Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

NFBW: I’m guessing if you never vote for a presidential candidate who might actually win, but you prefer that a Republican beats a Democrat - then there is no risk to you if the Catholic six on SCOTUS decide voters no longer decide who the President will be because it will be up to Republican state legislators to assign the presidency to the Republican. That is basically what Trump wanted Pence to do with the fake Electirs from Arizona Pennsylvania New Mexico Wisconsin Georgia Nevada Michigan. Next time we might not have a Pence to go along with the fraud. And it may be sanctioned by the Suoreme Court to end democracy as we know it. But a I see now why you frankly just don’t give a damn.

Republican appointees across our federal court system are trying to “deconstruct the administrative state” of America, to quote Steve Bannon. Most recently, the majority-Trump-appointed 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled this week that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s funding mechanism is unconstitutional. That case will appear at the Supreme Court soon, in all probability.​
Join Raw Story Investigates. Go AD-Free. The most concerning case right now, however, is Moore v Harper which considers the bizarre theory Trump was pushing Pence to accept, that voters don’t determine who becomes president via the Electoral College but that individual state legislatures can simply award their Electoral votes to whichever candidate strikes their fancy.​

It’s loosely based on language in the Constitution, but defies two centuries of precedent and turns pretty much every part of elections over to state legislatures with no oversight whatsoever by either governors or the people, and can’t be appealed to any court, including the Supreme Court.​
Judge Michael Luttig — the famous and credible conservative judge, the Edmund Burke of this era — has joined the team fighting the potential outcome of this decision.​
Lutes suggests this theory, if adopted by the Court, could very well signal the end of Democratic presidents so long as more than 25 of our 50 states have Republican-controlled legislatures (and their governors can’t even veto their legislatures, according to this theory). Today 30 states’ legislatures are fully under GOP control, up from 14 in 2009.​

I root for Democrats and Republicans and Raw Story is a spin site with a left wing bias that uses fear.

Our best government, controlling the spending is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress, that is what I care about. I win a lot more by not voting for the lesser of two evils BS.
I root for Democrats and Republicans and Raw Story is a spin site with a left wing bias that uses fear.

Our best government, controlling the spending is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress, that is what I care about. I win a lot more by not voting for the lesser of two evils BS.
Yeah, right! How often has that happened in the last 80 years?
I root for Democrats and Republicans and Raw Story is a spin site with a left wing bias that uses fear.
So there is nothing to fear ever - democracy will never be in peril because. . . you have figured out it’s best to have divided government and the only thing to worry about is the national debt. Is that your single issue? Debt?

Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas​

Odd of you to give this endorsement to the GOPers.
The Constitution can only be amended by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress and ratification by 3/4 of the
state legislatures. The ignorance of the Left never ceases to amaze me. They not only don't respect the Constitution: They never read it.

Much of the income is dark money, with the origins hidden. CMD has managed to identify some key donors – among them the Mercer Family Foundation set up by reclusive hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, and a couple of groups run by Leonard Leo, the mastermind behind the rightwing land grab in the federal courts.

More than $1m (£880,265) has also been donated in the form of Bitcoin.

The attraction to these groups and donors of pursuing a states route to rewriting the US constitution is easily explained. Over the past 12 years, since the eruption of the Tea Party in 2010, Republican activists have deployed extreme partisan gerrymandering to pull off an extraordinary takeover of state legislatures.

Bannon is not finished: his ‘precinct strategy’ could alter US elections for years
Read more
In 2010, Republicans controlled both chambers of just 14 state legislatures. Today, that number stands at 31.

“Republicans are near the high watermark in terms of their political control in the states, and that’s why the pro-Trump rightwing of the party is increasingly embracing the constitutional convention strategy,” said Arn Pearson, CMD’s executive director.

Should a convention be achieved, the plan would be to give states one vote each. There is no legal or historical basis for such an arrangement but its appeal is self-evident.

This is serious. The Far Right are basically religious extremists and others with extremists views to change the politics of the US to the way they want it, keeping all other Parties from possibly ever achieving the passing of Human and Civil Rights or the Presidency again.

