Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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And it is why the left chose to use the term "impose" when dispensing with the morality of the day, there was no law forcing morality on us just Americans shunning those they knew were immoral and the left taking up the cause of the shunned by denouncing their is your answer a yes or no? is there any benefit to our culture from turning our backs on public morality?...btw, trying to teach morals to those being shunned is where the phrase "don't impose your morality on me" came from.
When public morality strays from the kernel of moral behavior, treat others as you would be treated, there are some who would exploit that breach by actually imposing an immoral point of view. I cite marriage equality as such an example. Treat others as you would be treated suggests the private lives of others are out of bounds so long as those others are committing no crimes. The morality that calls for sequestering others based on their individual and lawful feelings and attitudes is in fact immoral when viewed through the lens of the Golden Rule.

So-called "gay marriage" is the opposite of morality.
Based on what? Treat others as you would be treated?
I would treat everybody the same with a law that says marriage is a union between a man and a woman.
Marriage is contract law. So long as both parties in the contract are law abiding, and are not currently related by blood, there is no moral basis to exclude them from access to contractual,agreements.

What difference would it make if faghadist are blood related, it's not like they can get pregnant. And no one was stopping them from entering into contracts before.

I do not recognize a demarcation between President Obama and American ideals, principles and values

What you meant to say is “my brain has no idea what being a American is”, I get that, there are millions just like you...

The “demarcation” is he is a Socialist / Progressive, you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to have missed that...
And there is nothing about being a Progressive or a Socialist is anything but American. Unfettered Capitalism and regressive social attitudes have never brought any benefits to themAmerican people at large, only to the wealthiest.
Unfettered capitalism is what made the USA the wealthiest country in the world, dumbass.

Is that good?
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

Damn, sounds like you have one hell of a personal problem, 6.5 years to go.

BTW, when is your neighbor and their kids moving in with you?

It's not a personal problem. It's a marginal problem.

And wishful thinking with that 6.5 years business. Trump, hopefully, won't have the opportunity to run for re-election.

You remind me of my neighbors Chihuahua, running around yapping like a big dog, while praying the whole time no one steps on ya. Things could be worse for ya, you could have a President Pence picking the next SCOTUS judge.

OH! And when did you say your neighbor and kids are moving in with ya?

I doubt that Pence would ask for a personal loyalty oath from a Supreme Court appointee. And Pence is not the subject of a federal investigation, while Trump is. Should Trump pack the court in which his case may very well be heard?
I do not recognize a demarcation between President Obama and American ideals, principles and values

What you meant to say is “my brain has no idea what being a American is”, I get that, there are millions just like you...

The “demarcation” is he is a Socialist / Progressive, you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to have missed that...
And there is nothing about being a Progressive or a Socialist is anything but American. Unfettered Capitalism and regressive social attitudes have never brought any benefits to themAmerican people at large, only to the wealthiest.
Unfettered capitalism is what made the USA the wealthiest country in the world, dumbass.

Is that good?

Ask the millions of people in other parts of the world who starved to death or who live in abject poverty.
When public morality strays from the kernel of moral behavior, treat others as you would be treated, there are some who would exploit that breach by actually imposing an immoral point of view. I cite marriage equality as such an example. Treat others as you would be treated suggests the private lives of others are out of bounds so long as those others are committing no crimes. The morality that calls for sequestering others based on their individual and lawful feelings and attitudes is in fact immoral when viewed through the lens of the Golden Rule.

So-called "gay marriage" is the opposite of morality.
Based on what? Treat others as you would be treated?
I would treat everybody the same with a law that says marriage is a union between a man and a woman.
Marriage is contract law. So long as both parties in the contract are law abiding, and are not currently related by blood, there is no moral basis to exclude them from access to contractual,agreements.
Why should it matter whether they are related by blood?
Because the marriage contract establishes a next of kin relationship. Blood relatives already enjoy that relationship.
So-called "gay marriage" is the opposite of morality.
Based on what? Treat others as you would be treated?
I would treat everybody the same with a law that says marriage is a union between a man and a woman.
Marriage is contract law. So long as both parties in the contract are law abiding, and are not currently related by blood, there is no moral basis to exclude them from access to contractual,agreements.
Why should it matter whether they are related by blood?
Because the marriage contract establishes a next of kin relationship. Blood relatives already enjoy that relationship.
We both know that isn't the reason, douchebag. It's because having sex with close biological relatives produces offspring with a high incidence of birth defects.
I do not recognize a demarcation between President Obama and American ideals, principles and values

What you meant to say is “my brain has no idea what being a American is”, I get that, there are millions just like you...

The “demarcation” is he is a Socialist / Progressive, you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to have missed that...
And there is nothing about being a Progressive or a Socialist is anything but American. Unfettered Capitalism and regressive social attitudes have never brought any benefits to themAmerican people at large, only to the wealthiest.
Unfettered capitalism is what made the USA the wealthiest country in the world, dumbass.
Please cite where and when America operated under unfettered Capitalism.
I do not recognize a demarcation between President Obama and American ideals, principles and values

What you meant to say is “my brain has no idea what being a American is”, I get that, there are millions just like you...

