Voter id

Its easy if you drive

Not so easy for non drivers who have to go to a remote DMV site. Not so easy if you have changed your name. Not so easy if you have an error in your birth certificate.

If you want to require ID, why don't you make sure everyone has an ID first?

I already said they are available at locations other than the DVM, if you can get to the polls you can get to one of those locations. It's a statutory crime not to be carrying one here anyway. It doesn't have to be hard, it may require some effort, but there are people who are more than willing to help you become compliant with the law. Seeing as you cannot register to vote here without one, then you aren't on the list of eligible voters if you don't have one.
Its easy if you drive

Not so easy for non drivers who have to go to a remote DMV site. Not so easy if you have changed your name. Not so easy if you have an error in your birth certificate.

If you want to require ID, why don't you make sure everyone has an ID first?

I already said they are available at locations other than the DVM, if you can get to the polls you can get to one of those locations. It's a statutory crime not to be carrying one here anyway. It doesn't have to be hard, it may require some effort, but there are people who are more than willing to help you become compliant with the law. Seeing as you cannot register to vote here without one, then you aren't on the list of eligible voters if you don't have one.

Look...the courts have already said these laws are discriminatory

If you are serious about having voter ID, why don't you provide an ID to every eligible voter and then the courts will be happy?
Being a practical person I try to spend money wisely. I'll spend it I just don't like wasting money. So being a vet I go to Lowes and ask about their 10 percent discount for vets. No dice, I don't have a card issued by the VA, because I an not eligible for VA medical benefits. Same with Home Depot. Even though the state issued license states veteran, not good enough. When I got vet. status added to my driver's license I asked if they needed proof, they said no, I said what if someone lies, they said they would then be in trouble, I laughed. So in reality it doesn't do me any good. But I have heard this isn't always the case.

The point is, for fishing I need to carry a license and a photo id. For hunting, the same thing. But for electing the next president of the United States, nothing. Where does that put voting in real importance?

If you can ensure that 99% of eligible voters have ID, I would support your voter ID plans

Why should anyone other than the individual voters themselves be responsible for obtaining a voter ID?

Why should anyone else have to "ensure" such a thing? Are these not adults? If they are too mentally incompetent to obtain one, they should not be voting in any case.

Because you are demanding it in order to participate in the voting process

Your plan is demand acceptable ID to vote and if you don't have it, too fucking bad for you

You want it? Provide ID to everyone FIRST

The same concept applies to social welfare in order for people to get it. They have to prove things before getting someone else's money. Many of those you say are too poor to get an ID for voting don't seem to be too poor to get one when getting a handout.

My state offered the estimated 170,000 that didn't have an ID meeting the new law a FREE ID and a ride to get it. 25 took them up on it statewide. The state did exactly what you said should be done. What's your excuse now?
Spoken like a proud Republican

Make voting as hard as possible and by all means ...keep out the riff-raff

Geeze, what's so hard about it? You hand your photo ID to the poll worker, they find your name in the ledger, show you where to sign, and pass your license to two other people who write your name down on a list. That way you have three accurate official records of who voted, which precinct they are voting in, and when they voted.

Just to be clear, when you have millions of votes being cast, voter fraud doesn’t play a role in large scale elections. In local races and ordinances, it certainly can. Picture an off-year election where there is a proposition/amendment or whatever to increase the sales tax in say, Minneapolis but no such measure was on the ballot in St. Paul. It would be in the best interest of St. Paul shop owners to see the tax rate rise so customers could save money by coming to the neighboring city.

Keeping STP voters out of the MPS elections would be paramount.
Its easy if you drive

Not so easy for non drivers who have to go to a remote DMV site. Not so easy if you have changed your name. Not so easy if you have an error in your birth certificate.

If you want to require ID, why don't you make sure everyone has an ID first?

I already said they are available at locations other than the DVM, if you can get to the polls you can get to one of those locations. It's a statutory crime not to be carrying one here anyway. It doesn't have to be hard, it may require some effort, but there are people who are more than willing to help you become compliant with the law. Seeing as you cannot register to vote here without one, then you aren't on the list of eligible voters if you don't have one.

