Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

That is when Republicans could be called normal people.

They are not anymore. It goes to show what the Republicans continue to say THEY WILL do if they take the House.

Republicans in power in present day America is nothing but a danger to all Americans.
Spending $6 trillion is a danger, spending nothing would be good thing, not sure why them controlling Congress would be bad, we at least control spending and curb inflation.
Spending $6 trillion is a danger, spending nothing would be good thing, not sure why them controlling Congress would be bad, we at least control spending and curb inflation.
Control spending? Since when? I have already posted the information. There is nothing else for me to add
Control spending? Since when? I have already posted the information. There is nothing else for me to add
I have explained this over and over and this is my last time, Republicans can pass any bill they want and do you honestly believe that Biden would sin any bill? He’d veto the bill and there would not be enough votes to override any veto, thus there would be no spending, with Democrats in control of Congress, Biden would gladly sign any spending bill they would pass. Do you understand how Congress and the President both have to sign off on a bill?
I have explained this over and over and this is my last time, Republicans can pass any bill they want and do you honestly believe that Biden would sin any bill? He’d veto the bill and there would not be enough votes to override any veto, thus there would be no spending, with Democrats in control of Congress, Biden would gladly sign any spending bill they would pass. Do you understand how Congress and the President both have to sign off on a bill?
Please make sure that this WAS your last time.
Pick the party that represents your best interests.

If you agree with Voter Suppression, vote Republican.
If you agree that people who can’t be arsed to register, get an ID, and show up in person on election day (if they are physically able to do so) are the sort of apathetic, lazy-ass people who probably shouldn’t be voting, then you’re just sane.

Leaves out most Democraps though.

If you agree that SS, Medicare and Medicaid need to be privatized or undone, vote Republican.
Hell yeah, I wish they were that based. Needs to happen. But this is a lie unfortunately.

If you believe that in some counties Blacks should be deprived of their voices about their rights or needs, by gerrymandering, vote Republican.
If you believe that gerrymandering is bad don’t vote for either Republicans or Democrats because that is what they both do whenever they can to maximize their own advantages in whatever way they can.

Unless another system is established whereupon districts are drawn neutrally and without regard for demographics - good luck establishing some kind of computer arbiter or something that can be trusted that all parties will agree to - then you will have the party in power in a state remaking districts in ways that dilute their opponents likely voters in the majority of districts while concentrating them where their win is inevitable.
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ALL women who can vote should read how some Republicans think about their bodies.

Are you actually this dumb where you think the fictional “right to abortion” or the rational opposition to it ever had anything to do with “women’s rights” or the mom’s body?

Hint: the kid’s body isn’t his or her mom’s body. Nor is their body the mom’s property.


McCarthy’s problem is the same as every single aspect of the legacy GOP and the gentry conservative media. They’re all perfectly conscious of the depravity and danger posed by the MAGA iteration of the Republican Party. They live by three rules:

First, live a double life. Pretend to donors you’re from GOP 1.0, telling them behind closed doors it’s you or the bloody-handed MAGA horde. “Hey we gotta pass a tax cut and protect carried interest deductions, and you won’t get that with Speaker Marjorie Taylor Greene.”

In public, lick Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Bradypusian feet, proclaiming they taste as if she danced through a field of honeysuckle. This dance will end soon because they won’t NEED McCarthy, and he’s too slow to get it.

But the double life is all they’ve got to keep the sane major donor types funding the committees. Again, this illusion is coming to a halt soon, because of Trump’s sadism, the swelling ranks of MAGA types, and their dedication to nihilist spectacle. The fall of the House of Kevin is going to be spectacular.

Second, pretend the only path to conservative victories is through a compromise with evil. “Hey, we know they’re leopards, but what’s having your face eaten off if we get our regulatory relief?”
None of the things they claim once mattered, matter. Rule of law? For thee, not me. Integrity? Please. The Constitution? Just the fun parts, please! Fiscal probity? They spent like sailors in a discount whorehouse during Trump, so spare me. “We had to compromise with evil” because of what? Imaginary communism? CRT? Black Lives Matter? Obamacare? No, they compromise with evil and will continue to do so because it’s easy. And, if you listen closely, because it’s fun.

Owning duh libs is a quick shortcut for having to do any of the intellectual work an actual conservative movement requires. Slap those MAGA mules in harnesses, feed them the Fox/Facebook cuttlefish paste, and out slithers win in red districts.

