Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

This is how Democrats stay in power by smearing any vote for the GOP as a vote for "Far Right Extremism"

MaraM201229-#15 “The Democrat Wall Of Denial grows higher and wider.”

NFBW: Apparently you are a right wing extremist, goner, 2020 election denier which aligns you with the former one term loser of a president who was so fucking rightwing extreme that having lost his bid for a second term, plotted to overturn the election he knew he lost.

DJT devised a plot to assemble fake Trump electors in multiple states verifying that he had won. That would making it possible for Mike Pence to stop counting the certified results on January 6 and send the election back to the states as no good. That in turn wouid send l the decision of who won the election to the House of Representatives where Republicans would bec able to anoint DJT and MP the winner..

When that did not come to pass because Pence refused to go along with the unAmerican plot, DJT wanted to join the violent attack on the Capitol amongst the million angry man mob he thought he called to DC to wildly stop the steal by stopping the peaceful transfer of power among such actual chants of “Hang Mike Pence”.

And you still support the political party in a cult of personality that loyally supports the violent right wing extremist liar and loser in the person of former president Donald J Trump.

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For someone

Not fooled by W

You certainly are fooled by everything else...
You certainly are fooled by everything else...
That is a broad statement which means absolutely nothing in the realm of facts, so if you have a specific example of me being fooled by somebody or something please provide what might be eating away at your brain at the moment.
That is a broad statement which means absolutely nothing in the realm of facts, so if you have a specific example of me being fooled by somebody or something please provide what might be eating away at your brain at the moment.

Why are the "republicans" for Biden all Zionist 911 warmongers???

Why did w support Biden over trump?

If you are not fooled by w,surely you can explain...
Why did w support Biden over trump?
NFBW: Because Trump told the truth that Bush lied on March 17, 2003 when he claimed to have intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from UN inspectors.

However at that time Trump supported W’s invasion in an interview on Howard Stearn because DJT was fooled by W’s big Lie along with most Republicans.END2210220706
Trump won the 2020 by 150 electorals if the fraud had been weeded out.
NFBW: Do you consider yourself to be far right, If so does it disturb you that your far right brethren and Trump’s election fraud legal team have failed to weed out one stem of evidence that there was widespread that fraud that caused DJT to lose the 2020’ election by a landslide if we use Trump’s 2020 metrics.

What a load of horse shit. This is how Democrats stay in power by smearing any vote for the GOP as a vote for "Far Right Extremism". Listen chump, there is nothing more extreme than working for the demise of your own country and the Democrats do that every day.
Examples of how the Democrats are working for the demise of the US?

Is there no far right extremism at all since 2016?
Explain all of those in government and their families who have been finding themselves being threatened for doing their jobs, be it Democrats or Republicans? How many of them are being forced to resign for their families safety ?

Explain all the Poll Workers who have been threatened since 2020 and had to quit their jobs, and some even move? Is that the Democrats doing that?

I can show you examples of what I just posted.

Now I would like examples of what you posted above.
To those way out in the weeds on the left bank, anything in the water, no matter how wide the stream, is on their far right.

To those way out in the weeds on the right bank, anything in the water, no matter how wide the stream, is on their far left.
NFBW: Do you consider yourself to be far right, If so does it disturb you that your far right brethren and Trump’s election fraud legal team have failed to weed out one stem of evidence that there was widespread that fraud that caused DJT to lose the 2020’ election by a landslide if we use Trump’s 2020 metrics.



Voting spikes late at night in PA going 99% to traitor Joe....

GOP poll workers forcibly removed in Detroit. Long time black poll worker in Detroit testifies under oath she observed those who threw the GOP observers out then scan the same fraud ballots over and over

Einstein warned us about you, Zionist fascist.
Far left ideals are apparently hyper inflation, high gas prices, high food prices, dropping home values, supply chain issues, and world war.


Voting spikes late at night in PA going 99% to traitor Joe....

GOP poll workers forcibly removed in Detroit. Long time black poll worker in Detroit testifies under oath she observed those who threw the GOP observers out then scan the same fraud ballots over and over

Einstein warned us about you, Zionist fascist.
No evidence. You are doing nothing but repeating Trump's talking points, allegations to make those like yourself believe that the election was stolen from him.

You have no evidence on any of your first two paragraphs, or you would be able to find it and post it here.

Einstein was a Zionist, and you are only repeating what anti Zionists would like people believe about Einstein's view on Zionism.

In other words, you are easily gullible.

Show me the proof of all you said.
And you are really REALLY opposed to anyone questioning someone with a poster name

Not fooled by W

Who starts with the whole WMD hoax.....

Face it, you want 911 truth censored because you are a Zionist fascist too..l
Far left ideals are apparently hyper inflation, high gas prices, high food prices, dropping home values, supply chain issues, and world war.

Inflation is global. Democrats did not start the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
None of what you are alleging is valid. You cannot prove any of it, only allege and hope someone buys it.
Your side has shouted "no evidence" at every bit of evidence presented. Testimony under oath is evidence. Parroting your rabbi's lies does not change that truth.

