
You gotta love right wingers and their "Fuck the Worker" attitude.

Especially when most of them are workers themselves.
A business owner's first responsibility is to the health of his business. Anyone who believes otherwise has no business being a business owner...
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...
Yes we need to make sure all the profits flow up to the Walton family, who enjoy their many mansions, private jets, and exotic vacations.
Why do you insist a company has to pay more to get something done than they need to? Would you insist they pay an army of people to mop the floors on hands and knees when they don't need to?
Because workers deserve a good wage. Why do you like living in the richest nation in the world but where millions of workers get paid poorly, while the ultra rich make enormous sums of cash?
I like living here because I can still, with the right combination of factors, rise above where I started from, or choose to trade financial success for other things. IOW, freedom is good. The reality is, technology is rapidly rendering low wage manual laborers superfluous.

Now, forcing businesses to pay artificially high wages for jobs that are not worth that much is simple welfare, and if society believes everyone should be paid more than what they produce, it should be up to society to levy taxes, collect them and write the checks. Don't turn business into welfare distribution centers.
Minimum wage is low enough in many places that people can still get food stamps. That is a direct government subsidy for paying people chickenfeed.
And therein lies the key, "in many places". States and cities are free to set their MW where it works best for them. Like I said, if society thinks everyone should earn a basic income, society should set it up. Tax the crap out of everyone or just print the money until inflation kills everything and print the checks.

We've been printing, printing, printing for the markets but people only get upset when those on the bottom rungs are able to benefit from that.
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...

Really? You are the judge of what is deemed "worthy"? So you're okay with mega corporations paying slave wages, while taxpayers like you and me continue to pay for their food stamps and their Section 8 housing so Walmart can make even greater profits?

You are a tool of conservative propaganda, definitely the most successful use of propaganda in world history.
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...
Yes we need to make sure all the profits flow up to the Walton family, who enjoy their many mansions, private jets, and exotic vacations.
Why do you insist a company has to pay more to get something done than they need to? Would you insist they pay an army of people to mop the floors on hands and knees when they don't need to?
Because workers deserve a good wage. Why do you like living in the richest nation in the world but where millions of workers get paid poorly, while the ultra rich make enormous sums of cash?
I like living here because I can still, with the right combination of factors, rise above where I started from, or choose to trade financial success for other things. IOW, freedom is good. The reality is, technology is rapidly rendering low wage manual laborers superfluous.

Now, forcing businesses to pay artificially high wages for jobs that are not worth that much is simple welfare, and if society believes everyone should be paid more than what they produce, it should be up to society to levy taxes, collect them and write the checks. Don't turn business into welfare distribution centers.
Minimum wage is low enough in many places that people can still get food stamps. That is a direct government subsidy for paying people chickenfeed.
Its a subsidy for having more children than you can afford. Basically, getting free food for being a dumbass.
Bullshit food stamps are a subsidy to companies that don't pay their employees enough to live.
A single person making 10 bucks an hour isnt going to get food stamps. A single person with 3 kids making 10 bucks an hour will get hundreds of dollars a month.
Because workers deserve a good wage.

They "deserve" it? Why?
You might look at Western Europe. Their workers are unionized, have HC, and job security. Oh but we can’t have that in the US. The rich deserve all the profits.

Would you like to respond again, or are you satisfied with failing to answer the question?

Why does someone "deserve" a good paying job?
Because it’s the American Way.
Yeah, not so much...
Very true. It’s the American Way to make sure workers are paid shit and the senior people get fabulously wealthy.

Why do you believe an employer has a responsibility which is greater and more important than the health of his business?
walmart abuses social services...they pay low wages and their workers reply on social services to for self service go ask that a register be opened
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...
Yes we need to make sure all the profits flow up to the Walton family, who enjoy their many mansions, private jets, and exotic vacations.
Why do you insist a company has to pay more to get something done than they need to? Would you insist they pay an army of people to mop the floors on hands and knees when they don't need to?
Because workers deserve a good wage. Why do you like living in the richest nation in the world but where millions of workers get paid poorly, while the ultra rich make enormous sums of cash?
I like living here because I can still, with the right combination of factors, rise above where I started from, or choose to trade financial success for other things. IOW, freedom is good. The reality is, technology is rapidly rendering low wage manual laborers superfluous.

