Vietnam War and question for the boomer generation

I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.
Our fight in South Vietnam wore out China and the Soviets and in fact when the North turned on the Soviets and China that saw an end to adventurism by the Communists.
I don’t agree. The war didn’t wear them out. It did wear out the American people though. Sadly, we learned nothing from this imperialist fiasco.

Do you think millions of deaths and destruction of much of Vietnam and Cambodia was worth wear wearing out China and USSR?
yes I do. And we won in South Vietnam the dems sold out the south in 74 and 75.
Lol. Yeah we won. Then we lost.

It was clear to the US when Nixon/Ford signed the Paris Peace Accords treaty that NV wasn’t going to abide by it. So, it was a phony treaty. We declared victory and left. Then the Ds refused to get us back in the war after the SV couldn’t fight worth a shit. Good thing too.

If only our corrupt leaders had supported Ho Chi Minh in the 1950s making Vietnam a friend rather than an enemy, we could have avoided millions of deaths. Somehow this is never discussed. We never learn from our mistakes.

Wrong the South fought fine, in 1974 the dems cut off their supplies their ammo and their spare parts and then when tthe North attacked the dems refused to honor a TREATY. As for shit even with out our support the South fought for a month.
Wrong. The South couldn’t fight a paper tiger. Get informed.
retard in 72 the south fought WITHOUT US troops and stopped the North and in 75 they fought for a month out numbered and with out supplies. Learn some facts dumb ass.
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.
Our fight in South Vietnam wore out China and the Soviets and in fact when the North turned on the Soviets and China that saw an end to adventurism by the Communists.
I don’t agree. The war didn’t wear them out. It did wear out the American people though. Sadly, we learned nothing from this imperialist fiasco.

Do you think millions of deaths and destruction of much of Vietnam and Cambodia was worth wear wearing out China and USSR?
yes I do. And we won in South Vietnam the dems sold out the south in 74 and 75.
Lol. Yeah we won. Then we lost.

It was clear to the US when Nixon/Ford signed the Paris Peace Accords treaty that NV wasn’t going to abide by it. So, it was a phony treaty. We declared victory and left. Then the Ds refused to get us back in the war after the SV couldn’t fight worth a shit. Good thing too.

If only our corrupt leaders had supported Ho Chi Minh in the 1950s making Vietnam a friend rather than an enemy, we could have avoided millions of deaths. Somehow this is never discussed. We never learn from our mistakes.

Wrong the South fought fine, in 1974 the dems cut off their supplies their ammo and their spare parts and then when tthe North attacked the dems refused to honor a TREATY. As for shit even with out our support the South fought for a month.
Wrong. The South couldn’t fight a paper tiger. Get informed.
retard in 72 the south fought WITHOUT US troops and stopped the North and in 75 they fought for a month out numbered and with out supplies. Learn some facts dumb ass.
Lol. Fool. Why were they without supplies? Why were they outnumbered? Shouldn’t they have been prepared?
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
That's a lie. You flatter yourself by thinking you have the first clue. You don't.
It wasnt American Imperialism, it was French Imperialism that we entered the war of Viet Nam.
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.
Our fight in South Vietnam wore out China and the Soviets and in fact when the North turned on the Soviets and China that saw an end to adventurism by the Communists.
I don’t agree. The war didn’t wear them out. It did wear out the American people though. Sadly, we learned nothing from this imperialist fiasco.

Do you think millions of deaths and destruction of much of Vietnam and Cambodia was worth wear wearing out China and USSR?
yes I do. And we won in South Vietnam the dems sold out the south in 74 and 75.
Lol. Yeah we won. Then we lost.

It was clear to the US when Nixon/Ford signed the Paris Peace Accords treaty that NV wasn’t going to abide by it. So, it was a phony treaty. We declared victory and left. Then the Ds refused to get us back in the war after the SV couldn’t fight worth a shit. Good thing too.

If only our corrupt leaders had supported Ho Chi Minh in the 1950s making Vietnam a friend rather than an enemy, we could have avoided millions of deaths. Somehow this is never discussed. We never learn from our mistakes.

Wrong the South fought fine, in 1974 the dems cut off their supplies their ammo and their spare parts and then when tthe North attacked the dems refused to honor a TREATY. As for shit even with out our support the South fought for a month.
No, actually the gipper is right on this...France didnt want to lose their slaves in Vienam, and the wealth of that country, so went to war, thinking France could with better tanks, beat a bunch of rag tag people....Sorta like what the Brits thought about US in the revolution....Then Kennedy had to put boots on the ground in support of France..

That is the history, which we seemed to repeat...
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.

Who did the U.S. invade in Southeast Asia? We never actually invaded North Vietnam.
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.

Who did the U.S. invade in Southeast Asia? We never actually invaded North Vietnam.
Lol. Yeah we just bombed the shit out of them, Cambodia and Laos too. That makes it okay. Right?
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.

