Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

You are about being right all the time.
Thanks for the discussion. Regardless of the fact that you do call non dishonest people dishonest.
lol! I am not right many times, but I don't play silly games and lie about you and what you post as you did with me. Have a great rest of the day.

Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas​

Let's sure hope do.

Much of the income is dark money, with the origins hidden.
The less you know the better.

The attraction to these groups and donors of pursuing a states route to rewriting the US constitution is easily explained.
As easily as wanting to stack the supreme court, do away with the electoral college, add illegal citizens as Dem voters, create more states that you know will be blue and change our country to mob rule?

Over the past 12 years, since the eruption of the Tea Party in 2010, Republican activists have deployed extreme partisan gerrymandering to pull off an extraordinary takeover of state legislatures.
Sure hope so.

More power to the guy.

This is serious. The Far Right are basically religious extremists and others with extremists views to change the politics of the US to the way they want it
Wow, so now religion is extremist? And they want to return government from what you've perverted it back to how the Framers intended? How dangerous!

Please, do not vote only based on economy, inflation and crime
We won't. We will also vote based on borders, energy and war.

Think about where voting Republican could possibly lead this country into in a few years.
Oh, the horror.
See the source image

Think, before voting.
Well, that certainly eliminate you!
[ Today's GOP. Threats, Violence, Payback ]

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon has issued a threat to Anthony Fauci, saying the president’s chief medical adviser and his entire family are going to “suffer” after the midterm elections next month.

“On 8 November, when we destroy the Democratic party as a national political institution and really end the regime, the hunted become the hunters. The whole Fauci family is going to be welcome to the investigations. The entire family,” Mr Bannon said on his War Room podcast on Sunday.

(full article online)


Corrupt filth such as Fauci need to know that if they find themselves in positions of political power, and they abuse that power to the harm of those that they are supposed serve, that there will be serious consequences.

I have a very faint memory of reading or hearing a story. I don't know if it was fiction, or some claimed bit of history. It described a society in which each judge sat on a bench that was upholstered with the skin of the last judge who, having held that position, was found to have abused the power thereof—a constant reminder of the sacred trust that goes with political power, and the seriousness with which any corruption or abuse of it would be treated.

We would be a much healthier nation, if our public servants faced a similar level of accountability.
I’m blaming Democrats and Republicans that used this issue as a wedge issue for the last 50 years.
I asked you which Party going forward will be protecting and restoring a woman’s right to choose and which Party will be going for a national total ban on abortion and putting local governments officials in control of what a woman can do with her own body? If you do not know just say so. Let’s stop pretending you actually care about individual freedom when it’s a woman losing it,
You are a Republican for this year’s mid-term election from what you told me about your voting strategy. You want Republicans to win the House to burn down BIden’s second half. And you don’t agree that MAGA Crazies in power either exist or that it matters.
MAGA crazies are by far and away the good guys compared to you Stalinist asswipes.
NFBW: Where have I advocated for the murder of a human being as I am not a Catholic and I do not accept their Religious Doctrine ( Humanae Vitae ) that a human being exists from the instant of conception because it was created by a personal God who plans to have a living relationship with him or her even if a 12 year old girl get pregnant by rape and incest.

Every Time you diss Catholics you get a neg.

You are a bigot. You are prejudiced. You are everything you hate
I did not do what you are accusing me of.

Have a wonderful life.
You are looking to absolve him of all of his decisions and the consequences of those decisions.

I will not absolve George W Bush for getting the US into the Iraq or Afguanistan wars, or the miserable economy he brought the country, or the Judge (s) he put on the Supreme Court.

You lied, pure and simple I never said I wanted to absolve Bush from his responsibility in the wars, you used it to change the subject, which you do often and I will call you out for such nonsense.

Then you want the experts to decide Bush and his responsibility for a global recession but are willing to absolve Biden because it was global inflation. Nice double standard.
I asked you which Party going forward will be protecting and restoring a woman’s right to choose and which Party will be going for a national total ban on abortion and putting local governments officials in control of what a woman can do with her own body? If you do not know just say so. Let’s stop pretending you actually care about individual freedom when it’s a woman losing it,
I keep answering and you keep asking.
keep answering and you keep asking.
you answer about the past. I’m asking which Party you think will fight to protect every woman’s reproductive freedom if she wants it from now on.

You don’t want to answer a simple question for some reason.
I dislike both parties, they are the rich and are for the rich.

I keep answering and you keep asking.

NFBW: You are consistent Papageorgio - really stuck is more like it.- have you ever thought about the fact that the majority of voting aged citizens are not rich. Methinks your voting strategy based on hating both parties because they equally favor the rich, helps to explain why the not-rich are continually being fucked over by the minority of the rich. It’s not the economy stupid. It’s not government spending - It’s culture war. Think about it.

I say if you want the government to answer directly to the working middle class and working poor you need to jerk yourself away from whatever the hell you think you are doing and pick one.

I say go with the party that already has the most working families in the most multicultural, multiracial, multi religious and not religious and acceptance of all sexual orientations and preferences. That’s the only way the working class can vote for and get a government that serves working Americans and we can have wealth trickle up for a change.

Don’t pick thee “trickle down” party and the mostly white and Christian Party; the one that has perfected culture war offense since the Vietnam War era.

Please, post some more.

ALL women who can vote should read how some Republicans think about their bodies.

Mainly, women have no rights to their bodies and Republicans can invent anything, as you just did, as to what 9 or 10 year old children dream about or want out of life.

Women, this is what you are dealing with.

But then, Republican women by the Thousands have already switched Parties to protect their bodies and their rights.

We shall see what happens on November 8th.
if women are so concerned about controlling their bodies why dont they keep their knees together and avoid getting knocked up

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