Video: Ingraham returns slams the chilling effect of free speech

The greatest generation in the US used to boycott regularly..When I was a kid in the 1960's and 1970's. And they pressured Congress or state legislature regularly about legislation on debate...So boycotts are nothing new, and neither is uncalled for statements, agendas and legislation..If that is suppression well tough shit it's been going on since humans could do it....
What's "chilling" is how fast Hogg has gone from front page news to irrelevant. He accomplish getting Ingram kicked off the air for 10 days but besides that has'nt accomplished dick. Congress is not giving a s*** about David Hogg.:iyfyus.jpg:

Whos not winning?
With 650,000 Twitter followers and suggesting a boycott, that is bullying. A tactic used by the Leftists.
The left calls bullying free speech and free speech bullying. It IS a mental disorder.

With 20 million followers, Trump called for a boycott of the NFL.

And that's still beside the point. Ingraham made a snide remark, born of hubris. She was called on it, and she's playing you guys for suckers in pretending it is a free speech issue.
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Oh, but they are the victims. They went up against a seventeen year old kid that has more brains than they do, and is far more articulate. And the lost, poor little butthurt babies.
So Ingraham didn't get it. Shocker.
A roll call of USMB Leftist can be found tagging this ^^^ Leftist poster with a "winner" tag. The anti-free speech people Laura was talking about.
Silly ass, the bitch can stand on any street corner she wishes to, and screech her witchery. But my free speech rights say that I can tell anyone that sponsors that witchery I will not buy their products if they pay her to do the screeching.
What's "chilling" is how fast Hogg has gone from front page news to irrelevant. He accomplish getting Ingram kicked off the air for 10 days but besides that has'nt accomplished dick. Congress is not giving a s*** about David Hogg.:iyfyus.jpg:

Whos not winning?
...’at this point, you know, we're changing the world’ (‘child’ Hogg) :uhoh3:
. Any who do should NOT be your hero.

You mean like Maher, Griffin, Colbert, or the SNL Writer Katie Rich who attacked Baron Trump - an 11 year old kid, or how about .........etcetra and so fortgh ... right got it ... now stfu Mary Poppins
What's "chilling" is how fast Hogg has gone from front page news to irrelevant. He accomplish getting Ingram kicked off the air for 10 days but besides that has'nt accomplished dick. Congress is not giving a s*** about David Hogg.:iyfyus.jpg:

Whos not winning?
...’at this point, you know, we're changing the world’ (‘child’ Hogg) :uhoh3:

LOL....progressives continue to take bows for a symbolic figure. Might as well be a statue, much less a 17 year old kid. Progressives have been doing this for decades...getting all amped up over a couple of marches....that never add up to dick ( like the NFL kneeling symbolic fAiL ).

Meanwhile....congess could not possibly be any more disinterested.

So....who's not winning?:cul2:
Otherwise known as — freedom of speech.
Which you support silencing in Laura by BULLYING her advertisers to abandon her program -- or ELSE!

THAT'S not free speech dimwit
Oh, for fuck’s sake.

You rightards are the biggest hypocrites...
The NFL is in the process of death. Won't last much longer. The players will be the big losers.
Good on her! People need to stand up to the Marxism of the left and the moronic Democrat dupes who enable that shit.
Democrats need to go create their USSR somewhere else. No more in my backyard.
Fuck off. The left has just as much right to freedom of speech as the right.
And no one is denying that. This is about the left stifling opposing speech. Marxist. When you lefties can’t handle facts and analysis, when you can’t rebut, you resort to censorship.
Go build your USSR somewhere else.
What a fucking panty waiste half the fucken people are on here. The left is not sensoring any fucken thing. They hold no seats and hold no power. Lets not be fucking children, with out the votes to get the office you have no power!!!! That is just the way it is. Sensorship my ass, controling the FBI my ass, controling any thing my ass! No power no control. Take stupid bull shit and shove it up your ass! No power no control! Repeat after me , No power no control! Any body remember the Dixie chicks? You run your mouth you are pissing off half of America and they will not support you! It has always been that way
What did she say?
This is what set off Hogg to get his 650,000 Twitter followers to WHINE to advertisers to pull from her show:

Otherwise known as — freedom of speech.
With 650,000 Twitter followers and suggesting a boycott, that is bullying. A tactic used by the Leftists.
Spits a rightie, who participated in a boycott of the NFL in an effort to drive down advertising dollars.

You should have “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead. There’s not much room there but you can squeeze it in under your existing tattoo which reads, “imbecile.”
She bullied a child. The attack was personal and had nothing to do with his views or his politics.

I thinks it’s laughable that this stupid bitch is complaining that she’s being “bullied”.
What teenager refers to himself or his peers as a child let alone a 17 year old male? Conservatives are targeted by the Leftists and Hogg or his Leftist handlers counciled him to call for that boycott.

It cracks me up watching you moronic hypocrites bitch and moan because some folks on the left call for boycotts of sponsors of Laura Ingraham’s show — when folks like you boycotted the NFL in protest of players’ kneeling during the National Anthem.

So it’s ok for you to bludgeon your political foes with boycotts but it’s not ok for the left to do that?
We never called for NFL sponsors to stop advertising, we just stopped watching NFL games. Exercising our freedom of association.
Exactly how rightarded are you?? The hell you didn’t go after their sponsors.

The purpose of the NFL boycott was to drive down ratings which would scare off advertisers. You know this because you said it yourself...
Let's go after the sponsors of NFL games. Even the advertisers won't like a 10% loss of viewership.
So it was ok for you to do it but it’s not ok with you when the left does it.

You do it, and you call it, “freedom of association,” We do it, and you call it “bullying,” not freedom of speech. The whiney Ingraham even called it, “Stalinist.”

How does it feel having a spotlight shined on your hypocrisy for all to see?
She bullied a child. The attack was personal and had nothing to do with his views or his politics.

I thinks it’s laughable that this stupid bitch is complaining that she’s being “bullied”.
What teenager refers to himself or his peers as a child let alone a 17 year old male? Conservatives are targeted by the Leftists and Hogg or his Leftist handlers counciled him to call for that boycott.

It cracks me up watching you moronic hypocrites bitch and moan because some folks on the left call for boycotts of sponsors of Laura Ingraham’s show — when folks like you boycotted the NFL in protest of players’ kneeling during the National Anthem.

So it’s ok for you to bludgeon your political foes with boycotts but it’s not ok for the left to do that?
We never called for NFL sponsors to stop advertising, we just stopped watching NFL games. Exercising our freedom of association.
Exactly how rightarded are you?? The hell you didn’t go after their sponsors.

The purpose of the NFL boycott was to drive down ratings which would scare off advertisers. You know this because you said it yourself...
Let's go after the sponsors of NFL games. Even the advertisers won't like a 10% loss of viewership.
So it was ok for you to do it but it’s not ok with you when the left does it.

You do it, and you call it, “freedom of association,” We do it, and you call it “bullying,” not freedom of speech. The whiney Ingraham even called it, “Stalinist.”

How does it feel having a spotlight shined on your hypocrisy for all to see?

Trump also called for people to stay home and not attend games. Definitely aiming for the pocketbook, same as a sponsor boycott.

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