Search for

Einstein 1948 warning Zionist fascism Israel

My side on what? 9/11? You are off topic and do not care about the meaning of the words "Off Topic"

I know very well the fake Einstein "warning" you have gullibly chosen to believe. You know nothing about Einstein.

Congratulations for allowing yourself to become a Jew hating antisemite by the lies you have chosen to believe.

Now, go back to the topic of the thread or move on.

This topic is about destroying democracy.

Your demographic is behind all of the "conspiracy theory" issues and it is you and your fraud of a religion who is actively trying to destroy democracy in America, not the trump supporters.
Voting spikes late at night in PA going 99% to traitor Joe....
Not fooled by W
NFBW: I am even more so not fooled by EMH.

Nothing to do with the thread
NFBW: Just want you to know I’ve had my screen name for over a decade as I opposed the invasion of Iraq before it started. I opposed it at the same time Obama did, before Bush started his dumb war. I never wanted to bring Iraq up or 9/11 on yiurc thread but it’s the first time I heard from EMH And it’s the first time I’ve been accused of loving W

On this thread I was trying to have an intelligent conversation with MarathonMike and Papageorgio on why the only two politicians who are not election denying right wing extremists as Republicans in Congress are Kissinger and Cheney who are participating in the Jan6 committee’s hearing into Trump’s attempt to overturn the election he knew he had lost.

The rest of the party has no spine beyond chatter niw and then when it cones to disavowing Trump’s incited hate mongering, zero respect for the Conditional democratic process and his part in promoting right wing extremism as part of his need for bad elements to support him.

So along cones EMH as a perfect example ifc the v worst kind of right wing extremists that the Republican Party must appease to remain viable.

In that context EMH is the spitting image of what the Trump Republican Party by demographic necessity must become.

EMH is a robot - he will flameout soon and move on.

Hope you dont mind if we have a little fun with the out there right wing extremist 8/11 truther idiot.
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Yes, inflation blamed on the sitting president as usual, just like a recession usually does, may save the Republican Party the chance to mess up the economy through extortion over the debt ceiling, and to further Catholicize the Supreme Court in order to nationally terminate a women’s right to choose.

Inflation you must know comes and goes absolutely indifferent to which Party controls what. You must know also that Biden inherited an unprecedented period in world history when the entire planet was coming out of a pandemic and historically severe recession. Inflation is a global reaction to coming out of a pandemic beginning with the supply chain shortages.

I see you are locked in on your voting behavior which is not very working class oriented - Trickle down economics has never really worked for working men and women. A high percentage of black Americans are working class like me, so I go by the way black Americans vote, specifically black working class women. They are hurting most by inflation while I am not. I am retired and my wife and I have acquired rental properties which as you know, inflation is a friend to the landlord, not the tenet. So to keep me grounded as a working class American who was able to get ahead, I vote the way black women vote.

And when you say that the fear of losing our democracy to a white centric political tribe being led by an authoritarian who wanted to designate “Black Lives Matter” as a terrorist organization, is a dreamed up scare tactic, to me and to black women, I get it. It is how you are able to rationalize that inflation and federal spending is more important than keeping 240 years of democracy intact. Do you think law abiding black Americans could be more sensitive about their right to vote, more so than inflation?

And there’s this Republican Supreme Court decision (Dobbs) that is harsh to all women but harshest to low income women cannot afford to leave their state to get an abortion when it’s controlled by Republican. I vote to protect their reproductive rights.

You believe women have reproductive rights - but your priority is debt and spending.

Right now government not spending is a priority and with the Dems in the Exec branch and Reps in the Legislative branch, we won’t spend and with Dems in the Exec branch, BLM and other groups won’t be named terrorists. No had the legislative branch actually had done their job, and made laws, Roe v Wade reversal would never had been an issue and a Democratic Congress thought this issue was so important to women they didn‘t make a strong move this last summer so they could use it to get votes this fall.

BTW, 79% of Americans believe inflation is the biggest issue, not just me. With a Democrat as President and a Republican Congress, I doubt any massive spending bill will happen, which will curb inflation.
Democrats are scared. They know they are going to experience massive defeat and will do anything to stop their juggernaut to power.
The Republican party is energized because of the gestapo tactics of the DOJ/FBI and tax payer money being spent on programs that do nothing to help the middle class. Inflation is probably the biggest issue in this election.
BTW, 79% of Americans believe inflation is the biggest issue, not just me.
Do you ever consider voting strategically big picture in a 5 or 6 election cycle time frames to put an end to the worsening income disparity that keeps growing ever since Reagan kicked it off. A large segment of Americans stick their heads out the Window on election day. if it’s raining they vote against the party in power - if it’s Sunny they vote to keep a party in power.

It would be easy to break that cycle of economic conditions 90 days before an election driving a huge decision that effects at least the next two decades or even the survival of our republic as a bastion of individual liberty in the world

it would be easy to vote long term if your main objective is to improve the living standards of the American working clas.s

Vote the way the black American working class vote even though inflation hits them hard today like it hits all paycheck to paycheck people and small business owners.

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