Look...the courts have already said these laws are discriminatory

If you are serious about having voter ID, why don't you provide an ID to every eligible voter and then the courts will be happy?

My state did that after passing voter ID laws. People identified as not having a valid ID to the law were offered a free one AND a ride to get it. They chose to not take part.
Spoken like a proud Republican

Make voting as hard as possible and by all means ...keep out the riff-raff

Geeze, what's so hard about it? You hand your photo ID to the poll worker, they find your name in the ledger, show you where to sign, and pass your license to two other people who write your name down on a list. That way you have three accurate official records of who voted, which precinct they are voting in, and when they voted.

Just to be clear, when you have millions of votes being cast, voter fraud doesn’t play a role in large scale elections. In local races and ordinances, it certainly can. Picture an off-year election where there is a proposition/amendment or whatever to increase the sales tax in say, Minneapolis but no such measure was on the ballot in St. Paul. It would be in the best interest of St. Paul shop owners to see the tax rate rise so customers could save money by coming to the neighboring city.

Keeping STP voters out of the MPS elections would be paramount.

Are you saying that voter fraud doesn't occur on a wide scale nationwide?
Spoken like a proud Republican

Make voting as hard as possible and by all means ...keep out the riff-raff

Geeze, what's so hard about it? You hand your photo ID to the poll worker, they find your name in the ledger, show you where to sign, and pass your license to two other people who write your name down on a list. That way you have three accurate official records of who voted, which precinct they are voting in, and when they voted.

Just to be clear, when you have millions of votes being cast, voter fraud doesn’t play a role in large scale elections. In local races and ordinances, it certainly can. Picture an off-year election where there is a proposition/amendment or whatever to increase the sales tax in say, Minneapolis but no such measure was on the ballot in St. Paul. It would be in the best interest of St. Paul shop owners to see the tax rate rise so customers could save money by coming to the neighboring city.

Keeping STP voters out of the MPS elections would be paramount.

Are you saying that voter fraud doesn't occur on a wide scale nationwide?

Look...the courts have already said these laws are discriminatory

If you are serious about having voter ID, why don't you provide an ID to every eligible voter and then the courts will be happy?

We are already doing it here and have been as long as I can remember. If you live in some backwards assed state that mimics conditions most third world countries can surpass, then that's due to your ignorance and incompetence.
Spoken like a proud Republican

Make voting as hard as possible and by all means ...keep out the riff-raff

Geeze, what's so hard about it? You hand your photo ID to the poll worker, they find your name in the ledger, show you where to sign, and pass your license to two other people who write your name down on a list. That way you have three accurate official records of who voted, which precinct they are voting in, and when they voted.

Just to be clear, when you have millions of votes being cast, voter fraud doesn’t play a role in large scale elections. In local races and ordinances, it certainly can. Picture an off-year election where there is a proposition/amendment or whatever to increase the sales tax in say, Minneapolis but no such measure was on the ballot in St. Paul. It would be in the best interest of St. Paul shop owners to see the tax rate rise so customers could save money by coming to the neighboring city.

Keeping STP voters out of the MPS elections would be paramount.

Are you saying that voter fraud doesn't occur on a wide scale nationwide?


Would you also be willing to claim that almost every speeder on the roadways gets a ticket each time they speed or that every person that goes fishing catches a fish almost every time?
Voter ‘fraud’ by identity is so exceedingly rare as to be virtually nonexistent

The other way to look at your conclusion: Because we don't check IDs, of course there is no way to know if fraud has occurred.

I suppose that's one way to ensure voter fraud is virtually nonexistent: remove any possibility of catching it.

Great plan.
Spoken like a proud Republican

Make voting as hard as possible and by all means ...keep out the riff-raff

Geeze, what's so hard about it? You hand your photo ID to the poll worker, they find your name in the ledger, show you where to sign, and pass your license to two other people who write your name down on a list. That way you have three accurate official records of who voted, which precinct they are voting in, and when they voted.

Just to be clear, when you have millions of votes being cast, voter fraud doesn’t play a role in large scale elections. In local races and ordinances, it certainly can. Picture an off-year election where there is a proposition/amendment or whatever to increase the sales tax in say, Minneapolis but no such measure was on the ballot in St. Paul. It would be in the best interest of St. Paul shop owners to see the tax rate rise so customers could save money by coming to the neighboring city.

