Voter id

So why ask for them at all?

Because if you have a competent Registrar of Voters Office they check to see whether the address you have listed exists, and you also have to bring verification that you live there in addition to your photo ID. It is becoming more evident that you do live in a backwards assed state that is incapable of conducting business in a professional manner.
Handwriting experts are located where you vote?

Hardly necessary

We have a blue haired old lady who is more than qualified to look at a signature and see if it is similar to the one in the voter record. It is extremely difficult to fake a signature on the spot with someone watching

Is she a qualified handwriting expert? She doesn't count.

Good enough

I haven't seen anyone sneak by her yet....why don't you give it a try and see if she catches you

What you haven't seen is someone unqualified to do such a job catch anyone yet.

I show an ID. I guess if someone is voting Democrat they don't want people to know who they are.

Anybody can get a fake ID


Yeah, everything shown in the movies is real.
Sorry; you’re wrong.
Nobody is forcing you to buy a weapon.

No one is forcing you to vote.

Good point. You should tell African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities that when asked about the Poll Tax that was specifically outlawed and see how far that gets you.

It's not a poll tax.

Yes it is. You are having to pay a fee to vote.

I am paying a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Only one of these has constitutional backing.

Did anyone ever tell you that life was fair? They lied to you.
No one is forcing you to vote.

Good point. You should tell African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities that when asked about the Poll Tax that was specifically outlawed and see how far that gets you.

It's not a poll tax.

Yes it is. You are having to pay a fee to vote.

I am paying a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Only one of these has constitutional backing.

Did anyone ever tell you that life was fair? They lied to you.

The lazy POS that won't get an ID to vote won't do it when they're free.
Look...the courts have already said these laws are discriminatory

Not in Indiana... Google much?

It obviously doesn't work because the courts are striking it down around the country. If you insist on voter ID, you have to do a better job of ensuring that the people have proper ID

Supreme Court Upholds Indiana Voter ID Law

Secretary of State : Election Division: Photo ID Law

Over 10 years of non-discriminatory voting no matter what rightwinger dreams up...
Good point. You should tell African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities that when asked about the Poll Tax that was specifically outlawed and see how far that gets you.

It's not a poll tax.

Yes it is. You are having to pay a fee to vote.

I am paying a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Only one of these has constitutional backing.

Did anyone ever tell you that life was fair? They lied to you.

The lazy POS that won't get an ID to vote won't do it when they're free.

You’re preaching to the choir with me. If you don’t have an ID, you shouldn’t be able to vote. Sorry. There is a point in time where the world stops facilitating your laziness, inability, and frankly intransigence.

If IDs are provided free of charge and you are given enough time to acquire one prior to an election, it’s on you to do so. If you cannot muster the chutzpah to get off your ass and go to the location where they will take your picture and produce an ID for you in the 730 days between elections; sorry.

That being said, no major election has ever turned on intentional voter malfeasance. By the same token, the number of citizens who will be disenfranchised who WOULD HAVE VOTED OTHERWISE…is very few.
No one is forcing you to vote.

Good point. You should tell African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities that when asked about the Poll Tax that was specifically outlawed and see how far that gets you.

It's not a poll tax.

Yes it is. You are having to pay a fee to vote.

I am paying a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Only one of these has constitutional backing.

Did anyone ever tell you that life was fair? They lied to you.

A grand way to disintegrate your position. Congratulations.
Good point. You should tell African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities that when asked about the Poll Tax that was specifically outlawed and see how far that gets you.

It's not a poll tax.

Yes it is. You are having to pay a fee to vote.

I am paying a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Only one of these has constitutional backing.

Did anyone ever tell you that life was fair? They lied to you.

A grand way to disintegrate your position. Congratulations.

