Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

Wisconsin gets $1.68 in federal funds for every $1 they put in....thats alot of free stuff

States Most Least Dependent on the Federal Government WalletHub

Walker is the worst governor ever
Let's be clear... the federal government spends more than it takes in ... right? Are you blaming the good governor for the federal government's bad spending habits?


No, actually I am blaming freeloader states like Wisconsin led by their failed Gov Walker

Let's be clear... the federal government spends more than it takes in. And you blaming the good governor for the federal government's bad spending habits.
I am blaming the Governor of a freeloading state

Worst Governor ever
You are blaming the republican governor of a democrat state that elected Obama for federal spending authorized by Obama, not the republican governor, right? Are you actually trying to say democrats are freeloaders? Were these democrats that voted for the republican governor freeloaders before they voted for the republican governor, or after they voted for the republican governor?

This is what makes their efforts to destroy Walker so pathetic. He was elected by their fellow travelers. It's fun to watch, really.
Looks like you can't read.......Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States

Apparently you missed the word "PEACE" in the name Nobel PEACE Prize. He did nothing for peace. You've been given several opportunities to tell us why he deserved the Prize, and have failed to deliver anything. Time to wrap this up. Obama didn't do anything to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and accomplished nothing else of note prior to being elected president. Next.

Sure he did

The Nobel committee considers racism as an impediment to peace. Hence the awards to MLK, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Barack Obama

The award of a Nobel Prize to Obama was a nobrainer

"No brainer" is perhaps an appropriate choice of words when talking about the intellectual heft of the Nobel committee. They don't really have a stellar track record.

With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Being the first black man elected President of the United States is a historic accomplishment

Nobel Prize worthy
Wisconsin gets $1.68 in federal funds for every $1 they put in....thats alot of free stuff

States Most Least Dependent on the Federal Government WalletHub

Walker is the worst governor ever

Again, that's not true.

Wisconsin only gets .82 out of every $1.00 they send to Washington.


Your anti-Walker arguments are getting a little shrill.

He's still waiting on the second page of the fax to tell him how to not sound like a moron.
Apparently you missed the word "PEACE" in the name Nobel PEACE Prize. He did nothing for peace. You've been given several opportunities to tell us why he deserved the Prize, and have failed to deliver anything. Time to wrap this up. Obama didn't do anything to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and accomplished nothing else of note prior to being elected president. Next.

Sure he did

The Nobel committee considers racism as an impediment to peace. Hence the awards to MLK, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Barack Obama

The award of a Nobel Prize to Obama was a nobrainer

"No brainer" is perhaps an appropriate choice of words when talking about the intellectual heft of the Nobel committee. They don't really have a stellar track record.

With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Being the first black man elected President of the United States is a historic accomplishment

Nobel Prize worthy

Like I said, getting elected president is not Peace Prize worthy, especially when black men and women have been elected to their country's leadership positions around the world for a long time. It's really not that big a deal. Tell you what, let me hear you state concretely that Sarah Palin would be due the Peace Prize if she were elected the first female American president, and I might believe that you really think that.
Sure he did

The Nobel committee considers racism as an impediment to peace. Hence the awards to MLK, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Barack Obama

The award of a Nobel Prize to Obama was a nobrainer

"No brainer" is perhaps an appropriate choice of words when talking about the intellectual heft of the Nobel committee. They don't really have a stellar track record.

With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Being the first black man elected President of the United States is a historic accomplishment

Nobel Prize worthy

Like I said, getting elected president is not Peace Prize worthy, especially when black men and women have been elected to their country's leadership positions around the world for a long time. It's really not that big a deal. Tell you what, let me hear you state concretely that Sarah Palin would be due the Peace Prize if she were elected the first female American president, and I might believe that you really think that.

The US does not have a history of enslaving or segregating women. The level of violence directed at women for seeking equal rights in no way approached the violence directed at blacks

Ever see a woman lynched for demanding civil rights?
What free stuff did Walker introduce?