Finally, tell stories from The Catalog of Imaginary Demons. Cat litter in classrooms. Stolen elections. Mandatory sharia gay marriage drag queens. Whatever pokes the worn and calcified amygdalae of MAGA.

If there’s a decades-long effort by a leftist cabal of secret socialists in America funded by billionaires (that’s MAGA for “Jews” by the way) dedicated to imposing communism in America, may I note that they’re doing a terrible job of taking over?

Imaginary armies of Marxist mind controllers just don’t exist…except in the heads of the editors of Trumpbart et al. (And, by the way, they all know better, but rubes gonna click). Kevin McCarthy can BARELY even keep a straight face on these.

Many Republicans breathed a sigh of relief at the idea of Youngkin and DeSantis. “Yay! Credentialed elites like me! HOT sweater vest!” But like McCarthy, they’re out there endorsing the crapulous spew bucket of MAGA loons and weirdos.

This is BEFORE Trump gets in for 2024. THAT comfy illusion (“He’s gone and Mitch is BACK baby) is just that. An illusion. Trump–indicted or not–dominates every single aspect of their lives. He is the mass growing inside of their lives and souls, killing everything about them in his endless, sadist game.
Rick Wilson



McCarthy’s problem is the same as every single aspect of the legacy GOP and the gentry conservative media. They’re all perfectly conscious of the depravity and danger posed by the MAGA iteration of the Republican Party. They live by three rules:

First, live a double life. Pretend to donors you’re from GOP 1.0, telling them behind closed doors it’s you or the bloody-handed MAGA horde. “Hey we gotta pass a tax cut and protect carried interest deductions, and you won’t get that with Speaker Marjorie Taylor Greene.”

In public, lick Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Bradypusian feet, proclaiming they taste as if she danced through a field of honeysuckle. This dance will end soon because they won’t NEED McCarthy, and he’s too slow to get it.

But the double life is all they’ve got to keep the sane major donor types funding the committees. Again, this illusion is coming to a halt soon, because of Trump’s sadism, the swelling ranks of MAGA types, and their dedication to nihilist spectacle. The fall of the House of Kevin is going to be spectacular.

Second, pretend the only path to conservative victories is through a compromise with evil. “Hey, we know they’re leopards, but what’s having your face eaten off if we get our regulatory relief?”
None of the things they claim once mattered, matter. Rule of law? For thee, not me. Integrity? Please. The Constitution? Just the fun parts, please! Fiscal probity? They spent like sailors in a discount whorehouse during Trump, so spare me. “We had to compromise with evil” because of what? Imaginary communism? CRT? Black Lives Matter? Obamacare? No, they compromise with evil and will continue to do so because it’s easy. And, if you listen closely, because it’s fun.

Owning duh libs is a quick shortcut for having to do any of the intellectual work an actual conservative movement requires. Slap those MAGA mules in harnesses, feed them the Fox/Facebook cuttlefish paste, and out slithers win in red districts.

Finally, tell stories from The Catalog of Imaginary Demons. Cat litter in classrooms. Stolen elections. Mandatory sharia gay marriage drag queens. Whatever pokes the worn and calcified amygdalae of MAGA.

If there’s a decades-long effort by a leftist cabal of secret socialists in America funded by billionaires (that’s MAGA for “Jews” by the way) dedicated to imposing communism in America, may I note that they’re doing a terrible job of taking over?

Imaginary armies of Marxist mind controllers just don’t exist…except in the heads of the editors of Trumpbart et al. (And, by the way, they all know better, but rubes gonna click). Kevin McCarthy can BARELY even keep a straight face on these.

Many Republicans breathed a sigh of relief at the idea of Youngkin and DeSantis. “Yay! Credentialed elites like me! HOT sweater vest!” But like McCarthy, they’re out there endorsing the crapulous spew bucket of MAGA loons and weirdos.

This is BEFORE Trump gets in for 2024. THAT comfy illusion (“He’s gone and Mitch is BACK baby) is just that. An illusion. Trump–indicted or not–dominates every single aspect of their lives. He is the mass growing inside of their lives and souls, killing everything about them in his endless, sadist game.
Rick Wilson

I take it you live with a trespasser.
You have discredited yourself by trying to discredit the SPLC.

They slander good organizations as “hate groups” for promoting decent moral values and rejecting insane and evil left wrong-wing bullshit. They meet their very own definition of a “hate group”, engaging in the very same hateful behavior of which they falsely accuse others.


