Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

By not making it a law they kept the fear that it could be turned over any day for the last 50 years. Had they done that, we would not be where we are today, I hold both parties responsible for not doing their duties and solving an issue of large concern. Congress has a history of not acting on an issue and when the Supreme Court rules one side gets all indignant and bent, when they actually did it to themselves.

Were you going to answer my question I posed, or do you operate one way?
BTW, every time the Texas Congress managed to close abortion clinics, Judges came in and said that it was Unconstitutional.

It is a shame that what is Constitutional Law needs to be defended, etc, etc, instead of just being the law of the land which no one should be able to change based on their whims.

Outdated is one thing, but change them because of one's beliefs, and take people's rights away from them.......sorry, I don 't think either Party should be allowed to do anything like that.
You not blaming Biden for inflation is because it is worldwide, which I do agree with, in 2008 did you blame Bush for the worldwide recession or were you consistent that many factors that took years and decades in the making were in affect that created the recession of 2008?
[Decades? How far back and why? ]

Key Points​

  • The Great Recession began with the subprime mortgage crisis in 2006, when banks invested in mortgages in the form of derivatives.
  • Subprime borrowers started defaulting when the housing bubble burst at the same time the Fed raised rates.
  • “Too big to fail” banks, hedge funds, and insurance firms found themselves holding worthless investments.
  • The stock market crashed in 2008, as the Dow registered one of the largest point drops in history.
  • Congress passed multiple acts and enacted economic stimulus plans to prevent the Great Recession from becoming the second Great Depression.

How the Subprime Mortgage Crisis Caused the Recession​

In November 2006, the Department of Housing and Urban Development warned that new home building permits were 26% lower than the year before.4 At this point, the mortgage crisis could have been prevented. But the Bush administration and the Federal Reserve did not realize how grave those early warning signs were. They ignored declines in the inverted yield curve.5 Instead, they thought the strong money supply and low interest rates would restrict any problems faced by the real estate industry.

They didn't realize how reliant banks had become on derivatives, or contracts whose value is derived from another asset. Banks and hedge funds sold assets like mortgage-backed securities (MBS) to each other as investments. But they were backed by questionable mortgages.

These interest-only loans were offered to subprime, high-risk borrowers who were most likely to default on a loan. The banks offered them low interest rates. But these “too-good-to-be-true” loans reset to a much higher rate after a certain period. Home prices fell at the same time interest rates reset. Defaults on these loans caused the subprime mortgage crisis. When home prices started falling in 2007, it signaled a real estate crisis that was already in motion.

Essentially, banks had sold more mortgage-backed securities than what could be supported by good mortgages. But they felt safe because they also bought credit default swaps (CDS), which insured against the risk of defaults. But when the MBS market caved in, insurers did not have the capital to cover the CDS holders. As a result, insurance giant American International Group almost went belly-up before the federal government saved it.6


The bottom line? Banks relied too much on derivatives. They sold too many bad mortgages to keep the supply of derivatives flowing. That was the underlying cause of the recession.
This financial catastrophe quickly spilled out of the confines of the housing scene and spread throughout the banking industry, bringing down financial behemoths with it. Among those deemed “too big to fail” were Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch. Because of this, the crisis spread globally.7


Why Didn't Obama Do More To End the Recession?​

President Obama was dealing with more than just the recession as he looked toward the midterm elections.

He launched sorely needed but sharply criticized healthcare reform. He also supported the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act. That and new Federal Reserve regulations were designed to prevent another banking collapse. They also made banking much more conservative. As a result, many banks didn't lend as much, because they were conserving capital to conform to regulations and write down bad debt. But bank lending was needed to spur the small business growth needed to create new jobs.

How the Bailout Affects You​

The Dodd-Frank Act stopped the bank credit panic, allowed LIBOR interest rates to return to normal, and made it possible for everyone to get loans.35 Without the credit market functioning, businesses were not able to get the capital they need to run their day-to-day business.

Without the bill, it would have been impossible for people to get credit applications approved for home mortgages and even car loans. In a few weeks, the lack of capital would have led to a shutdown of small businesses, which couldn't afford the high interest rates. Also, those whose mortgage rates reset would have seen their loan payments jump. This would have caused even more foreclosures. The Great Recession would have become a depression.

That gives us hope because we learned more about how the economy works and became smarter about managing it. Without that knowledge, we would be in much worse shape today.

