Want to see some actual crime and corruption?

This fucking retard is back.
I can see the mental stress is hurting this one. He never considered before that he might have to choose between his RussiaMasters and his ChinaMasters.

It's not debatable that Trump cultists gleefully hoover the azzjelly out of both Russian and Chinese rectums. After all, they still heap praise on Comer for using Russian and Chinese agents to make up stories about Biden.

So again, MAGA commiesuckers, where does your primary loyalty lie, with Russia or with China? It's obviously not with the USA.
This isn't' a partisan thing.

It is a Personality thing.

This is a Strength- (or Lack)-of-Character thing.

And the Orange Baboon-God comes-up profoundly short-of-the-mark in that department.


Not the kind of lowlife I want as President of the United States.
It most certainly is a goddamn partisan thing. You people weaponized the judicial system to forge an outcome you think is going to help your side politically.,

It only matters 1 vote whom you want or who I want individually as President of the United States. Americans who don’t like Trump are disturbed at your side’s use of lawfare.
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe may, indeed, be corrupt.

If he IS, then...

At least he is not stupid enough to arrogantly declare that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and get away with it...

At least he is not stupid enough to summon, incite and aim an Insurectionist mob to attack the US Congress...

At least he is not stupid enough to go banging porn stars while his wife is pregnant...

At least he is not stupid enough to get caught...

Unlike your Orange Baboon-God... who is wwwwaaaaayyyyyy outside-his-element and over-his-head nowadays...

The Orange Baboon God Convicted Felon... :abgg2q.jpg:

He was stupid enough to admit Progs have an extensive cheating system some years ago. And no one followed up on it. Or it got smothered. Nancy was confident to before the2020 election in statements.
Now that their Orange Baboon-God is a convicted felon...

All that MAGAtts have left to them is to try to distract and draw attention away from their Fuhrer's fate...

None of this $hit matters in-the-slightest when contemplating Rump's bright orange jumpsuit... :auiqs.jpg:
It most certainly is a goddamn partisan thing. You people weaponized the judicial system to forge an outcome you think is going to help your side politically.,
Your boy was prosecuted because he has proven himself to be a threat to a Constitutional peaceful transfer of power.

Having summoned, incited and aimed an Insurrectionist mob against the Congress of the United States on January 6, 2021...

He is no longer to be trusted with the Presidency nor the stewardship of the United States.

Therefore, he gets hammered using any-and-all tools that The Law allows

If your despicable Orange Boy had not been banging a porn star while his wife was pregnant...

If your despicable Orange Boy had not paid her off in order to increase his changes of winning in 2016...

If your despicable Orange Boy had played by the rules and stayed within The Law...

Then The Law would not have been able to lay on hand on him...

Stupidly, your Orange Idiot gave them the opening they needed to crucify him...

And they took the opening in order to prevent a would-be autocrat from possibly taking-over the White House again...

Anyone stupid enough to leave his flanks unprotected like that is too stupid to trust with the Nuclear Football again..

Sorry... all the deflection in the world isn't going to hide any of that... :cool:
Your boy was prosecuted because he has proven himself to be a threat to a Constitutional peaceful transfer of power.

Having summoned, incited and aimed an Insurrectionist mob against the Congress of the United States on January 6, 2021...

He is no longer to be trusted with the Presidency nor the stewardship of the United States.

Therefore, he gets hammered using any-and-all tools that The Law allows

If your despicable Orange Boy had not been banging a porn star while his wife was pregnant...

If your despicable Orange Boy had not paid her off in order to increase his changes of winning in 2016...

If your despicable Orange Boy had played by the rules and stayed within The Law...

Then The Law would not have been able to lay on hand on him...

Stupidly, your Orange Idiot gave them the opening they needed to crucify him...

And they took the opening in order to prevent a would-be autocrat from possibly taking-over the White House again...

Anyone stupid enough to leave his flanks unprotected like that is too stupid to trust with the Nuclear Football again..

Sorry... all the deflection in the world isn't going to hide any of that... :cool:
Your side’s goal of the Fundamental Transformation of America means bullshit tactics such as banana republic court convictions and bullshit adherence to The Law - except your dear leaders don’t hold themselves accountable to the same standards so the electorate knows you are full of shit. That is no deflection- that is reality.
Your side’s
Not my side.

I actually approve of a great many Trumpian policies.

I actually disapprove of a great many Biden policies ( Israel, Southern Border, Student Debt Forgiveness, Muslim appeasement, etc.)

It's just that your Boy is a profoundly flawed personality lacking integrity, honor and good character, unfit for high office.

Find me somebody who can advance the Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage and I'll stand alongside you and vote.

Not my side.

I actually approve of a great many Trumpian policies.

I actually disapprove of a great many Biden policies ( Israel, Southern Border, Student Debt Forgiveness, Muslim appeasement, etc.)

It's just that your Boy is a profoundly flawed personality lacking integrity, honor and good character, unfit for high office.