Really? What position was that I “disintegrated” there bub? You do not have to buy a gun. And yes, you don’t “have” to vote. The former is a desire and the latter is a birthright.
Being a practical person I try to spend money wisely. I'll spend it I just don't like wasting money. So being a vet I go to Lowes and ask about their 10 percent discount for vets. No dice, I don't have a card issued by the VA, because I an not eligible for VA medical benefits. Same with Home Depot. Even though the state issued license states veteran, not good enough. When I got vet. status added to my driver's license I asked if they needed proof, they said no, I said what if someone lies, they said they would then be in trouble, I laughed. So in reality it doesn't do me any good. But I have heard this isn't always the case.

The point is, for fishing I need to carry a license and a photo id. For hunting, the same thing. But for electing the next president of the United States, nothing. Where does that put voting in real importance?
Well since your premise is based on bullshit, let me help you out...
I go to vote and they ask for I.D., I produce my college identification; they say no good.
They say that the average citizen should have the following:
Pass Port
Military Identification
U.S. Citizenship papers
Driver's License

It's common sense that a majority of minority populations don't have the above listed I.D.
The problem is further exacerbated when Republicans cut back the number of voting places in densely populated urban ares and at the same time increase the number of voting locations in less populated suburban ares.
Republicans also cut back the days and hours when minority populations tend to vote as well sending misleading documents to minority voter's homes.

Race has been a significant factor. In 2008, voter participation among African Americans and certain other groups surged. Then came backlash. The more a state saw increases in minority and low-income voter turnout, the more likely it was to push laws cutting back on voting rights, according to the University of Massachusetts study. The Brennan Center for Justice likewise found that of the 11 states with the highest African American turnout in 2008, seven passed laws making it harder to vote. Of the 12 states with the largest Hispanic population growth in the 2010 Census, nine have new restrictions in place.

Some laws are especially egregious in targeting how minorities vote. The push to shut down Sunday early voting in states where African American churches organized successful “Souls to the Polls” drives is a glaring example. Laws restricting voter registration drives are another such tactic. African Americans and Latinos register through drives at twice the rate of white citizens, and in recent years, civic groups have used drives to help close the racial registration gap—as they have for veterans, young people, and other less registered populations. Instead of embracing these efforts, Florida and several other states passed laws that make it difficult—and, before a court stepped in, impossible—for groups to help voters register

North Carolina has the dubious distinction of having the nation’s harshest and most sweeping new voting law. Enacted immediately after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act last year, the law slashes seven early voting days, imposes a strict photo ID requirement, eliminates same-day registration, stops pre-registration for 16- and 17-year-olds, prohibits the counting of provisional votes cast outside of voters’ home precincts, and more. Other than the photo ID requirement, which will be implemented in 2016, all of these changes are currently in effect.

Texas’s voter ID law could have a substantial impact this November. Uncontroverted expert data presented at trial showed that 1.2 million eligible Texans do not have IDs that would be accepted under the new law. Among registered voters, more than 600,000 lack acceptable ID. The effect on black and Latino voters is disproportionate; Hispanic registered voters are 3.2 times more likely than white voters to lack ID, and black registered voters are 2.3 times more likely to lack ID, according to anexpert study.
Being a practical person I try to spend money wisely. I'll spend it I just don't like wasting money. So being a vet I go to Lowes and ask about their 10 percent discount for vets. No dice, I don't have a card issued by the VA, because I an not eligible for VA medical benefits. Same with Home Depot. Even though the state issued license states veteran, not good enough. When I got vet. status added to my driver's license I asked if they needed proof, they said no, I said what if someone lies, they said they would then be in trouble, I laughed. So in reality it doesn't do me any good. But I have heard this isn't always the case.

The point is, for fishing I need to carry a license and a photo id. For hunting, the same thing. But for electing the next president of the United States, nothing. Where does that put voting in real importance?
Well since your premise is based on bullshit, let me help you out...
I go to vote and they ask for I.D., I produce my college identification; they say no good.
They say that the average citizen should have the following:
Pass Port
Military Identification
U.S. Citizenship papers
Driver's License

It's common sense that a majority of minority populations don't have the above listed I.D.
The problem is further exacerbated when Republicans cut back the number of voting places in densely populated urban ares and at the same time increase the number of voting locations in less populated suburban ares.
Republicans also cut back the days and hours when minority populations tend to vote as well sending misleading documents to minority voter's homes.

