Viral video shows just how dumb the left is on " white privilege"

It doesn't mean that those who are ahead of them did something wrong.

It just means that, if we're decent people, we'll think about that and a bit less about ourselves.
Yes, there are people who by no fault of their own may have to work harder to get ahead. But it isn't white privilege that cause most of those faults. white privilege doesn't make a daddy leave his family. White privilege doesn't make a kid a drug dealer.
Terms like "white privilege" are just bumper sticker dogma.

The fact remains, we should be better than "every man for himself".
Got your head in the sand again eh Mac....

We should be better than every man for himself you say.

Well we are the most charitable nation on the planet not to mention all the free shit we give away to "help" the underprivileged.

Your statement & the facts do not match.

PS. Did you tutor a poor black child this week? No? Then stuff the bs[/QUOTE]
You believe we're doing enough.

And yet economic divisions are only increasing.

Your statement & the facts do not match.
What is BLM doing about this statistic? Or the NAACP? Or AN
The point of the video is that many kids are behind through absolutely no fault of their own.

It doesn't mean that those who are ahead of them did something wrong.

It just means that, if we're decent people, we'll think about that and a bit less about ourselves.
Yes, there are people who by no fault of their own may have to work harder to get ahead. But it isn't white privilege that cause most of those faults. white privilege doesn't make a daddy leave his family. White privilege doesn't make a kid a drug dealer.
Terms like "white privilege" are just bumper sticker dogma.

The fact remains, we should be better than "every man for himself".
Got your head in the sand again eh Mac....

We should be better than every man for himself you say.

Well we are the most charitable nation on the planet not to mention all the free shit we give away to "help" the underprivileged.

Your statement & the facts do not match.

PS. Did you tutor a poor black child this week? No? Then stuff the bs
You believe we're doing enough.

And yet economic divisions are only increasing.

Your statement & the facts do not match.

I guess the question is what are you doing? What is BLM doing about the following chart? What is the NAACP doing? What is Antifa doing? Nothing whitey does can change this, it take the black man to man up to his responsibilities.

And if we are not doing enough, then explain Obama.

Nothing of value is accomplished until both ends of this argument look in the mirror and be honest.

I don't see that happening any time soon. All I see is denial and finger-pointing.
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, they were not black, that I saw worked in the galley.

I looked in the mirror and I can not see what I can do about black drug use. I can't see what I can do to force black to better educate themselves. I looked and can't see how I can make a black father stay with his family. Lots of my, and your, taxes go to help 13 percent of the population, and it really looks like they don't appreciate it or know what to do with the help.
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, not black, that I saw worked in the galley.
I'm communicating in "code" now?

And no one told me?

Dang, I thought I was just pointing out the obvious.
The job of Government is to help those who need help
No, the government's role is not to act as a giant welfare office for losers who are too lazy to work.

The most sensible way for anyone to get ahead is to get an education and acquire some skills then (wait for it...) go out and get a fucking job.
We the People will decide their role
You don't really mean that "we the people" are we Americans. What you mean is "we the people" who are like thinking. You do not care what conservatives think you wouldn't support the majority if they voted to stop all welfare. So don't act like you do care, you only care about what you think.
The job of Government is to help those who need help
No, the government's role is not to act as a giant welfare office for losers who are too lazy to work.

The most sensible way for anyone to get ahead is to get an education and acquire some skills then (wait for it...) go out and get a fucking job.
We the People will decide their role
Well, good luck turning the governent into a welfare office. Working people are sick of seeing the taxes they pay wasted on losers who NEVER do a fucking thing to help themselves. Seeing generation after generation living on the dole is sickening. And continually shitting out babies they cannot afford should not be a free pass to a Welfare Check Forever.
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, not black, that I saw worked in the galley.
I'm communicating in "code" now?

And no one told me?

Dang, I thought I was just pointing out the obvious.
You did and I articulated it for you. As usual you talk in dream land. All people have to do is look in the mirror. WTF does that even mean? It is code just like I said.

OK, even though you are devoid of actual answers I did look into the mirror. By gosh what I saw was I was at fault for black men abandoning their families. It is all my fault. Now I need your sage advice in what the f..k you want me to do about it.
The point of the video is that many kids are behind through absolutely no fault of their own.

