Walmart Calls Blacks The "N" Word Today

Even Walmart is celebrating George Floyd day

You work for Wal Mart, no surprise.
moonie----you are compromising a possible INVITATION-----
even a freebee ----fentanyl lollipop
I wish.. I have yet to find any from the streets. I could sure use some relief from my Laminectomy
I don't believe Walmart did it

IDK if it was them, a contractor, or someone totally different. Walmart outsources some of its day to day stuff. I know a guy who works for a company on a Walmart contract that he refers to as "corporate espionage". They basically look at prices all the Walmart competitors are charging for the same products in a bunch of different markets and then Walmart takes the data and adjusts their prices accordingly. They used to do it as part of the price match guarantee, but kept doing it even after they ended that program.
Even Walmart is celebrating George Floyd day

You work for Wal Mart, no surprise.
moonie----you are compromising a possible INVITATION-----
even a freebee ----fentanyl lollipop
I wish.. I have yet to find any from the streets. I could sure use some relief from my Laminectomy
the moonie position may afford some relief-----have you tried hanging by your toes from
the ceiling? Fentanyl is a temporary thing and in the aging brain, the hallucinations
can be SCARY
You work for Wal Mart, no surprise
Sounds like Walmarts a cool place to work today
The world HQ and the US HQ in Bentonville, Arkansass has more gay employees than OKC's gay district, and it hires blacks, browns and treats them all the same...When I moved to Rogers, next to Bentonville in 1986 they didn't allow black or brown people to live in a very racially biased white Republican county they also didn't allow the sale of booze..
Who would want to live in a neighborhood with nyggaz and Colt 45 malt liquor. Trouble trouble trouble.

That’s pretty funny. Now let’s watch how many lose their minds over this and demand to be paid “rep-uh-ray-shuns” for it.

And how much do you want to bet it was a black guy that did it?
It did go through the Walmark domain servers, I just read.

CanNOT be a coinkidink that this is also Honor George Floyd Day.
I got old------don't shop-----don't even get dressed----the groceries at
Walmart SUCK. I like flannel nitegowns-----of the granny type----I can't
find them anywhere
Try the Vermont Country Store --- it's a big catalog thing. Excellent merchandise, high quality, old-timey stuff. I buy stuff from them every year, incl. flannel nightgowns.
Mean ******?

Why not. I mean black people call eachother ****** all day and night and it's perfectly fine. If they can use it then white people should be able to. Oddly enough not letting white people say ****** while black people can is racist.

If they don't want whites using the word then they shouldn't be able to say it either. I mean if they want to be treated as equals then they have to start acting like equals.

Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.
Even Walmart is celebrating George Floyd day

You work for Wal Mart, no surprise.
moonie----you are compromising a possible INVITATION-----
even a freebee ----fentanyl lollipop
I wish.. I have yet to find any from the streets. I could sure use some relief from my Laminectomy
the moonie position may afford some relief-----have you tried hanging by your toes from
the ceiling? Fentanyl is a temporary thing and in the aging brain, the hallucinations
can be SCARY
Hallucinations are based on your flying skill. Keep practicing and remember, the toad is your friend.
Even Walmart is celebrating George Floyd day

You work for Wal Mart, no surprise.
moonie----you are compromising a possible INVITATION-----
even a freebee ----fentanyl lollipop
I wish.. I have yet to find any from the streets. I could sure use some relief from my Laminectomy
the moonie position may afford some relief-----have you tried hanging by your toes from
the ceiling? Fentanyl is a temporary thing and in the aging brain, the hallucinations
can be SCARY
Hallucinations are based on your flying skill. Keep practicing and remember, the toad is your friend.
so true-----one of many. When I was a kid a dentist put the NITROUS on me----
-----then I want back to the same guy for more "DENTISTRY"-----I said----
will you give me nitrous gas------the answer was "NO, YOU LIKED IT TOO MUCH"
If ONLY there were no magic naughty words to get black folks so insanely mad, we could all live in peace. This sort of thing would be no story at all.

But, alas....some folks just lose control at the sound of a word.


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