Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

They are driven by evil. I was aware of the pull of evil from a very young age and chose to resist it, and didn't always completely succeed.

The left have stopped even trying to resist the evil. They are too in love with themselves and the pleasures of living for themselves. Remember the old saying from the 60's -- "If it feels good, do it"? Today's leftists just do it, no matter who gets harmed by their actions. They are so brainwashed to believe that the pleasure of sex is so much more important than the responsibility of protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancy. When one is driven towards physical pleasure to that extent, they're not going to let any moral argument stand in their way.

They copulate with all of the moral and intellectual commitment of dogs.
I found it amusing that after the overturning of Roe v Wade women said they weren't going to have sex with men until abortions became legal. If they would follow their advice, this wouldn't be an issue.
My wife is anti-abortion, her three sisters had abortions and all changed to anti-abortion due to the negavtive mental impact it had on them. There are many issues involved in taking a life and the left seems to want to gloss over the impact it has on a conscience.

One has to have a conscience, a sense of right and wrong, to get the negative impact of killing another human being.
Why not try something new and if enough people did we could actually change America.
NFBW: You avoid my point. I am not choosing to vote on the lesser of two evils because that is subjective. To many, evil is being black or homosexual or a woman who needs to terminate an unwanted pregnancy - some like wars some hate wars.

There are three things the majority of American voters have in common - they work for a living, they are not rich, and they make up a pluralistic, multi-racial, multicultural freedom to the individual society.

Tthere is one party that has those three bases covered.

There is one party that gives tax cuts to the wealthy abd corporations and expects wealth to trickle down to the working class. It never works.

There is one party that is predominately white and thinks America has to be a Christian nation for some strange reason

So what I am saying is why try to start a third party that traditionally goes nowhere when there already is a party where voters of all religions and philosophies and races and cultures exist so if you care most about empowering all ethnic and races and religions of working class people you shouid no which party to support. The party that wins the popular vote and where nine out of ten working class black Americans votes is where you should be if you are tired of the super wealthy taking advantage and shutting on the working class.

There are many issues involved in taking a life and the left seems to want to gloss over the impact it has on a conscience.
NFBW: It’s freedom for women to make that decision by and for themselves not the church or the government to decide it for them. BUT I am anti-abortion myself personally just like your wife. But I would never ever think that I have the right to tell your wife what to do in the privacy of her own home and in her doctors office. It is none of my business.

I have answered it, based on their histories neither gives a damn about women until the elections, then they suddenly care. So until one party does something, I am not looking for either party to do anything.
NFBW: Stop being absurd. One Party Deprived Obama of adding a pro-choice Justice in the Supreme Court and by losing that opportunity, Trump appointed three anti-abortion Catholics which tipped the Court so far religious that Roberts had to let them rule against women’s freedom because he lost control of the court. The Republicans did that to women because they give a damn about taking control of women’s uterus by the government and the church

END 2210271323
The Preamble for the new Bannon -fueled Constitution...

"We, the White, God-fearing citizens of Rock Ridge the United States..." ...


Cheerfully brought to you by the Make America White Great Again party... ( or, at least, the Rumpian Cult portion of that formerly grand old party )
NFBW: You avoid my point. I am not choosing to vote on the lesser of two evils because that is subjective. To many, evil is being black or homosexual or a woman who needs to terminate an unwanted pregnancy - some like wars some hate wars.

There are three things the majority of American voters have in common - they work for a living, they are not rich, and they make up a pluralistic, multi-racial, multicultural freedom to the individual society.

Tthere is one party that has those three bases covered.

There is one party that gives tax cuts to the wealthy abd corporations and expects wealth to trickle down to the working class. It never works.

There is one party that is predominately white and thinks America has to be a Christian nation for some strange reason

So what I am saying is why try to start a third party that traditionally goes nowhere when there already is a party where voters of all religions and philosophies and races and cultures exist so if you care most about empowering all ethnic and races and religions of working class people you shouid no which party to support. The party that wins the popular vote and where nine out of ten working class black Americans votes is where you should be if you are tired of the super wealthy taking advantage and shutting on the working class.

I have over 100 years of the two parties making things worse rather than better. I don't see either as moving America ahead, so while I don't disagree with you on the GOP, I do disagree with you on the Democrats, the only time they think about minorities is during an election.
NFBW: It’s freedom for women to make that decision by and for themselves not the church or the government to decide it for them. BUT I am anti-abortion myself personally just like your wife. But I would never ever think that I have the right to tell your wife what to do in the privacy of her own home and in her doctors office. It is none of my business.

Okay, how does that apply to what I said?
NFBW: Stop being absurd. One Party Deprived Obama of adding a pro-choice Justice in the Supreme Court and by losing that opportunity, Trump appointed three anti-abortion Catholics which tipped the Court so far religious that Roberts had to let them rule against women’s freedom because he lost control of the court. The Republicans did that to women because they give a damn about taking control of women’s uterus by the government and the church

END 2210271323
50 years of history is on my side, Democrats did nothing, absolutely nothing other than to use the issue to raise money, and dig up votes, you can claim all the BS you want but action, in this case no action speaks louder than words.
I get why Democrat loyalist want to make this election about other things besides the economy however 79% of the American people feel that the most important issue this election is the economy. To bad they have not a clue as to what is important to America.

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