Race has been a significant factor. In 2008, voter participation among African Americans and certain other groups surged. Then came backlash. The more a state saw increases in minority and low-income voter turnout, the more likely it was to push laws cutting back on voting rights, according to the University of Massachusetts study. The Brennan Center for Justice likewise found that of the 11 states with the highest African American turnout in 2008, seven passed laws making it harder to vote. Of the 12 states with the largest Hispanic population growth in the 2010 Census, nine have new restrictions in place.

Some laws are especially egregious in targeting how minorities vote. The push to shut down Sunday early voting in states where African American churches organized successful “Souls to the Polls” drives is a glaring example. Laws restricting voter registration drives are another such tactic. African Americans and Latinos register through drives at twice the rate of white citizens, and in recent years, civic groups have used drives to help close the racial registration gap—as they have for veterans, young people, and other less registered populations. Instead of embracing these efforts, Florida and several other states passed laws that make it difficult—and, before a court stepped in, impossible—for groups to help voters register

North Carolina has the dubious distinction of having the nation’s harshest and most sweeping new voting law. Enacted immediately after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act last year, the law slashes seven early voting days, imposes a strict photo ID requirement, eliminates same-day registration, stops pre-registration for 16- and 17-year-olds, prohibits the counting of provisional votes cast outside of voters’ home precincts, and more. Other than the photo ID requirement, which will be implemented in 2016, all of these changes are currently in effect.

Texas’s voter ID law could have a substantial impact this November. Uncontroverted expert data presented at trial showed that 1.2 million eligible Texans do not have IDs that would be accepted under the new law. Among registered voters, more than 600,000 lack acceptable ID. The effect on black and Latino voters is disproportionate; Hispanic registered voters are 3.2 times more likely than white voters to lack ID, and black registered voters are 2.3 times more likely to lack ID, according to anexpert study.

What state requires you to produce a photo id? They may ask you to produce one but are your required to. What if you said no?
What state requires you to produce a photo id? They may ask you to produce one but are your required to. What if you said no?

Since the map was published, Texas has had their law struck down and Wisconsin has had provisions added to their law that pretty much make it obsolete. In our state, if you don't provide one they don't allow you to vote.

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What state requires you to produce a photo id? They may ask you to produce one but are your required to. What if you said no?

Since the map was published, Texas has had their law struck down and Wisconsin has had provisions added to their law that pretty much make it obsolete. In our state, if you don't provide one they don't allow you to vote.


how can voter laws be struck down in one state and not others? PA also had their law struck down. It looks like there are few states that do no require any sort of id. Interesting,.
It's not a poll tax.

Yes it is. You are having to pay a fee to vote.

I am paying a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Only one of these has constitutional backing.

Did anyone ever tell you that life was fair? They lied to you.

A grand way to disintegrate your position. Congratulations.

Really? What position was that I “disintegrated” there bub? You do not have to buy a gun. And yes, you don’t “have” to vote. The former is a desire and the latter is a birthright.

Nope. The former is a constitutionally guaranteed right, and the latter a privilege.
how can voter laws be struck down in one state and not others? PA also had their law struck down. It looks like there are few states that do no require any sort of id. Interesting,.

There are several ways some can be struck down or altered. For starters I would imagine someone has to actually take the case to court in the state. The details of the laws in question vary between states, and states get to decide their own election laws. The Federal Government doesn't have the power to overturn the law unless they can prove it is unconstitutional, and a single ruling is not "one size fits all".

Like the law in Wisconsin wasn't thrown out, it was just amended to include the fact that if someone showed up without an ID, they could sign an affidavit indicating they are the person on the voter roll. That pretty much makes the law useless for its intended purpose, but that isn't surprising when it comes around to the way the government functions.
Yes it is. You are having to pay a fee to vote.

