Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

NFBW: I don’t hate all Catholics. Biden and Pelosi are Catholics. I hate anybody who works to put an end to freedom of conscience in America and if you love the way America was founded, you should too.

Except Biden and Pelosi are being refused sacraments by the Catholic Church. Why is that?
Except Biden and Pelosi are being refused sacraments by the Catholic Church. Why is that?
She uses this divisive language to denegrate those that don’t agree with her, it is an old, tired, and requires nothing of an argument to try to lessen others. The hate rhetoric is mind numbing and they either believe they never do it, or justify it by making their opponents as something less than they.
There are many issues involved in taking a life and the left seems to want to gloss over the impact it has on a conscience.
NFBW: What do you mean by “taking a life” ? Not everybody believes in a religion that life begins at conception. When a woman terminates a pregnancy she is not “taking a life” which is against the law.


50 years of history is on my side
You have practically no history following the Dobbs decision.
50 years of history is on my side, Democrats did nothing, absolutely nothing other than to use the issue to raise money, and dig up votes, you can claim all the BS you want but action, in this case no action speaks louder than words.
NFBW: You are still blaming the victim. when you say Democrats did nothing, you are saying rank and file Democrats failed to see Trump putting three Catholics on the Supreme Court hell bent for leather to put state government officials in charge of every woman’s uterus so it’s their fault Roe v Wade was overturned.
It's not religion. It's science.
NFBW: Where is a scientist that has proven
that a fertilized one cell egg is a viable 30
Trillion cell human being?

Do not run from this question. You say it is science but you cannot cite one single scientist who says a fetus is a viable human being.

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NFBW: What do you mean by “taking a life” ? Not everybody believes in a religion that life begins at conception. When a woman terminates a pregnancy she is not “taking a life” which is against the law.


You have practically no history following the Dobbs decision.
Science not religion says life begins at conception.
The facts are the facts, why do you sugar coat the facts?
We have 50 years, why didn’t Democrats protect women?
Functions very well.

My brain sees an endless number of Republicans who love to take people's rights aways from them, and give nothing back.

Republicans suppress votes for all they do not want to vote, especially if they vote for Democrats.

Women's rights? What rights should women have?

Children's rights? What rights should children have?

Right to be able to afford the medicine you need to save your life? Not with Republicans.

So on and so forth.

Rights Republicans like to see:

The Rights of companies to pollute the planet while they make any and all the money they can.

The right to make lots of money out of people's need for healthcare.

The right to not care that Hurricanes, droughts, Fires, etc are getting worse. Which are caused by so many Republicans not caring that they are helping in the cause of them getting worse.

So much more that they do not care about. Just give the politicians all the money they want and watch them not care that the net generations are going to be paying the price for it.

Many now are already paying for it. Just look at what happened in Florida with the last Hurricane. It could have been less destructive. Not thanks to Republicans who do not want to put money where it needs to save lives, or keep people from seeing their livelihood and homes destroyed. Be it in the US, or the rest of the world. The world is changing for the worse because some people do not want to change.


More of the above can be achieved until there is almost nothing left.
I'm a Republican and a moderate conservative and I believe that massive global mega corporations are the greatest threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness the world has ever known. Teddy Roosevelt was another Republican who saw the evil and greed of corporations. Most Republicans are indeed the moderate mainstream and not at all far right or anything of the kind. The far right is a minority that liberals and Democrats try to categorize all Republicans with as a form of propaganda.
NFBW: You are still blaming the victim. when you say Democrats did nothing, you are saying rank and file Democrats failed to see Trump putting three Catholics on the Supreme Court hell bent for leather to put state government officials in charge of every woman’s uterus so it’s their fault Roe v Wade was overturned.
Why didn’t Democrats do anything for 50 years?
It's not religion. It's science.
It’s the Catholic Church that teaches that it is a sin to abort a pregnancy because God creates a new soul at conception and God plans to have a relationship with the new soul.

What and where is the science that establishes and confirms that a human being having the biological capability to sustain a living organism inside and part of her own body, does not have the right to terminate that life from her own body in consideration of her own well being when God or some abstract higher power is not involved and opposed to the woman’s decision.

