Walmart Doing Away With Cashiers

To be honest, I prefer self-checkout over a live cashier. The few times I’ve only had cash on me and had to use a real cashier cause the automated ones were “card only”, it was a hassle. Human cashiers are slow and inconvenient.

I’ve noticed most the people who prefer real cashiers tend to be the much older crowd.
To be honest, I prefer self-checkout over a live cashier. The few times I’ve only had cash on me and had to use a real cashier cause the automated ones were “card only”, it was a hassle. Human cashiers are slow and inconvenient.

I’ve noticed most the people who prefer real cashiers tend to be the much older crowd.
Guilty as charged--old and I enjoy human interaction.

Don't Know your exact status. Are You top 10%? Top 25%? Middle Class, Poverty Level?

I'm highly educated.
Go ahead and deny that FACT. Do it. I have a Masters Degree.
I'm 60 and retiring this June, with a Pension ( + IRA, + Roth + Additional Savings)

Concerned American Thoughts? (next step for you, call me a Liar). LOOOLOOLLLL
Do you and sealybobo hang out a lot? He likes to brag a lot too.
Correct. Which was my point. It started happening years ago, before Covid hit, before $15 minimum wage. People want to blame post-Covid employment scene or the minimum wage for these hikes. No, just greed.
Uhm it's economics 101
You better believe they can detain you. I told you why, look it up.

Additionally, due to the “Shopkeeper’s Privilege” laws, Walmart associates can force you to show your receipt and even detain you in the store if they suspect you of shoplifting.
What's your problem with showing your receipt? You a special snowflake or something?
To be honest, I prefer self-checkout over a live cashier. The few times I’ve only had cash on me and had to use a real cashier cause the automated ones were “card only”, it was a hassle. Human cashiers are slow and inconvenient.

I’ve noticed most the people who prefer real cashiers tend to be the much older crowd.
The reason I like the real cashiers is that I like to see people gainfully employed.
When I see the kiosks, I always think to myself that someone either lost a job, or
lost an opportunity to a job.
I guess that would come from being older.
You can be asked to show your receipt, and if you refuse, you can be detained if they have so much as a tiny inkling that you might be shoplifting. It's called "shopkeepers privilege." Look it up.
Maybe technically. But in practice you really can usually just walk out the door.

There’s been a few times I’ve walked out of my Walmart and the rent-a-guard at the door asked to see my receipt and I said “nope” cause I didn’t feel like stopping. I wasn’t shoplifting, I just didn’t want to take the time to stop.

It’s not like they’d dare try to physically stop you or anything.
Lay off the crack pipe loser.
You fuckers stole them all leftist like killing jobs.........I ALREADY KNEW THAT ABOUT YOU.

So why is it so expensive to get U HAULS in Mexifornication.........seems like they can't find enough moving companies to RUN FROM YOUR GLORY.
The reason I like the real cashiers is that I like to see people gainfully employed.
When I see the kiosks, I always think to myself that someone either lost a job, or
lost an opportunity to a job.
I guess that would come from being older.
I get the sentiment. But let’s be honest, anyone who wants a job at Walmart can walk in the door and get hired in minutes.

This hasn’t changed with the self-checkouts. There’s still more job openings at Walmart then there are applicants to fill them.
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Cool...........I don't give a fuck.....No one has ever done it..............but if they grab me and call me a thief and try to rough house me I'M GOING TO KNOCK THEM THE FUCK OUT.

I don't give a shit about your PYSCHO BS from what I just said.

I'll give them a good reason to send me to jail............Now Fuck off
Internet tough guy. :lol:
Don't Know your exact status. Are You top 10%? Top 25%? Middle Class, Poverty Level?

I'm highly educated.
Go ahead and deny that FACT. Do it. I have a Masters Degree.
I'm 60 and retiring this June, with a Pension ( + IRA, + Roth + Additional Savings)

Concerned American Thoughts? (next step for you, call me a Liar). LOOOLOOLLLL
A sure sign of maturity is when you don't brag what you have, how rich you are, or how smart you are.
You're not there yet.

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