It doesn't mean that those who are ahead of them did something wrong.

It just means that, if we're decent people, we'll think about that and a bit less about ourselves.

For most there it will be their the next generation. For how many of those "behind" will leave their own kids equally behind? AGain, this is how generational poverty and victimization works.
Like I said, it is better to show reality - that abandoning your kids and all around being shitty parents indeed hurts your children. And putting the emphasis on that...not that we should feel sorry for the kids...rather admonish their parents instead of glorifying their selfish amorality.
If the parents were willing to do this to their kids in the first place, allowing the kids to continue to suffer won't change their parents' minds.

We're better than just letting the kids, who did nothing to deserve their fate, just continue to suffer. At least I think we are, maybe I'm wrong about us.

Then we need to teach them that the choices their parents made are what puts them at a disadvantage, not that the choices of other people's parents robbed them of opportunities. The cycle needs to stop.

All those people up front need to be made aware that their parents put them there and they should be eternally grateful.
Does it put you ahead in life? Because you spend a weird amount of time pretending that headstarts don't exist or they aren't beneficial. Yet here you are saying it's a "head start". Just to be clear a head start is an "advantage" correct?

To start where one should be isn't a head start ... :thup:
To make excuses for those who haven't effectively made it to the starting line ... Is a cop-out.

I found it disgusting that in the OP video, it was assumed that the blacks would 'smoke' the whites. Isn't that racist?

He did say "some of those black dudes would smoke them" but I undersrand you're focused on the important snowflaking

How is it 'snowflaking' to point out obvious liberal racism? Oh yeah because I said it..... and you seem to have your panties in a wad.

It's snowflaking because no one assumed the blacks would smoke the whites like youreading crying about. They actually said some of the blacks guys would probably smoke them.

Here, I'll say this so you can stop crying "Not one black guy could've ever won" there baby. You ok now?

If Trump said it libbies would be wetting themselves. Seems you can’t understand that.
I found it disgusting that in the OP video, it was assumed that the blacks would 'smoke' the whites. Isn't that racist?

He did say "some of those black dudes would smoke them" but I undersrand you're focused on the important snowflaking

How is it 'snowflaking' to point out obvious liberal racism? Oh yeah because I said it..... and you seem to have your panties in a wad.

It's snowflaking because no one assumed the blacks would smoke the whites like youreading crying about. They actually said some of the blacks guys would probably smoke them.

Here, I'll say this so you can stop crying "Not one black guy could've ever won" there baby. You ok now?

If Trump said it libbies would be wetting themselves. Seems you can’t understand that.

Yes, and those people would be as guilty of being idiots a's you are being right now.
The point of the video is that many kids are behind through absolutely no fault of their own.

It doesn't mean that those who are ahead of them did something wrong.

It just means that, if we're decent people, we'll think about that and a bit less about ourselves.

Why? We can't change the mistakes they or their parents made.
There's nothing wrong with thinking about things that make us uncomfortable or challenge us.

We can tell them they're on their own, or we can at least acknowledge the obvious.

Why? We can't change the past.
It doesn't mean that those who are ahead of them did something wrong.

It just means that, if we're decent people, we'll think about that and a bit less about ourselves.
Yes, there are people who by no fault of their own may have to work harder to get ahead. But it isn't white privilege that cause most of those faults. white privilege doesn't make a daddy leave his family. White privilege doesn't make a kid a drug dealer.
Terms like "white privilege" are just bumper sticker dogma.

The fact remains, we should be better than "every man for himself".
Got your head in the sand again eh Mac....

We should be better than every man for himself you say.

Well we are the most charitable nation on the planet not to mention all the free shit we give away to "help" the underprivileged.

Your statement & the facts do not match.

PS. Did you tutor a poor black child this week? No? Then stuff the bs[/QUOTE]
You believe we're doing enough.

And yet economic divisions are only increasing.

Your statement & the facts do not match.
What is BLM doing about this statistic? Or the NAACP? Or AN
The point of the video is that many kids are behind through absolutely no fault of their own.

It doesn't mean that those who are ahead of them did something wrong.

It just means that, if we're decent people, we'll think about that and a bit less about ourselves.
Yes, there are people who by no fault of their own may have to work harder to get ahead. But it isn't white privilege that cause most of those faults. white privilege doesn't make a daddy leave his family. White privilege doesn't make a kid a drug dealer.
Terms like "white privilege" are just bumper sticker dogma.