All the free stuff he gave to low information voters

The only reason they voted for Walker. You don't think he won on his charm do you?
What free stuff did Walker introduce to low information voters?

Walker did not give out Walker phones

His free stuff tends to go to billionaires in the form of taxpayer funded arenas that they can make more money without assuming any risk

While the right will bitch about some welfare family getting a free phone, they celebrate giving free stuff to billionaires to the tune of $220 million.....thats alot of Obamaphones

Nobody gives free stuff like conservatives

Ok so Obama gives out Obama phones to low information voters and that's Walker's fault? Or are you bitching that Walker should have been handing out Walker phones to low information voters and because he didn't it's his fault they had to get the phones for free from Obama? Sorry, I'm trying to figure out how you are blaming Walker for the consumer funded phones that the low information voters are getting.

How many billionaire low information voters received taxpayer funded arenas that they can make more money on without assuming any risk? Why did the state decide to help build these new arenas? Are you actually saying governments should stay out of all construction projects? No "revitalization" investments whatsoever? Across the country? No incentives for any business? No shared costs with businesses to invest in a particular region? None? Works for me, let the inner cities rot in the hell they've made for themselves. But I'm surprised you are such a republican on this one.

Of course the government should not stay out of construction projects. Schools, libraries, infrastructure, parks
However, when the government uses taxpayer dollars to fund arenas so that billionaires can make no money and leave as soon as someone makes a better offer it amounts to.....Free Stuff for billionaires

It is what Conservatives do best

Is that what the contract says for this arena funding? Do you have a link? Have you read the contract for receiving these funds? Or are you just repeating talking points of the day? Are you actually saying democrats don't want this arena in their city if they have to provide money to secure it in their city?

Last I checked democrat crony funding was on par with, if not greatly exceeding republican crony funding.
"No brainer" is perhaps an appropriate choice of words when talking about the intellectual heft of the Nobel committee. They don't really have a stellar track record.

With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Being the first black man elected President of the United States is a historic accomplishment

Nobel Prize worthy

Like I said, getting elected president is not Peace Prize worthy, especially when black men and women have been elected to their country's leadership positions around the world for a long time. It's really not that big a deal. Tell you what, let me hear you state concretely that Sarah Palin would be due the Peace Prize if she were elected the first female American president, and I might believe that you really think that.

The US does not have a history of enslaving or segregating women. The level of violence directed at women for seeking equal rights in no way approached the violence directed at blacks

Ever see a woman lynched for demanding civil rights?

Nice dodge, but the US most certainly has a history of enslaving and segregating black women. Face it, Obama did nothing to further the cause of peace. He spoke out nowhere against violence anywhere in the world, he led no efforts protesting for peace anywhere in the world, he made no momentous speeches about the cause of peace. Basically, you're left floundering because he did nothing of note to deserve the prize, and you've grasped this one thing as an excuse. Let's see why the committee gave it to him, not your lame attempts to justify it.

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

This after less than a year in office. IOW, he MIGHT do something awesome. Nothing whatsoever about being elected.
With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Being the first black man elected President of the United States is a historic accomplishment

Nobel Prize worthy

Like I said, getting elected president is not Peace Prize worthy, especially when black men and women have been elected to their country's leadership positions around the world for a long time. It's really not that big a deal. Tell you what, let me hear you state concretely that Sarah Palin would be due the Peace Prize if she were elected the first female American president, and I might believe that you really think that.

The US does not have a history of enslaving or segregating women. The level of violence directed at women for seeking equal rights in no way approached the violence directed at blacks

Ever see a woman lynched for demanding civil rights?

Nice dodge, but the US most certainly has a history of enslaving and segregating black women. Face it, Obama did nothing to further the cause of peace. He spoke out nowhere against violence anywhere in the world, he led no efforts protesting for peace anywhere in the world, he made no momentous speeches about the cause of peace. Basically, you're left floundering because he did nothing of note to deserve the prize, and you've grasped this one thing as an excuse. Let's see why the committee gave it to him, not your lame attempts to justify it.

