Voter Burnout: Will It Be Obama's Downfall?


now there's a lie that is easy to disprove. the President was being criticized only a few months ago for not being open and holding few press conferences.


you make good point. bit odd to have at him being all over the place and then say he does not do enough media press conferences

It's NOT a good point at all. Dainty lies and cannot make good, intelligent or valid points.

The Fail in Chief can avoid the press yet still "appear" for daily photo ops.

Rather than look like total whores, one would think that the media might call O out at least once a year but no.....they bend over quickly and repeatedly.
Your wrong with 2010 and 2004 at least.

Nope. The 2010 elections called the Republican landslide very accurately. The 2004 polls called the Bush win over Kerry very accurately.

And in both those cases, many delusional Democrats went scrounging for reasons to claim those polls had to be biased and incorrect.

The shoe is on the other foot now. The polls show a comfortable Obama lead, Obama will most likely win, and people claiming the polls have to be wrong will end up looking silly.
I see no poll with Obama holding a comfortable lead.

I think you're whiffing banana-juice.

The internals show Romney winning big, Romney winning in a close race, or Obama in a close race. The last one shows Romney winning 315- 225. No poll shows Obama winning more than 271 electoral votes.
Evangelicals are the biggest flaw in the equation.

Obama deserted them so they will desert him in huge numbers.

obama never had the evangelical vote. No one did. In 2008 they stayed home. No evangelical leader stepped up for John McCain. There wasn't even a Christian Voting Guide in 2008. That's the one group that isn't part of today's modeling in adjusting the polls.
The Republican "reasons why the polls can't be right" keep getting more amusing.

If all you can do is shout the polls must be wrong, you're going to lose. The polls were right in the Walker recall. In 2010. In 2008. In 2006. In 2004. And so on.


Here is what the guardian had to say about the then still pending election shortly before the recall vote:

l. . . though the poll movement is small and turnout is difficult to predict, the findings will boost Democrat hopes that they can snatch an unlikely victory if they can persuade enough voters to go to the polls.
-- Wisconsin recall election likely to come down to voter turnout, poll shows | World news |

That was premised on the PPP polling. It turned out to be pretty much wrong. It wasn't just 50 to 47. The final outcome was 53 to 46.

Banking on a larger than usual Dim turnout doesn't always work out so well, you see.

What makes any of our lib pals imagine that there will be a major Dim turnout THIS time?
Most of the time Democrats would vote for a ham-sandwich if you put a "D" in front of him.

This time I don't see it. Nobody trusts him. That's the main issue.

Not to mention Democrat turnout is way down.

I'm seeing a massive backlash for Obamacare, for the war on women, for Big-Bird, for "We know who you are", "You didn't build that", and for "Vote for revenge". The debates showed us what fools are currently in the White House.

Obama booted the election when he lost the first debate. He lost Virginia when he made fun of the Navy. He lost the military with his ROEs. When he changed his stance on Same Sex Marriage he booted the church over to the GOP. He lost Pennsylvania when he destroyed the coal industry.

I think he's toast.
Who's going tell Obama he can't stay at the White House and most of the stuff in there isn't his?
Most of the time Democrats would vote for a ham-sandwich if you put a "D" in front of him.

This time I don't see it. Nobody trusts him. That's the main issue.

Not to mention Democrat turnout is way down.

I'm seeing a massive backlash for Obamacare, for the war on women, for Big-Bird, for "We know who you are", "You didn't build that", and for "Vote for revenge". The debates showed us what fools are currently in the White House.

Obama booted the election when he lost the first debate. He lost Virginia when he made fun of the Navy. He lost the military with his ROEs. When he changed his stance on Same Sex Marriage he booted the church over to the GOP. He lost Pennsylvania when he destroyed the coal industry.

I think he's toast.

Most of the time Democrats would vote for a ham-sandwich if you put a "D" in front of him

The above is what most annoys me about Democrats. I hope you are correct that they will actually drop the robotic vote. Cradle to grave Ds are morons and man do I know lots of them.
The VP voted today.

Obama already voted. Once in Hawaii by absentee, once in Illinois, and once in Connecticut where his social security card is from.
Romney is still working. He has several campaign stops before he goes home.

Obama is playing basketball. After they let him win he will take a nappy-poo and will wake up to watch a movie. He picked "To Kill A Mockingbird", one of his favorite movies. His other favorite is "Rosewood".

He does this every year on election day. Every other day of the year he campaigns like Romney is doing.

I figure if the election is close we won't know who won till December. Both campaigns are already lawyered up.

If Romney wins changes will come quickly. We won't see any "Office of the President Elect" seals. Obama won't be allowed to be "more flexible" and give up the rest of our nukes. NASA will be changed back to a space agency instead of a Muslim outreach program. Jobs will start flowing back. Just the possiblility that having a new president will generate hundreds of thousands of new jobs. If Obama wins the opposite will happen. We will go into another recession. The market will tank and the media will call it a correction then ignore it. Obama will start paying back everyone who pissed him off. I will go on a multi-state bitch-slapping tour slapping everyone from New York to California I can find. Then I'll put in my change of citizenship papers to become a German citizen.

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