Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
If the GOP is going to be a credible, center-right party, Republicans have to treat the 2018 election as a parliamentary-style housecleaning.

By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative. (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


"By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative." (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


"By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative." (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


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"By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative." (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


The people are uniting around the Republican party because they are fed up with the Dem's shit. Go live with your freaks and illegals Dem's, we are leaving you in our wake MAGA!
No fucking way, I like low taxes and jobs a plenty...


You elected a "Rhino"--who is not a conservative, much less a Republican. Who is on record for stating he loves Debt & is the King of Debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'


1. No conservative would have campaigned on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative loves Eminent domain.
Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House
Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse

No conservative would have ever approved of a Trade war.


None of what Trump represents sets the principles of the Republican party. The only way to save the GOP is to vote for Democrats this midterm.
No fucking way, I like low taxes and jobs a plenty...


You elected a "Rhino"--who is not a conservative, much less a Republican. Who is on record for stating he loves Debt & is the King of Debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'


1. No conservative would have campaigned on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative loves Eminent domain.
Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House
Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse

No conservative would have ever approved of a Trade war.


None of what Trump represents meets the principles of the Republican party. The only way to save the GOP is to vote for Democrats this midterm.
No fucking way, I like low taxes and jobs a plenty...


You elected a "Rhino"--who is not a conservative, much less a Republican. Who is on record for stating he loves Debt & is the King of Debt.
Why Donald Trump has crowned himself the 'king of debt'


1. No conservative would have campaigned on single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy | Breitbart
2. No conservative would have proposed another Obamacare type program only called child care subsidies.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
3. No conservative loves Eminent domain.
Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House
Opinion | Donald Trump’s history of eminent domain abuse

No conservative would have ever approved of a Trade war.


None of what Trump represents meets the principles of the Republican party. The only way to save the GOP is to vote for Democrats this midterm.
I'm with you. I've thought that I could support a Republican candidate if they demonstrated the good parts i see in my Republican friends like being conscious of the deficit, competition, rule of law and justice (even against tax Dodgers and big business), results based policy, environmental sustainability, etc. These are things that a moderate could support. Isolationism, the rights identity politics, climate denial, sustainability denial, supply side obsessed, anti consumer and workers rights. I cant back that stuff and more. I think if the GOP wants a better play at the independents, they should drop as much of the latter items I listed as possible.
I'm with you. I've thought that I could support a Republican candidate if they demonstrated the good parts i see in my Republican friends like being conscious of the deficit, competition, rule of law and justice (even against tax Dodgers and big business), results based policy, environmental sustainability, etc. These are things that a moderate could support. Isolationism, the rights identity politics, climate denial, sustainability denial, supply side obsessed, anti consumer and workers rights. I cant back that stuff and more. I think if the GOP wants a better play at the independents, they should drop as much of the latter items I listed as possible.

I think Independents who are the largest voting block in this country today will decide many of these races. I was a lifelong Republican until they made the Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. I then changed my party status and followed the advise of a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

"By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative." (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


This is hilarious. What kind of utter trash is this?

Even IF you manage to eke out the House, this is NOT a party that "needs saving". Do I need to remind you that we have the Presidency, the Senate, the House, the vast majority of governorships and state legislatures all over this great land? Not to mention not the Supreme Court by 5-4, and maybe more depending on RBG, she's not in that great of health?

A GOP that "needs saving"? Is this how absolutely irrational and delusional you people are? Wait....yes, you are. And we already knew that.

LOLZ to this post. You folks tell yourselves a lot of lies.
"By contrast, one of the great virtues of the American system of separated powers is that voters, usually, can ignore party affiliation if they feel a candidate is worth their support. Our model forces the legislative and executive branches to seek separate mandates from the electorate. In our system, voters can separate the party from its leader. They can split their tickets regionally, nationally and by party. They can even vote for divided government, and choose to place the executive and legislative power in opposing hands.

For now, however, those days are over — at least for the Republican Party. Rather than acting like a national party, entrusted with separate but coequal branches of government, the GOP at every level and in every state has been captured by the personality cult that has congealed around President Trump, and it is now operating like a parliamentary party, utterly submissive to its erratic but powerful prime minister. Republican elected officials, from Congress to the state houses, have chosen to become little more than enablers for an out of control executive branch.

The only way to put a stop to this is to vote against the GOP in every race, at every level in 2018. It’s tough medicine. But as someone who’s voted Republican for nearly 40 years, who favors limited government and public integrity, and who believes America still needs a credible, responsible center-right party, I see no alternative." (more click this link)
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The only way to save the Republican party is to crush it,and then rebuild it back into a viable functioning body, that focus's on the principles of the Republican party--and not a popularity stardom contest. This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. .policy, and no one can keep him in check. Trump is a National disgrace. You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

So for the good of this nation and the credibility of the Republican party over the long term, you must choose
COUNTRY over PARTY and vote for Democrats this midterm.

This has got to go.


Why would ANYBODY vote democrat? You leftist traitors are delusional.
What sensible and rational republicans need to do is stand up publicly to trump. However, as been seen on social media especially, to do so invites the destructive and heinous wrath of the less than intelligent trump fans. A party ruled by fear.

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