WaPo: If Biden Does NOT WIN, Prepare For WAR! ! !

These cretins are heading straight into a war that they cannot win and would not want if they could think straight.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. (RELATED: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Base, And He Needs To Disavow Them’: Rand Paul Blasts Biden For Blaming Violence On Trump)
The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

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The Democrats reek of fear. They know what's coming.
Read the study/enactment

Instead of the spin on the daily caller.

No need. I know your fear.

If Trump wins, your cities will explode. It will be a short-lived event.

If Biden "wins", the country will explode. No transfer of power to our modern would-be Communists will be permitted, and you know it.
The Wa-Po piece is a thinly veiled threat and promise should Biden not win.

We should see it for what it is....intimidation and a psychological punch to the gut.

It's not at all below the Washington Post to lend their paper to this attempt to suppress the vote for Trump.
We see everyday what the left is capable of in terms of violence and destruction.
Unfortunately, you should have read the source material instead of believing the OP’ s bullshit. The opinion piece was just exploring possible scenarios not advocating anything. It was the Trump supporters who were much more likely to resort to violence under various scenarios. Never take what a Trumper posts at face value.
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Right now the feds are preparing the abandoned WalMarts and FEMA camps.
Really? Tell us all about it, corn boy.
Sure it's the same as it was during Oblama when he invaded Texass..

Obama's Invasion of Texas: When Partisanship Becomes an Extreme Sport
Here it is: The federal government is preparing a military takeover of Texas using secret tunnels built under closed Wal-Mart stores so troops can move silently about the state. Take a moment to digest that. The Obama administration is sending American forces into Texas to...ummm...I dunno. Take control of NASA? (Nah, feds own that.) Seize Lackland Air Force Base or Fort Hood or Naval Air Station Kingsville? (No, they run those too, along with 28 other military installations in the state.) Overthrow the Legislature and the governor? (That would require dismantling Congress and seizing the Supreme Court, since a Texas takeover would be unconstitutional.) Wait! That's it! Obama is going to seize control of Texas for some incomprehensible reason and then launch national martial law!
These cretins are heading straight into a war that they cannot win and would not want if they could think straight.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. (RELATED: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Base, And He Needs To Disavow Them’: Rand Paul Blasts Biden For Blaming Violence On Trump)
The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

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I can't wait to spray paint the walls with commie brain matter.

Since in your little mind you equate Democrats with communists your great desire would mean roughly 60,000,000 million dead. Yeah, that sounds like something you would advocate.
As long as he didn't have to leave his Rascal behind!
These cretins are heading straight into a war that they cannot win and would not want if they could think straight.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. (RELATED: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Base, And He Needs To Disavow Them’: Rand Paul Blasts Biden For Blaming Violence On Trump)
The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

View attachment 384847

The Democrats reek of fear. They know what's coming.
Read the study/enactment

Instead of the spin on the daily caller.

No need. I know your fear.

If Trump wins, your cities will explode. It will be a short-lived event.

If Biden "wins", the country will explode. No transfer of power to our modern would-be Communists will be permitted, and you know it.
So you agree with the WaPo op/ed? That civil strife will follow a Biden victory?
Unfortunately, you should have read the source material instead of believing the OP’ s busllshit. The opinion piece was just exploring possible scenarios not advocating anything. It was the Trump supporters who were much more likely to resort to violence under various scenarios. Never take what a Trumper posts at face value.
I did read source material. The only likely outcome that didn't end in a blood bath was a clear Biden win
according to the thought exercise which, in itself, seems highly unlikely.

Now take your own advice and consider a study which is highly dubious and biased with not a single actual republican in the whole mix, and concoctedf by a Georgetown professor. What else would anyone expect from a partisan circle jerk like this?
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The Wa-Po piece is a thinly veiled threat and promise should Biden not win.

We should see it for what it is....intimidation and a psychological punch to the gut.