The fact remains, we should be better than "every man for himself".
Got your head in the sand again eh Mac....

We should be better than every man for himself you say.

Well we are the most charitable nation on the planet not to mention all the free shit we give away to "help" the underprivileged.

Your statement & the facts do not match.

PS. Did you tutor a poor black child this week? No? Then stuff the bs
You believe we're doing enough.

And yet economic divisions are only increasing.

Your statement & the facts do not match.

I guess the question is what are you doing? What is BLM doing about the following chart? What is the NAACP doing? What is Antifa doing? Nothing whitey does can change this, it take the black man to man up to his responsibilities.

And if we are not doing enough, then explain Obama.

Nothing of value is accomplished until both ends of this argument look in the mirror and be honest.

I don't see that happening any time soon. All I see is denial and finger-pointing.
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, they were not black, that I saw worked in the galley.

I looked in the mirror and I can not see what I can do about black drug use. I can't see what I can do to force black to better educate themselves. I looked and can't see how I can make a black father stay with his family. Lots of my, and your, taxes go to help 13 percent of the population, and it really looks like they don't appreciate it or know what to do with the help.[/QUOTE]

I was an ET in the Nuclear power program. In ET "A" school, there was one black student, and he was not a a nuke. He was my roommate in the barracks. I went to school in the morning. He went at night. We rarely saw each other.
It doesn't mean that those who are ahead of them did something wrong.

It just means that, if we're decent people, we'll think about that and a bit less about ourselves.
Yes, there are people who by no fault of their own may have to work harder to get ahead. But it isn't white privilege that cause most of those faults. white privilege doesn't make a daddy leave his family. White privilege doesn't make a kid a drug dealer.
Terms like "white privilege" are just bumper sticker dogma.

The fact remains, we should be better than "every man for himself".
Got your head in the sand again eh Mac....

We should be better than every man for himself you say.

Well we are the most charitable nation on the planet not to mention all the free shit we give away to "help" the underprivileged.

Your statement & the facts do not match.

PS. Did you tutor a poor black child this week? No? Then stuff the bs
You believe we're doing enough.

And yet economic divisions are only increasing.

Your statement & the facts do not match.
What is BLM doing about this statistic? Or the NAACP? Or AN
The point of the video is that many kids are behind through absolutely no fault of their own.

It doesn't mean that those who are ahead of them did something wrong.

It just means that, if we're decent people, we'll think about that and a bit less about ourselves.
Yes, there are people who by no fault of their own may have to work harder to get ahead. But it isn't white privilege that cause most of those faults. white privilege doesn't make a daddy leave his family. White privilege doesn't make a kid a drug dealer.
Terms like "white privilege" are just bumper sticker dogma.

The fact remains, we should be better than "every man for himself".
Got your head in the sand again eh Mac....

We should be better than every man for himself you say.

Well we are the most charitable nation on the planet not to mention all the free shit we give away to "help" the underprivileged.

Your statement & the facts do not match.

PS. Did you tutor a poor black child this week? No? Then stuff the bs
You believe we're doing enough.

And yet economic divisions are only increasing.

Your statement & the facts do not match.

I guess the question is what are you doing? What is BLM doing about the following chart? What is the NAACP doing? What is Antifa doing? Nothing whitey does can change this, it take the black man to man up to his responsibilities.

And if we are not doing enough, then explain Obama.

Nothing of value is accomplished until both ends of this argument look in the mirror and be honest.

I don't see that happening any time soon. All I see is denial and finger-pointing.
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, they were not black, that I saw worked in the galley.

I looked in the mirror and I can not see what I can do about black drug use. I can't see what I can do to force black to better educate themselves. I looked and can't see how I can make a black father stay with his family. Lots of my, and your, taxes go to help 13 percent of the population, and it really looks like they don't appreciate it or know what to do with the help.[/QUOTE]

I was an ET in the Nuclear power program. In ET "A" school, there was one black student, and he was not a a nuke. He was my roommate in the barracks. I went to school in the morning. He went at night. We rarely saw each other.[/QUOTE]
I think my point of bring it up was that going to the Navy then going to the hardest of programs they offer was my way of getting out, working my ass off. Neither of my brothers who didn't do as I did have faired nearly as well as I have, and they are just as smart. I was made fun of for joining for 6 years but I knew when I left I was going to see the world, get an education and avoid the Vietnam war.
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, not black, that I saw worked in the galley.
I'm communicating in "code" now?

