VP debate thread.

Hey Kamaltoe, you aren't black. You are half Indian, half Jamaican.

Fauxcohontas has almost as much black in her as you do..............(unless you count Willie Brown)
How can they not set rules for debate host behavior as well? This host is talking over Pence trying to censor him. If she did what Chris Wallace did by saying we'll be on that topic later that's 1 thing, but to censor the debate against the side you are trying to squelch to prevent truth and knowledge from being exposed that ruins your narrative is no longer a debate but a partisan propaganda protection set up.
Kamala is speaking like a true politician, absolutely avoiding substance and answering softball questions with info we already know that has no relevance to answering the depth of the question.
Kammie mentioned "the dignity of public service...", except that what she had to do to get into public service was pretty damned undignified, if you think about it.
OMG ...

This crazy bitch touting black women with Biden's Racist record ....

WTF ...
To Pence's credit, he is actually coherent and came prepared despite all the bullshit. Trump rambled like an idiot in comparison.
kumala gave a stirring speech for her fitness as president. It's like she expects old Joe to kick off within the first 24 hours.
So....tell us about the Rose Garden Super Spreader event

BLAAAAAAAA 'Rona goin git us, BLAAAAAAA.

It is tearing through the Trump Administration

Mean while, Lucky kids are back at school, playground's aren't taped off anymore, state supreme courts are bringing power hungry governors to heel, and in spite of the personality cult members winging, people are creeping back to normal lives, and shitting on their new normal lives.

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