McCarthy’s problem is the same as every single aspect of the legacy GOP and the gentry conservative media. They’re all perfectly conscious of the depravity and danger posed by the MAGA iteration of the Republican Party. They live by three rules:

First, live a double life. Pretend to donors you’re from GOP 1.0, telling them behind closed doors it’s you or the bloody-handed MAGA horde. “Hey we gotta pass a tax cut and protect carried interest deductions, and you won’t get that with Speaker Marjorie Taylor Greene.”

In public, lick Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Bradypusian feet, proclaiming they taste as if she danced through a field of honeysuckle. This dance will end soon because they won’t NEED McCarthy, and he’s too slow to get it.

But the double life is all they’ve got to keep the sane major donor types funding the committees. Again, this illusion is coming to a halt soon, because of Trump’s sadism, the swelling ranks of MAGA types, and their dedication to nihilist spectacle. The fall of the House of Kevin is going to be spectacular.

Second, pretend the only path to conservative victories is through a compromise with evil. “Hey, we know they’re leopards, but what’s having your face eaten off if we get our regulatory relief?”
None of the things they claim once mattered, matter. Rule of law? For thee, not me. Integrity? Please. The Constitution? Just the fun parts, please! Fiscal probity? They spent like sailors in a discount whorehouse during Trump, so spare me. “We had to compromise with evil” because of what? Imaginary communism? CRT? Black Lives Matter? Obamacare? No, they compromise with evil and will continue to do so because it’s easy. And, if you listen closely, because it’s fun.

Owning duh libs is a quick shortcut for having to do any of the intellectual work an actual conservative movement requires. Slap those MAGA mules in harnesses, feed them the Fox/Facebook cuttlefish paste, and out slithers win in red districts.

Finally, tell stories from The Catalog of Imaginary Demons. Cat litter in classrooms. Stolen elections. Mandatory sharia gay marriage drag queens. Whatever pokes the worn and calcified amygdalae of MAGA.

If there’s a decades-long effort by a leftist cabal of secret socialists in America funded by billionaires (that’s MAGA for “Jews” by the way) dedicated to imposing communism in America, may I note that they’re doing a terrible job of taking over?

Imaginary armies of Marxist mind controllers just don’t exist…except in the heads of the editors of Trumpbart et al. (And, by the way, they all know better, but rubes gonna click). Kevin McCarthy can BARELY even keep a straight face on these.

Many Republicans breathed a sigh of relief at the idea of Youngkin and DeSantis. “Yay! Credentialed elites like me! HOT sweater vest!” But like McCarthy, they’re out there endorsing the crapulous spew bucket of MAGA loons and weirdos.

This is BEFORE Trump gets in for 2024. THAT comfy illusion (“He’s gone and Mitch is BACK baby) is just that. An illusion. Trump–indicted or not–dominates every single aspect of their lives. He is the mass growing inside of their lives and souls, killing everything about them in his endless, sadist game.
Rick Wilson

So, having previously discredited yourself by citing and defending the SPLC, now you're citing a group of faggots presuming to speak for the “MAGA GOP”.


Much of the income is dark money, with the origins hidden. CMD has managed to identify some key donors – among them the Mercer Family Foundation set up by reclusive hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, and a couple of groups run by Leonard Leo, the mastermind behind the rightwing land grab in the federal courts.

More than $1m (£880,265) has also been donated in the form of Bitcoin.

The attraction to these groups and donors of pursuing a states route to rewriting the US constitution is easily explained. Over the past 12 years, since the eruption of the Tea Party in 2010, Republican activists have deployed extreme partisan gerrymandering to pull off an extraordinary takeover of state legislatures.

Bannon is not finished: his ‘precinct strategy’ could alter US elections for years
Read more
In 2010, Republicans controlled both chambers of just 14 state legislatures. Today, that number stands at 31.

“Republicans are near the high watermark in terms of their political control in the states, and that’s why the pro-Trump rightwing of the party is increasingly embracing the constitutional convention strategy,” said Arn Pearson, CMD’s executive director.

Should a convention be achieved, the plan would be to give states one vote each. There is no legal or historical basis for such an arrangement but its appeal is self-evident.

This is serious. The Far Right are basically religious extremists and others with extremists views to change the politics of the US to the way they want it, keeping all other Parties from possibly ever achieving the passing of Human and Civil Rights or the Presidency again.

