VP debate thread.

Pence is a smooth liar. The moderator sucks! She is not managing Pence's time. Pence is also disrespecting the female moderator.

I don't know, he certainly ignored her. But the male moderator in the Presidential debate was completely disrespected so I don't think it's gender.
Per capita means squat.

Math is hard

derp derp derp
For you? Apparently.

Why do you think "pre capita" is the figure to look at instead of the death rate of those infected?

This should be fun.................

Because the death rate as a percentage of total population takes into account all factors, such as social distancing, mask wearing, etc. What matters is the rate of death in the entire country.

The mod isn’t a hack. You’re just not very smart.
One thing I will say if a twenty year is coming out of college wondering if they will have a job, well let me ask why were they not taught to create your own job instead?

We have lost the way of creating work for ourselves while waiting for someone to give us one...

Who will be our next Bill Gates?
Was watching the thing until Kamala showed once again exactly why she lost the Demoncrat nominee debate for president... There is absolutely no qualification in this women to serve in the capacities of any government office especially vice president. Her blatant lies are so unprofessional that it was a huge turn off instantly. Her harsh cold hate filled look was also a huge turn off. After seeing her performance, I think any thing might be possible in their desperation. Pence came in the better man for what little bit I saw before disgusted and turned it off. The Demoncrats got problems big time, and it's only gonna get worse. Sadly their desperation is liable to cause them to do something desperate, but I hope not. If it does, then I hope they're caught at it, and it finally sends their aces to jail. What a disgusting display of lies and hate that woman put forth in that debate early on. My wife even commented "I don't like that woman".
Was watching the thing until Kamala showed once again exactly why she lost the Demoncrat nominee debate for president... There is absolutely no qualification in this women to serve in the capacities of any government office especially vice president. Her blatant lies are so unprofessional that it was a huge turn off instantly. Her harsh cold hate filled look was also a huge turn off. After seeing her performance, I think any thing might be possible in their desperation. Pence came in the better man for what little bit I saw before disgusted and turned it off. The Demoncrats got problems big time, and it's only gonna get worse. Sadly their desperation is liable to cause them to do something desperate, but I hope not. If it does, then I hope they're caught at it, and it finally sends their aces to jail. What a disgusting display of lies and hate that woman put forth in that debate early on. My wife even commented "I don't like that woman".
:clap: :clap:

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