Vladimir Putin justified Hitler’s invasion of Poland … starting WWII. The whole world must denounce this.

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Here is an excerpt of an article by an independent South African newspaper publisher criticizing his own government’s support to Vladimir Putin. It deals with one terrible and truly insane aspect of the mad “history lesson” Putin recently gave to our own rightwing “infotainer” Tucker Carlson. I reproduce a short part of it here hoping it will help some of our own Putin apologists to calmly reconsider where their infatuation with strongman authoritarian “Putinism” is actually leading them.


Our government’s great friend Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is no ordinary politician.

He is a product — and seemingly still a prisoner — of the Cold War. In his Soviet years, history was something to reimagine and rewrite according to the current needs and ideologies.

So when he referred to the events of September 1939, with [Tucker] Carlson sporting his trademark clueless face, he did not talk about the inconvenience of the Soviet Union invading the very same “stubborn” Poland from the east, just 16 days after Hitler’s forces did.

He did not say anything about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which aligned Stalin’s Soviet Union with Hitler’s Nazi Germany and was signed on 23 August 1939; it led to the occupation of Poland by both Germany and USSR …

He did not talk about the 22,000 Polish officers and intelligentsia prisoners of war murdered in the Katyn forest by the Soviet army [in April-May, 1940].

(Eventually, some 20-27 million Soviet people died in the war — including Putin’s elder brother — after Hitler attacked the USSR on 22 June 1941. Together with 6 million Poles and an estimated 6 million Jews across different countries, between 70 and 85 million people perished in those six years of madness.)

Today, Putin is happy to rewrite history, incomprehensibly accuse Ukraine and Poland of being heirs to Nazism, and invest billions into his state propaganda machinery to make his fiction permanent.

Two years after he attacked Ukraine, he can still count on South Africa as a steady and loyal ally. We’ve helped the Russians in every way possible, including causing possibly lasting damage to our international reputation within the circle of the world’s democracies.

Our government has been a friend where many a more circumspect country would have given up.

Putin justified Hitler’s invasion of Poland; South Africa must denounce him
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Here is an excerpt of an article by an independent South African newspaper publisher criticizing his own government’s support to Vladimir Putin. It deals with one terrible and truly insane aspect of the mad “history lesson” Putin recently gave to our own rightwing “infotainer” Tucker Carlson. I reproduce a short part of it here hoping it will help some of our own Putin apologists to calmly reconsider where their infatuation with strongman authoritarian “Putinism” is actually leading them.


Our government’s great friend Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is no ordinary politician.

He is a product — and seemingly still a prisoner — of the Cold War. In his Soviet years, history was something to reimagine and rewrite according to the current needs and ideologies.

So when he referred to the events of September 1939, with [Tucker] Carlson sporting his trademark clueless face, he did not talk about the inconvenience of the Soviet Union invading the very same “stubborn” Poland from the east, just 16 days after Hitler’s forces did.

He did not say anything about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which aligned Stalin’s Soviet Union with Hitler’s Nazi Germany and was signed on 23 August 1939; it led to the occupation of Poland by both Germany and USSR …

He did not talk about the 22,000 Polish officers and intelligentsia prisoners of war murdered in the Katyn forest by the Soviet army [in April-May, 1940].

(Eventually, some 20-27 million Soviet people died in the war — including Putin’s elder brother — after Hitler attacked the USSR on 22 June 1941. Together with 6 million Poles and an estimated 6 million Jews across different countries, between 70 and 85 million people perished in those six years of madness.)

Today, Putin is happy to rewrite history, incomprehensibly accuse Ukraine and Poland of being heirs to Nazism, and invest billions into his state propaganda machinery to make his fiction permanent.

Two years after he attacked Ukraine, he can still count on South Africa as a steady and loyal ally. We’ve helped the Russians in every way possible, including causing possibly lasting damage to our international reputation within the circle of the world’s democracies.

Our government has been a friend where many a more circumspect country would have given up.

Putin justified Hitler’s invasion of Poland; South Africa must denounce him
We have US Congressmen that cannot even denounce 10/7 even though some of the victims were innocent US citizens, and the UN is not much different.

Good luck.
Part of the problem here is, the former USSR was an "Ally" of the US during WW2.

So, even though Stalin invaded Poland with Hitler at the same time, thus just as guilty, and even though Stalin had more people murdered during WW2 than Hitler, the former USSR avoided all the bad press that the Nazi regime received

As a result, Nazism today is universally condemned with their ideology and political leanings made illegal in some countries, and rightly so. However, it is hip to be a Marxist around the world even though Marxism has murdered hundreds of millions more people in the world today than Nazism, not even close.

