Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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Hillary tried to buy the US presidency and she got smoked

Trump played by the rules, now people are calling for violence..

The rules?? Mafia rules ... trump a low rent pos . a crook who screwed 1000's

Funny watching c span the CEO of the unions bought Chuck and Nancy

indeed he is

and to think we get a bonus SC pick

twofer so far


If the conservatives stack the deck, and begin to dismantle civil rights; continue with split decisions which are anti democratic (such as the two CU decisions); continue privatization of traditionally public functions; and continue to support an Authoritarian Executive, the people will learn an Oligarchy of Plutocrats is not the utopia the R's claim.

can you stop being a quack for even one minute

the republicans are not going to "dismantle" civil rights ya retard

the democrats fought tooth and nail to prevent civil rights for years --LOL

and still do to this day

the democrats supporting limiting the 1st amendment the 2nd amendment the 5th amendment for starters

You're either insane or a damn liar.

i am neither you are delusional

the left has gone after the 1st ,2nd and the 5th amendment

now you dumb fuckers want to rid the country of ICE

and you wonder why the democrat party is falling apart

It's decided, you're nuts.

by you --LOL

your a quack
Mother Theresa, the Pope, and most other heads of nations manage to lead organizations without insinuating a woman is on her period, calling their political opponents childish names, calls any negative coverage “fake news”, and lie everytime they open their mouths.

Which turned out to be a total failure for eight years while failed former President Barack Hussein Obama demonstrated his style of leading from behind.

Using the metrics that I hear quite often from those who worship the orange tub of goo; Obama is the blob's daddy.

Trump is no leader...obviously since the resignations, firings, storied lies and falsehoods. Only a fool believes otherwise.

Can't even lift a bottle of water with one hand
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How then do you explain the great success President Donald Trump is enjoying?

As you know, unemployment has dropped further and we have more jobs available than people looking for jobs.


Trillion added to debt.
CPI on the increase.
Down down for the year 2018

Still a pervert.
And the doddering orange blob has been there what 18 months and can't lift a bottle of water. :gay:

Once again Lincoln only served five years and got old as heck, it wears on a man and I understand Trump..

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Trump is frail and weak.
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President for 8 handing it.

He seems to have come out okay.

He didn't fight for anything... did he take on his own party?

The only thing Trump has ever wrestled with is tying his shoes in the morning.

Over Social Security? Yes, Obama and Pelosi were at odds on that. Over Syria, yes, Obama and the Congress were at odds on that. On getting everyone to agree to the ACA? Yes, it took a lot of arm twisting.

And maybe the reason the blob has such a hard time is because he's an unimaginable piece of shit. Banging whores, picking fights with our allies, forcing kids away from their parents for no reason at all except to prove to his base of idiots how "macho" he is to the defenseless.

True colors coming out of ya? You lost candy be a brave girl , put your big girl panties on..

Was anything I said incorrect?
Once again Lincoln only served five years and got old as heck, it wears on a man and I understand Trump..

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Trump is frail and weak.
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President for 8 handing it.

He seems to have come out okay.

He didn't fight for anything... did he take on his own party?

The only thing Trump has ever wrestled with is tying his shoes in the morning.

Over Social Security? Yes, Obama and Pelosi were at odds on that. Over Syria, yes, Obama and the Congress were at odds on that. On getting everyone to agree to the ACA? Yes, it took a lot of arm twisting.

And maybe the reason the blob has such a hard time is because he's an unimaginable piece of shit. Banging whores, picking fights with our allies, forcing kids away from their parents for no reason at all except to prove to his base of idiots how "macho" he is to the defenseless.

True colors coming out of ya? You lost candy be a brave girl , put your big girl panties on..

Was anything I said incorrect?

You need a Maxine waters wig to be correct

This asshole bought Chuck and Nancy like cattle..

Quack quack jon You're all fn nuts! Remember Billy Joel and his we didn't start the fire?? Well your pos in the WH did and now the world EXCEPT Russis ,unites against us Trump is and has always been a fn thief backed by teams of lawyers and repubs kiss his dirty butt
Trump is frail and weak.
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President for 8 handing it.