And no one told me?

Dang, I thought I was just pointing out the obvious.
You did and I articulated it for you. As usual you talk in dream land. All people have to do is look in the mirror. WTF does that even mean? It is code just like I said.

OK, even though you are devoid of actual answers I did look into the mirror. By gosh what I saw was I was at fault for black men abandoning their families. It is all my fault. Now I need your sage advice in what the f..k you want me to do about it.
It just ain't that tough. Admit that racism still exists. Admit that there is denial that racism still exists. Admit that a few cops have done indefensible things. Admit that it's not a black kid's fault if they're brought up in terrible conditions. Just admit that the other "side", for all its faults, has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, after you've done that, ask the person from the other "side" to do the same thing. Ask them to admit that they have enabled some of Black America's worst behaviors by spinning and deflecting for them. Ask them to admit that the Soft Bigotry of Reduced Expectations is real and destructive. Ask them to admit that, for all your faults, your "side" has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, if you get that far, have a normal conversation with them and look for common ground. Give a little. Go from there.

It really is a shame that I have to say any of this. This is just standard communication between reasonable adults. If we've lost the capacity to just communicate like reasonable adults., then it's over. And it would only be over because we were lazy and childish and narcissistic.

That's not dream land. That's adulthood. Too bad the two are now easily confused.
I found it disgusting that in the OP video, it was assumed that the blacks would 'smoke' the whites. Isn't that racist?

He did say "some of those black dudes would smoke them" but I undersrand you're focused on the important snowflaking

How is it 'snowflaking' to point out obvious liberal racism? Oh yeah because I said it..... and you seem to have your panties in a wad.

It's snowflaking because no one assumed the blacks would smoke the whites like youreading crying about. They actually said some of the blacks guys would probably smoke them.

Here, I'll say this so you can stop crying "Not one black guy could've ever won" there baby. You ok now?

If Trump said it libbies would be wetting themselves. Seems you can’t understand that.

Yes, and those people would be as guilty of being idiots a's you are being right now.

You are guilty of trolling.
Last edited:
The job of Government is to help those who need help
No, the government's role is not to act as a giant welfare office for losers who are too lazy to work.

The most sensible way for anyone to get ahead is to get an education and acquire some skills then (wait for it...) go out and get a fucking job.
We the People will decide their role
You don't really mean that "we the people" are we Americans. What you mean is "we the people" who are like thinking. You do not care what conservatives think you wouldn't support the majority if they voted to stop all welfare. So don't act like you do care, you only care about what you think.
I withstood the election of Trump. Didn't like it but he is my President. As an American, I can freely critique what he does and doesn't do and work to get someone better next time
The balance of the country swings from left to right and back
My time will come
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, not black, that I saw worked in the galley.
I'm communicating in "code" now?

And no one told me?

Dang, I thought I was just pointing out the obvious.
You did and I articulated it for you. As usual you talk in dream land. All people have to do is look in the mirror. WTF does that even mean? It is code just like I said.

OK, even though you are devoid of actual answers I did look into the mirror. By gosh what I saw was I was at fault for black men abandoning their families. It is all my fault. Now I need your sage advice in what the f..k you want me to do about it.
It just ain't that tough. Admit that racism still exists. Admit that there is denial that racism still exists. Admit that a few cops have done indefensible things. Admit that it's not a black kid's fault if they're brought up in terrible conditions. Just admit that the other "side", for all its faults, has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, after you've done that, ask the person from the other "side" to do the same thing. Ask them to admit that they have enabled some of Black America's worst behaviors by spinning and deflecting for them. Ask them to admit that the Soft Bigotry of Reduced Expectations is real and destructive. Ask them to admit that, for all your faults, your "side" has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, if you get that far, have a normal conversation with them and look for common ground. Give a little. Go from there.

It really is a shame that I have to say any of this. This is just standard communication between reasonable adults. If we've lost the capacity to just communicate like reasonable adults., then it's over. And it would only be over because we were lazy and childish and narcissistic.