Now, forcing businesses to pay artificially high wages for jobs that are not worth that much is simple welfare, and if society believes everyone should be paid more than what they produce, it should be up to society to levy taxes, collect them and write the checks. Don't turn business into welfare distribution centers.
Minimum wage is low enough in many places that people can still get food stamps. That is a direct government subsidy for paying people chickenfeed.
Its a subsidy for having more children than you can afford. Basically, getting free food for being a dumbass.
Bitch. bitch, bitch. Even raising one or two kids isn't getting any cheaper while wages stay so flat that the government has to eventually try to do something about it. If we had real non-mandated wage growth we would not being having this conversation.
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...
Yes we need to make sure all the profits flow up to the Walton family, who enjoy their many mansions, private jets, and exotic vacations.
Why do you insist a company has to pay more to get something done than they need to? Would you insist they pay an army of people to mop the floors on hands and knees when they don't need to?
Because workers deserve a good wage. Why do you like living in the richest nation in the world but where millions of workers get paid poorly, while the ultra rich make enormous sums of cash?
I like living here because I can still, with the right combination of factors, rise above where I started from, or choose to trade financial success for other things. IOW, freedom is good. The reality is, technology is rapidly rendering low wage manual laborers superfluous.

Now, forcing businesses to pay artificially high wages for jobs that are not worth that much is simple welfare, and if society believes everyone should be paid more than what they produce, it should be up to society to levy taxes, collect them and write the checks. Don't turn business into welfare distribution centers.
Minimum wage is low enough in many places that people can still get food stamps. That is a direct government subsidy for paying people chickenfeed.
That we, the workers of America, are fucking paying for!

Sure., let Walmart pay slave wages, but take us taxpayers off the hook and let these mega rich corporations be entitled for paying the extra cost of Section 8 housing and food stamps for their employees making slave wages.

I have a friend who works there. She started at $10 an hour, was given a raise to $11 during the pandemic, and now she says that Walmart plans to raise their wages to $15 an hour this year. Walmart in Illinois is getting with the program, and they don't deserve any praise. Costco, Target, even Hobby Lobby have already been paying their workers $15 an hour.
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...
Yes we need to make sure all the profits flow up to the Walton family, who enjoy their many mansions, private jets, and exotic vacations.
Why do you insist a company has to pay more to get something done than they need to? Would you insist they pay an army of people to mop the floors on hands and knees when they don't need to?
Because workers deserve a good wage. Why do you like living in the richest nation in the world but where millions of workers get paid poorly, while the ultra rich make enormous sums of cash?
I like living here because I can still, with the right combination of factors, rise above where I started from, or choose to trade financial success for other things. IOW, freedom is good. The reality is, technology is rapidly rendering low wage manual laborers superfluous.

Now, forcing businesses to pay artificially high wages for jobs that are not worth that much is simple welfare, and if society believes everyone should be paid more than what they produce, it should be up to society to levy taxes, collect them and write the checks. Don't turn business into welfare distribution centers.
Minimum wage is low enough in many places that people can still get food stamps. That is a direct government subsidy for paying people chickenfeed.
Its a subsidy for having more children than you can afford. Basically, getting free food for being a dumbass.
Bitch. bitch, bitch. Even raising one or two kids isn't getting any cheaper while wages stay so flat that the government has to eventually try to do something about it. If we had real non-mandated wage growth we would not being having this conversation.
Productivity is way up these past few decades, but wages have been flat. Americans shouldn’t accept this, but they do.
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...

Really? You are the judge of what is deemed "worthy"? So you're okay with mega corporations paying slave wages, while taxpayers like you and me continue to pay for their food stamps and their Section 8 housing so Walmart can make even greater profits?

You are a tool of conservative propaganda, definitely the most successful use of propaganda in world history.
Worthy of $15 an hour? Yeah, I think I'm a good judge of who's "worthy" and who isn't. The person who made this sandwich, for instance, is not.


I enjoy owning my businesses and I have a deep appreciation for everyone who works for me. But my primary responsibility, as a business owner, is not to them. It's to the health of my businesses...
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...
Yes we need to make sure all the profits flow up to the Walton family, who enjoy their many mansions, private jets, and exotic vacations.
Why do you insist a company has to pay more to get something done than they need to? Would you insist they pay an army of people to mop the floors on hands and knees when they don't need to?
Because workers deserve a good wage. Why do you like living in the richest nation in the world but where millions of workers get paid poorly, while the ultra rich make enormous sums of cash?
I like living here because I can still, with the right combination of factors, rise above where I started from, or choose to trade financial success for other things. IOW, freedom is good. The reality is, technology is rapidly rendering low wage manual laborers superfluous.

