Veselnitskaya Has Anti-Trump Pictures And Post On Her Facebook, Connection To Fake Dossier


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.
Reading the messages made me think it sounded like a set-up. Wonder who paid them...
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.
Hey dummy. Did you go to her Facebook page for those dates? She is MOCKING the "not my President" protesters.

My god you are stupid.
Kremlin apparently has nothing to do with all that crap. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says :
“I was amazed to find out that Trump’s son is accused of talking to her [Natalia Veselnitskaya]. For me it’s basically wild, because when a person talks to a lawyer, what is the threat to anyone?”

Lavrov added that he had learned about this fact from the media. "It is amazing how serious people are making an elephant out of a fly,” the minister added .

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said Moscow “is not aware of this whole story, has never had contacts with this lawyer; that’s why we have nothing to say about this story: it has nothing to do with us.”

Assange: I urged Trump Jr to release emails on Russian lawyer before NYT story
‘Wild & overblown’: Lavrov blasts media hype over Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer
Reagn would be puking in a bin right now if he knew what type of traitors his party has become...

Bripat is going for a crap on Arlington graves later...
It's looking the her meeting with Trump Jr was a set up, and once again another fake news "smoking gun" is dissolving into a puddle of shit:

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr in June of 2016 to provide 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton looks exactly like she wanted to hurt the Trump campaign, not help it according to her Facebook photos and post.In January 2017 Veselnitskaya was posting images of Trump protesters in Chicago:The rabbit hole goes deeper, Fusion GPS, the company responsible for the fake Steele dossier, worked for Prevezon Holdings, a Russian owned company which employs Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met with Trump Jr. In December 2015 she took a photo of Trump's biggest backer, Senator John McCain: Now take a...
Make sure you go read the original article.
Hey dummy. Did you go to her Facebook page for those dates? She is MOCKING the "not my President" protesters.

My god you are stupid.
did you talk to her and verify this or just shout it out and bitch at people who may question your motives here?
Reagn would be puking in a bin right now if he knew what type of traitors his party has become...

Bripat is going for a crap on Arlington graves later...
Your belief that you have an inkling of what Reagan thought is hilarious, to say the least.
Kremlin apparently has nothing to do with all that crap. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says :
“I was amazed to find out that Trump’s son is accused of talking to her [Natalia Veselnitskaya]. For me it’s basically wild, because when a person talks to a lawyer, what is the threat to anyone?”

Lavrov added that he had learned about this fact from the media. "It is amazing how serious people are making an elephant out of a fly,” the minister added .

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said Moscow “is not aware of this whole story, has never had contacts with this lawyer; that’s why we have nothing to say about this story: it has nothing to do with us.”

Assange: I urged Trump Jr to release emails on Russian lawyer before NYT story
‘Wild & overblown’: Lavrov blasts media hype over Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer

Duh... you think they are going to come out and admit to it?

Junior said "I love it" when told Russian government wanted to help get his daddy elected.
So? Snowflakes like you love it when any foreign politician attacks Trump. How is that any different?
That you don't know the difference just make you look dumber with every post.
yea, cause you telling others how people feel cause you read their facebook makes you look pretty damned intelligent. you know, like you got powers no one else can fathom.
Junior said "I love it" when told Russian government wanted to help get his daddy elected.
So? Snowflakes like you love it when any foreign politician attacks Trump. How is that any different?
That you don't know the difference just make you look dumber with every post.
yea, cause you telling others how people feel cause you read their facebook makes you look pretty damned intelligent. you know, like you got powers no one else can fathom.

Did you happen to look at the subject of this thread?

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