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

This after less than a year in office. IOW, he MIGHT do something awesome. Nothing whatsoever about being elected.

Racism is a threat to world peace, always has been

Obama becoming POTUS was a historic accomplishment....Nobel Prize winning accomplishment

All REAL Americans are proud
All the free stuff he gave to low information voters

The only reason they voted for Walker. You don't think he won on his charm do you?
What free stuff did Walker introduce to low information voters?

Walker did not give out Walker phones

His free stuff tends to go to billionaires in the form of taxpayer funded arenas that they can make more money without assuming any risk

While the right will bitch about some welfare family getting a free phone, they celebrate giving free stuff to billionaires to the tune of $220 million.....thats alot of Obamaphones

Nobody gives free stuff like conservatives

Ok so Obama gives out Obama phones to low information voters and that's Walker's fault? Or are you bitching that Walker should have been handing out Walker phones to low information voters and because he didn't it's his fault they had to get the phones for free from Obama? Sorry, I'm trying to figure out how you are blaming Walker for the consumer funded phones that the low information voters are getting.

How many billionaire low information voters received taxpayer funded arenas that they can make more money on without assuming any risk? Why did the state decide to help build these new arenas? Are you actually saying governments should stay out of all construction projects? No "revitalization" investments whatsoever? Across the country? No incentives for any business? No shared costs with businesses to invest in a particular region? None? Works for me, let the inner cities rot in the hell they've made for themselves. But I'm surprised you are such a republican on this one.

Of course the government should not stay out of construction projects. Schools, libraries, infrastructure, parks
However, when the government uses taxpayer dollars to fund arenas so that billionaires can make no money and leave as soon as someone makes a better offer it amounts to.....Free Stuff for billionaires

It is what Conservatives do best

Is that what the contract says for this arena funding? Do you have a link? Have you read the contract for receiving these funds? Or are you just repeating talking points of the day? Are you actually saying democrats don't want this arena in their city if they have to provide money to secure it in their city?

Last I checked democrat crony funding was on par with, if not greatly exceeding republican crony funding.

I did put up a link a couple of days ago. It's not flat out spending, but rather Walker proposes issuing bonds (borrowing money). The bonds would be paid off specifically by additional income tax revenue on players salaries, and (I assume) additional tax revenue from the team. The revenue stream looks like a crank to me because most stadium bonds are just paid off by levying a nominal tax increase. Still, it's a pretty tone deaf thing for Walker to propose while cutting education spending.
I don't
You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Being the first black man elected President of the United States is a historic accomplishment

Nobel Prize worthy

Like I said, getting elected president is not Peace Prize worthy, especially when black men and women have been elected to their country's leadership positions around the world for a long time. It's really not that big a deal. Tell you what, let me hear you state concretely that Sarah Palin would be due the Peace Prize if she were elected the first female American president, and I might believe that you really think that.

The US does not have a history of enslaving or segregating women. The level of violence directed at women for seeking equal rights in no way approached the violence directed at blacks

Ever see a woman lynched for demanding civil rights?

Nice dodge, but the US most certainly has a history of enslaving and segregating black women. Face it, Obama did nothing to further the cause of peace. He spoke out nowhere against violence anywhere in the world, he led no efforts protesting for peace anywhere in the world, he made no momentous speeches about the cause of peace. Basically, you're left floundering because he did nothing of note to deserve the prize, and you've grasped this one thing as an excuse. Let's see why the committee gave it to him, not your lame attempts to justify it.

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

This after less than a year in office. IOW, he MIGHT do something awesome. Nothing whatsoever about being elected.

Racism is a threat to world peace, always has been

Obama becoming POTUS was a historic accomplishment....Nobel Prize winning accomplishment

All REAL Americans are proud

I don't see how a black guy getting elected is a qualification for a noble peace prize. They gave it to him cause they really hated Bushii and the Iraq misadventure .... little did they know he was gonna ramp up Aghan and kill thousands with drone strikes. LOL
You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Being the first black man elected President of the United States is a historic accomplishment

Nobel Prize worthy

Like I said, getting elected president is not Peace Prize worthy, especially when black men and women have been elected to their country's leadership positions around the world for a long time. It's really not that big a deal. Tell you what, let me hear you state concretely that Sarah Palin would be due the Peace Prize if she were elected the first female American president, and I might believe that you really think that.