Who did the U.S. invade in Southeast Asia? We never actually invaded North Vietnam.
Lol. Yeah we just bombed the shit out of them, Cambodia and Laos too. That makes it okay. Right?
Yes. That is not an "invasion".
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.

Who did the U.S. invade in Southeast Asia? We never actually invaded North Vietnam.
Lol. Yeah we just bombed the shit out of them, Cambodia and Laos too. That makes it okay. Right?
Yes. That is not an "invasion".
Oh brother.
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
That's a lie. You flatter yourself by thinking you have the first clue. You don't.
Very poor response. Dispute my points with facts. Otherwise STFU.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.

That is not even an attempt at making a point. It is a statement. And-as I said-it is a lie. If you wish it to be accepted as truth (and therefore a valid point) prove your statement or STFU.
Fifty thousand young guys (many enslaved via the draft) died needlessly in that fucking useless fiasco. It made me ashamed to be an American.

I escaped it by joining the Navy.

And Jane Fonda remains a hero of mine for doing what she did.

50 years later, History shows Jane Fonda was correct.

US Vietnam policy was a disaster
no it wasn't
In what bizarro world was our Vietnam policy not a disaster?
The real one. But you wouldn't know that because you don't live there.
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.
Our fight in South Vietnam wore out China and the Soviets and in fact when the North turned on the Soviets and China that saw an end to adventurism by the Communists.
I don’t agree. The war didn’t wear them out. It did wear out the American people though. Sadly, we learned nothing from this imperialist fiasco.

Do you think millions of deaths and destruction of much of Vietnam and Cambodia was worth wear wearing out China and USSR?
yes I do. And we won in South Vietnam the dems sold out the south in 74 and 75.
Lol. Yeah we won. Then we lost.

It was clear to the US when Nixon/Ford signed the Paris Peace Accords treaty that NV wasn’t going to abide by it. So, it was a phony treaty. We declared victory and left. Then the Ds refused to get us back in the war after the SV couldn’t fight worth a shit. Good thing too.

If only our corrupt leaders had supported Ho Chi Minh in the 1950s making Vietnam a friend rather than an enemy, we could have avoided millions of deaths. Somehow this is never discussed. We never learn from our mistakes.

Wrong the South fought fine, in 1974 the dems cut off their supplies their ammo and their spare parts and then when tthe North attacked the dems refused to honor a TREATY. As for shit even with out our support the South fought for a month.
Wrong. The South couldn’t fight a paper tiger. Get informed.
retard in 72 the south fought WITHOUT US troops and stopped the North and in 75 they fought for a month out numbered and with out supplies. Learn some facts dumb ass.
Lol. Fool. Why were they without supplies? Why were they outnumbered? Shouldn’t they have been prepared?
Because the Democrats cut them off moron we supplied the South and the dems cut them off god are you really this ignorant of historical facts?
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.
Our fight in South Vietnam wore out China and the Soviets and in fact when the North turned on the Soviets and China that saw an end to adventurism by the Communists.
I don’t agree. The war didn’t wear them out. It did wear out the American people though. Sadly, we learned nothing from this imperialist fiasco.

Do you think millions of deaths and destruction of much of Vietnam and Cambodia was worth wear wearing out China and USSR?
yes I do. And we won in South Vietnam the dems sold out the south in 74 and 75.
Lol. Yeah we won. Then we lost.

It was clear to the US when Nixon/Ford signed the Paris Peace Accords treaty that NV wasn’t going to abide by it. So, it was a phony treaty. We declared victory and left. Then the Ds refused to get us back in the war after the SV couldn’t fight worth a shit. Good thing too.

If only our corrupt leaders had supported Ho Chi Minh in the 1950s making Vietnam a friend rather than an enemy, we could have avoided millions of deaths. Somehow this is never discussed. We never learn from our mistakes.

Wrong the South fought fine, in 1974 the dems cut off their supplies their ammo and their spare parts and then when tthe North attacked the dems refused to honor a TREATY. As for shit even with out our support the South fought for a month.
Wrong. The South couldn’t fight a paper tiger. Get informed.
retard in 72 the south fought WITHOUT US troops and stopped the North and in 75 they fought for a month out numbered and with out supplies. Learn some facts dumb ass.
Lol. Fool. Why were they without supplies? Why were they outnumbered? Shouldn’t they have been prepared?
Because the Democrats cut them off moron we supplied the South and the dems cut them off god are you really this ignorant of historical facts?
You said outnumbered. Do you know what that means? It certainly has nothing to do with the USA.

Why didn’t they properly supply their army? They had to know the US wasn’t dependable.

Has it occurred to you that they didn’t have the will to fight? They were terribly corrupt and incompetent.

Is it your opinion the US government should have returned to Vietnam and continued the war, killing millions more people?
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.
Our fight in South Vietnam wore out China and the Soviets and in fact when the North turned on the Soviets and China that saw an end to adventurism by the Communists.
I don’t agree. The war didn’t wear them out. It did wear out the American people though. Sadly, we learned nothing from this imperialist fiasco.

