Virginia Yard Signs: ‘Keep Parents Out Of Classrooms — Vote McAuliffe’

Yeah, I knew it was a false flag sign as soon as I clicked the link in the OP.

What's really scary, though, is that McAuliffe actually said precisely that.

Some parents do get in the way of education. The weird ones who don't want their children being taught sex ed. There is a place for those parents in the minority view point and it's called private school or home schooling. They are interruptive to the educational process.

Of course parents should be involved and I'm sure McAuliffe would agree but only to an extent. Sometimes parents should yank their kids from school and go find that alternative education that only they are seeking and stop wasting everyone else's time.

And Biden's DOJ is trying to keep parents out of school board meetings too.
Just the violence and threats made by some parents. Big difference and you probably know this.

They want unhindered ability to indoctrinate our youth in their re-education camps so they can raise a whole generation of woke anti-American Socialists. And I am not exaggerating one bit.


No that's just the conspiracies in your head that have been fed by your own indoctrinating wingnut news sources. You don't like it? Get the fuck out and take your kids into private school or perhaps homeschool them yourself. Normals don't got the time or patience to worry about your specific and very special needs.
I have 2 daughters, one votes Republican, one voted Democrat.

But Mc running on the platform of keeping parents out of school would have BOTH of them voting against him.

These freaks and deviants will do a lot of damage before they alienate enough voters to reverse and toss out the garbages and the sociopaths at all levels of or courts, school systems, and bureaucracies.
The 93% figure came right out of “A Millionaire Next Door.”

As far as inheriting a house in 1980, why would you assume blacks didn’t inherit a house. In my childhood neighborhood in the 60s and 70s, we had black people there. Some were working class, but most had college degrees. Their kids inherited the house also,

But why go back only to 1980? How do you explain all those impoverished Jews who arrived in the early part of the 20th century, and yet 25 years later - with no inheritance or financial help - their kids are all middle class young adults, and then another 25 years after that, they are downright affluent? THEY had no “inherited wealth” yet somehow went from poverty to affluence in a single generation.

This lie about inherited wealth is to make an excuse - racism of course - as to why blacks are doing worse than whites, on average. it doesn’t explain, though, why blacks have gone backwards since the 1960s.

Hint: 1) out-of-wedlock birthrate, and 2) LBJ’s Great Society, that encouraged #1.

Your assumption that all Jewish people are middle class is utterly false. I know quite a few working class Jews.
But your assumptions that inner city black people are intellectually inferior to whites is what made me dismiss you as an racist idiot, as did you comments that all Democrats are liars.
The 93% figure came right out of “A Millionaire Next Door.”

As far as inheriting a house in 1980, why would you assume blacks didn’t inherit a house. In my childhood neighborhood in the 60s and 70s, we had black people there. Some were working class, but most had college degrees. Their kids inherited the house also,

But why go back only to 1980? How do you explain all those impoverished Jews who arrived in the early part of the 20th century, and yet 25 years later - with no inheritance or financial help - their kids are all middle class young adults, and then another 25 years after that, they are downright affluent? THEY had no “inherited wealth” yet somehow went from poverty to affluence in a single generation.

This lie about inherited wealth is to make an excuse - racism of course - as to why blacks are doing worse than whites, on average. it doesn’t explain, though, why blacks have gone backwards since the 1960s.

Hint: 1) out-of-wedlock birthrate, and 2) LBJ’s Great Society, that encouraged #1.

Because in 1980 a racist, white supremacist Republican government was elected by Ronald Reagan cobbling together a disparate group of voters with an an to grind against Democrats. The Southern Dixiecrats - bringing the racism of the KKK and other white supremacists with them, socially conservative white evangelicals who opposed the ERA, abortion, and rights for gays or women, The Moral Majority, under the leadership of Jerry Fallwell Sr. pledged alliegance to Republicans in return for promises to overturn Roe v. Wade, and fight against gay rights.

Your whole "rural versus urban" divide is played out in right wing politics everywhere. We have it here too, but what our divide doesn't have is the sneering racist undertone to attacks on "urbans". In the USA "urban" is a dog whistle word for "black".

The areas which Donald Trump demanded be recounted, and the votes "thrown out" were all "urban" minority precincts - Atlanta, Detroit, and Phoenix.
Some parents do get in the way of education. The weird ones who don't want their children being taught sex ed. There is a place for those parents in the minority view point and it's called private school or home schooling. They are interruptive to the educational process.

Of course parents should be involved and I'm sure McAuliffe would agree but only to an extent. Sometimes parents should yank their kids from school and go find that alternative education that only they are seeking and stop wasting everyone else's time.

Just the violence and threats made by some parents. Big difference and you probably know this.

No that's just the conspiracies in your head that have been fed by your own indoctrinating wingnut news sources. You don't like it? Get the fuck out and take your kids into private school or perhaps homeschool them yourself. Normals don't got the time or patience to worry about your specific and very special needs.

Leftists are not normals.
Leftists are not normals.

That's it?

In a thread where the OP has been shown to believe in lies because they fall for the same moronic "news" from there wingnut sources you come back with that? Take a week off, whatever but put some thought into it next time.
McAuliff must be pretty fucking stupid if he believes this is a winning strategy. Only NAZIs believe parents shouldn't have a say in what their children are taught. McAuliff believes children are the property of the state.
On Monday, the Gateway Pundit reported that yard signs are popping up across Virginia that read, “Keep parents out of classrooms,” followed by, “Vote McAuliffe” and “Keep Virginia Blue.”
According to Jim Hoft, the signs are being put up by supporters of Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who single-handedly changed the course of the gubernatorial campaign by saying parents should not be allowed to tell schools what to teach.
“I’m not gonna let parents come to schools and actually take books out and make their own decision,” McAuliffe said during a debate with his Republican opponent, Glenn Youngkin. “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
Right wing snowflakes triggered over a yard sign.

Many schools don’t want parents to see what funky ass shit they are “teaching” children so easiest way is to proffer bogus “No Parebts Zone”. Many of these asswipes are deluded in thinking the children are theirs.
Some parents do get in the way of education. The weird ones who don't want their children being taught sex ed. There is a place for those parents in the minority view point and it's called private school or home schooling. They are interruptive to the educational process.
Apparently these days "sex ed" doesn't mean what goes where in normal reproductive work, but teaching kids to be homosexuals and trannies.

I would agree: pull kids right the heck out of that!
Completely agree. Eyesores all of them.
Why against the law? You like to order everyone around, huh? No American flags, no Slovenian flags, nothing even though it's absolutely none of your business?

I would guess youse guys don't like yard signs because they alllllllllllllll say TRUMP!

Nobody puts up yard signs for your worthless leftwing candidates.

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