The US does not have a history of enslaving or segregating women. The level of violence directed at women for seeking equal rights in no way approached the violence directed at blacks

Ever see a woman lynched for demanding civil rights?

Nice dodge, but the US most certainly has a history of enslaving and segregating black women. Face it, Obama did nothing to further the cause of peace. He spoke out nowhere against violence anywhere in the world, he led no efforts protesting for peace anywhere in the world, he made no momentous speeches about the cause of peace. Basically, you're left floundering because he did nothing of note to deserve the prize, and you've grasped this one thing as an excuse. Let's see why the committee gave it to him, not your lame attempts to justify it.

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

This after less than a year in office. IOW, he MIGHT do something awesome. Nothing whatsoever about being elected.

Racism is a threat to world peace, always has been

Obama becoming POTUS was a historic accomplishment....Nobel Prize winning accomplishment

All REAL Americans are proud

I'm sure all five of you are very proud of your ability to rationalize the irrational. Bottom line, Obama did nothing to deserve the Peace Prize, and should have refused it.
I don't
Being the first black man elected President of the United States is a historic accomplishment

Nobel Prize worthy

Like I said, getting elected president is not Peace Prize worthy, especially when black men and women have been elected to their country's leadership positions around the world for a long time. It's really not that big a deal. Tell you what, let me hear you state concretely that Sarah Palin would be due the Peace Prize if she were elected the first female American president, and I might believe that you really think that.

The US does not have a history of enslaving or segregating women. The level of violence directed at women for seeking equal rights in no way approached the violence directed at blacks

Ever see a woman lynched for demanding civil rights?

Nice dodge, but the US most certainly has a history of enslaving and segregating black women. Face it, Obama did nothing to further the cause of peace. He spoke out nowhere against violence anywhere in the world, he led no efforts protesting for peace anywhere in the world, he made no momentous speeches about the cause of peace. Basically, you're left floundering because he did nothing of note to deserve the prize, and you've grasped this one thing as an excuse. Let's see why the committee gave it to him, not your lame attempts to justify it.

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

This after less than a year in office. IOW, he MIGHT do something awesome. Nothing whatsoever about being elected.

Racism is a threat to world peace, always has been

Obama becoming POTUS was a historic accomplishment....Nobel Prize winning accomplishment

All REAL Americans are proud

I don't see how a black guy getting elected is a qualification for a noble peace prize. They gave it to him cause they really hated Bushii and the Iraq misadventure .... little did they know he was gonna ramp up Aghan and kill thousands with drone strikes. LOL

That's true. He did nothing to earn it, and his actions after having it handed to him belie the entire premise of the award.
I don't
Like I said, getting elected president is not Peace Prize worthy, especially when black men and women have been elected to their country's leadership positions around the world for a long time. It's really not that big a deal. Tell you what, let me hear you state concretely that Sarah Palin would be due the Peace Prize if she were elected the first female American president, and I might believe that you really think that.

The US does not have a history of enslaving or segregating women. The level of violence directed at women for seeking equal rights in no way approached the violence directed at blacks

Ever see a woman lynched for demanding civil rights?

Nice dodge, but the US most certainly has a history of enslaving and segregating black women. Face it, Obama did nothing to further the cause of peace. He spoke out nowhere against violence anywhere in the world, he led no efforts protesting for peace anywhere in the world, he made no momentous speeches about the cause of peace. Basically, you're left floundering because he did nothing of note to deserve the prize, and you've grasped this one thing as an excuse. Let's see why the committee gave it to him, not your lame attempts to justify it.

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

This after less than a year in office. IOW, he MIGHT do something awesome. Nothing whatsoever about being elected.