That's not dream land. That's adulthood. Too bad the two are now easily confused.
This is so typical. Is there racism, yes. Is racism holding back people of any color, not as much as claimed as witnessed by Michelle Obama.

You act as if people are going out of their way to put down blacks. YES, some are, a some, always will be. Just like there are blacks that put down whites and want them killed. Those are the outliers the nation shouldn't be judged by those people.

Is it easy starting from the slums, hell no but there are more whites starting there then there are blacks. (numbers not percent)

You talk as if it were 1950, there are protections for those of color. Maybe there will always be racism, maybe, but the effects of that racism is more "feelings" then actual consequences.

Should a running back in the NFL be hobbled so that that a white man can compete with the black man's speed?

What is frustrating and infuriating is we have done what you speak of. We have programs on programs to HELP those in poverty out of poverty. But we CAN'T make people stay with their families. We can't make the black man assume responsibility for those they sire.

The TV over represents blacks in accordance with their percentage of the population, is that racism? In both new shows and ads one would think that America is 75 percent black. The NFL with stadiums full of white people watching blacks play a game, is that racism?

Where is the protest from Jews? There sure is a lot of people in this country that hates Jews, including many blacks. How about the Italians, they overcame. Along with the Irish and Asians.

When I see YOU, BLM, the NAACP and others effectively do something about one parent households then I will think you serious about trying to help the black family. And it would also help a whole lot of white families.

But this tried asses BS of blaming everyone else because the black community can't get it shit together is getting really, really old.

You telling me, who worked myself out of a lower middle class all on my own, that I somehow have to give what I earned all on my own to someone else to make it better for them and worse for me, just ain't gonna cut it. Especially coming from a financial advisor.

When you first saw the video, what did you think of the race? You saw athletic looking blacks up against pudgy white and young white girls. What did you immediately think? Be honest, you thought there is no way a white person would win the race. I bet money you did. Thus immediately you used racism and profiling to make a judgement. You are doing what we see in society, saying that because of racism, by a few, whites are actually inferior to blacks and without special help whites would never win the race.

That kinda of racism is going to make me dislike blacks so much more then anything a white supremacist might say or do.
Last edited:
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, not black, that I saw worked in the galley.
I'm communicating in "code" now?

And no one told me?

Dang, I thought I was just pointing out the obvious.
You did and I articulated it for you. As usual you talk in dream land. All people have to do is look in the mirror. WTF does that even mean? It is code just like I said.

OK, even though you are devoid of actual answers I did look into the mirror. By gosh what I saw was I was at fault for black men abandoning their families. It is all my fault. Now I need your sage advice in what the f..k you want me to do about it.
It just ain't that tough. Admit that racism still exists. Admit that there is denial that racism still exists. Admit that a few cops have done indefensible things. Admit that it's not a black kid's fault if they're brought up in terrible conditions. Just admit that the other "side", for all its faults, has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, after you've done that, ask the person from the other "side" to do the same thing. Ask them to admit that they have enabled some of Black America's worst behaviors by spinning and deflecting for them. Ask them to admit that the Soft Bigotry of Reduced Expectations is real and destructive. Ask them to admit that, for all your faults, your "side" has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, if you get that far, have a normal conversation with them and look for common ground. Give a little. Go from there.

It really is a shame that I have to say any of this. This is just standard communication between reasonable adults. If we've lost the capacity to just communicate like reasonable adults., then it's over. And it would only be over because we were lazy and childish and narcissistic.

That's not dream land. That's adulthood. Too bad the two are now easily confused.
This is so typical. Is there racism, yes. Is racism holding back people of any color, not as much as claimed as witnessed by Michelle Obama.

You act as if people are going out of their way to put down blacks. YES, some are, always will be. Just like there are blacks that put down whites and want them killed. Those are the outliers the nation shouldn't be judged by those people.

Is it easy starting from the slums, hell no but there are more whites starting there then there are blacks. (numbers not percent)

You talk as if it were 1950, there are protections for those of color. Maybe there will always be racism, maybe, but the effects of that racism is more "feelings" then actual consequences.

Should a running back in the NFL be hobbled so that that a white man can compete with the black man's speed?