That is why you have idiots at Black Lives Matter say they are self-described Marxists, even though Marx was an ardent racist and despite the horrific history of Marxism in the world today.

In short, Putin is not the only one living on revisionist history, the entire US and Western world appears to be doing the same.
Here is an excerpt of an article by an independent South African newspaper publisher criticizing his own government’s support to Vladimir Putin. It deals with one terrible and truly insane aspect of the mad “history lesson” Putin recently gave to our own rightwing “infotainer” Tucker Carlson. I reproduce a short part of it here hoping it will help some of our own Putin apologists to calmly reconsider where their infatuation with strongman authoritarian “Putinism” is actually leading them.


Our government’s great friend Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is no ordinary politician.

He is a product — and seemingly still a prisoner — of the Cold War. In his Soviet years, history was something to reimagine and rewrite according to the current needs and ideologies.

So when he referred to the events of September 1939, with [Tucker] Carlson sporting his trademark clueless face, he did not talk about the inconvenience of the Soviet Union invading the very same “stubborn” Poland from the east, just 16 days after Hitler’s forces did.

He did not say anything about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which aligned Stalin’s Soviet Union with Hitler’s Nazi Germany and was signed on 23 August 1939; it led to the occupation of Poland by both Germany and USSR …

He did not talk about the 22,000 Polish officers and intelligentsia prisoners of war murdered in the Katyn forest by the Soviet army [in April-May, 1940].

(Eventually, some 20-27 million Soviet people died in the war — including Putin’s elder brother — after Hitler attacked the USSR on 22 June 1941. Together with 6 million Poles and an estimated 6 million Jews across different countries, between 70 and 85 million people perished in those six years of madness.)

Today, Putin is happy to rewrite history, incomprehensibly accuse Ukraine and Poland of being heirs to Nazism, and invest billions into his state propaganda machinery to make his fiction permanent.

Two years after he attacked Ukraine, he can still count on South Africa as a steady and loyal ally. We’ve helped the Russians in every way possible, including causing possibly lasting damage to our international reputation within the circle of the world’s democracies.

Our government has been a friend where many a more circumspect country would have given up.

Putin justified Hitler’s invasion of Poland; South Africa must denounce him
consider it denounced,,

now what does this have to do with today??
Here is an excerpt of an article by an independent South African newspaper publisher criticizing his own government’s support to Vladimir Putin. It deals with one terrible and truly insane aspect of the mad “history lesson” Putin recently gave to our own rightwing “infotainer” Tucker Carlson. I reproduce a short part of it here hoping it will help some of our own Putin apologists to calmly reconsider where their infatuation with strongman authoritarian “Putinism” is actually leading them.


Our government’s great friend Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is no ordinary politician.

He is a product — and seemingly still a prisoner — of the Cold War. In his Soviet years, history was something to reimagine and rewrite according to the current needs and ideologies.

So when he referred to the events of September 1939, with [Tucker] Carlson sporting his trademark clueless face, he did not talk about the inconvenience of the Soviet Union invading the very same “stubborn” Poland from the east, just 16 days after Hitler’s forces did.

He did not say anything about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which aligned Stalin’s Soviet Union with Hitler’s Nazi Germany and was signed on 23 August 1939; it led to the occupation of Poland by both Germany and USSR …

He did not talk about the 22,000 Polish officers and intelligentsia prisoners of war murdered in the Katyn forest by the Soviet army [in April-May, 1940].

(Eventually, some 20-27 million Soviet people died in the war — including Putin’s elder brother — after Hitler attacked the USSR on 22 June 1941. Together with 6 million Poles and an estimated 6 million Jews across different countries, between 70 and 85 million people perished in those six years of madness.)

Today, Putin is happy to rewrite history, incomprehensibly accuse Ukraine and Poland of being heirs to Nazism, and invest billions into his state propaganda machinery to make his fiction permanent.

Two years after he attacked Ukraine, he can still count on South Africa as a steady and loyal ally. We’ve helped the Russians in every way possible, including causing possibly lasting damage to our international reputation within the circle of the world’s democracies.

Our government has been a friend where many a more circumspect country would have given up.