BTW, every time the Texas Congress managed to close abortion clinics, Judges came in and said that it was Unconstitutional.

It is a shame that what is Constitutional Law needs to be defended, etc, etc, instead of just being the law of the land which no one should be able to change based on their whims.

Outdated is one thing, but change them because of one's beliefs, and take people's rights away from them.......sorry, I don 't think either Party should be allowed to do anything like that.
It happens all the time, the Constitution is always challenged. Obama had an EO on immigration the Supreme Court said Obama violated the Constitution and should have been handled by Congress. Then by a 9-0 ruling Obama's appointments were overturned, same can be said of many governors and legislatures all over the country. Look at the state of New York Supreme Court overturning the state imposed vaccine mandate and now the state of New York now has to rehire and back pay thousands due to their nonadherence to the Constitution.
[Decades? How far back and why? ]

Key Points​

  • The Great Recession began with the subprime mortgage crisis in 2006, when banks invested in mortgages in the form of derivatives.
  • Subprime borrowers started defaulting when the housing bubble burst at the same time the Fed raised rates.
  • “Too big to fail” banks, hedge funds, and insurance firms found themselves holding worthless investments.
  • The stock market crashed in 2008, as the Dow registered one of the largest point drops in history.
  • Congress passed multiple acts and enacted economic stimulus plans to prevent the Great Recession from becoming the second Great Depression.

How the Subprime Mortgage Crisis Caused the Recession​

In November 2006, the Department of Housing and Urban Development warned that new home building permits were 26% lower than the year before.4 At this point, the mortgage crisis could have been prevented. But the Bush administration and the Federal Reserve did not realize how grave those early warning signs were. They ignored declines in the inverted yield curve.5 Instead, they thought the strong money supply and low interest rates would restrict any problems faced by the real estate industry.

They didn't realize how reliant banks had become on derivatives, or contracts whose value is derived from another asset. Banks and hedge funds sold assets like mortgage-backed securities (MBS) to each other as investments. But they were backed by questionable mortgages.

These interest-only loans were offered to subprime, high-risk borrowers who were most likely to default on a loan. The banks offered them low interest rates. But these “too-good-to-be-true” loans reset to a much higher rate after a certain period. Home prices fell at the same time interest rates reset. Defaults on these loans caused the subprime mortgage crisis. When home prices started falling in 2007, it signaled a real estate crisis that was already in motion.

Essentially, banks had sold more mortgage-backed securities than what could be supported by good mortgages. But they felt safe because they also bought credit default swaps (CDS), which insured against the risk of defaults. But when the MBS market caved in, insurers did not have the capital to cover the CDS holders. As a result, insurance giant American International Group almost went belly-up before the federal government saved it.6


The bottom line? Banks relied too much on derivatives. They sold too many bad mortgages to keep the supply of derivatives flowing. That was the underlying cause of the recession.
This financial catastrophe quickly spilled out of the confines of the housing scene and spread throughout the banking industry, bringing down financial behemoths with it. Among those deemed “too big to fail” were Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch. Because of this, the crisis spread globally.7


Why Didn't Obama Do More To End the Recession?​

President Obama was dealing with more than just the recession as he looked toward the midterm elections.

He launched sorely needed but sharply criticized healthcare reform. He also supported the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act. That and new Federal Reserve regulations were designed to prevent another banking collapse. They also made banking much more conservative. As a result, many banks didn't lend as much, because they were conserving capital to conform to regulations and write down bad debt. But bank lending was needed to spur the small business growth needed to create new jobs.

How the Bailout Affects You​

The Dodd-Frank Act stopped the bank credit panic, allowed LIBOR interest rates to return to normal, and made it possible for everyone to get loans.35 Without the credit market functioning, businesses were not able to get the capital they need to run their day-to-day business.

Without the bill, it would have been impossible for people to get credit applications approved for home mortgages and even car loans. In a few weeks, the lack of capital would have led to a shutdown of small businesses, which couldn't afford the high interest rates. Also, those whose mortgage rates reset would have seen their loan payments jump. This would have caused even more foreclosures. The Great Recession would have become a depression.

That gives us hope because we learned more about how the economy works and became smarter about managing it. Without that knowledge, we would be in much worse shape today.

I have lots of stories spreading the world recession to quite a few people not just one party and I tend to believe it as it makes much more sense.

