Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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You believe enforcing our immigration laws makes you a cruel dickhead. How is opening the floodgates to illegals "putting America first?"
Is it necessary to be cruel to parents and children to enforce the imlaws?
You beg the question. If anyone doesn't have moral standing, it's a lying douchebag snowflake.
simg the praises of Trump's integrity, honor and morality. Show us how he can serve as an example of decent, honorable comportment. Prove to us that Trump is an honorable man who serves with integrity, humility, empathy and aspiration to a greater social good.

Tell us how he oozes respect for others, compassion for others. Show us how he has worked for unity.

Good Americans are way past all that bleeding heart, nobility bullshit. We were in desperate need of a REAL leader, one who would rule with an iron fist, lay that hammer down on the filth among us and put REAL Americans first. Grab your balls and enjoy the ride, this is what it feels like under a real POTUS.

Isn’t “rule with an iron fist” something said about dictators?

NOPE, sorry, you lose again...It’s said about anyone responsible for enforcing law and order.

List of rulers who “ruled with an iron fist” (exact words used):

Top 10 Villainous Rulers -
Abraham Lincoln was left off the list.
NOPE, sorry, you lose again...It’s said about anyone responsible for enforcing law and order.

List of rulers who “ruled with an iron fist” (exact words used):

Top 10 Villainous Rulers -

What are you getting at?

Ruling with an iron fist is a trait of vicious dictators.

You like Trump because he rules with an iron fist.

What makes Trump a "dictator"? Has he secretly done away with Congress and the Supreme Court? Or do you find him to be "vicious" simply because you don't agree with his agenda?
Not his agenda. His tactics.

What "tactic" of his makes him a dictator? I ask again...has he done away with Congress? Barack Obama declared that he had a phone and a pen and would use them both to end run the Congress following the Democrats "shellacking" in the 2010 midterms! Now THAT is the tactic of a dictator! Show me what Trump has done that even remotely approaches that?
Free press doesn't mean lying press. It doesn't mean a press that makes up fake news because they hate the president. The concept of a free press meant that the press was free to call out the president and gov't in general on their behavior. THEIR ACTUAL behavior.

Trump didn't do anything but enforce the immigration law he was given.

Trump's tax cuts gave so many people money back and put so many people to work we're now at record low unemployment levels. Minorities are benefiting the most.

Yea, he's not the most professional acting president we ever had. But I'd rather an unprofessional that puts people to work than a politician that doesn't.

That's it. Could the situation at the border have been handled better? Of course it could but hindsight is always 20/20. Obama's solution after being criticized for separating kids from the parents--which he had been doing because the court said the kids couldn't be held at the detention centers--was to order catch and release--NOTHING THE LAW ALLOWS--for people arriving at the border with kids. No telling how many of those kids were dumped by the traffickers once they were let loose.

The reports from the border security folks say that more than a few of the kids are not related to the traffickers who brought them and many were afraid of the adult who brought them.

The Trump Administration has given people arriving with their kids the option of being separated or going back home. The kids are 'not ripped from the mother's arms' as the left is portraying it.

And the kids are being kept in the very same facilities used in the Obama Administration MINUS the kennel like 'cages' the Obama Administration used in some cases.

The Business Insider is no fan/friend of President Trump or his administration, but they got it right here:
'This is who we are': The US has a history of putting families in cages, and it didn't start with Trump

This for instance is a photo taken in 2014 under the Obama Administration and is being dishonestly used as what is happening under President Trump:


Not to mention that at least 90% of the kids both Obama and Trump are holding and/or have sent to be cared for elsewhere arrived her unaccompanied by any adult. So who is to blame for that? The President? Or the irresponsible parents who sent them across the desert by themselves?

Is the President an angel or model person? Nope. I'm sure there is stuff in his past that is pretty deplorable. That is likely true of most of us who have lived for any time. I can think of a lot of stuff I would really like to have a do over on.

Is the President at times crude, rude, inappropriate? Yes he is. I lost count of his extemporaneous comments and tweets that are really cringeworthy.

But those of us who voted for him was not because we especially admired his character, ethics, or conduct. We voted for a vision of a brighter, freer, more prosperous, more just America that isn't the whipping boy of the world and in which our basic values would not be put down as 'deplorable' or dictated to by "white husbands, boyfriends, sons" or as 'clinging to our guns and religion', etc. etc. etc.

We voted for a vision and a track record of figuring out solutions to problems and fixing things. We voted in the hope he really meant what he said unlike most politicians who promise to do great things for us and then promptly forget about those promises once they are safely in office.

We voted for a chance to break the iron grip of the politically correct, the permanent political class in government and the bureaucracy, and to do things differently and better.

President Trump has not disappointed.
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Your response doesn't seem to match what I said. So, to repeat (in answer to unfettered capitalism) - is this good?

Well first, unfettered Capitalism is no we’re close to reality, never has...