He seems to have come out okay.

He didn't fight for anything... did he take on his own party?

The only thing Trump has ever wrestled with is tying his shoes in the morning.

Over Social Security? Yes, Obama and Pelosi were at odds on that. Over Syria, yes, Obama and the Congress were at odds on that. On getting everyone to agree to the ACA? Yes, it took a lot of arm twisting.

And maybe the reason the blob has such a hard time is because he's an unimaginable piece of shit. Banging whores, picking fights with our allies, forcing kids away from their parents for no reason at all except to prove to his base of idiots how "macho" he is to the defenseless.

True colors coming out of ya? You lost candy be a brave girl , put your big girl panties on..

Was anything I said incorrect?

You need a Maxine waters wig to be correct

This asshole bought Chuck and Nancy like cattle..

View attachment 202308

he paid them well

that is why the leftists are so pissed

at losing such a great funding source
Look up the term and you'll understand why your post is a perfect example of the phrase.
Do you regard the majority of Americans as mentally disturbed because you do not agree with them politically?
Almost all leaders or organizations, public and private, do not present as polite ass kissers.
They present as the source of accomplishment...or they toss you out the door.
Any adult who cannot accept this fact is mentally disturbed.

Mother Theresa, the Pope, and most other heads of nations manage to lead organizations without insinuating a woman is on her period, calling their political opponents childish names, calls any negative coverage “fake news”, and lie everytime they open their mouths.
Do they run restaurants?
Construction companies?
Police Departments?

Are you fucking kidding me?


Banks? I do not remember counting Paul Volker or Alan Greenspan as some sort of “ass kisser”; they ran the largest banks in the world.

Heads of states are the de facto heads of the federal police departments.

Restaurants? I suppose you get a mix but usually politeness is looked upon more favorably than being some badass.

Apparently, judging from the humor in your post, it is you who is kidding us. you sound mentally disturbed.
I doubt you have ever risen above serving food.
You sound like a moron.
I know hundreds of people who own businesses and are managers.
When people fuck up they get reprimanded and eventually fired.
And if you think for one moment the people who fucked up don't get a bad reputation, you're a moron.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

It is good to get something like that out of your system. Good one onya.
If the conservatives stack the deck, and begin to dismantle civil rights; continue with split decisions which are anti democratic (such as the two CU decisions); continue privatization of traditionally public functions; and continue to support an Authoritarian Executive, the people will learn an Oligarchy of Plutocrats is not the utopia the R's claim.

can you stop being a quack for even one minute

the republicans are not going to "dismantle" civil rights ya retard

the democrats fought tooth and nail to prevent civil rights for years --LOL

and still do to this day

the democrats supporting limiting the 1st amendment the 2nd amendment the 5th amendment for starters

You're either insane or a damn liar.

i am neither you are delusional

the left has gone after the 1st ,2nd and the 5th amendment

now you dumb fuckers want to rid the country of ICE

and you wonder why the democrat party is falling apart

It's decided, you're nuts.

by you --LOL

your a quack

Did you mean to write, You're a quack? or, your kind are quacks.

BTW, what's a quack?
I looked at the post you made that I responded to an noticed a dirth of ?'s. In fact, just one.

Q: While you're at it, tell us when enough will be enough?

I am not of the belief that this is a zero sum game. We always have room for some and of those sum, are asylum seekers. This is long standing law - both federal and international. We have always been a haven for the persecuted. I don't feel that should change - it's foundational in our nation. And, as I said - it is the current law.

Now I ahve answered your singular question.

Your turn :)

If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

They have no such right to a hearing under US law

Bullshit. Read the Bill of Rights.

They have no rights ....

You are mistaken.
If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

They have no such right to a hearing under US law

If you were stopped by the police, could you prove you are a US Citizen on the spot?

If so, how?

If you could not prove it on the spot (as most Americans could not), should they get a hearing to furnish such proof?

My CHL proves I'm a citizen, they do background checks and everything.


And they can never be forged?
If you don't have a CHL?

Wouldn't be easy to forge, they're made just like the TX DLs.