Voting for the Republicans thinking they will improve people's economy, etc, is only giving them the tools to achieve all of their goals.

Voting in 2022, and possibly in 2024, for economic reasons only, is not the way the voters will hopefully go.

Without our Human and Civil Rights in place by law, the economic costs do become higher to most people who cannot afford paying certain health issues, etc. Discriminations of all kinds, Racism, Homophobia, and many other forms only grow.
Since Trump took office in January 2017, his administration has worked aggressively to turn back the clock on our nation’s civil and human rights progress. Here’s how.


Do the proper research. There is still time before November 8.

Please, do not vote only based on economy, inflation and crime, which Republicans are allegedly said to be good at. Think about where voting Republican could possibly lead this country into in a few years.

There are a lot of Billionaires and others who want the Republicans in power, so that they will continue to do what they are used to doing, which is not care about the population, about climate change, people's health, voting rights, etc.

Republicans want an end to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Can anyone afford to not have any of those if they need it, as the first two they receive them by right after a certain age?

Republicans, the PARTY which TAKES, and TAKES AWAY from the population. And give mostly to those who already have a lot of everything.

Think, before voting. Thank you.

So you’re saying Republicans are going to win so big they could amend the Constitution.
There is nothing so far that directly links Trump to telling the rioters to riot.

NFBW: What about Trump knowing some of his peacefully protesting supporters on the Mall were carrying firearms in violation of DC LAW, as he made his Jan6 ‘Stop the Steal’ speech, knowing full fucking well the election was not stolen. Then after the violence had begun, Trump waited the magnetometers taken down, so he could march to the Capitol with the angry mob whether they were armed or not.,

Then when restrained by his Secret Service agents forcing him back to the White House, he watched the violence unfold and did nothing to stop it.,

Do you doubt what The Jan 6 Committed has discovered?

I don’t think anyone planned this and I have yet to see anything that says otherwise. If you have the proof, please post it.
NFBW: Do you know what the Eastman Plan is? it needed Pence to engage in a planned attempt to defraud the US government which he declined to do.

During the assault on the Capitol Trump tweeted essentially calling Pence a coward knowing his life was in danger which the videos show that tweet incited more violence when the angry mob at the Capitol heard it. So POTUS Incited a mob to commit bodily harm to his own VP because his VP refused to assist in the Plot to cancel Biden’s win and take the win for himself and for all those who were attacking the Capitol in the moment for him.

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[ How Republicans mean to win any election by scarring workers to death ]

Businessman Robert Beadles claimed he had found evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Then he went on the attack, targeting a 48-year-old woman who runs elections in Nevada’s Washoe County.

“Now, let’s talk about treason. That’s right, treason,” Beadles told a Feb. 22 county commissioners’ meeting in Washoe, the second-largest county in this election battleground state. The Republican activist falsely accused the registrar of voters, Deanna Spikula, of counting fraudulent votes and told commissioners to “either fire her or lock her up.”

After the meeting, Spikula’s office was flooded with hostile and harassing calls from people convinced she was part of a conspiracy to rig the election against former U.S. President Donald Trump. On March 2, a caller threatened to bring 100 people to the county building to “put this to bed today.” Spikula, under severe stress, stopped coming into the office. A post on Beadles’ website said she was “rumored to be in rehab.” That was false, she said; she was at home, working on a state elections manual.

By late June, fearing for her family’s safety, she’d had enough and submitted her resignation.

Beadles’ campaign in Washoe is part of a wave of efforts by pro-Trump activists to gain control of voting administration by replacing county government leaders with election conspiracy theorists. Some are spending big money. In Nevada, Beadles has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into campaigns targeting opponents of Trump’s false rigged-election claims and backing Republicans who believe them.

The goal: to profoundly change how U.S. elections are run. Right-wing activists want to eliminate voting machines and return to hand-counting of paper ballots, which experts say would make elections more prone to fraud, not less. Trump allies have also targeted the ballot drop boxes and mail-in voting that Democrats embraced in the 2020 election.