The “demarcation” is he is a Socialist / Progressive, you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to have missed that...
And there is nothing about being a Progressive or a Socialist is anything but American. Unfettered Capitalism and regressive social attitudes have never brought any benefits to themAmerican people at large, only to the wealthiest.
Unfettered capitalism is what made the USA the wealthiest country in the world, dumbass.
Please cite where and when America operated under unfettered Capitalism.
Pretty close up until the reign of Roosevelt II. However, we underwent significant departures under the archangel Wilson.
Based on what? Treat others as you would be treated?
I would treat everybody the same with a law that says marriage is a union between a man and a woman.
Marriage is contract law. So long as both parties in the contract are law abiding, and are not currently related by blood, there is no moral basis to exclude them from access to contractual,agreements.
Why should it matter whether they are related by blood?
Because the marriage contract establishes a next of kin relationship. Blood relatives already enjoy that relationship.
We both know that isn't the reason, douchebag. It's because having sex with close biological relatives produces offspring with a high incidence of birth defects.
The next of kin relationship is part and parcel of the marriage contract. It's what grants the privileges of hospital visitation and sharing of benefit packages. It cannot be relegated to one reason.
I would treat everybody the same with a law that says marriage is a union between a man and a woman.
Marriage is contract law. So long as both parties in the contract are law abiding, and are not currently related by blood, there is no moral basis to exclude them from access to contractual,agreements.
Why should it matter whether they are related by blood?
Because the marriage contract establishes a next of kin relationship. Blood relatives already enjoy that relationship.
We both know that isn't the reason, douchebag. It's because having sex with close biological relatives produces offspring with a high incidence of birth defects.
The next of kin relationship is part and parcel of the marriage contract. It's what grants the privileges of hospital visitation and sharing of benefit packages. It cannot be relegated to one reason.

That is the reason, and only an absolute idiot would deny it. That's why that rule has existed for thousands of years. It's not a recent legal invention.

LIke all defenders of the queer mafia, you're totally dishonest.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

Damn, sounds like you have one hell of a personal problem, 6.5 years to go.

BTW, when is your neighbor and their kids moving in with you?

It's not a personal problem. It's a marginal problem.

And wishful thinking with that 6.5 years business. Trump, hopefully, won't have the opportunity to run for re-election.

You remind me of my neighbors Chihuahua, running around yapping like a big dog, while praying the whole time no one steps on ya. Things could be worse for ya, you could have a President Pence picking the next SCOTUS judge.

OH! And when did you say your neighbor and kids are moving in with ya?

I doubt that Pence would ask for a personal loyalty oath from a Supreme Court appointee. And Pence is not the subject of a federal investigation, while Trump is. Should Trump pack the court in which his case may very well be heard?

Sure he should, he's a duly elected president, filling vacancies on the court if part of his job. How about you prove your insinuation that Trump asked Gorsuch for a loyalty oath to anything but the Constitution.

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I do not recognize a demarcation between President Obama and American ideals, principles and values

What you meant to say is “my brain has no idea what being a American is”, I get that, there are millions just like you...

The “demarcation” is he is a Socialist / Progressive, you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to have missed that...
And there is nothing about being a Progressive or a Socialist is anything but American. Unfettered Capitalism and regressive social attitudes have never brought any benefits to themAmerican people at large, only to the wealthiest.
Unfettered capitalism is what made the USA the wealthiest country in the world, dumbass.

Is that good?

it's a pipe dream

there's never been unfettered capitalism in the usa, and now that trump is picking the winners and losers, it's closer to fascism than anything else.

it would help if these dummies read a history book instead of chewing on the cover while they watch hannity
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I do not recognize a demarcation between President Obama and American ideals, principles and values

What you meant to say is “my brain has no idea what being a American is”, I get that, there are millions just like you...

The “demarcation” is he is a Socialist / Progressive, you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to have missed that...
And there is nothing about being a Progressive or a Socialist is anything but American. Unfettered Capitalism and regressive social attitudes have never brought any benefits to themAmerican people at large, only to the wealthiest.
Unfettered capitalism is what made the USA the wealthiest country in the world, dumbass.

Is that good?
If you're American...can't speak for the rest of the world but I do know that prior to American capitalism the number one cause of death in the world was famine, since America is pretty much the reason that isn't true anymore the liberals are now attacking and blaming Americans for obesity...can't have America seen in glowing terms now can we?
I wonder how you concluded I am mocking the Golden Rule even for political purposes.
Pretty much the same way you were able conclude Trump as immoral, that and the fact that you invoked it screams mockery
I concluded Trump's lack of morality by his words and deeds. By his preternatural ability to demean his critics as low I.Q., ugly, slovenly and crooked. His attitude toward immigrants as an 'infestation', rapists, murderers, drug dealers and terrorists. By his philandering with porn stars as his wife is pregnant with his child. With his glee over saying he can grab women by the genitals. By his defense of White Nationalist violent criminals as 'fine people'.