I am paying a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Only one of these has constitutional backing.

Did anyone ever tell you that life was fair? They lied to you.

A grand way to disintegrate your position. Congratulations.

Really? What position was that I “disintegrated” there bub? You do not have to buy a gun. And yes, you don’t “have” to vote. The former is a desire and the latter is a birthright.

Nope. The former is a constitutionally guaranteed right, and the latter a privilege.

Again, go with that.
If you're born in this nation, you have the right to vote.
I am paying a fee to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.

Only one of these has constitutional backing.

Did anyone ever tell you that life was fair? They lied to you.

A grand way to disintegrate your position. Congratulations.

Really? What position was that I “disintegrated” there bub? You do not have to buy a gun. And yes, you don’t “have” to vote. The former is a desire and the latter is a birthright.

Nope. The former is a constitutionally guaranteed right, and the latter a privilege.

Again, go with that.
If you're born in this nation, you have the right to vote.

Post the constitutional text supporting that.
Did anyone ever tell you that life was fair? They lied to you.

A grand way to disintegrate your position. Congratulations.

Really? What position was that I “disintegrated” there bub? You do not have to buy a gun. And yes, you don’t “have” to vote. The former is a desire and the latter is a birthright.

Nope. The former is a constitutionally guaranteed right, and the latter a privilege.

Again, go with that.
If you're born in this nation, you have the right to vote.

Post the constitutional text supporting that.

There is none from the best I can determine. Post the constitutional text that defines marriage, prohibits gays from giving blood, allows you to commit sedition....

You cannot either.

We have interpreted the constition this way for 200+ years.
A grand way to disintegrate your position. Congratulations.

Really? What position was that I “disintegrated” there bub? You do not have to buy a gun. And yes, you don’t “have” to vote. The former is a desire and the latter is a birthright.

Nope. The former is a constitutionally guaranteed right, and the latter a privilege.

Again, go with that.
If you're born in this nation, you have the right to vote.

Post the constitutional text supporting that.

There is none from the best I can determine.

For once, you are correct.

Post the constitutional text that defines marriage, prohibits gays from giving blood, allows you to commit sedition....

None such exist, ergo, none are rights.

We have interpreted the constition this way for 200+ years.

The age of a mistake does not render it unmistaken.
Being a practical person I try to spend money wisely. I'll spend it I just don't like wasting money. So being a vet I go to Lowes and ask about their 10 percent discount for vets. No dice, I don't have a card issued by the VA, because I an not eligible for VA medical benefits. Same with Home Depot. Even though the state issued license states veteran, not good enough. When I got vet. status added to my driver's license I asked if they needed proof, they said no, I said what if someone lies, they said they would then be in trouble, I laughed. So in reality it doesn't do me any good. But I have heard this isn't always the case.

The point is, for fishing I need to carry a license and a photo id. For hunting, the same thing. But for electing the next president of the United States, nothing. Where does that put voting in real importance?

There were 33 cases of in person voter ID fraud out of the last 1,000,000,000 votes cast. Yes, that's 1 billion. With a B.

You're literally a dozen times more likely to be struck by lightning than you are to commit in person voter ID fraud.
Really? What position was that I “disintegrated” there bub? You do not have to buy a gun. And yes, you don’t “have” to vote. The former is a desire and the latter is a birthright.

Nope. The former is a constitutionally guaranteed right, and the latter a privilege.

Again, go with that.
If you're born in this nation, you have the right to vote.

Post the constitutional text supporting that.

There is none from the best I can determine.

For once, you are correct.

Post the constitutional text that defines marriage, prohibits gays from giving blood, allows you to commit sedition....

None such exist, ergo, none are rights.

We have interpreted the constition this way for 200+ years.

The age of a mistake does not render it unmistaken. do understand that the constitution isn't an exhastive list of rights, yes? That instead its an exhaustive list of powers?

Do you understand the difference between rights and powers? If so, why would you ever insist that the constitution must list a right or the right doesn't exist? Did you ever see the 9th amendment?

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