Do you think millions of deaths and destruction of much of Vietnam and Cambodia was worth wear wearing out China and USSR?
yes I do. And we won in South Vietnam the dems sold out the south in 74 and 75.
Lol. Yeah we won. Then we lost.

It was clear to the US when Nixon/Ford signed the Paris Peace Accords treaty that NV wasn’t going to abide by it. So, it was a phony treaty. We declared victory and left. Then the Ds refused to get us back in the war after the SV couldn’t fight worth a shit. Good thing too.

If only our corrupt leaders had supported Ho Chi Minh in the 1950s making Vietnam a friend rather than an enemy, we could have avoided millions of deaths. Somehow this is never discussed. We never learn from our mistakes.

Wrong the South fought fine, in 1974 the dems cut off their supplies their ammo and their spare parts and then when tthe North attacked the dems refused to honor a TREATY. As for shit even with out our support the South fought for a month.
Wrong. The South couldn’t fight a paper tiger. Get informed.
retard in 72 the south fought WITHOUT US troops and stopped the North and in 75 they fought for a month out numbered and with out supplies. Learn some facts dumb ass.
Lol. Fool. Why were they without supplies? Why were they outnumbered? Shouldn’t they have been prepared?
Because the Democrats cut them off moron we supplied the South and the dems cut them off god are you really this ignorant of historical facts?
We carried their asses for nearly ten years

America had enough of carrying the corrupt Southern Government
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
That's a lie. You flatter yourself by thinking you have the first clue. You don't.
It wasnt American Imperialism, it was French Imperialism that we entered the war of Viet Nam.
Whether or not the French presence was imperialistic is beside the point. We are not French. The French were gone, that's how North and South Vietnam became two separate nations like North and South Korea had. South Vietnam was our ally. We went to try to help it defend against communist invasion at their request and as obligated by treaty. Your knowledge of history sucks.
Fifty thousand young guys (many enslaved via the draft) died needlessly in that fucking useless fiasco. It made me ashamed to be an American.

I escaped it by joining the Navy.

And Jane Fonda remains a hero of mine for doing what she did.
Fucking coward
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.

Who did the U.S. invade in Southeast Asia? We never actually invaded North Vietnam.
Lol. Yeah we just bombed the shit out of them, Cambodia and Laos too. That makes it okay. Right?
Yeah. We bombed the shit out of those parts of countries that North Vietnam had invaded occupied and controlled for years. This is a picture I took of Cambodians in Cambodia during the May 1970 Cambodian Incursion. Do they look angry or afraid to you? They seemed really happy to see us.


And, yes, that was exactly the right thing to do. If you go to war you must wage war to the best of your ability or you will most certainly die. I like living.
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.

Who did the U.S. invade in Southeast Asia? We never actually invaded North Vietnam.
Lol. Yeah we just bombed the shit out of them, Cambodia and Laos too. That makes it okay. Right?
Yeah. We bombed the shit out of those parts of countries that North Vietnam had invaded occupied and controlled for years. This is a picture I took of Cambodians in Cambodia during the May 1970 Cambodian Incursion. Do they look angry or afraid to you? They seemed really happy to see us.

View attachment 496475
And, yes, that was exactly the right thing to do. If you go to war you must wage war to the best of your ability or you will most certainly die. I like living.
You were not shooting at them or burning down their hut at the time.
Civilians paid a horrible price in that war
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
That's a lie. You flatter yourself by thinking you have the first clue. You don't.
It wasnt American Imperialism, it was French Imperialism that we entered the war of Viet Nam.
Whether or not the French presence was imperialistic is beside the point. We are not French. The French were gone, that's how North and South Vietnam became two separate nations like North and South Korea had. South Vietnam was our ally. We went to try to help it defend against communist invasion at their request and as obligated by treaty. Your knowledge of history sucks.

That was our mistake number two in Vietnam. After they separated north and south after the French left, we agreed to an election within five years.
When it became obvious that Ho Chi Minh would win that election easily.....we changed our mind
We preferred to allow millions to die rather than allow them to live under Communism
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.

Who did the U.S. invade in Southeast Asia? We never actually invaded North Vietnam.
Dead Marine Zone

I was there when North Vietnam invaded the South (Operation Prairie, September, 1966). Not invading back and letting them use it as a sanctuary and staging area is why we lost the war.
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
We were in Vietnam to counter North Vietnam imperialism. Sounds like you are OK with imperialism as long as the imperialists are communist.
No. We were in Vietnam to impose imperialism.
How do you figure that?
If you think our government invaded to protect South Vietnam, you need to do some research.

Who did the U.S. invade in Southeast Asia? We never actually invaded North Vietnam.
Lol. Yeah we just bombed the shit out of them, Cambodia and Laos too. That makes it okay. Right?
Yes. That is not an "invasion".
At least the US did not try to rebuild the countries after bombing them

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