None of those examples hold water when one considers the Golden Rule. Anyway, I can't rationalize them as moral. But it might be easier if I was willing to sell my morals down the river just to enjoy what I might consider "winning".
Marriage is contract law. So long as both parties in the contract are law abiding, and are not currently related by blood, there is no moral basis to exclude them from access to contractual,agreements.
Why should it matter whether they are related by blood?
Because the marriage contract establishes a next of kin relationship. Blood relatives already enjoy that relationship.
We both know that isn't the reason, douchebag. It's because having sex with close biological relatives produces offspring with a high incidence of birth defects.
The next of kin relationship is part and parcel of the marriage contract. It's what grants the privileges of hospital visitation and sharing of benefit packages. It cannot be relegated to one reason.

That is the reason, and only an absolute idiot would deny it. That's why that rule has existed for thousands of years. It's not a recent legal invention.

LIke all defenders of the queer mafia, you're totally dishonest.
Thousands of years? Try again.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

Damn, sounds like you have one hell of a personal problem, 6.5 years to go.

BTW, when is your neighbor and their kids moving in with you?

It's not a personal problem. It's a marginal problem.

And wishful thinking with that 6.5 years business. Trump, hopefully, won't have the opportunity to run for re-election.

You remind me of my neighbors Chihuahua, running around yapping like a big dog, while praying the whole time no one steps on ya. Things could be worse for ya, you could have a President Pence picking the next SCOTUS judge.

OH! And when did you say your neighbor and kids are moving in with ya?

I doubt that Pence would ask for a personal loyalty oath from a Supreme Court appointee. And Pence is not the subject of a federal investigation, while Trump is. Should Trump pack the court in which his case may very well be heard?

Sure he should, he a duly elected president, filling vacancies on the court if part of his job. How about you prove your insinuation that Trump asked Gorsuch for a loyalty oath to anything but the Constitution.

For nearly eight months, President Trump has boasted that appointing Neil M. Gorsuch to the Supreme Court ranks high among his signature achievements.

But earlier this year, Trump talked about rescinding Gorsuch's nomination, venting angrily to advisers after his Supreme Court pick was critical of the president's escalating attacks on the federal judiciary in private meetings with legislators.

Trump, according to several people with knowledge of the discussions, was upset that Gorsuch had pointedly distanced himself from the president in a private February meeting with Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), telling the senator he found Trump's repeated attacks on the federal judiciary "disheartening" and "demoralizing."

The president worried that Gorsuch would not be "loyal," one of the people said, and told aides that he was tempted to pull Gorsuch's nomination — and that he knew plenty of other judges who would want the job.

It is unclear whether Trump's "explosion," as another administration official described it, truly put Gorsuch's nomination in jeopardy or whether the president was expressing his frustration aloud, as he often does. But at the time, some in the White House and on Capitol Hill feared that Gorsuch's confirmation — which had been shaping up to be one of the clearest triumphs of Trump's tumultuous young presidency — was on the verge of going awry.

Trump talked about rescinding Gorsuch’s nomination

of course like any good trumpling, you'll claim it's fake news.

i posted it for the normal people
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

Damn, sounds like you have one hell of a personal problem, 6.5 years to go.

BTW, when is your neighbor and their kids moving in with you?

It's not a personal problem. It's a marginal problem.

And wishful thinking with that 6.5 years business. Trump, hopefully, won't have the opportunity to run for re-election.

You remind me of my neighbors Chihuahua, running around yapping like a big dog, while praying the whole time no one steps on ya. Things could be worse for ya, you could have a President Pence picking the next SCOTUS judge.

OH! And when did you say your neighbor and kids are moving in with ya?

I doubt that Pence would ask for a personal loyalty oath from a Supreme Court appointee. And Pence is not the subject of a federal investigation, while Trump is. Should Trump pack the court in which his case may very well be heard?

Sure he should, he a duly elected president, filling vacancies on the court if part of his job. How about you prove your insinuation that Trump asked Gorsuch for a loyalty oath to anything but the Constitution.

Why then wasn't it part of President Obama's job in 2016?
So-called "gay marriage" is the opposite of morality.
Based on what? Treat others as you would be treated?
I would treat everybody the same with a law that says marriage is a union between a man and a woman.
Marriage is contract law. So long as both parties in the contract are law abiding, and are not currently related by blood, there is no moral basis to exclude them from access to contractual,agreements.
Why should it matter whether they are related by blood?
Because the marriage contract establishes a next of kin relationship. Blood relatives already enjoy that relationship.

Blood relatives aren't necessarily next of kin. I have 20 some cousins, none would be my next of kin if I were single.

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