Putin justified Hitler’s invasion of Poland; South Africa must denounce him
I didn't see anywhere in that article where Putin endorsed Hitlers invasion of Poland, i have said this before nothing would have stopped Hitler going into Poland the Soviets had wanted a anti German defence pact with the British and some others but were refused, if the Soviets had not gone into Poland when the did over two million German troops would have been on their western border much sooner than they were, also no one talks about the Poles invading part of Czechoslovakia some months before.
consider it denounced,,

now what does this have to do with today??
Putin said one thing during the Carsen interview that was correct. Carsen asked him why he did not present more to the general media to help clear his name. Putin asked him why he did not know that the general media is controlled by people other than him who were is adversary, so the endeavor would be fruitless.

I'm not saying what the media says about Putin is all incorrect, but his point was spot on.

The media is just as guilty about disinformation as Putin.
I didn't see anywhere in that article where Putin endorsed Hitlers invasion of Poland, i have said this before nothing would have stopped Hitler going into Poland the Soviets had wanted a anti German defence pact with the British and some others but were refused, if the Soviets had not gone into Poland when the did over two million German troops would have been on their western border much sooner than they were, also no one talks about the Poles invading part of Czechoslovakia some months before.
Bottom line is, Hitler would never have dared entered Poland without Stalin participating and being his ally.
Here is an excerpt of an article by an independent South African newspaper publisher criticizing his own government’s support to Vladimir Putin. It deals with one terrible and truly insane aspect of the mad “history lesson” Putin recently gave to our own rightwing “infotainer” Tucker Carlson. I reproduce a short part of it here hoping it will help some of our own Putin apologists to calmly reconsider where their infatuation with strongman authoritarian “Putinism” is actually leading them.


Our government’s great friend Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is no ordinary politician.

He is a product — and seemingly still a prisoner — of the Cold War. In his Soviet years, history was something to reimagine and rewrite according to the current needs and ideologies.

So when he referred to the events of September 1939, with [Tucker] Carlson sporting his trademark clueless face, he did not talk about the inconvenience of the Soviet Union invading the very same “stubborn” Poland from the east, just 16 days after Hitler’s forces did.

He did not say anything about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which aligned Stalin’s Soviet Union with Hitler’s Nazi Germany and was signed on 23 August 1939; it led to the occupation of Poland by both Germany and USSR …

He did not talk about the 22,000 Polish officers and intelligentsia prisoners of war murdered in the Katyn forest by the Soviet army [in April-May, 1940].

(Eventually, some 20-27 million Soviet people died in the war — including Putin’s elder brother — after Hitler attacked the USSR on 22 June 1941. Together with 6 million Poles and an estimated 6 million Jews across different countries, between 70 and 85 million people perished in those six years of madness.)

Today, Putin is happy to rewrite history, incomprehensibly accuse Ukraine and Poland of being heirs to Nazism, and invest billions into his state propaganda machinery to make his fiction permanent.

Two years after he attacked Ukraine, he can still count on South Africa as a steady and loyal ally. We’ve helped the Russians in every way possible, including causing possibly lasting damage to our international reputation within the circle of the world’s democracies.

Our government has been a friend where many a more circumspect country would have given up.

Putin justified Hitler’s invasion of Poland; South Africa must denounce him
I addressed this also as he Putin seems to have rewritten history. I'm sure Tucker wasn't going to get into a debate of the history of WWII and other issues, especially as Tucker wouldn't be as confident as Putin would and it would distract from a more modern, relevant interview.

The Neutrality Pact (as you defined) and the Commercial Agreement signed between Russia and Germany, much like the China/Russia alliance today; is the reason Germany was able to fuel their War Machine. Stalin believed that he would take over Eastern Europe while Germany would take their piece of the pie.

Stalin was not only a tyrant, he was a stupid fool. His own top intelligence agent advised over and over that Germany planned on attacking Russia but he didn't believe it at all. Though, a little known fact for those of us who have studied that war and applied the lessons today in how we assess society; historians who did a deep dive advised that Russia was aggressively rebuilding their with plans to invade Germany in a year or two if you can believe that. This wasn't revealed until after the collapse of the Soviet Empire in 1990.

Therefore, there is a great deal of logic to suggest that Germany was bound to strike first while Russia was still weak. After all, Germany was known for their deception and intelligence gathering (which the British and Americans ultimately surpassed). This attack would have been against the advice of Germans best generals, but by this time they were disregarded due to Hitlers grand illusions.

Ultimately, there is no way I can accept that Polands elite with their vastly inferior military on horseback would propagate a war, even if they believed for personal gain. Especially as it is well known now that if France and England had come to her aid per their own defense pact that they signed, Germany was ordered to retreat. They were not at this point strong enough with resources and might to handle both of those militaries. If not for winter, who knows how long the war would have been prolonged.