What is frustrating and infuriating is we have done what you speak of. We have programs on programs to HELP those in poverty out of poverty. But we CAN'T make people stay with their families. We can't make the black man assume responsibility for those they sire.

The TV over represents blacks in accordance with their percentage of the population, is that racism? In both new shows and ads one would think that America is 75 percent black. The NFL with stadiums full of white people watching blacks play a game, is that racism?

Where is the protest from Jews? There sure is a lot of people in this country that hates Jews, including many blacks. How about the Italians, they overcame. Along with the Irish and Asians.

When I see YOU, BLM, the NAACP and others effectively do something about one parent households then I will think you serious about trying to help the black family. And it would also help a whole lot of white families.

But this tried asses BS of blaming everyone else because the black community can't get it shit together is getting really, really old.

You telling me, who worked myself out of a lower middle class all on my own, that I somehow have to give what I earned all on my own to someone else to make it better for them and worse for me, just ain't gonna cut it. Especially coming from a financial advisor.

When you first saw the video, what did you think of the race? You saw athletic looking blacks up against pudgy white and young white girls. What did you immediately think? Be honest, you thought there is no way a white person would win the race. I bet money you did. Thus immediately you used racism and profiling to make a judgement. You are doing what we see in society, saying that because of racism, by a few, whites are actually inferior to blacks and without special help whites would never win the race.

That kinda of racism is going to make me dislike blacks so much more then anything a white supremacist might say or do.
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, not black, that I saw worked in the galley.
I'm communicating in "code" now?

And no one told me?

Dang, I thought I was just pointing out the obvious.
You did and I articulated it for you. As usual you talk in dream land. All people have to do is look in the mirror. WTF does that even mean? It is code just like I said.

OK, even though you are devoid of actual answers I did look into the mirror. By gosh what I saw was I was at fault for black men abandoning their families. It is all my fault. Now I need your sage advice in what the f..k you want me to do about it.
It just ain't that tough. Admit that racism still exists. Admit that there is denial that racism still exists. Admit that a few cops have done indefensible things. Admit that it's not a black kid's fault if they're brought up in terrible conditions. Just admit that the other "side", for all its faults, has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, after you've done that, ask the person from the other "side" to do the same thing. Ask them to admit that they have enabled some of Black America's worst behaviors by spinning and deflecting for them. Ask them to admit that the Soft Bigotry of Reduced Expectations is real and destructive. Ask them to admit that, for all your faults, your "side" has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, if you get that far, have a normal conversation with them and look for common ground. Give a little. Go from there.

It really is a shame that I have to say any of this. This is just standard communication between reasonable adults. If we've lost the capacity to just communicate like reasonable adults., then it's over. And it would only be over because we were lazy and childish and narcissistic.

That's not dream land. That's adulthood. Too bad the two are now easily confused.
This is so typical. Is there racism, yes. Is racism holding back people of any color, no as much as claimed as witnessed by Michelle Obama.

You act as if people are going out of their way to put down blacks. YES, some are, a some, always will be. Just like there are blacks that put down whites and want them killed. Those are the outliers the nation shouldn't be judged by those people.

Is it easy starting from the slums, hell no but there are more whites starting there then there are blacks. (numbers not percent)

You talk as if it were 1950, there are protections for those of color. Maybe there will always be racism, maybe, but the effects of that racism is more "feelings" then actual consequences.

Should a running back in the NFL be hobbled so that that a white man can compete with the black man's speed?

What is frustrating and infuriating is we have done what you speak of. We have programs on programs to HELP those in poverty out of poverty. But we CAN'T make people stay with their families. We can't make the black man assume responsibility for those they sire.

The TV over represents blacks in accordance with their percentage of the population, is that racism? In both new shows and ads one would think that America is 75 percent black. The NFL with stadiums full of white people watching blacks play a game, is that racism?

Where is the protest from Jews? There sure is a lot of people in this country that hates Jews, including many blacks. How about the Italians, they overcame. Along with the Irish and Asians.

When I see YOU, BLM, the NAACP and others effectively do something about one parent households then I will think you serious about trying to help the black family. And it would also help a whole lot of white families.

But this tried asses BS of blaming everyone else because the black community can't get it shit together is getting really, really old.

