Walmart Calls Blacks The "N" Word Today

You work for Wal Mart, no surprise
Sounds like Walmarts a cool place to work today
The world HQ and the US HQ in Bentonville, Arkansass has more gay employees than OKC's gay district, and it hires blacks, browns and treats them all the same...When I moved to Rogers, next to Bentonville in 1986 they didn't allow black or brown people to live in a very racially biased white Republican county they also didn't allow the sale of booze..
walmart? people actually have ACCOUNTS with that junk store?

I love me some Walmart and their web site is comparable to a mini Amazon as many of its orders pass through to other companies.

Anyway, this is probably a spammer company who screwed up the macros. I get them some time saying "Hey (INSERT NAME HERE)"
Please stick to the thread topic. Thanks
This is amazing! What happened? Apparently at least two different email ad blasts went out with the offending word in the [NAME] site. I don't see how that's a mistake. The news is showing only surprised and irritated blacks in the interviews ---- what I wonder is, did the message go to any whites, OR did the hackers/advertising suppliers do a search with AI on photos to target only blacks?

AI and photo-recognition is so good and fast now that this really would be possible to do, I think, to racially identify one's customers, even a large base.

Anyway, this is probably a spammer company who screwed up the macros. I get them some time saying "Hey (INSERT NAME HERE)"
I bet you are right! Somebody horsing around with the name field ---------- and that's how it went out.

Guessing some ad company just lost a big contract ----
walmart? people actually have ACCOUNTS with that junk store?
I still do, but the only emails from them that I pay any attention to are the ones that I get when I have ordered something from the store's website. Everything else from them just gets deleted.

God bless you always!!!

This is amazing! What happened? Apparently at least two different email ad blasts went out with the offending word in the [NAME] site. I don't see how that's a mistake. The news is showing only surprised and irritated blacks in the interviews ---- what I wonder is, did the message go to any whites, OR did the hackers/advertising suppliers do a search with AI on photos to target only blacks?

AI and photo-recognition is so good and fast now that this really would be possible to do, I think, to racially identify one's customers, even a large base.

Back a couple years when Walmart still had telephones spaced throughout the stores on the metal roof beams, some joker picked up the handset on one of them, pushed the page button, and announced:

"Attention Walmart shoppers: Will all of the black people please move to the back of the store..."

True story.

Walmart Calls Blacks The "N" Word Today​

Even Walmart is celebrating George Floyd day

Oh No! Not that VILE, DISTURBING, SHOCKING, DEGRADING N-WORD again that to this day, Blacks use freely among themselves with humor and friendship, laughing, that used to be said freely on national TV comedy sitcoms decades ago with nary a second thought! :omg:

Wouldn't the IDEAL definition of racism be declaring a word fine to say for one group but racially verboten for another group to use the very same word in the very same way BASED SOLELY ON RACE?

Why is everything Blacks do or approve and disapprove of always BASED ON RACE? Not the actual act itself, but the RACE of the person committing it? The very group who claims racism is something beyond their capability?
The story was fine until the morons being interviewed went full retard.
One saying... "it doesn't surprise me".... really stupid ass??
Also - "it seems like it was on purpose".... alluding to the fact that Walmart might have been complicit.
What a brain washed idiot.
The woman seems to be saying Walmart is partially at fault, for not seeing that demographic data could be exploited like this. (with her lawyer on speed dial hoping for some cash)

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