(full article online)

A majority of Republicans say they believe transgender people are trying to turn children trans, according to a new poll by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

That finding was one of several indicating support for extremist ideas among Republicans in the survey, which was released Wednesday. It was conducted in late April by the SPLC, a watchdog organization that monitors hate groups, and Tulchin Research.

“We found that the ideas underpinning the white nationalist ‘great replacement’ narrative recently cited by an alleged white supremacist terrorist in Buffalo, New York, have become thoroughly mainstream on the political right,” says an article on the SPLC’s website. “Nearly 7 in 10 Republicans surveyed agree to at least some extent that demographic changes in the United States are deliberately driven by liberal and progressive politicians attempting to gain political power by ‘replacing more conservative white voters.’”

“We also uncovered a widespread feeling — especially among right-leaning Americans — that transgender people and ‘gender ideology’ pose a threat to children and society at large,” the article continues. “These anti-LGBTQ, misogynistic and racist narratives have been promoted by many Republican politicians and other powerful right-wing figures, helping the ideas infiltrate the mainstream and contributing to an increasingly volatile and dangerous political environment.”

Sixty-three percent of Republican respondents agreed that trans people “are trying to indoctrinate children into their lifestyle,” according to the SPLC. The proportion was far lower among independents and Democrats. Forty-two percent agreed overall.

Among the entire survey group, 30 percent agreed with the statement that trans people are a threat to children. That opinion was held by including 23 percent of Democrats, 39 percent of Republicans, and 27 percent of independents.

The SPLC also asked respondents if they agreed that “gender ideology has corrupted American culture.” “The term ‘gender ideology’ is widespread on the right, and generally refers to a belief that LGBTQ people are a threat to children and families and that men and women should adhere to ‘traditional’ notions of masculinity and femininity,” the group notes. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they believe gender ideology has corrupted American culture, including 34 percent of Democrats, 72 percent of Republicans, and 45 percent of independents.

The survey asked about a variety of other issues, including support for Black Lives Matter, beliefs about whether the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from Donald Trump, and whether political violence is acceptable.

“Our survey shows that the hard right could make greater political gains and, in the process, further erode our democracy and create conditions — through activism, policy and violence — that would disproportionately harm communities that continue to be marginalized in our society,” the SPLC reports. “No political outcomes are inevitable. But our results show that a substantial effort, on the part of activists, institutions, and government, will be required if we hope to secure a multiracial democracy and prevent partisan violence.”

(full article online)

So there is nothing to fear ever - democracy will never be in peril because. . . you have figured out it’s best to have divided government and the only thing to worry about is the national debt. Is that your single issue? Debt?
Right now inflation is the biggest issue not some dreamed up scare tactic. For most working Americans inflation is the biggest fear. More spending, which the Democrats failed to do last December is still on their agenda and that will worsen the inflation. The wage increases that we have gotten are now behind the inflation curve. Next election, let’s hope this is over but spending is a real issue and Democrats do seem to understand that.

Much of the income is dark money, with the origins hidden. CMD has managed to identify some key donors – among them the Mercer Family Foundation set up by reclusive hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, and a couple of groups run by Leonard Leo, the mastermind behind the rightwing land grab in the federal courts.

More than $1m (£880,265) has also been donated in the form of Bitcoin.

The attraction to these groups and donors of pursuing a states route to rewriting the US constitution is easily explained. Over the past 12 years, since the eruption of the Tea Party in 2010, Republican activists have deployed extreme partisan gerrymandering to pull off an extraordinary takeover of state legislatures.

Bannon is not finished: his ‘precinct strategy’ could alter US elections for years
Read more
In 2010, Republicans controlled both chambers of just 14 state legislatures. Today, that number stands at 31.

“Republicans are near the high watermark in terms of their political control in the states, and that’s why the pro-Trump rightwing of the party is increasingly embracing the constitutional convention strategy,” said Arn Pearson, CMD’s executive director.