So to clean up your question and deal with reality, yes Capitalism is good, can you provide another economic model that is better for the masses?

I’ll be patiently waiting...

Key term you seem to be missing: "unfettered"


Is that good?
If you're American...can't speak for the rest of the world but I do know that prior to American capitalism the number one cause of death in the world was famine, since America is pretty much the reason that isn't true anymore the liberals are now attacking and blaming Americans for obesity...can't have America seen in glowing terms now can we?
Capitalism put an end to famine as a cause of death. It's also reducing the incidence of poverty in the world at an astounding rate. Something like 500 million people were lifted out of the lowest kind of poverty in China in the last 20 years.

It is a mixed bag. Capitalism has no moral compass. I agree, it is the best economic system - but not unregulated (unfettered) - that leads to abuse of labor.

Okay, I’ll keep pointing out the obvious. The Industrial Revolution is the reason. Yes, even you would have would’ve had to work at a tender age. Try studying World and US History and please tell me in your life time, where this occurred...

I have.

What's your next excuse? The industrial revolution was unfettered capitalism. What is your next excuse?

Well if you have studied it's clear you didn't learn very much. So again when in your lifetime did this so called Unfettered event occur? Where is it occurring today?
Trump has had it easier from he press than any politician in history

You're showing us how confused you remain, it was Obama that the media, celebrities and Progressive Americans turned a blind eye to, he was and will remain the Poster Child of Socialist / Progressives ...
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I live in the most diverse city in america and you hardly ever hear about MS-13 on the news but just here and there. Only reason MS-13 gained alot of media coverage is because Trump keeps bringing the gang up and playing into rural and suburban neighborhoods fear to push his racists policies and build his dumb wall. Americans kill other americans at a much higher rate than illegal immigrants
I live in the most diverse city in america and you hardly ever hear about MS-13 on the news but just here and there. Only reason MS-13 gained alot of media coverage is because Trump keeps bringing the gang up and playing into rural and suburban neighborhoods fear to push his racists policies and build his dumb wall. Americans kill other americans at a much higher rate than illegal immigrants

Americans kill other americans at a much higher rate than illegal immigrants

Exactly! We need to bring in more illegals, until they reach parity.
List of rulers who “ruled with an iron fist” (exact words used):

Top 10 Villainous Rulers -

What are you getting at?

Ruling with an iron fist is a trait of vicious dictators.

You like Trump because he rules with an iron fist.

What makes Trump a "dictator"? Has he secretly done away with Congress and the Supreme Court? Or do you find him to be "vicious" simply because you don't agree with his agenda?
Not his agenda. His tactics.

Tactics approved of by congress, otherwise they would change the law. Wouldn't they?

The buck gets passed. And in the myopic eyes of his supporters, Trump does good.

The problem is we've been conditioned to believe evil is good, wrong is right and there's someone else to blame.

Not me. I still believe in the way I was raised. And I still believe in the Golden Rule.
List of rulers who “ruled with an iron fist” (exact words used):

Top 10 Villainous Rulers -

What are you getting at?

Ruling with an iron fist is a trait of vicious dictators.

You like Trump because he rules with an iron fist.

What makes Trump a "dictator"? Has he secretly done away with Congress and the Supreme Court? Or do you find him to be "vicious" simply because you don't agree with his agenda?
Not his agenda. His tactics.

What "tactic" of his makes him a dictator? I ask again...has he done away with Congress? Barack Obama declared that he had a phone and a pen and would use them both to end run the Congress following the Democrats "shellacking" in the 2010 midterms! Now THAT is the tactic of a dictator! Show me what Trump has done that even remotely approaches that?
Trump insists Canada is a security threat to the United States. He dismisses NATO and G-7 allies as panhandlers. Meanwhile he praises Putin, Kim Jung Il, Durate and Erdiwan. Trump clearly loves Authoritarians as much as his supporters love an Authoritarian.
Trump insists Canada is a security threat to the United States. He dismisses NATO and G-7 allies as panhandlers. Meanwhile he praises Putin, Kim Jung Il, Durate and Erdiwan. Trump clearly loves Authoritarians as much as his supporters love an Authoritarian.

This requires a bit of thinking on your part. But lets see if we can connect the dots.

Trump said that Canada was a security threat. He didn't mean as in Canadians coming across the border and killing Americans. He means that Canadian steel and aluminum are being used in our military equipment, meaning we are reliant on another country for our military strength.

That IS indeed a threat to our national security. Let me dumb this down for you. If you have a big powerful gun but your neighbor makes your bullets, how strong are you, really?

Canada imposed a 270% tariff on American cheese products. So we turned around and snapped their shit with tariffs.
What are you getting at?

Ruling with an iron fist is a trait of vicious dictators.

You like Trump because he rules with an iron fist.

What makes Trump a "dictator"? Has he secretly done away with Congress and the Supreme Court? Or do you find him to be "vicious" simply because you don't agree with his agenda?
Not his agenda. His tactics.

