WaPo: If Biden Does NOT WIN, Prepare For WAR! ! !


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These cretins are heading straight into a war that they cannot win and would not want if they could think straight.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. (RELATED: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Base, And He Needs To Disavow Them’: Rand Paul Blasts Biden For Blaming Violence On Trump)
The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

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The Mentally Ill Left is off the rails.
The DNC leaders (including Hillary Clinton) have declared war on America.
They truly believe there is no legitimate power other than theirs.

They are delivering a message to their lemmings that the only way forward for America is Insurrection and a forced takeover.
They are well aware that the majority of Americans don't want their brand of disaster but they are determined to deliver it.

Do NOT be surprised if they begin abducting or killing prominent Right Wing figures as well as Right Wing personalities such
as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Right wing senators and anyone of influence on the Right.
I personally believe this is their next step. Trump is a prime target.

When we see this begin, continued silence and inaction by the Right will result in the Left seizing absolute power and
it can occur in a matter of days.
These cretins are heading straight into a war that they cannot win and would not want if they could think straight.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. (RELATED: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Base, And He Needs To Disavow Them’: Rand Paul Blasts Biden For Blaming Violence On Trump)
The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

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Yup...."vote for us, or else" What a compelling argument to NOT vote for the scum.

Bring it on.
Think about it

what can the pajama boys do to overthrow the government?

the answer is between Not Much and Nothing
Many people can talk about violence as we do here. The Prog politicians though are pushing this. And damn near all of them are pus^ies. Let Hillary put a shank in her hand and kill some people. In what Village did she ever live in? The Village takes care of her.
A narrow Biden win will indeed mean war. Donald's portly sidekick Billy Barf will start filing lawsuits in every narrowly contested swing states claiming (without evidence per usual) "great voter fraud". This is a man with no scruples or integrity. He'll do ANYTHING to keep his Orange Overlord in the Whitehouse.

Donald will NOT go peacefully even if there's a Biden landslide. Mark my words on that. He'll need to be physically extracted by the US military and it will be a dangerous time for our young democracy.
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Think about it
what can the pajama boys do to overthrow the government?
the answer is between Not Much and Nothing

Mac 7,
I'm asking that you not underestimate the enemy.
The DNC Elite can do a lot of damage very quickly.

Too many believe that America is too strong and our Constitution to powerful to overcome.
Millions of Americans were shocked into reality when the Supreme Court upheld the unConstitutional ACA (Obamacare)

Just remember that the Nazi's believed that about the 3rd Reich in WW2
And Venezuelans believed that before the left seized power.

Can it happen in the USA? Yes.
A narrow Biden win will indeed mean war. Donald's portly sidekick Billy Barf will start filing lawsuits in every narrowly contested swing state claiming (without proof per usual) "great voter fraud". This is a man with no scruples or integrity. He'll do ANYTHING to keep his Orange Overlord in the Whitehouse.

Donald will NOT go peacefully even if there's a Biden landslide. Mark my words on that. He'll need to be physically extracted and it will be a dangerous time for our young democracy.
You cannot get any traction with erroneous votes for some senile old fart. It just won't work.
You know what is funny. Trumpers start civil war threads at least once a week if not more often than that on this forum alone. Shit, one was started earlier today. Trumpers bring up civil war CONSTANTLY on this forum.

As I said many times, there will be no civil war and only deranged sociopathic individuals want one whether they be liberal or conservative, Trumper or Biden supporter. Only pathetic lowlife people want to put a bullet in the head of their neighbors and their neighbors children. That is what civil war is. Why sugar coat It.
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These cretins are heading straight into a war that they cannot win and would not want if they could think straight.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. (RELATED: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Base, And He Needs To Disavow Them’: Rand Paul Blasts Biden For Blaming Violence On Trump)
The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

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The Left is already at War with the US.

And, have been for some time.

We just haven't had our 9/11 wake up call yet.

I think all normal thinking Americans are expecting that moment to come very soon after Trump's historical Landslide Victory in November.

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