Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

you have invited Satan in in his place. And the result of this choice is very clear to almost everyone who reads your posts, here. You are filled with, overflowing with, the sort of evil and madness that can only exist in the void where God has been driven out.

You only want Satan's religion to have any influence over government, while shutting God's religion out.

Yet you are eager to have your murderous immorality imposed on the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.

Coming from someone who believes in the supernatural Biblical Satan has absolutely no credibility here. This is a thread for rational people. Are you capable of being rational and leave your religion out of it?
Coming from someone who believes in the supernatural Biblical Satan has absolutely no credibility here. This is a thread for rational people. Are you capable of being rational and leave your religion out of it?

A creature that denies God is in no position to accuse anyone else of being irrational.
A creature that denies God is in no position to accuse anyone else of being irrational.
Please pay attention. I do not deny God. I just told you I am a rational theist In the way that five out of six of our first American presidents were rational theists. Jefferson and Adams wrote much about their opinion that revealed religion such as the Catholic Church and subsequent Protestantism, Calvinism were irrational. It was good enough for those two founding father presidents it’s good enough for me.
Let them vote.
They will, as will I as should you, it seems you have no point.
Stop with the Johnny one note. That is a false use of what actually happened.

Democrats, and many Republicans are against the activists who are anti abortion.

Economy is going fine, as proven. Inflation is Global and only fools will believe that a Republican will solve it when it will actually solve by itself with time.

Will Democrats lose the House? November 9th, the day after, is soon enough.

You are not being true about spending and the economy under Biden. But keep repeating it.
In 2008 and 2009 we had a worldwide recession yet Democrats blamed Bush. I don’t blame Biden however I do not want his spending agenda to pass, that will hurt the economy
the Dems are about their power, not women’s power or they would have done something decades ago instead of fake concern.
NFBW: You are now blaming every single independent and free woman in America who believe their reproductive organs belong to themselves and do not belong to any state government, as the ones responsible for losing their freedom.

You are blaming Democrat women for allowing Trump to beat Clinton without winning the popular vote;

You are blaming abortion rights women for Trump appointing three white Catholic judges to the Supreme Court.

You are blaming pro-choice women for the denial of their reproductive rights for not stopping the Supreme Court from having four white Catholic men, one black Catholic man and one white Catholic woman who all are brainwashed from birth to believe life begins at conception.

You blame the victims for having fake concern and for not predicting that Ruth Bader Ginsburg would die during one of the most racist, misogynistic, white evangelical Christian and right wing Catholic empowering president’s in American history.

You blame the victims for Trump tearing down the wall of separation between church and state.

You blame the victims for Mitch McConnell not allowing a pro-choice Obama appoint a Roe defending Justice to the Supreme Court because it was too close to the end of his term.

You blame the victims for Mitch McConnell for rushing Catholic judge Amy Coney Barrett through just weeks before Trump faced the voters a second time and was expected to lose.

You blame the victim for Mitch McConnell’s hypocritical last ditch
moves after what he did to Obama’s right to pick a judge..

You are not a rational thinking human being when you claim to support women’s reproductive rights while blaming the victim for losing them to the political party that essentially exists to take that right away.

You are absurd.

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In 2008 and 2009 we had a worldwide recession yet Democrats blamed Bush.

PapaG220714-#212 “The spending that created the inflation first occurred under Trump, not Biden, then Biden signed on[sp] in 2021, “

NFBW: Do you agree Papageorgio that Trump’s 2017 tax cut economy was a total flop in that it produced only one year at an annual growth rate of 2.9% GDP, therefore the promised revenues to the treasury from a (inflationary) 4.0 or higher GDP as Trump predicted, never came into the treasury.

And do you agree that the pandemic of 2019 2020 had no impact on why the Trumo tax cuts for the rich did not perform as expected and certainly the cuts in revenue did not produce anything conducive to help the working class in pre-pandemic 2019

DJT200401-Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing “The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life​

NFBW: We’re you one of the advocates Papageorgio pressing Trump on the Coronavirus to do nothing and ride it out, and against federal spending to shore up a total collapse in the economy?

PapaG220916-#60 “If you want to go to war, move to Ukraine, America should not get involved in a war that we have no business supporting, let alone be in. . . . We are not the world police, if people want a war, go there and fight, our country has no business even considering any such move”

PapaG211123-#68 “The left needs to get over their obsession with Trump.”

NFBW: Just out of curiosity Papageorgio , do you agree with Trump when he says that Putin invaded Ukraine because Biden is weak and that Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Biden had not stolen the election and Trump were serving the second term that he won?

NFBW: You are now blaming every single independent and free woman in America who believe their reproductive organs belong to themselves and do not belong to any state government, as the ones responsible for losing their freedom.