Now, forcing businesses to pay artificially high wages for jobs that are not worth that much is simple welfare, and if society believes everyone should be paid more than what they produce, it should be up to society to levy taxes, collect them and write the checks. Don't turn business into welfare distribution centers.
Minimum wage is low enough in many places that people can still get food stamps. That is a direct government subsidy for paying people chickenfeed.

Of which Wal-Mart benefits greatly. They don't want to pay people enough to live on, they want taxpayers to subsidize this and have Wal Mart benefit from it.
Here's reality. Wal-Mart is not RESPONSIBLE to "pay people enough to live on". In fact, there are many workers who don't NEED a job to pay them "enough to live on", for example, most teenagers and retirees who are just looking for some extra cash and something to stay busy doing. But the bottom line remains, states and cities can set their own MW if they want to. Why does Washington have to force everyone into a one size doesn't fit all box?
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...

Really? You are the judge of what is deemed "worthy"? So you're okay with mega corporations paying slave wages, while taxpayers like you and me continue to pay for their food stamps and their Section 8 housing so Walmart can make even greater profits?

You are a tool of conservative propaganda, definitely the most successful use of propaganda in world history.
Worthy of $15 an hour? Yeah, I think I'm a good judge of who's "worthy" and who isn't. The person who made this sandwich, for instance, is not.


I enjoy owning my businesses and I have a deep appreciation for everyone who works for me. But my primary responsibility, as a business owner, is not to them. It's to the health of my businesses...

Yea, I know where you're coming from, and some jobs probably don't meet the $15 an hour threshold. I'm not sure fast food jobs do, and I'm not entirely sure that many retail jobs do either, but corporations who make billions in profit every year should pay their long term employees a living wage. I think, based on ones profit margins (thousands in profits, versus millions, versus billions) that the federal government should mandate graduated increases for employees after they've been there 5 years.
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...
Yes we need to make sure all the profits flow up to the Walton family, who enjoy their many mansions, private jets, and exotic vacations.
Why do you insist a company has to pay more to get something done than they need to? Would you insist they pay an army of people to mop the floors on hands and knees when they don't need to?
Because workers deserve a good wage. Why do you like living in the richest nation in the world but where millions of workers get paid poorly, while the ultra rich make enormous sums of cash?
I like living here because I can still, with the right combination of factors, rise above where I started from, or choose to trade financial success for other things. IOW, freedom is good. The reality is, technology is rapidly rendering low wage manual laborers superfluous.

Now, forcing businesses to pay artificially high wages for jobs that are not worth that much is simple welfare, and if society believes everyone should be paid more than what they produce, it should be up to society to levy taxes, collect them and write the checks. Don't turn business into welfare distribution centers.
Minimum wage is low enough in many places that people can still get food stamps. That is a direct government subsidy for paying people chickenfeed.

Of which Wal-Mart benefits greatly. They don't want to pay people enough to live on, they want taxpayers to subsidize this and have Wal Mart benefit from it.
Here's reality. Wal-Mart is not RESPONSIBLE to "pay people enough to live on". In fact, there are many workers who don't NEED a job to pay them "enough to live on", for example, most teenagers and retirees who are just looking for some extra cash and something to stay busy doing. But the bottom line remains, states and cities can set their own MW if they want to. Why does Washington have to force everyone into a one size doesn't fit all box?

This started out as as complaint over Florida raising their minimum wage to $15 an hour.
walmart abuses social services...they pay low wages and their workers reply on social services to for self service go ask that a register be opened

Walmart wages help to reduce the need of the indigents they put on the payroll for food stamps and other benefits. Hardly abusive. I support WMT could make more of an effort to hire teenagers and housewives looking for extra cash instead of providing entry level opportunities, but would that really be better?
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...
Yes we need to make sure all the profits flow up to the Walton family, who enjoy their many mansions, private jets, and exotic vacations.
Why do you insist a company has to pay more to get something done than they need to? Would you insist they pay an army of people to mop the floors on hands and knees when they don't need to?
Because workers deserve a good wage. Why do you like living in the richest nation in the world but where millions of workers get paid poorly, while the ultra rich make enormous sums of cash?
I like living here because I can still, with the right combination of factors, rise above where I started from, or choose to trade financial success for other things. IOW, freedom is good. The reality is, technology is rapidly rendering low wage manual laborers superfluous.