Trump is frail and weak.
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View attachment 202299

President for 8 handing it.

He seems to have come out okay.

He didn't fight for anything... did he take on his own party?

The only thing Trump has ever wrestled with is tying his shoes in the morning.

Over Social Security? Yes, Obama and Pelosi were at odds on that. Over Syria, yes, Obama and the Congress were at odds on that. On getting everyone to agree to the ACA? Yes, it took a lot of arm twisting.

And maybe the reason the blob has such a hard time is because he's an unimaginable piece of shit. Banging whores, picking fights with our allies, forcing kids away from their parents for no reason at all except to prove to his base of idiots how "macho" he is to the defenseless.

True colors coming out of ya? You lost candy be a brave girl , put your big girl panties on..

Was anything I said incorrect?

You need a Maxine waters wig to be correct

This asshole bought Chuck and Nancy like cattle..

View attachment 202308

Waters...Chuck...Nancy? Happy hour must have started early. WTF are you talking about?
If you read the second paragraph it contained 3 questions, pardon my poor punctuation.

I have no problem with asylum seekers, however they can apply form their home countries. And international law requires them to apply in the first country the come to that offers it, that could be Mexico, or Belize
which is much closer. There's no reason for them to just show up at our border in mass and overload our systems. If they do they can wait their turn. If they cross illegally they can be prosecuted. A kid is NOT A VISA.


A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

They have no such right to a hearing under US law

Bullshit. Read the Bill of Rights.

They have no rights ....

You are mistaken.

I do like you , I appreciate all you do as a teacher and the way you help kids in sports and helping them grow

But your wrong.. reality and fantasy are two different things
A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

They have no such right to a hearing under US law

If you were stopped by the police, could you prove you are a US Citizen on the spot?

If so, how?

If you could not prove it on the spot (as most Americans could not), should they get a hearing to furnish such proof?

My CHL proves I'm a citizen, they do background checks and everything.


And they can never be forged?
If you don't have a CHL?

Wouldn't be easy to forge, they're made just like the TX DLs.


Yeah...nobody ever has a fake ID or anything.

A kid is not a VISA.

But a kid is not a political tool either.

Families fleeing violence are not going to leave their kids to face that violence. If they did they would be piss poor parents.

They have right, under our law and international law, to a hearing. You can't deny that. Yet Trump's regime is barring them that. That would be against the law. Would you not agree?

They have no such right to a hearing under US law

Bullshit. Read the Bill of Rights.

They have no rights ....

You are mistaken.

I do like you , I appreciate all you do as a teacher and the way you help kids..

But your wrong.. reality and fantasy are two different things

When you come back from Fantasy Island, drop us a line.
Do you regard the majority of Americans as mentally disturbed because you do not agree with them politically?
Almost all leaders or organizations, public and private, do not present as polite ass kissers.
They present as the source of accomplishment...or they toss you out the door.
Any adult who cannot accept this fact is mentally disturbed.

Mother Theresa, the Pope, and most other heads of nations manage to lead organizations without insinuating a woman is on her period, calling their political opponents childish names, calls any negative coverage “fake news”, and lie everytime they open their mouths.
Do they run restaurants?
Construction companies?
Police Departments?

Are you fucking kidding me?


Banks? I do not remember counting Paul Volker or Alan Greenspan as some sort of “ass kisser”; they ran the largest banks in the world.

Heads of states are the de facto heads of the federal police departments.

Restaurants? I suppose you get a mix but usually politeness is looked upon more favorably than being some badass.

Apparently, judging from the humor in your post, it is you who is kidding us. you sound mentally disturbed.
I doubt you have ever risen above serving food.
I doubt you've ever risen from sucking Trump's cock.

You sound like a moron.
Takes one to know one I suppose.

I know hundreds of people who own businesses and are managers.
Pimps and hookers do not count.
When people fuck up they get reprimanded and eventually fired.
Or when they have philosophical differences with their boss and refuse to take part in the malfeasance, they get excused also.
And if you think for one moment the people who fucked up don't get a bad reputation, you're a moron.
Trump, the whoremonger you worship, is living proof.
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