Should a convention be achieved, the plan would be to give states one vote each. There is no legal or historical basis for such an arrangement but its appeal is self-evident.

This is serious. The Far Right are basically religious extremists and others with extremists views to change the politics of the US to the way they want it, keeping all other Parties from possibly ever achieving the passing of Human and Civil Rights or the Presidency again.

Voting for the Republicans thinking they will improve people's economy, etc, is only giving them the tools to achieve all of their goals.

Voting in 2022, and possibly in 2024, for economic reasons only, is not the way the voters will hopefully go.

Without our Human and Civil Rights in place by law, the economic costs do become higher to most people who cannot afford paying certain health issues, etc. Discriminations of all kinds, Racism, Homophobia, and many other forms only grow.
Since Trump took office in January 2017, his administration has worked aggressively to turn back the clock on our nation’s civil and human rights progress. Here’s how.


Do the proper research. There is still time before November 8.

Please, do not vote only based on economy, inflation and crime, which Republicans are allegedly said to be good at. Think about where voting Republican could possibly lead this country into in a few years.

There are a lot of Billionaires and others who want the Republicans in power, so that they will continue to do what they are used to doing, which is not care about the population, about climate change, people's health, voting rights, etc.

Republicans want an end to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Can anyone afford to not have any of those if they need it, as the first two they receive them by right after a certain age?

Republicans, the PARTY which TAKES, and TAKES AWAY from the population. And give mostly to those who already have a lot of everything.

Think, before voting. Thank you.

Democrats: Deranged, fear-mongering fascists

They MUST be removed from power.
A majority of Republicans say they believe transgender people are trying to turn children trans, according to a new poll by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The SPLC is a hateful left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda source. You would completely discredit yourself by citing them, except that you never had any credibility in the first place.
The SPLC is a hateful left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda source. You would completely discredit yourself by citing them, except that you never had any credibility in the first place.
You have discredited yourself by trying to discredit the SPLC.

They show what people like yourself are all about, and it is nothing good.

Worried about the Debt which Republicans shoot up at every administration?

Yes, I am also worried about Republicans becoming Presidents of the US and shooting up the Debt and the Deficit the way they have done for the past 20 to 30 years.
You have discredited yourself by trying to discredit the SPLC.

They show what people like yourself are all about, and it is nothing good.

Worried about the Debt which Republicans shoot up at every administration?

Yes, I am also worried about Republicans becoming Presidents of the US and shooting up the Debt and the Deficit the way they have done for the past 20 to 30 years.
That is why we need a Republican Congress to control spending which will help bring inflation down. The Democrats want to continue to spend, last year they almost passed a $6 trillion bill. If they get anymore members they will continue to spend, which is bad for the country and our future. Now, in two years other issues may arise but for now, inflation and government spending to keep i Florida g is this terms issues.
That is why we need a Republican Congress to control spending which will help bring inflation down. The Democrats want to continue to spend, last year they almost passed a $6 trillion bill. If they get anymore members they will continue to spend, which is bad for the country and our future. Now, in two years other issues may arise but for now, inflation and government spending to keep i Florida g is this terms issues.
Republicans control spending? Tell many other jokes about Republicans and how they love to "Save money ". LOL
Republicans control spending? Tell many other jokes about Republicans and how they love to "Save money ". LOL
Again, with a Democratic President and a Republican Congress this is a best scenario. You said do yourself when you brought up Clinton who had to work with the Republicans, they actually got thing moving in the right direction. The worst case scenario with Biden and a Republican Congress is no spending getting passed.
Again, with a Democratic President and a Republican Congress this is a best scenario. You said do yourself when you brought up Clinton who had to work with the Republicans, they actually got thing moving in the right direction. The worst case scenario with Biden and a Republican Congress is no spending getting passed.
That is when Republicans could be called normal people.

They are not anymore. It goes to show what the Republicans continue to say THEY WILL do if they take the House.

Republicans in power in present day America is nothing but a danger to all Americans.

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