Voting for the Republicans thinking they will improve people's economy, etc, is only giving them the tools to achieve all of their goals.

Voting in 2022, and possibly in 2024, for economic reasons only, is not the way the voters will hopefully go.

Without our Human and Civil Rights in place by law, the economic costs do become higher to most people who cannot afford paying certain health issues, etc. Discriminations of all kinds, Racism, Homophobia, and many other forms only grow.
Since Trump took office in January 2017, his administration has worked aggressively to turn back the clock on our nation’s civil and human rights progress. Here’s how.


Do the proper research. There is still time before November 8.

Please, do not vote only based on economy, inflation and crime, which Republicans are allegedly said to be good at. Think about where voting Republican could possibly lead this country into in a few years.

There are a lot of Billionaires and others who want the Republicans in power, so that they will continue to do what they are used to doing, which is not care about the population, about climate change, people's health, voting rights, etc.

Republicans want an end to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Can anyone afford to not have any of those if they need it, as the first two they receive them by right after a certain age?

Republicans, the PARTY which TAKES, and TAKES AWAY from the population. And give mostly to those who already have a lot of everything.

Think, before voting. Thank you.

a vote for democrats will help destroy what is left of the USA
Southern Poverty Law Center President and CEO Margaret Huang issued the statement below following the Republican National Committee's approval of a resolution challenging SPLC’s identification and condemnation of hate groups:

“This Republican National Committee's resolution is an attack on the SPLC's definition of hate groups in order to excuse the Trump administration's history of working with individuals and organizations that malign entire groups of people — such as Black Lives Matter advocates, immigrants, Muslims and the LGBTQ community — with dehumanizing rhetoric.

“While the Republican Party approved this resolution, notably, it did not denounce organizations that promote antisemitism, Islamophobia, neo-Nazis, anti-LGBT sentiment or racism. It only criticized the SPLC for challenging hate groups that have found a place in the Republican Party.

“From the moment that Donald Trump ran for president, he welcomed the support of hate groups like the Family Research Council and the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). Once in office, Trump actively hired and consulted alumni and allies from FAIR, an anti-immigrant hate group that has ties to white supremacist groups and eugenicists. They include Julie Kirchner, Kris Kobach, Jeff Sessions, and most notably Stephen Miller.

“The resolution comes at a moment when Trump will argue at the Republican National Convention that he will combat hate and bigotry. In addition to this resolution giving comfort to hate groups, we have recently seen other evidence of hate groups and extremists making inroads into the Republican Party. Some in the party welcome QAnon into the GOP’s fold. The indictment of Stephen Bannon in recent days is a reminder of the extremism that he sought to embed in the Republican Party. And the SPLC has shined a light on OANN’s Jack Posobiec, a reporter at Trump’s favorite 'news' network, who is aligned with white supremacy and has used his platform to further hate speech and propaganda.

“Now, Trump and the GOP are doubling down with QAnon and partnering with hate groups that are seeking to muzzle anyone who stands in their way of furthering their agenda and hurting communities that we care about.

“But we’re not going to back down from calling out white supremacists and hate groups or pushing back against their dehumanizing rhetoric.”

You have discredited yourself by trying to discredit the SPLC.

They show what people like yourself are all about, and it is nothing good.

Worried about the Debt which Republicans shoot up at every administration?

Yes, I am also worried about Republicans becoming Presidents of the US and shooting up the Debt and the Deficit the way they have done for the past 20 to 30 years.
The SPLC was close to getting designated as a domestic terror organization a few years back, but apparently have cleaned up their act a little.
“This Republican National Committee's resolution is an attack on the SPLC's definition of hate groups in order to excuse the Trump administration's history of working with individuals and organizations that malign entire groups of people — such as Black Lives Matter advocates, immigrants, Muslims and the LGBTQ community — with dehumanizing rhetoric.

Violent criminals, foreign invaders, and depraved sexual perverts.

That's not a hateful use of “dehumanizing language”; that's just the plain truth about the sort of subhuman scum that the SPLC sides with. And they call it “hate” to take the side of decent, law-abiding human beings, against the side of that filth.
Right now inflation is the biggest issue not some dreamed up scare tactic.
Yes, inflation blamed on the sitting president as usual, just like a recession usually does, may save the Republican Party the chance to mess up the economy through extortion over the debt ceiling, and to further Catholicize the Supreme Court in order to nationally terminate a women’s right to choose.