Why do you believe Bush and Republicans are solely to blame or do you? You really didn't answer you just did a cut and paste job.
I, for one, was never aware that something else needed to done. It was a Constitutional Right.
But as we know now, any law basically could be changed depending on who is in the majority in Congress and the Supreme Court.

I apologize. What was the question, again?
It was never a constitutional right. That is where Roe v. Wade erred.
I have lots of stories spreading the world recession to quite a few people not just one party and I tend to believe it as it makes much more sense.

Why do you believe Bush and Republicans are solely to blame or do you? You really didn't answer you just did a cut and paste job.
I have no knowledge of business or finances in running a country. I will leave it for those who understand the issues better to answer about it.
BTW, every time the Texas Congress managed to close abortion clinics, Judges came in and said that it was Unconstitutional.

It is a shame that what is Constitutional Law needs to be defended, etc, etc, instead of just being the law of the land which no one should be able to change based on their whims.

Outdated is one thing, but change them because of one's beliefs, and take people's rights away from them.......sorry, I don 't think either Party should be allowed to do anything like that.

:linky: :linky: :linky: :linky: :linky:
So do you blame Bush for the global recession in 2008 or not?
Can you stop baiting people? I will not let you bait me.

As I said, let someone with knowledge of what happened during that time answer the question.
Can you stop baiting people? I will not let you bait me.

As I said, let someone with knowledge of what happened during that time answer the question.
So, you can bait me but when the tables turn it's no go, you won't answer the question because you need to blame Bush, but you can't blame Biden, got it.

At least know why you avoided my original question and dishonestly claimed you missed it.
So, you can bait me but when the tables turn it's no go, you won't answer the question because you need to blame Bush, but you can't blame Biden, got it.

At least know why you avoided my original question and dishonestly claimed you missed it.
When did I bait you, and do you know the meaning of the word?

I do know how bad Bush's decisions were for the country during his 8 years.

You are looking to absolve him of all of his decisions and the consequences of those decisions.

I will not absolve George W Bush for getting the US into the Iraq or Afguanistan wars, or the miserable economy he brought the country, or the Judge (s) he put on the Supreme Court.

Bush is a hero of yours? I do not see why.

Maybe this article is correct with its charts, maybe not. I will let experts discuss it:

It is either a right they do have, and should have, in order to keep pregnancies deaths to a minimum, back allies abortion deaths to non existent.

That's nonsense.

Every successful abortion results in the death of an innocent human being. Every single one.

Not by any stretch can abortion be claimed to save lives. The number of women whose lives can be saved from pregnancy/childbirth complications is nothing compared to the numbers of needless deaths of innocents perpetrated by this savage practice.
[ Today's GOP. Threats, Violence, Payback ]

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon has issued a threat to Anthony Fauci, saying the president’s chief medical adviser and his entire family are going to “suffer” after the midterm elections next month.

“On 8 November, when we destroy the Democratic party as a national political institution and really end the regime, the hunted become the hunters. The whole Fauci family is going to be welcome to the investigations. The entire family,” Mr Bannon said on his War Room podcast on Sunday.

(full article online)

Alaska's Republican Party leaders voted Monday to censure Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for supporting Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), the Washington Post reports.

The big picture: The move is symbolic with no real consequence but is intended to signal the party's disapproval of McConnell.

  • It's also intended to signal to voters to pick Trump-backed Republican candidate Kelly Tshibaka, per the Washington Post.
  • The 49-8 vote came after McConnell's leadership political action committee spent $5 million on ads attacking Tshibaka.
Background: Former President Trump said in 2020 that he would endorse "any candidate" with a pulse who runs against Murkowski.

When did I bait you, and do you know the meaning of the word?

I do know how bad Bush's decisions were for the country during his 8 years.

You are looking to absolve him of all of his decisions and the consequences of those decisions.

I will not absolve George W Bush for getting the US into the Iraq or Afguanistan wars, or the miserable economy he brought the country, or the Judge (s) he put on the Supreme Court.

Bush is a hero of yours? I do not see why.

Maybe this article is correct with its charts, maybe not. I will let experts discuss it:

Didn’t say anything about absolving him of everything, again you are dishonest. Thanks for the discussion but you are lying about what I post and spinning, I’m not into that crap.
Didn’t say anything about absolving him of everything, again you are dishonest. Thanks for the discussion but you are lying about what I post and spinning, I’m not into that crap.
You are about being right all the time.
Thanks for the discussion. Regardless of the fact that you do call non dishonest people dishonest.

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