This is why in my opinion courage and commitment is the most valuable trait in man, cowardice and abusive impulses the worst traits. A broad education of history would help us tremendously in the future to avoid the same damn mistakes.
Here is an excerpt of an article by an independent South African newspaper publisher criticizing his own government’s support to Vladimir Putin. It deals with one terrible and truly insane aspect of the mad “history lesson” Putin recently gave to our own rightwing “infotainer” Tucker Carlson. I reproduce a short part of it here hoping it will help some of our own Putin apologists to calmly reconsider where their infatuation with strongman authoritarian “Putinism” is actually leading them.


Our government’s great friend Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is no ordinary politician.

He is a product — and seemingly still a prisoner — of the Cold War. In his Soviet years, history was something to reimagine and rewrite according to the current needs and ideologies.

So when he referred to the events of September 1939, with [Tucker] Carlson sporting his trademark clueless face, he did not talk about the inconvenience of the Soviet Union invading the very same “stubborn” Poland from the east, just 16 days after Hitler’s forces did.

He did not say anything about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which aligned Stalin’s Soviet Union with Hitler’s Nazi Germany and was signed on 23 August 1939; it led to the occupation of Poland by both Germany and USSR …

He did not talk about the 22,000 Polish officers and intelligentsia prisoners of war murdered in the Katyn forest by the Soviet army [in April-May, 1940].

(Eventually, some 20-27 million Soviet people died in the war — including Putin’s elder brother — after Hitler attacked the USSR on 22 June 1941. Together with 6 million Poles and an estimated 6 million Jews across different countries, between 70 and 85 million people perished in those six years of madness.)

Today, Putin is happy to rewrite history, incomprehensibly accuse Ukraine and Poland of being heirs to Nazism, and invest billions into his state propaganda machinery to make his fiction permanent.

Two years after he attacked Ukraine, he can still count on South Africa as a steady and loyal ally. We’ve helped the Russians in every way possible, including causing possibly lasting damage to our international reputation within the circle of the world’s democracies.

Our government has been a friend where many a more circumspect country would have given up.

Putin justified Hitler’s invasion of Poland; South Africa must denounce him
Bottom line is, Hitler would never have dared entered Poland without Stalin participating and being his ally.
Actually he would, he took over the Rihneland in 1936, Austria in 38 and he entered Czechoslovakia and no one did a damn thing including Britain.
Actually he would, he took over the Rihneland in 1936, Austria in 38 and he entered Czechoslovakia and no one did a damn thing including Britain.
It was a series of capitulation to the tyrant, which Stalin participated in.

So, my assertion stands.

I feel the worst for Churchill. Here was a man who sounded the alarm to the Leftists in Britian saying they needed to fight Hitler and stop appeasing him. Naturally, they completely ignored him until Hitler took Europe and gave him the reigns. But they then soon afterwards put pressure on Churchill to cut a deal with Hitler for peace because they felt they could not defeat him alone.

Here is an excerpt of an article by an independent South African newspaper publisher criticizing his own government’s support to Vladimir Putin. It deals with one terrible and truly insane aspect of the mad “history lesson” Putin recently gave to our own rightwing “infotainer” Tucker Carlson. I reproduce a short part of it here hoping it will help some of our own Putin apologists to calmly reconsider where their infatuation with strongman authoritarian “Putinism” is actually leading them.


Our government’s great friend Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is no ordinary politician.

He is a product — and seemingly still a prisoner — of the Cold War. In his Soviet years, history was something to reimagine and rewrite according to the current needs and ideologies.

So when he referred to the events of September 1939, with [Tucker] Carlson sporting his trademark clueless face, he did not talk about the inconvenience of the Soviet Union invading the very same “stubborn” Poland from the east, just 16 days after Hitler’s forces did.

He did not say anything about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which aligned Stalin’s Soviet Union with Hitler’s Nazi Germany and was signed on 23 August 1939; it led to the occupation of Poland by both Germany and USSR …

He did not talk about the 22,000 Polish officers and intelligentsia prisoners of war murdered in the Katyn forest by the Soviet army [in April-May, 1940].

(Eventually, some 20-27 million Soviet people died in the war — including Putin’s elder brother — after Hitler attacked the USSR on 22 June 1941. Together with 6 million Poles and an estimated 6 million Jews across different countries, between 70 and 85 million people perished in those six years of madness.)

Today, Putin is happy to rewrite history, incomprehensibly accuse Ukraine and Poland of being heirs to Nazism, and invest billions into his state propaganda machinery to make his fiction permanent.

Two years after he attacked Ukraine, he can still count on South Africa as a steady and loyal ally. We’ve helped the Russians in every way possible, including causing possibly lasting damage to our international reputation within the circle of the world’s democracies.