You telling me, who worked myself out of a lower middle class all on my own, that I somehow have to give what I earned all on my own to someone else to make it better for them and worse for me, just ain't gonna cut it. Especially coming from a financial advisor.

When you first saw the video, what did you think of the race? You saw athletic looking blacks up against pudgy white and young white girls. What did you immediately think? Be honest, you thought there is no way a white person would win the race. I bet money you did. Thus immediately you used racism and profiling to make a judgement. You are doing what we see in society, saying that because of racism, by a few, whites are actually inferior to blacks and without special help whites would never win the race.

That kinda of racism is going to make me dislike blacks so much more then anything a white supremacist might say or do.
I wonder why you only seem to have "seen" the part of my post that bothered you, and not the entire second paragraph.

I take back my post. Don't do anything. Just stay in your comfy ideological foxhole, lobbing grenades. That's working out great.

Hopefully, at some point, enough people who realize that this will require humility and honest communication will have more influence.

Don't bother.
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It just ain't that tough. Admit that racism still exists. Admit that there is denial that racism still exists. Admit that a few cops have done indefensible things. Admit that it's not a black kid's fault if they're brought up in terrible conditions. Just admit that the other "side", for all its faults, has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, after you've done that, ask the person from the other "side" to do the same thing. Ask them to admit that they have enabled some of Black America's worst behaviors by spinning and deflecting for them. Ask them to admit that the Soft Bigotry of Reduced Expectations is real and destructive. Ask them to admit that, for all your faults, your "side" has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, if you get that far, have a normal conversation with them and look for common ground. Give a little. Go from there.

It really is a shame that I have to say any of this. This is just standard communication between reasonable adults. If we've lost the capacity to just communicate like reasonable adults., then it's over. And it would only be over because we were lazy and childish and narcissistic.

That's not dream land. That's adulthood. Too bad the two are now easily confused.

It just ain't that tough. Admit that racism still exists...
I admit racism exist. Now, can you admit that racism is way-way less than it used to be?
And admit that the result of racism on blacks socio-economic status is extremely better than it use to be?

Admit that a few cops have done indefensible things.
I admit a few cops have done indefensible things.
Now - can you admit that a few cops have done indefensible things?

Admit that it's not a black kid's fault if they're brought up in terrible conditions.
It isn't that simple. You want it to be, but it isn't.
If that kid grows up and does the same thing to his kid, then it is his fault. It is FAR MORE important to identify and discuss WHY this kid is in terrible conditions than to simply make programs to try and make it better. That does not solve the problem. In fact, it enables it. Can you admit that?

Just admit that the other "side", for all its faults, has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.
No they do not. That's is the crux of the issue. It is indefensible for a grown ass man to father as many as 6 kids by 3-4 different women and have nothing to do with any of them. It is indefensible to have a culture that both glorifies and idolizes amorality and criminals. It is indefensible to have a culture that sees women as consistently portray women as "pleasure machines" to stick a cock in..."hoes and bitches".
It is indefensible to spend ones time finding ways to get other people's money and do nothing for it - and then be proud of it...while blaming that behavior on those you are taking the money from! It is indefensible to accept $10's thousands of dollars in education grants and having zero intent to graduate, but instead figure you got a few years of party life and feel good about doing it. And blame the people who gave it to you.

As for the rest of your questions/statements....I just did.

I do not, at all, believe that the ills of the black race are caused by their race. That the small genetic differences is why they are what they are. It has been proven over and over that when blacks and whites grow up in similar situations - the success and failure rates - are identical. Whites will engage in all of the same self destructive behaviors as blacks. 100%. We are not different in that sense.
What IS different, is that white people will call out "their own".

Now will you also admit....that a very significant cause of black blight, particularly urban blacks, is from past liberal social programs? And that the last thing blacks need is a return of those same policies?
Code for white man is at fault, we all know it, it is time whitey realizes it and allows blacks to leap frog them in every conceivable area.

When I started in the Navy I enrolled in the Nuclear power program. There were whites and a few blacks. I saw nothing that was holding back the blacks. Not in the military where everything is regimented. But not one black finished, that I saw. 4 years on a submarine and the only minority, not black, that I saw worked in the galley.
I'm communicating in "code" now?

And no one told me?

Dang, I thought I was just pointing out the obvious.
You did and I articulated it for you. As usual you talk in dream land. All people have to do is look in the mirror. WTF does that even mean? It is code just like I said.