Keeping STP voters out of the MPS elections would be paramount.

Of course voter fraud (as far as who casts a vote and where) is not prevalent here. Mainly because you cannot vote here unless your name is on the list (in a ledger your precinct has) and you show a state issued photo ID verifying you are the person on the list. There have been questions towards the legitimacy of some of the reporting by precincts where voting machines have been tampered with, but they are not centered on who is allowed to vote.
Spoken like a proud Republican

Make voting as hard as possible and by all means ...keep out the riff-raff

Geeze, what's so hard about it? You hand your photo ID to the poll worker, they find your name in the ledger, show you where to sign, and pass your license to two other people who write your name down on a list. That way you have three accurate official records of who voted, which precinct they are voting in, and when they voted.

Just to be clear, when you have millions of votes being cast, voter fraud doesn’t play a role in large scale elections. In local races and ordinances, it certainly can. Picture an off-year election where there is a proposition/amendment or whatever to increase the sales tax in say, Minneapolis but no such measure was on the ballot in St. Paul. It would be in the best interest of St. Paul shop owners to see the tax rate rise so customers could save money by coming to the neighboring city.

Keeping STP voters out of the MPS elections would be paramount.

Are you saying that voter fraud doesn't occur on a wide scale nationwide?

Absolutely it doesn't

And almost none of the fraud can be stopped by voter ID
Look...the courts have already said these laws are discriminatory

If you are serious about having voter ID, why don't you provide an ID to every eligible voter and then the courts will be happy?

We are already doing it here and have been as long as I can remember. If you live in some backwards assed state that mimics conditions most third world countries can surpass, then that's due to your ignorance and incompetence.

Yes, I live in a backward state

I sign my name when I show up at the polls. That method has worked for 200 years
It is easier to fake an ID than it is to fake a signature on the spot
Yes, I live in a backward state

I sign my name when I show up at the polls. That method has worked for 200 years

Well if you cannot (or have not) verify the people signing the list are actually eligible to vote, then that is a backwards assed state. At least we can agree on that ... :thup:
If you can ensure that 99% of eligible voters have ID, I would support your voter ID plans
Why should anyone else have to "ensure" such a thing? Are these not adults?

That, of course, is the basis of leftist and liberal dogma in America ... that Americans are incapable of handling their biz and must be mothered by all-knowing and all-seeing protectors.

There is no Constitutional right to hunt or fish, there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.
Please point out where one may find the text confirming a constitutional right to vote.
CCJ has no idea that States control and regulate the vast majority of things when it comes to who can vote and what they have to do to be able to vote. I bet he thinks the federal government sets most of those rules.

CCJ has a very common loony leftist disease ... stupid is as stupid does.
Yes, I live in a backward state

I sign my name when I show up at the polls. That method has worked for 200 years

Well if you cannot (or have not) verify the people signing the list are actually eligible to vote, then that is a backwards assed state. At least we can agree on that ... :thup:

Verifying eligibility is the job of the county registrar and is where most voter fraud will occur. Ineligible people still on the voter roles. Voter ID will not stop that....hiring more people to verify voter registration lists will
But lets be serious for a minute. If everyone has an acceptable ID, you will not be able to exclude those who are unlikely to vote Republican

Well, since we are suddenly being serious, the best way to exclude those who are unlikely to vote Repub - and I am not advocating this - would be to insure everyone meets a minimal IQ standard.
Verifying eligibility is the job of the county registrar and is where most voter fraud will occur. Ineligible people still on the voter roles. Voter ID will not stop that....hiring more people to verify voter registration lists will

The Registrar of Voters Office already has the job of verifying people who register to vote are eligible to vote (state issued photo ID is required), and the poll workers already verify the person who shows up to vote is the person registered and eligible to vote (state issued photo ID is required). It isn't a difficult process, and a state issued photo ID is necessary to do both. You really don't have a case to argue with, because it is in place, has been in place and has been working for a very long time.

You cannot say it doesn't work, because it does. You cannot say something else needs to be fixed or added, because it doesn't ... Simple as that!

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