHOOSE to be a pathological liar because you think you can defame those you hate. You think by defaming those you hate, you can gain power for your evil party.

Whether Donald Trump lies or not, YOU choose to be a pathological liar.

And yes, this DOES make you a fucking scumbag.

Your ad hominem is bullshit. You are the shameless fucking liar. Just like Trump.
Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

Why I cannot stand Trump is clearly stated in my signature below:

Your sig is as big a joke as you are, 5 left wing propaganda pieces form Did you and the huffypost have a falling out?

Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy

The DOW is now down for the year....if the policies did in fact cause the rise, why isn't it still rising?
Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy

The DOW is now down for the year....if the policies did in fact cause the rise, why isn't it still rising?

dow jones industrials average - Google Search

Take a look at what the DOW has done since Trump was elected, Candy! I hate to break this to you but the economy is in great shape which means you progressives are FUBARED in the next election! Who in their right mind would vote in the people that didn't know how to create jobs or grow the economy when things are FINALLY starting to be good again?
Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy

The DOW is now down for the year....if the policies did in fact cause the rise, why isn't it still rising?

dow jones industrials average - Google Search

Take a look at what the DOW has done since Trump was elected, Candy! I hate to break this to you but the economy is in great shape which means you progressives are FUBARED in the next election! Who in their right mind would vote in the people that didn't know how to create jobs or grow the economy when things are FINALLY starting to be good again?

It rose 149% under Obama.

Meanwhile, the CPI is on the rise and will continue to rise due to the tariffs we now pay for imports.
Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy

The DOW is now down for the year....if the policies did in fact cause the rise, why isn't it still rising?

Under Trump, my portfolio has lost $23,000, this year; I've already had $10,194.85 withheld (as of 6/30/18) in Federal Taxes; and the Tax Fraud will limit my property tax ($ 15,000+) deduction by a third; and no deduction for my state income tax (as of 6/30, $2,800 withheld).

For years I've warned our Republic was threatened by plutocrats, my warning went unheeded, and when Trump was elected he, McConnell, Ryan and five members of the USSC proved Franklin's warning in 1787 was prophetic, that we had a Republic if we could keep it. We couldn't, and that is the legacy we will leave to our kids.
Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy

The DOW is now down for the year....if the policies did in fact cause the rise, why isn't it still rising?

dow jones industrials average - Google Search

Take a look at what the DOW has done since Trump was elected, Candy! I hate to break this to you but the economy is in great shape which means you progressives are FUBARED in the next election! Who in their right mind would vote in the people that didn't know how to create jobs or grow the economy when things are FINALLY starting to be good again?

You're ridiculous, and your opinions do not reflect reality. You're probably one of those who got an extra $20 in your weekly pay check and think that's terrific. Wait until you do your taxes for fy 2019 and find out you've lost more than that as the CPI rises due to the tariff wars; the standard deduction in 2018 will remain static as taxes and fees climb as will prices for goods and services.

The tax bill is fraud, and Ryan, McConnell and Trump have once again served global corporations and Wall Street, and F'd over We the People. That $20 won't even buy you a good quality pizza today and in the future a large will become the size of a medium.
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Your ad hominem is bullshit. You are the shameless fucking liar. Just like Trump.


So it was me lying that 2014 photos of children separated from their families was the work of Trump?

Hardly. Your anger at being held accountable shows that you know full well that what you and your party is doing is evil. Your lust for power mitigates any pang of conscience that might otherwise pierce your sociopathic devotion to the party, though.

As for ad hom, while a highly effective rhetorical tool, you are too ignorant to understand what it is. Ad hominem, against the man. Yet what I exposed in your Comrade is against the method. I exposed that you Communists use shameless and outrageous lies as a tactic.


A total fucking lie, but that's how you Bolsheviks are - you're shameless liars. Vicious and outrageous lies are the tactic your masters have sent you forth to employ in your fight to end America.
Will the OP come clean and admit he supported Clinton or Obama? If he did then he's uninformed or a hypocrite.
I voted for Sec. Clinton and for President,Obama.

Most Americans did. Are you saying the majority of Americans are uninformed or hypocrites because we opted out of the Trump tactics of bullying and bragging?

I see. So, families were separated on Obama's watch and that's OK. Are you uniformed and/or a hypocrite?
Families were separated because the kids walked from Guatemala to the U.S. Without their parents.

That's a lie Nosmo. Come clean dumbass and admit:
A. You're dishonest
B. You're uninformed
C. You're a hypocrite
D. You're short on material
E. All of the above
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