You are blaming Democrat women for allowing Trump to beat Clinton without winning the popular vote;

You are blaming abortion rights women for Trump appointing three white Catholic judges to the Supreme Court.

You are blaming pro-choice women for the denial of their reproductive rights for not stopping the Supreme Court from having four white Catholic men, one black Catholic man and one white Catholic woman who all are brainwashed from birth to believe life begins at conception.

You blame the victims for having fake concern and for not predicting that Ruth Bader Ginsburg would die during one of the most racist, misogynistic, white evangelical Christian and right wing Catholic empowering president’s in American history.

You blame the victims for Trump tearing down the wall of separation between church and state.

You blame the victims for Mitch McConnell not allowing a pro-choice Obama appoint a Roe defending Justice to the Supreme Court because it was too close to the end of his term.

You blame the victims for Mitch McConnell for rushing Catholic judge Amy Coney Barrett through just weeks before Trump faced the voters a second time and was expected to lose.

You blame the victim for Mitch McConnell’s hypocritical last ditch
moves after what he did to Obama’s right to pick a judge..

You are not a rational thinking human being when you claim to support women’s reproductive rights while blaming the victim for losing them to the political party that essentially exists to take that right away.

You are absurd.

I’m blaming Democrats and Republicans that used this issue as a wedge issue for the last 50 years. If you need to take it as you are and be dishonest about my views. I don’t agree with you on your views but I respect them, I guess you don’t feel the same, that seems to be an issue in American politics today.
I’m blaming Democrats and Republicans that used this issue as a wedge issue for the last 50 years. If you need to take it as you are and be dishonest about my views. I don’t agree with you on your views but I respect them, I guess you don’t feel the same, that seems to be an issue in American politics today.
How exactly did Democrats use Roe, the right of women to have a legal abortion, as a wedge issue?

It is either a right they do have, and should have, in order to keep pregnancies deaths to a minimum, back allies abortion deaths to non existent.

Those were the issues women were fighting for, and especially the right to tell men, and many women as well, in religion, politics and in power to keep their hands and laws off of their bodies.
I’m blaming Democrats and Republicans that used this issue as a wedge issue for the last 50 years. If you need to take it as you are and be dishonest about my views. I don’t agree with you on your views but I respect them, I guess you don’t feel the same, that seems to be an issue in American politics today.
BTW, it is not the Democrats who have written bill after bill to cut the rights of women to have abortions, especially for the past 20 to 30 years.

It is not the Democrats who passed many, if not all of those bills in Republican States especially, and forced health clinics to shut down, when so many poor people needed those clinics to stay open.

It is not the Democrats who put targets on doctors back, and had their followers murder at least two doctors.

When all else fails, the Extremist Republicans always choose terrorism and violence.

Army of God[edit]​

Main article: Army of God
The Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security's joint Terrorism Knowledge Base, identify the Army of God as an underground terrorist organization active in the United States. It was formed in 1982, and is responsible for a substantial amount of anti-abortion violence. The group has committed property crimes, acts of kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder. While sharing a common ideology and tactics, members claim to rarely communicate;[47] to avoid risk of information leaking to outside sources.

In August 1982, three men identifying as the Army of God kidnapped Hector Zevallos (a doctor and clinic owner) and his wife, Rosalee Jean, holding them for eight days and released them unharmed.[16] In 1993, Shelly Shannon, an Army of God member, admitted to the attempted murder of George Tiller.[48] Law enforcement officials found the Army of God Manual, a tactical guide to arson, chemical attacks, invasions, and bombings buried in Shelly Shannon's backyard.[16]Paul Jennings Hill was found guilty of the murder of both John Britton and clinic escort James Barrett.

The Army of God published a "Defensive Action Statement" signed by more than two dozen supporters of Hill, saying that "whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child... if in fact Paul Hill did kill or wound abortionist John Britton and clinic assistants James Barrett and Mrs. Barrett, his actions are morally justified if they were necessary for the purpose of defending innocent human life".[49][I 5] The AOG claimed responsibility for Eric Robert Rudolph's 1997 shrapnel bombing of abortion clinics in Atlanta and Birmingham.[50] The organization embraces its description as terrorist.[51]


Physician "wanted" posters[edit]​

In the late 1990s, an organization called American Coalition of Life Activists (ACLA) was accused of implicitly advocating violence by its publication on its "Nuremberg Files" website of wanted-style posters, which featured a photograph of a physician who performed abortions along with a monetary reward for any information that would lead to his "arrest, conviction, and revocation of license to practice medicine".[52] The ACLA's website described these physicians as war criminals[53] and accused them of committing "crimes against humanity". The web site also published names, home addresses, telephone numbers, and other personal information regarding abortion providers—highlighting the names of those who had been wounded and striking out those of who had been killed. George Tiller's name was included on this list along with many others. The site was accused of being a thinly-veiled hit list intended to incite violence; others claimed that it was protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.[54] In 2002, after a prolonged debate, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the "posters" constituted an illegal threat.[55]

How exactly did Democrats use Roe, the right of women to have a legal abortion, as a wedge issue?