Now, forcing businesses to pay artificially high wages for jobs that are not worth that much is simple welfare, and if society believes everyone should be paid more than what they produce, it should be up to society to levy taxes, collect them and write the checks. Don't turn business into welfare distribution centers.
Minimum wage is low enough in many places that people can still get food stamps. That is a direct government subsidy for paying people chickenfeed.
Its a subsidy for having more children than you can afford. Basically, getting free food for being a dumbass.
Bitch. bitch, bitch. Even raising one or two kids isn't getting any cheaper while wages stay so flat that the government has to eventually try to do something about it. If we had real non-mandated wage growth we would not being having this conversation.
Productivity is way up these past few decades, but wages have been flat. Americans shouldn’t accept this, but they do.
The dirtiest word in capitalism is not socialism, it's wage growth. Gains in productivity are a direct theft from the working class economy
Yesterday I stopped into a Walmart in Wooster, Ohio to pick up a cheap gym bag. I actually found a pretty nice one, not exactly "cheap", but not outlandish. I figured I'd scored and headed to the front of the store.

When I got there, I was shocked to see that not a single check-out lane had an actual cashier. Every single lane was self-serve. Every. Single. One.

Years ago, my then 16 year old daughter made $6.25 an hour as a cashier for Walmart. As long as her grades were good, we allowed her to work as many hours as she was offered. She wasn't getting rich, obviously, but she had her own money to do with as she pleased.

When I asked the self-serve "attendant" about it, she told me that they went to an all self-serve model after the minimum wage became the latest perceived panacea for the left. There were about 20 checkout lanes. There's only one person overseeing the self-checkout lanes.

That means that 19 people who could've had cashier jobs have been replaced by technology.

That's very good news for Walmart, and very shitty news for the 19 people who could've had those jobs...
Walmart has a low prices tradition that boils down to whether consumers want
to shop for sandwich bread for 88 cents per loaf or $3.29 someplace else. They never forgot the single mom who barely gets by on whatever the deadbeat dad hatefully and unwillingly gives up so he can party with others. :dunno:

I have stock in Walmart just because they are good to people. Period.
If Walmart is having a hard time it's not because of wages its because they are losing their market supremacy to Amazon. Both are looking to to make human workers a thing of the past. Every job that can be mechanized eventually will be because it's even cheaper than slave labor. Flesh and blood cannot compete with that.

Oh, I don't see Walmart having a hard time at all. The store was packed. The parking lot of my local store in Florida is always packed. Our store in Florida has increased the number of self-serve lanes after Florida voters approved a $15 minimum wage.

Simply put, the skill level of the job is not worthy of $15 an hour. So, in response, Walmart will invest in these self-serve aisles which will pay for themselves in pretty short order...
Yes we need to make sure all the profits flow up to the Walton family, who enjoy their many mansions, private jets, and exotic vacations.
Why do you insist a company has to pay more to get something done than they need to? Would you insist they pay an army of people to mop the floors on hands and knees when they don't need to?
Because workers deserve a good wage. Why do you like living in the richest nation in the world but where millions of workers get paid poorly, while the ultra rich make enormous sums of cash?
I like living here because I can still, with the right combination of factors, rise above where I started from, or choose to trade financial success for other things. IOW, freedom is good. The reality is, technology is rapidly rendering low wage manual laborers superfluous.

Now, forcing businesses to pay artificially high wages for jobs that are not worth that much is simple welfare, and if society believes everyone should be paid more than what they produce, it should be up to society to levy taxes, collect them and write the checks. Don't turn business into welfare distribution centers.
Minimum wage is low enough in many places that people can still get food stamps. That is a direct government subsidy for paying people chickenfeed.
And therein lies the key, "in many places". States and cities are free to set their MW where it works best for them. Like I said, if society thinks everyone should earn a basic income, society should set it up. Tax the crap out of everyone or just print the money until inflation kills everything and print the checks.

We've been printing, printing, printing for the markets but people only get upset when those on the bottom rungs are able to benefit from that.
We're going to have a very large bill to pay shortly. Inflation is going to hit hard soon as pent up demand explodes and supply chains lag behind.

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