Walmart to remove confederate flag merchandise

Asc, I thought of you while watching the news and saw all of those white hands interlocked with all those black hands. I hoped you had seen the same footage. If those whites really hated blacks, they wouldn't be there to support them. Most of us see brothers and sisters, hurting. Please don't let the stupid few remove from your insight that they are the few, not the norm. I'm white. I am your sister. Like it or not.

I dont think for one moment all whites are racists. I've had too many in my life that have proved otherwise.
Asc, I thought of you while watching the news and saw all of those white hands interlocked with all those black hands. I hoped you had seen the same footage. If those whites really hated blacks, they wouldn't be there to support them. Most of us see brothers and sisters, hurting. Please don't let the stupid few remove from your insight that they are the few, not the norm. I'm white. I am your sister. Like it or not.

All that hate he has keeps him warm at night. I finally put him on ignore, one of the most annoying people on this forum
I dont hate anyone. Sorry my outspokeness intimidates you.
Cool flag, I ordered one. :)


Well sure, losers identify with losers.........bwahaha!
so how are you going to get around Hillary's use of the flag in her campaign?


I don't have a problem with confederate flag merchandize.........I just don't believe a State building needs to be flying that's the loser's flag.

But, if Wal-Mart wants to stop selling that stuff....all I can say is good for them.
Losers? Of what?...This ought to be good...
And don't say the "Civil War".....Try something else. Think a little.
Losers of the Civil War of course.
Not the correct response.

Well, they lost a lot more than just the war....but what is your response?

This would be a more appropriate flag for anyone who wants to keep the memory of the south alive.


I don't have a problem with confederate flag merchandize.........I just don't believe a State building needs to be flying that's the loser's flag.

But, if Wal-Mart wants to stop selling that stuff....all I can say is good for them.
Losers? Of what?...This ought to be good...
And don't say the "Civil War".....Try something else. Think a little.
Losers of the Civil War of course.
Not the correct response.

Well, they lost a lot more than just the war....but what is your response?

This would be a more appropriate flag for anyone who wants to keep the memory of the south alive.

The flag on the left is a battle flag.
The flag on the right is a Confederates states flag.
Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it. And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.



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