It is either a right they do have, and should have, in order to keep pregnancies deaths to a minimum, back allies abortion deaths to non existent.

Those were the issues women were fighting for, and especially the right to tell men, and many women as well, in religion, politics and in power to keep their hands and laws off of their bodies.
Soon Liberals will want the right to murder people who piss them off.
Those in Manhattan already want to marry their pets.
How exactly did Democrats use Roe, the right of women to have a legal abortion, as a wedge issue?

It is either a right they do have, and should have, in order to keep pregnancies deaths to a minimum, back allies abortion deaths to non existent.

Those were the issues women were fighting for, and especially the right to tell men, and many women as well, in religion, politics and in power to keep their hands and laws off of their bodies.
By not making it a law they kept the fear that it could be turned over any day for the last 50 years. Had they done that, we would not be where we are today, I hold both parties responsible for not doing their duties and solving an issue of large concern. Congress has a history of not acting on an issue and when the Supreme Court rules one side gets all indignant and bent, when they actually did it to themselves.

Were you going to answer my question I posed, or do you operate one way?
By not making it a law they kept the fear that it could be turned over any day for the last 50 years. Had they done that, we would not be where we are today, I hold both parties responsible for not doing their duties and solving an issue of large concern. Congress has a history of not acting on an issue and when the Supreme Court rules one side gets all indignant and bent, when they actually did it to themselves.

Were you going to answer my question I posed, or do you operate one way?
I, for one, was never aware that something else needed to done. It was a Constitutional Right.
But as we know now, any law basically could be changed depending on who is in the majority in Congress and the Supreme Court.

I apologize. What was the question, again?
I, for one, was never aware that something else needed to done. It was a Constitutional Right.
But as we know now, any law basically could be changed depending on who is in the majority in Congress and the Supreme Court.

I apologize. What was the question, again?
You not blaming Biden for inflation is because it is worldwide, which I do agree with, in 2008 did you blame Bush for the worldwide recession or were you consistent that many factors that took years and decades in the making were in affect that created the recession of 2008?

Much of the income is dark money, with the origins hidden. CMD has managed to identify some key donors – among them the Mercer Family Foundation set up by reclusive hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, and a couple of groups run by Leonard Leo, the mastermind behind the rightwing land grab in the federal courts.

More than $1m (£880,265) has also been donated in the form of Bitcoin.

The attraction to these groups and donors of pursuing a states route to rewriting the US constitution is easily explained. Over the past 12 years, since the eruption of the Tea Party in 2010, Republican activists have deployed extreme partisan gerrymandering to pull off an extraordinary takeover of state legislatures.

Bannon is not finished: his ‘precinct strategy’ could alter US elections for years
Read more
In 2010, Republicans controlled both chambers of just 14 state legislatures. Today, that number stands at 31.

“Republicans are near the high watermark in terms of their political control in the states, and that’s why the pro-Trump rightwing of the party is increasingly embracing the constitutional convention strategy,” said Arn Pearson, CMD’s executive director.

Should a convention be achieved, the plan would be to give states one vote each. There is no legal or historical basis for such an arrangement but its appeal is self-evident.

This is serious. The Far Right are basically religious extremists and others with extremists views to change the politics of the US to the way they want it, keeping all other Parties from possibly ever achieving the passing of Human and Civil Rights or the Presidency again.

Voting for the Republicans thinking they will improve people's economy, etc, is only giving them the tools to achieve all of their goals.

Voting in 2022, and possibly in 2024, for economic reasons only, is not the way the voters will hopefully go.

Without our Human and Civil Rights in place by law, the economic costs do become higher to most people who cannot afford paying certain health issues, etc. Discriminations of all kinds, Racism, Homophobia, and many other forms only grow.
Since Trump took office in January 2017, his administration has worked aggressively to turn back the clock on our nation’s civil and human rights progress. Here’s how.


Do the proper research. There is still time before November 8.

Please, do not vote only based on economy, inflation and crime, which Republicans are allegedly said to be good at. Think about where voting Republican could possibly lead this country into in a few years.

There are a lot of Billionaires and others who want the Republicans in power, so that they will continue to do what they are used to doing, which is not care about the population, about climate change, people's health, voting rights, etc.

Republicans want an end to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Can anyone afford to not have any of those if they need it, as the first two they receive them by right after a certain age?

Republicans, the PARTY which TAKES, and TAKES AWAY from the population. And give mostly to those who already have a lot of everything.

Think, before voting. Thank you.

Too late, I already voted. The R's have it.

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