Vintage stuff



Long Johns

Growing up in Western Maryland during the 40s and 50s, I saw my Granddad and all the older men wearing them 365 days a year. He was a farmer and all the older men were farmers, woodsmen, coal miners and other outdoor types. When he died in '69 at age 85 he was buried with them on. My Grandma had them washed and put on him and he was dressed in bib overalls, a boiled and starched white shirt with a red tie. All the old men were buried like that.

Now the undies. My old womenfolks would never wear anything that fancy. My Grandma made all the womenfolks white bloomers out of cotton feed sacks. I grew up wearing shirts made from feed sacks. The millers would have patterned feed sacks made for that purpose. I remember a favorite short sleeve shirt for me that had little Mexican boys wearing sombreros and leading little burros. I wanted to wear it to school every day so she made me 3 shirts.
Vintage silver tea/coffee our grandmothers used to have,


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