Tactics approved of by congress, otherwise they would change the law. Wouldn't they?

The buck gets passed. And in the myopic eyes of his supporters, Trump does good.

The problem is we've been conditioned to believe evil is good, wrong is right and there's someone else to blame.

Not me. I still believe in the way I was raised. And I still believe in the Golden Rule.

The Alinski model, commiecrats have been using it for years. Remember Van Jones and his inside out, upside down mantra? That's part of the commiecrat vision for lawless disorder, overloading and overwhelming the system, which is also known as the Cloward and Piven strategy.

I can understand your confusion when you've been supporting those strategies for so many years. I guess the golden rule only goes one way, illegals can piss on our laws, kill our citizens, overwhelm our schools, hospitals, housing, roads, criminal justice system and we're just supposed to smile and say welcome. All I can say, is that ain't gonna fucking happen.

Maybe it's time for criminal aliens learn the golden rule. Or they can accept the consequences for their actions as OUR LAW PRESCRIBES.

Free press doesn't mean lying press. It doesn't mean a press that makes up fake news because they hate the president. The concept of a free press meant that the press was free to call out the president and gov't in general on their behavior. THEIR ACTUAL behavior.

Trump didn't do anything but enforce the immigration law he was given.

Trump's tax cuts gave so many people money back and put so many people to work we're now at record low unemployment levels. Minorities are benefiting the most.

Yea, he's not the most professional acting president we ever had. But I'd rather an unprofessional that puts people to work than a politician that doesn't.

Your first sentence omits the fact that President Trump is a serial liar. Reporters and Editors/Publishers operate on a code of ethics, and while some make mistakes, and editorials can be scathing, they are rarely an intentional effort to mislead the public.

My first sentence above ^^^ is not fake news, is not an effort to mislead anyone, it is based entirely on primary sources: Trump's tweets and speeches and behavior.
Is it necessary to be cruel to parents and children to enforce the imlaws?

It's only cruel though when enforced by Trump, when Obama was doing it for 8 years, it was pure loved.

Party above all.

simg the praises of Trump's integrity, honor and morality. Show us how he can serve as an example of decent, honorable comportment. Prove to us that Trump is an honorable man who serves with integrity, humility, empathy and aspiration to a greater social good.

Tell us how he oozes respect for others, compassion for others. Show us how he has worked for unity.

Your Straw Man fallacy is stupid. You are a shameless fucking liar.

Whatever Trump might or might not have done, you are a shameless fucking liar.

What you spew is utter and complete lies - whether Trump has respect for others is irrelevant, you are a fucking liar.

You have no honor, your hatred drives you to lie about the application of laws in an attempt to slander those you hate while defending those you worship, party above all.

Regardless of how much honor Trump does or does not have, you are devoid of even a shred of honor.

You have control of your own filthy lies, yet you CHOOSE to be a pathological liar because you think you can defame those you hate. You think by defaming those you hate, you can gain power for your evil party.

Whether Donald Trump lies or not, YOU choose to be a pathological liar.

And yes, this DOES make you a fucking scumbag.
Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

Very simply, since Trump's historic win we no longer care what the left think. MAGA

Historic?You mean fraudulent election lil trump tards are clueless l.


How'd those recounts go, dumbfuck?

How about that coup you Stalinist shits staged, how's that working out for you?

AHAHA I spit my drink, the recounts that was some funny shit. :auiqs.jpg:
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

First off, dump your moralizing. We all know for a fact, that if you were talking about anyone on your side, you wouldn't care.

We know this for a fact, because when Bill Clinton was president and acting 100 times worse than Trump did in the past, the left-wing had nothing to say about morality. And you also supported Hillary, who was almost worse than Bill.

So, can your fake moralizing. You have no credibility on this. If you had picked even a semi-decent alternative to Trump, Trump would not have won the election.
I don't give a rat's ass about who Trump pays to sleep with him. The problem is that Trump is the most disgusting public figure in American history. It really is as simple as that.
I don't give a rat's ass about who Trump pays to sleep with him. The problem is that Trump is the most disgusting public figure in American history. It really is as simple as that.

More disgusting that Bill Clinton a wife cheating filthy intern banging boss soiling dresses and our White House with his filth?
I don't give a rat's ass about who Trump pays to sleep with him. The problem is that Trump is the most disgusting public figure in American history. It really is as simple as that.

Yeah, the way he sexually harasses the help to get blow jobs in oval office.

You Stalinist are right to be outrage, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.

And you're not fucking hypocrites at all.....
I don't give a rat's ass about who Trump pays to sleep with him. The problem is that Trump is the most disgusting public figure in American history. It really is as simple as that.

More disgusting that Bill Clinton a wife cheating filthy intern banging boss soiling dresses and our White House with his filth?

I don't care who Bill Clinton screwed, either.
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