Walter Williams: Why the Founders Did Not Want a Democracy

Have not looked it up, but I thought the southern politicians loved the 3/5ths clause, since it allowed them electoral college votes based on slaves that they did not allow to vote.
Originally they were not going to get their slaves counted at all.
That pumped up their own white voting power compared to the voting power of individuals in states without slaves.
population isn’t based on who can vote.
Not only did Southern con-servatives leave the party in 1860....they left the country in 1860 a few months later....and then, after they got their butts beat in the war, they left the party again in the 1960s rather than give up their racism.
No idiot the democrats never left the democrat party. They never had primaries so you could have more than one democrat running for president.
Yes they did.
The southern wealthy elite refused to have anything to do with the "party of Lincoln" until around 1980, but by now, all the southern wealthy elite have pretty much switched to being republicans.
No they didn't democrats did not leave the democrat party
That is the NAME, not the political POSITIONS.
All parties have switched political positions many times.
Modern republicans would never have voted for Lincoln.
Bullshit stop acting stupid
O.K. the U.S. is not a true democracy but a representative republic. Now can we go on to real political issues?
O.K. the U.S. is not a true democracy but a representative republic. Now can we go on to real political issues?
A good way to go on to the issues is first to stop the moonbats from changing the narrative.

You know, attack the problem at the root.
I only see democrats waving it,,
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