Inflation you must know comes and goes absolutely indifferent to which Party controls what. You must know also that Biden inherited an unprecedented period in world history when the entire planet was coming out of a pandemic and historically severe recession. Inflation is a global reaction to coming out of a pandemic beginning with the supply chain shortages.

I see you are locked in on your voting behavior which is not very working class oriented - Trickle down economics has never really worked for working men and women. A high percentage of black Americans are working class like me, so I go by the way black Americans vote, specifically black working class women. They are hurting most by inflation while I am not. I am retired and my wife and I have acquired rental properties which as you know, inflation is a friend to the landlord, not the tenet. So to keep me grounded as a working class American who was able to get ahead, I vote the way black women vote.

And when you say that the fear of losing our democracy to a white centric political tribe being led by an authoritarian who wanted to designate “Black Lives Matter” as a terrorist organization, is a dreamed up scare tactic, to me and to black women, I get it. It is how you are able to rationalize that inflation and federal spending is more important than keeping 240 years of democracy intact. Do you think law abiding black Americans could be more sensitive about their right to vote, more so than inflation?

And there’s this Republican Supreme Court decision (Dobbs) that is harsh to all women but harshest to low income women cannot afford to leave their state to get an abortion when it’s controlled by Republican. I vote to protect their reproductive rights.

You believe women have reproductive rights - but your priority is debt and spending.

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That is why we need a Republican Congress to control spending which will help bring inflation down.
NFBW: inflation with low unemployment is not as harmful to the working class as deep recession and high unemployment is alongside abolishing and the absence of Social Security.
I have explained this over and over and this is my last time, Republicans can pass any bill they want and do you honestly believe that Biden would sin any bill? He’d veto the bill and there would not be enough votes to override any veto, thus there would be no spending,
NFBW: Biden’s veto power is why a Republican controlled House is going to use the debt ceiling to put their phony debt concerns on display when we have divided government with a Republican House and a Democrat President. It’s extortion. It is not governing and Papageorgio appears to endorse risky extortion over constitutionally established norms of self-governance.

Needs to happen.
NFBW: The extortion described above will make gutting Social Security a reality according to those promising to use extortion against Biden.

Social Security and Medicare eligibility changes, spending caps, and safety-net work requirements are among the top priorities for key House Republicans who want to use next year’s debt-limit deadline to extract concessions from Democrats. The four Republicans interested in serving as House Budget Committee chairman in the next Congress said in interviews that next year’s deadline to raise or suspend the debt ceiling is a point of leverage if their party can win control of the House in the November midterm elections.​
GOP plan to cut Social Security, Medicare in 2023 comes into view​
Republicans not only intend to push Social Security and Medicare cuts, they also have a plan to force the Biden White House to accept them.​
Hint: the kid’s body isn’t his or her mom’s body.
NFBW: Apparently it’s a white Christian Catholic body in the American Taliban state of Mississippi where they and White Catholic dominated SCOTUS inject fetal personhood into the Constitution even though fetal personhood does not exist in the US . Fetal personhood is Catholic doctrine and Catholics were nowhere to be found in Philadelphia when the Constitution was being written. If Catholics dominated and wrote our Constitution instead of non-Christian Rational Theists like Franklin Washington Adams Jefferson Madison and Monroe we would all be subjects to God’s government in Rome and citizenship would be based on conception instead of birth.

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This is serious. The Far Right are basically religious extremists and others with extremists views to change the politics of the US to the way they want it, keeping all other Parties from possibly ever achieving the passing of Human and Civil Rights or the Presidency again
What a load of horse shit. This is how Democrats stay in power by smearing any vote for the GOP as a vote for "Far Right Extremism". Listen chump, there is nothing more extreme than working for the demise of your own country and the Democrats do that every day.
smearing any vote for the GOP as a vote for "Far Right Extremism"

NFBW: Do you “think” and agree with Trump (the actual loser of the 2020 election) that he “in a true sense” actually won the popular vote in California and New York against HRC in 2016?

DJT: “ I think I did win the popular vote in a true sense. I think there was tremendous cheating in California, there was tremendous cheating in New York and other places.”​
Interview: Laura Ingraham Interviews Donald Trump on Fox's Ingraham Angle - Part 2 - September 1, 2020​

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