Our government has been a friend where many a more circumspect country would have given up.

Putin justified Hitler’s invasion of Poland; South Africa must denounce him

It was a series of capitulation to the tyrant, which Stalin participated in.

So, my assertion stands.

I feel the worst for Churchill. Here was a man who sounded the alarm to the Leftists in Britian saying they needed to fight Hitler and stop appeasing him. Naturally, they completely ignored him until Hitler took Europe and gave him the reigns. But they then soon afterwards put pressure on Churchill to cut a deal with Hitler for peace because they felt they could not defeat him alone.

at least, he tried to kick Moscow Marxists rapists out of Europe in 1945

It was a series of capitulation to the tyrant, which Stalin participated in.

So, my assertion stands.

I feel the worst for Churchill. Here was a man who sounded the alarm to the Leftists in Britian saying they needed to fight Hitler and stop appeasing him. Naturally, they completely ignored him until Hitler took Europe and gave him the reigns. But they then soon afterwards put pressure on Churchill to cut a deal with Hitler for peace because they felt they could not defeat him alone.

Churchill didn't sound the alarm to the leftists, he sounded it to the rightwingers inside his own Conservative party who wanted to accommodate Hitler, there were quite a few who had sympathy with the Nazis, some even spent the war years in Berlin working for the Germans.
Churchill didn't sound the alarm to the leftists, he sounded it to the rightwingers inside his own Conservative party who wanted to accommodate Hitler, there were quite a few who had sympathy with the Nazis, some even spent the war years in Berlin working for the Germans.
How do people on the right join forces with the National socialists of Germany?

Yes friends, socialists.

They are about as right wing as Romney on acid.

Try again.
at least, he tried to kick Moscow Marxists rapists out of Europe in 1945

Churchill, if left to his own devices, could have dealt with Stalin effectively, but his hands were tied by the Left wing FDR who appeased Stalin.
Nazis on the right? Really?

Joseph Paul Goebbels, Nazi quotes:
As socialists, we are opponents of the Jews, because we see, in the Hebrews, the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation’s goods.
Adolf Hitler, Nazi quotes:
We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Adolf Hitler, Nazi quotes:
This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilised nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!

Adolf Hitler, Nazi quotes:
Believe me, National Socialism would not be worth anything if it were to be confined to Germany and did not secure the rule of the superior race over the whole world for at least one or two thousand years.

Adolf Hitler, Nazi quotes:
Gold is not neccesary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state, without an ounce of gold behind it. Anyone who sells above the set prices, let him be marched off to a concentration camp. That's the bastion of money.

Adolf Hitler, Nazi quotes:
Society's needs come before the individual's needs.

Adolf Hitler, Nazi quotes:
National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a new world order.

Adolf Hitler, Nazi quotes:
The party ... must not become a servant of the masses, but their master. ... The unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual; and that the higher interests involved in the life of the whole must here set the limits and lay down the duties of the interests of the individual.

National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI), quotes about Nazi:
We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: ... an end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand ... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education.... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.... The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor -- by the greatest possible support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e combat the ... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good.

Who here thinks these morons sound right wing?


Hoover though said it best as he called them collectivists, like their cousin communists

Herbert Hoover, quotes about Nazi:
Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.

These loons all want massive centralized government to do whatever the hell they want as they control the media, academia, and corporations in the process.

Anything else is Putin like revisionist history which most have taken hook, line, and sinker.

Behold, the big lie


Verses closer to the truth

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How do people on the right join forces with the National socialists of Germany?
The Nazi Party of Germany was the most extreme, vitriolic, racist and reactionary section of the right in Germany. It was natural for Conservatives and rightwingers in other countries to sympathize with it if they also hated unionists, social democrats, socialists, communists and classical liberals. Of course there were always Conservatives with principles and integrity who rejected the fascists completely, and others who did so because they had commercial or colonial empires or interests that were directly threatened by Nazi aggression.
The Nazi Party of Germany was the most extreme, vitriolic, racist and reactionary section of the right in Germany. It was natural for Conservatives and rightwingers in other countries to sympathize with it if they also hated unionists, social democrats, socialists, communists and classical liberals. Of course there were always Conservatives with principles and integrity who rejected the fascists completely, and others who did so because they had commercial or colonial empires or interests that were directly threatened by Nazi aggression.
What makes something right wing?

If being racist makes them right wing and wanting full control over everything, then OK.

Whatever you want to call them, right after you redefine what women are I suppose.

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