OK, even though you are devoid of actual answers I did look into the mirror. By gosh what I saw was I was at fault for black men abandoning their families. It is all my fault. Now I need your sage advice in what the f..k you want me to do about it.
It just ain't that tough. Admit that racism still exists. Admit that there is denial that racism still exists. Admit that a few cops have done indefensible things. Admit that it's not a black kid's fault if they're brought up in terrible conditions. Just admit that the other "side", for all its faults, has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, after you've done that, ask the person from the other "side" to do the same thing. Ask them to admit that they have enabled some of Black America's worst behaviors by spinning and deflecting for them. Ask them to admit that the Soft Bigotry of Reduced Expectations is real and destructive. Ask them to admit that, for all your faults, your "side" has some perfectly reasonable and defensible positions.

Then, if you get that far, have a normal conversation with them and look for common ground. Give a little. Go from there.

It really is a shame that I have to say any of this. This is just standard communication between reasonable adults. If we've lost the capacity to just communicate like reasonable adults., then it's over. And it would only be over because we were lazy and childish and narcissistic.

That's not dream land. That's adulthood. Too bad the two are now easily confused.
This is so typical. Is there racism, yes. Is racism holding back people of any color, no as much as claimed as witnessed by Michelle Obama.

You act as if people are going out of their way to put down blacks. YES, some are, a some, always will be. Just like there are blacks that put down whites and want them killed. Those are the outliers the nation shouldn't be judged by those people.

Is it easy starting from the slums, hell no but there are more whites starting there then there are blacks. (numbers not percent)

You talk as if it were 1950, there are protections for those of color. Maybe there will always be racism, maybe, but the effects of that racism is more "feelings" then actual consequences.

Should a running back in the NFL be hobbled so that that a white man can compete with the black man's speed?

What is frustrating and infuriating is we have done what you speak of. We have programs on programs to HELP those in poverty out of poverty. But we CAN'T make people stay with their families. We can't make the black man assume responsibility for those they sire.

The TV over represents blacks in accordance with their percentage of the population, is that racism? In both new shows and ads one would think that America is 75 percent black. The NFL with stadiums full of white people watching blacks play a game, is that racism?

Where is the protest from Jews? There sure is a lot of people in this country that hates Jews, including many blacks. How about the Italians, they overcame. Along with the Irish and Asians.

When I see YOU, BLM, the NAACP and others effectively do something about one parent households then I will think you serious about trying to help the black family. And it would also help a whole lot of white families.

But this tried asses BS of blaming everyone else because the black community can't get it shit together is getting really, really old.

You telling me, who worked myself out of a lower middle class all on my own, that I somehow have to give what I earned all on my own to someone else to make it better for them and worse for me, just ain't gonna cut it. Especially coming from a financial advisor.

When you first saw the video, what did you think of the race? You saw athletic looking blacks up against pudgy white and young white girls. What did you immediately think? Be honest, you thought there is no way a white person would win the race. I bet money you did. Thus immediately you used racism and profiling to make a judgement. You are doing what we see in society, saying that because of racism, by a few, whites are actually inferior to blacks and without special help whites would never win the race.

That kinda of racism is going to make me dislike blacks so much more then anything a white supremacist might say or do.
I wonder why you only seem to have "seen" the part of my post that bothered you, and not the entire second paragraph.

I take back my post. Don't do anything. Just stay in your comfy ideological foxhole, lobbing grenades. That's working out great.

Hopefully, at some point, enough people who realize that this will require humility and honest communication will have more influence.

Don't bother.
Ok, I will admit it, it is all my fault, where do I send the check?

Let me give you an example you might understand.

I come into your office with 10,000 dollars to invest. If you don't laugh me out because it is too little, you ask how I want it invested, aggressive or conservative. You do that so you take no responsibility if the wrong choice is made. So you invest the money, taking your share. Then another person comes in with 10 million and you asked and do exactly the same thing as you did for me. At what time can I expect I will catch up with the other investor?

So I look at the two of us and see that his investments have grown much bigger then mine. Not faster just bigger. So I come to see you mac and ask you why. The only answer I have is because I started out at an unfair position. It isn't fair that the other investor has more money then I. I want equality. So what happens?

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