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Why didn’t Democrats do anything for 50 years?
NFBW: Because the part of the overall constituency that makes up the Democratic Party, pro-Choice women, did not see a reason for anything needing to be done because the Supreme Court settled the law in 1973.

It’s human nature to not know what you got until it’s gone. Pay Paradise Put up a Parking Lot. If you were a rational human being with an understanding that humans are not always perfect you would tend to err taking the side of the victim against the oppressors. Clue for you Papageorgio , the church people in the Republican Party are depriving women of a natural right that you told me belongs to them. Your fence sitting on this issue is shameful. And you want me to join you on the fence. No thanks. END2210272319
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NFBW: Where is a scientist that has proven
that a fertilized one cell egg is a viable 30
Trillion cell human being?

Where is the scientist who says that a toddler is an adult?

The fact that human beings—like almost every other form of life—go through multiple stages of development across their lifespan, does not mean that they are any less a human being at any stage of life, than at any other.
It’s the Catholic Church that teaches that it is a sin to abort a pregnancy because God creates a new soul at conception and God plans to have a relationship with the new soul.

What and where is the science that establishes and confirms that a human being having the biological capability to sustain a living organism inside and part of her own body, does not have the right to terminate that life from her own body in consideration of her own well being when God or some abstract higher power is not involved and opposed to the woman’s decision.


Your “science” is the same bullshit mockery of genuine science, which asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Of course you reject and repudiate genuine science, when it fails to support your insane and degenerate lies.
NFBW: Because the part of the overall constituency that makes up the Democratic Party, pro-Choice women, did not see a reason for anything needing to be done because the Supreme Court settled the law in 1973.

It’s human nature to not know what you got until it’s gone. Pay Paradise Put up a Parking Lot. If you were a rational human being with an understanding that humans are not always perfect you would tend to err taking the side of the victim against the oppressors. Clue for you Papageorgio , the church people in the Republican Party are depriving women of a natural right that you told me belongs to them. Your fence sitting on this issue is shameful. And you want me to join you on the fence. No thanks. END2210272319
Then why on every election cycle did they bring up the chance of the overturning Roe v Wade as a reason to vote Democrat and still did nothing? I never wanted you to join me, I am trying to understand why anyone would see the problems with the two parties and how America has declined of several decades and yet still vote for the same people that got us to the mess.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” This is where we are. Go ahead but you won’t convince me that either party is looking out for America.
Science not religion says life begins at conception.
You are being redirected...

For the professional association of pediatricians, see American Academy of Pediatrics.

NFBW: From your unscientific link:
At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature. This statement focuses on the scientific evidence of when an individual human life begins.​
NFBW: The unscientific statement is in bold. Your unscientific religion based cultural conservative propaganda piece is not science at all. I will explain why the bolded statement contains an error in my next post or two, but first let’s get you up to speed on the link you just provided.

American College of Pediatricians​

This article is about a socially conservative advocacy group. For the professional association of pediatricians, see American Academy of Pediatrics.​
The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States.[1]The group was founded in 2002. In 2005, it reportedly had between 150 and 200 members and one employee; in 2016, it reportedly had 500 physician members.[2][3] The group's primary focus is advocating against abortion and the adoption of children by gay or lesbian people. It also advocates conversion therapy.[4][5
American College of Pediatricians​
American College of Pediatricians (emblem).jpg
Founded2002; 20 years ago
FoundersGerry Boccarossa and Joseph Zanga
Tax ID no.47-0886878
Members500 (estimated)
Revenue (2020)$127,841
Expenses (2020)$165,948
The organization's view on parenting differs from the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which holds that sexuality has no connection with the ability to be a good parent and to raise healthy and well-adjusted children.[3][6][7] ACPeds has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for pushing "anti-LGBTQ junk science".[4]A number of mainstream researchers, including the director of the US National Institutes of Health, have accused ACPeds of misusing or mischaracterizing their work to advance ACPeds' political agenda.[8][9]
NFBW: Why did you refer me socially CONSERVATIVE Advocates’ propaganda site to convince me that science not religion is driving fucking over women’s privacy rights and reproductive freedom? That is what I get from anti-abortion Catholics like ding ?​

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