Walter Williams: Why the Founders Did Not Want a Democracy

Are there even any direct democracies still in existence? 😄 Why would the word democracy make me think of a long gone ancient civilization before i think of our very own democratic elections?
Clearly elections are meaningless in the USA.
Of course back then most of the population was illiterate farm workers, and women, who couldn't vote anyway. In their Republic the power was concentrated in the gentry class. Throughout time the process of selecting our representatives has become more democratic but it is still controlled by daddy megabucks.
So if I have enough money I can make you vote my way?
Two strategies, though never entirely absent from Republican behaviour in the past, have become far more central to their approach. One is a greater willingness to use or tolerate violence against their opponents, something that became notorious during the invasion of the Capitol by pro-Trump rioters on 6 January.
The other change among Republicans is much less commented on, but is more sinister and significant. This is the systematic Republican takeover of the electoral machinery that oversees elections and makes sure that they are fair. Minor officials in charge of them have suddenly become vital to the future of American democracy. Remember that it was only the refusal of these functionaries to cave in to Trump’s threats and blandishments that stopped him stealing the presidential election last November.
hahaha dems have used violence against their political rivals and weaponized the executive against them when they had the power for over a century

and you are pointing to one protest that turned into a riot….meanwhile dems continue to firebomb court houses
This argument is so stupid. We are not a direct democracy, we are a representative democracy and also a Republic. They describe different aspects of our government. A "Republic" means we are a government of the public, or the people. A representative democracy means we vote for representatives who represent the public in government. Did none of you pay attention in civics?
The only part I disagree with. In a democracy individual rights are not protected unless the majority says they are. In a Republic they are protected.
Because they ancient one is the original source, so anything else is inaccurate and contrary to detailed fact.
What does this sentence mean? What fact are you talking about? I never disagreed that their ancient direct democracy was the first recorded instance of a direct democracy. What I questioned was whether the word "democracy" as I used it implied a reference to that ancient civilization.
And all small systems do tend to use direct democracy still.
For example, when congress votes on a bill, it is a direct democracy voting method.
Families, clubs, religious groups, tribes, PTAs, etc. all tend to use direct democracy.
And yet when I say "we" are a democracy you should know that I'm referring to our representative democracy rather than saying we are an ancient civilization. If you don't, that's really your mental issue, not mine.

Why are you clowns so afraid of the word democracy? It's really weird. I honestly don't get it. Is it because it triggers you all into thinking of the Democratic party? Please, please tell me its that simple. 😂
The founders used gold and silver as a currency backing and restricted voting to certain groups whether that was right or wrong. It kept the Republic until 1913 despite a lot of outside interference from globalist interests. What happens is that when a fiat currency is introduced the politicians who may be corrupted but with far little resources to work with become enamored in expanding the fiat currency to the point it surpasses balanced budgets and then runs deficits and then massive deficits. The people voting then vote for people who expand programs. We have been doing it for at least a half century. The currency starts to wobble with all the debt accruing and it can only be straightened out so many times. Our real growth is not very high for the last half century averaged out. Democracy is used by the politicians because once we elect them, they do what we see now. on the Prog side they are screwing over the people for the Prog Socialist Party agendas. A few decades ago Clinton changed course. Biden seems he will not.
We were a Republic when we had slaves. Yes?
You were not going to get that document without it. You must believe that documents for freedoms just printed out of thin air like a fiat currency. We have been discussing the downside to it for many years. The Prog guilt trip as it were. Cry me a river while destroying others. We even have pains with it during our existence. You need a Soviet Union constitution. Plenty of strong and nice words for the citizens.

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