It's not at all below the Washington Post to lend their paper to this attempt to suppress the vote for Trump.
We see everyday what the left is capable of in terms of violence and destruction.
Unfortunately, you should have read the source material instead of believing the OP’ s bullshit. The opinion piece was just exploring possible scenarios not advocating anything. It was the Trump supporters who were much more likely to resort to violence under various scenarios. Never take what a Trumper posts at face value.

Sure, because those "Righties" are destroying Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Minneapolis, Rochester etc
These cretins are heading straight into a war that they cannot win and would not want if they could think straight.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. (RELATED: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Base, And He Needs To Disavow Them’: Rand Paul Blasts Biden For Blaming Violence On Trump)
The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

View attachment 384847

The Democrats reek of fear. They know what's coming.
Read the study/enactment

Instead of the spin on the daily caller.

No need. I know your fear.

If Trump wins, your cities will explode. It will be a short-lived event.

If Biden "wins", the country will explode. No transfer of power to our modern would-be Communists will be permitted, and you know it.
So you agree with the WaPo op/ed? That civil strife will follow a Biden victory?

You ain't kidding.
Here it is: The federal government is preparing a military takeover of Texas using secret tunnels built under closed Wal-Mart stores so troops can move silently about the state.
But that never really happened, did it. Yet you are discussing it as if people really seriously considered it true.
Apparently News-Weak knew all about it. This is the first I've ever heard about it.

Big talk from a leftist idiot that calls Trump "Hitler" and says he is an ally of Putin who wants to put Mexicans in cages.
Those ain't Trump supporters in the riots throughout.

Democrats, that special 'community organizer' and their media encourage violence and their rabid dogs obey them have been violent and destructive.
These bitches should be doing jail time and have to pay for the damages they have encouraged throughout.

There will be a river of blood in the streets by the middle of next summer, no matter which candidate wins
Will, you're just a ray of sunshine. If you are correct, have you got your provisions, equipment and plans in place or even started or are you just talking like the writers of the Post, but with a long time-frame?

nothing stocked.

not even ammo anymore.
(Gave it all to Son in law)

Not sure I'd be around to see it anyway.

There will be a river of blood in the streets by the middle of next summer, no matter which candidate wins
Will, you're just a ray of sunshine. If you are correct, have you got your provisions, equipment and plans in place or even started or are you just talking like the writers of the Post, but with a long time-frame?

nothing stocked.

not even ammo anymore.
(Gave it all to Son in law)

Not sure I'd be around to see it anyway.
Wow. Hope you are not ill. Why in the world would you think you would not be around to see it? Feel free to not respond if it is private or none of my business or to respond PM.
These cretins are heading straight into a war that they cannot win and would not want if they could think straight.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. (RELATED: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Base, And He Needs To Disavow Them’: Rand Paul Blasts Biden For Blaming Violence On Trump)
The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

View attachment 384847
I can't wait to spray paint the walls with commie brain matter.


Sounds pretty harsh...but the alternative of living under filthy dem control and the destruction of America is worse. I will vote for brain matter.
These cretins are heading straight into a war that they cannot win and would not want if they could think straight.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”
“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks. (RELATED: ‘This Is Joe Biden’s Base, And He Needs To Disavow Them’: Rand Paul Blasts Biden For Blaming Violence On Trump)
The op-ed goes into detail regarding “four scenarios experts consider most likely” in terms of the 2020 election.

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Does Wapo not realize that their threat is a bit of an empty one, when the most offensive weapon they have is a dildo, and their enemies are armed with "military style assault weapons".

I welcome this war the compost declares on us when Trump wins. It will be short, yet a sweet one.

I also welcome the fact that democrats now openly identify as terrorists.
How deep is this "river of blood in the streets" going to be?

The thought of violence makes blob supporters positively orgasmic.

Except that faggot Progs are rioting, looting and killing.

As I said, violence turns you on.

No, it doesn't. I abhor it.
Do NOT be the first one up my steps.
You're a silly little inexperienced bitch. You live in a theoretical world that you've built inside of your head.
I live in the real world where people have died because they believe in the stupid shit people like you expouse.
You never have seen the blood.

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