Racism is a threat to world peace, always has been

Obama becoming POTUS was a historic accomplishment....Nobel Prize winning accomplishment

All REAL Americans are proud

I don't see how a black guy getting elected is a qualification for a noble peace prize. They gave it to him cause they really hated Bushii and the Iraq misadventure .... little did they know he was gonna ramp up Aghan and kill thousands with drone strikes. LOL

That's true. He did nothing to earn it, and his actions after having it handed to him belie the entire premise of the award.

Face it, they gave it to him for being elected---------------the first black president YEEEEE HAAAAA, lets give him a prize.
Looks like you can't read.......Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States

Apparently you missed the word "PEACE" in the name Nobel PEACE Prize. He did nothing for peace. You've been given several opportunities to tell us why he deserved the Prize, and have failed to deliver anything. Time to wrap this up. Obama didn't do anything to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and accomplished nothing else of note prior to being elected president. Next.

Sure he did

The Nobel committee considers racism as an impediment to peace. Hence the awards to MLK, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Barack Obama

The award of a Nobel Prize to Obama was a nobrainer

"No brainer" is perhaps an appropriate choice of words when talking about the intellectual heft of the Nobel committee. They don't really have a stellar track record.

With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Why are you bringing Obama into a discussion about scott walker?

Why are you trying so desperately hard to change the subject off of the fact that scott walker cut 300 million from education to give two thirds of it to a rich person who doesn't need any money?

However I would like to point out the following:
Your opinion means nothing. You don't make the decisions on who gets the Nobel Peace Prize.

So your words mean nothing.

What does mean something are the people who do make those decisions. They decided that Obama did deserve that award.

I happen to agree with them.

You don't.

So what?

If you want to debate Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize you're very welcome to do so. Just start a new thread and post to your heart's content.

Stop trying to derail this thread.
Walker is the conservative front runner so get ready for the half baked stories to start emerging.

Just know that half of everything you read, is a lie.
Walker is the conservative front runner so get ready for the half baked stories to start emerging.

Just know that half of everything you read, is a lie.

The failed Governor from Wisconsin has no accomplishments

Nothing to lie about
Walker is the conservative front runner so get ready for the half baked stories to start emerging.

Just know that half of everything you read, is a lie.

I just read your post.

You're saying that half of what I just read is a lie.

Which make sense to me. If a conservative couldn't lie they wouldn't have anything to say.

Can you tell me why scott walker is lying about his college credentials?

I read that he didn't graduate from college. You're saying that's a lie.

You need to go back to school and learn the meaning of the word PROJECTION.

You've got it down to an art form.
Apparently you missed the word "PEACE" in the name Nobel PEACE Prize. He did nothing for peace. You've been given several opportunities to tell us why he deserved the Prize, and have failed to deliver anything. Time to wrap this up. Obama didn't do anything to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and accomplished nothing else of note prior to being elected president. Next.

Sure he did

The Nobel committee considers racism as an impediment to peace. Hence the awards to MLK, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Barack Obama

The award of a Nobel Prize to Obama was a nobrainer

"No brainer" is perhaps an appropriate choice of words when talking about the intellectual heft of the Nobel committee. They don't really have a stellar track record.

With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Why are you bringing Obama into a discussion about scott walker?

Why are you trying so desperately hard to change the subject off of the fact that scott walker cut 300 million from education to give two thirds of it to a rich person who doesn't need any money?

However I would like to point out the following:
Your opinion means nothing. You don't make the decisions on who gets the Nobel Peace Prize.

So your words mean nothing.

What does mean something are the people who do make those decisions. They decided that Obama did deserve that award.

I happen to agree with them.

You don't.

So what?

If you want to debate Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize you're very welcome to do so. Just start a new thread and post to your heart's content.

Stop trying to derail this thread.

Since you obviously didn't follow the thread, Obama entered the picture when the insane claim was put forth that Walker had not accomplished anything, as if that, even if true, were some kind of disqualification. Obama proves that to be false.

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