Find me somebody who can advance the Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage and I'll stand alongside you and vote.
He’s not my Boy. I would gladly accept someone who could effectively carry out the policies you mentioned. The problem is you have a rank and file cult that is the Democrat Party that finds these policies to be such a threat that they by their own words “will use any means possible” to prevent those policies.

Remember, it was only 15 short years ago that the Democrat cult was ready to put George W. Bush in a gulag for “war crimes” when Trump was taking to the air waves basing Bush and writing checks to Democrats. The Democrats gladly cashed them and could have given two shits as to who or what Trump was banging.

Today, look how Differently Democrats treat Trump and Bush from 15 years ago? Hell, those same Democrats praise a Cheney and smear a Kennedy.
He’s not my Boy. I would gladly accept someone who could effectively carry out the policies you mentioned.
Then we are not as far apart in this context as your earlier hostility would seem to indicate. I'll have to settle for that.
The problem is you have a rank and file cult that is the Democrat Party that finds these policies to be such a threat that they by their own words “will use any means possible” to prevent those policies.
The Republican Trump Cult Party has lost all credibility for calling-out "cults", I'm afraid... that train has left the station.
Remember, it was only 15 short years ago that the Democrat cult was ready to put George W. Bush in a gulag for “war crimes” when Trump was taking to the air waves basing Bush and writing checks to Democrats. The Democrats gladly cashed them and could have given two shits as to who or what Trump was banging.
Oh... no contest... no argument out of me... however...

Knowing these things, an intelligent candidate would not have given such a Destruction Machine such ammunition.

However, the Orange Nightmare screwed-up ten ways to Sunday and made it a thousand times worse over time.

Add to that his arrogance, dishonesty, Entitled Karen attitude, and his unthinking Big Mouth, all compounded his problems.

He is his own Worst Enemy and is now reaping what he has sewn.

Today, look how Differently Democrats treat Trump and Bush from 15 years ago? Hell, those same Democrats praise a Cheney and smear a Kennedy.
Oh, Dems are every bit as bad as Pubs... oftentimes worse... so give The People somebody (besides Trump) to vote for.
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe may, indeed, be corrupt.

If he IS, then...

At least he is not stupid enough to arrogantly declare that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and get away with it...

At least he is not stupid enough to summon, incite and aim an Insurectionist mob to attack the US Congress...

At least he is not stupid enough to go banging porn stars while his wife is pregnant...

At least he is not stupid enough to get caught...

Unlike your Orange Baboon-God... who is wwwwaaaaayyyyyy outside-his-element and over-his-head nowadays...

The Orange Baboon God Convicted Felon... :abgg2q.jpg:


The invalid pedo in charge is exponentially more corrupt than orange man.
Then we are not as far apart in this context as your earlier hostility would seem to indicate. I'll have to settle for that.

The Republican Trump Cult Party has lost all credibility for calling-out "cults", I'm afraid... that train has left the station.

Oh... no contest... no argument out of me... however...

Knowing these things, an intelligent candidate would not have given such a Destruction Machine such ammunition.

However, the Orange Nightmare screwed-up ten ways to Sunday and made it a thousand times worse over time.

Add to that his arrogance, dishonesty, Entitled Karen attitude, and his unthinking Big Mouth, all compounded his problems.

He is his own Worst Enemy and is now reaping what he has sewn.

Oh, Dems are every bit as bad as Pubs... oftentimes worse... so give The People somebody (besides Trump) to vote for.
That’s why, as crazy as it sounds, an RFK Jr. run can be a good thing to get better candidates in the Democrat Party. At the moment, you are simply witnessing proxies and puppets for Obama’s 3rd and potentially 4th term. As for the Republicans, they are mostly milquetoast who want and need to be liked by Washington Democrats. This weakness is what allows Trump to come in and run roughshot over them.
That’s why, as crazy as it sounds, an RFK Jr. run can be a good thing to get better candidates in the Democrat Party. At the moment, you are simply witnessing proxies and puppets for Obama’s 3rd and potentially 4th term. As for the Republicans, they are mostly milquetoast who want and need to be liked by Washington Democrats. This weakness is what allows Trump to come in and run roughshot over them.
As crazy as it sounds, I kinda-sorta agree with you on this one. :oops:
Other than violating federal law, I guess…But that’s ok if it’s “your guy”…hack.
What federal law prohibits pressuring foreign governments receiving billions of our money from cleaning up their corrupt act? :cuckoo:

It’s not about “my guy”, it’s about knowing facts and right from wrong.
What federal law prohibits pressuring foreign governments receiving billions of our money from cleaning up their corrupt act? :cuckoo:

It’s not about “my guy”, it’s about knowing facts and right from wrong.
We’ve been over this.

The VP, or POTUS can’t alter appropriations from congress with out congressional approval…
No, we'll point you just made all that up, for the glory of your communist masters, using fake testimony from both Russian and Chinese agents.

Trump cultists, if your Russiamasters and ChinaMasters were to give you conflicting orders, which enemy of the USA would you obey?
Sanity does not appear to be your strong suit.

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