Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

And had the Democratic Party gave a damn, they would have done something and continued to do something starting 50 years ago when a Conservative court ruled in favor of abortion, but they did nothing and used it to get money, and used it to get votes but did nothing. Now, it is all someone else’s fault and not the Democrats for not doing their job in the first place and you are now upset with others, not holding your party responi for not doing anything. You are dishonest.

This election is about the economy and inflation as 79% of Americans believe this is the biggest issue and that is Why Democrats will lose the House, not the Senate but the House. That should slow the Biden spending agenda down and allow inflation to fall, I hope.
Stop with the Johnny one note. That is a false use of what actually happened.

Democrats, and many Republicans are against the activists who are anti abortion.

Economy is going fine, as proven. Inflation is Global and only fools will believe that a Republican will solve it when it will actually solve by itself with time.

Will Democrats lose the House? November 9th, the day after, is soon enough.

You are not being true about spending and the economy under Biden. But keep repeating it.
Stop with the Johnny one note. That is a false use of what actually happened.

Democrats, and many Republicans are against the activists who are anti abortion.

Economy is going fine, as proven. Inflation is Global and only fools will believe that a Republican will solve it when it will actually solve by itself with time.

Will Democrats lose the House? November 9th, the day after, is soon enough.

You are not being true about spending and the economy under Biden. But keep repeating it.
79% of Americans disagree with you.
The economy is doing just fine under Biden as I showed above.
Under Biden, I lost about $5000 of my retirement funds due to the stock market falling.

I lost 10s of thousands of dollars on the sale of my home.

Gas prices to go to my medical appointments have doubled.

I am on a fixed income now, and inflation is eating away at everything I buy.

Doing just fine? I repeat that you need to get off the heavy drugs you are abusing.
[ The "failing" economy" under Biden]

In the first 11 months under President Biden, businesses added over 6 million jobs, or an average of 565,000 jobs each month—the most in a calendar year by any U.S. president in recorded U.S. history. Over 84% of the jobs lost during the worst of the pandemic have been regained.

The U.S. Economy Experienced a Record Rebound During ...

The U.S. economy improved more during President Joe Biden’s first year in office than in the first 12 months of any other president in the past 50 years. Job growth, economic growth, retail sales and business creation are all up, while unemployment and unemployment insurance claims are down significantly. While there have been challenges, President Biden’s bold leadership has continued to meet them, and across all of these metrics, conditions not only improved but exceeded expectations as the United States continues its robust recovery from the pandemic recession.
The economy grew at the fastest rate in nearly 40 years
Gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2021 reached 5.7%—the highest annual growth since 1984—after rebounding from a decrease of 3.4% in 2020. The U.S. continues to lead among its peer countries in its pandemic recovery, and GDP growth exceeded 6% in three out of the last four quarters. The rate of annual growth surpassed both the Federal Reserve’s projection of 4.2% growth and the Congressional Budget Office’s projection of 4.6% growth before passage of the American Rescue Plan.
Those jobs added under Biden were not new jobs, but jobs filled because of the COVID pandemic left them empty.
A side-by-side comparison published in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

That's hard science, not religious dogma.
NFBW: There is no scientist in the world that a fertilized egg at conception is a viable human individual that is capable of living outside the womb?

The womb is part of a woman’s autonomy. You and the secular government have no say I what she does when she gets pregnant. It’s non of your fucking business if the woman has nothing to do with your religious or moral believes. If you believe a human being exists at conception and it is a sin to terminate a fetus, then if you get pregnant or get a woman pregnant make sure she shares your religious beliefs and don’t get an abortion. Otherwise stay out because science say life begins at viability and prior to that it is up to the woman it’s her body not yours.

If you believe a human being exists at conception and it is a sin to terminate a fetus, then if you get pregnant or get a woman pregnant make sure she shares your religious beliefs and don’t get an abortion.

It should go without saying that I would only marry a woman whose values were similar to my own, and that I wouldn't be impregnating any woman other than my wife.

My wife finds the idea of murdering an innocent child no less repugnant than I do.
My wife finds the idea of murdering an innocent child no less repugnant than I do
NFBW: That is great to hear, I figured that would be the case because I’ve never have nor would I ever get a woman pregnant and do a Herschel Walker on her to think that I can get away from my responsibilities.

I had a vasectomy after my second child because my wife couldn’t take the pill.

I am a rational theist along the lines of five of our first six presidents combined with secular humanism. As a humanist we should strive to be the best human soul we can be. I believe the Jewish tradition that life begins at first breath . . But aborting a pregnancy to me personally is not in keeping with striving to achieve human excellence. BUT That is my personal morality to be lived as an example to others. I would never impose my morality ding on another nor demand the government do it for me.

It is sad to see that you and your wife are so fixated on imposing your morality on others that you favor government intrusion into the private lives of menstruating women who stop menstruating. Kind of sick really.

Are you two members of an organized religion?

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Yet you are eager to have your murderous immorality imposed on the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.
How so. I am not Herschel Walker. I Don’t have any murderous immortality because I do not support a woman’s right to murder a viable fetus except in the case of rape incest or to save the life of the mother.

You have me confused with Herschel Walker for some reason.
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