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War against Isis: US strategy in tatters as militants march on


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Maybe Obama can read about this during a storm break on the links


America's plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group's fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

The US-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obama's plan to "degrade and destroy" Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, Isis is expanding its control rather than contracting.

War against Isis US strategy in tatters as militants march on - Middle East - World - The Independent
Under George Bush we destroyed Saddams army in 2 weeks.

Obama is doing something very wrong!
Maybe Obama can read about this during a storm break on the links


America's plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group's fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

The US-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obama's plan to "degrade and destroy" Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, Isis is expanding its control rather than contracting.

War against Isis US strategy in tatters as militants march on - Middle East - World - The Independent

depends on what you mean by have not worked

sometime a week ago or so the admin dropped the goal

of containing ISIL
Maybe Obama can read about this during a storm break on the links


America's plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group's fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

The US-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obama's plan to "degrade and destroy" Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, Isis is expanding its control rather than contracting.

War against Isis US strategy in tatters as militants march on - Middle East - World - The Independent

depends on what you mean by have not worked

sometime a week ago or so the admin dropped the goal

of containing ISIL

No it is the goal of looking like he is doing something, but in reality is doing nothing. Needs that bump in polls to try and keep the senate (D).
Maybe Obama can read about this during a storm break on the links


America's plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group's fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

The US-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obama's plan to "degrade and destroy" Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, Isis is expanding its control rather than contracting.

War against Isis US strategy in tatters as militants march on - Middle East - World - The Independent

depends on what you mean by have not worked

sometime a week ago or so the admin dropped the goal

of containing ISIL
I thought the new goal was decimating Toyota trucks?
Maybe Obama can read about this during a storm break on the links


America's plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group's fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

The US-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obama's plan to "degrade and destroy" Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, Isis is expanding its control rather than contracting.

War against Isis US strategy in tatters as militants march on - Middle East - World - The Independent

depends on what you mean by have not worked

sometime a week ago or so the admin dropped the goal

of containing ISIL

No it is the goal of looking like he is doing something, but in reality is doing nothing. Needs that bump in polls to try and keep the senate (D).

then Geaux is correct

it is not working
Maybe Obama can read about this during a storm break on the links


America's plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group's fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

The US-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obama's plan to "degrade and destroy" Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, Isis is expanding its control rather than contracting.

War against Isis US strategy in tatters as militants march on - Middle East - World - The Independent

depends on what you mean by have not worked

sometime a week ago or so the admin dropped the goal

of containing ISIL
I thought the new goal was decimating Toyota trucks?

more like abandoned buildings

not one isil tank has been taken out
The only damn thing we have accomplished is effectively sticking our finger in the hornets nest.

Reminds me of Clinton bombing a few camels & tents.

Wag the fucking dog all day long
The isis is successful and may very well take over most of the middle east if they're not stopped. The caliphate and the history of it is control of the muslim world. We could be looking at a very violent islamic empire if they're successful. The worst threat to the west since the USSR.
Geaux -

What country has got it right with ISIS?

Which government do you think have the best policies in place for dealing with ISIS?

Because it seems to me that no one saw this coming, and no one has been able to work out the best strategy to deal with them thus far. It seems to me that everyone is trying to figure this out, but thus far it is a work in progress, both in Ankara and Washington, in London, Brussels and Berlin.
Geaux -

What country has got it right with ISIS?

Which government do you think have the best policies in place for dealing with ISIS?

Because it seems to me that no one saw this coming, and no one has been able to work out the best strategy to deal with them thus far. It seems to me that everyone is trying to figure this out, but thus far it is a work in progress, both in Ankara and Washington, in London, Brussels and Berlin.

Because the extremists have the power and have not been curtailed by anyone except for the US. Just like the DNC now they are ruled by the extremists and they still gather support and their own will look the other even during events that they would call out their opposition on.

How many Muslim/Islamic groups have denounced ISIS/ISIL?

Terrorism is allowed to flourish in this part of the world, hence the mistake of Obama and his cut and run policies. The far left did not learn anything about Vietnam..
Geaux -

What country has got it right with ISIS?

Which government do you think have the best policies in place for dealing with ISIS?

Because it seems to me that no one saw this coming, and no one has been able to work out the best strategy to deal with them thus far. It seems to me that everyone is trying to figure this out, but thus far it is a work in progress, both in Ankara and Washington, in London, Brussels and Berlin.
We had a plan. If you harbor terrorists you are part of the problem. You're either with us or against us.

Then the pain of 9/11 wore off and the liberal head in the sand mentality slowly crept back in.
It seems we have no plan because as the proverbial snake, we are currently headless.
Obama, a "commander in chief". I'm laughing in derision as I type this. This is what happens when a 94 IQ left elects an 84 IQ queer token. Disaster!
And still no one has told us which government around the world got this one right, nor has anyone told us what they would have done.

How many Muslim/Islamic groups have denounced ISIS/ISIL?

Um....how about the ones currently FIGHTING Isis, genius?

Jesus wept...if you don't even know what side the main combatants are on, why are you posting on the topic at all?
Maybe Obama can read about this during a storm break on the links


America's plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group's fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

The US-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obama's plan to "degrade and destroy" Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, Isis is expanding its control rather than contracting.

War against Isis US strategy in tatters as militants march on - Middle East - World - The Independent

Several points here, all of which are pretty common sense:

1. Do not enter combat with a plan to win and the resolve to win. Obama's plan is half-assed. Every military person says that the stated goal of "degrade and destroy" cannot be accomplished with the current plan.

2. Never take action that will give the other side a victory and make you look weak. Despite our presence and declaration to degrade and destroy, ISIS is doing what they want with impunity. They are capturing strategic locations and winning control over resources such as water, both clear gains. They have done this despite US presence. In other words, not even the best military in the world can stop them at this point.

3. You must act decisively in combat situations. Right now OBAMA and his nitwit minions at the State Department are equivocating. This makes us look weak.

4. Leaders make political decisions, not military decisions. The political decision is to degrade and destroy ISIS. Obama should direct the military to do this if he is going to stand by his stated goal. The Military can devise and execute a successful military plan. Obama is trying to micro manage the situation, which is, again, making us look indecisive and it is handicapping the military.

5. While it is now too late, I will point out that you have got to act quickly on these matters. We should have, and could have, acted against ISIS months ago. If we had then we would not be where we are today, and all of the mass murders of innocent people in Northern Iraq would not have taken place.

6. It is our national interest to stop ISIS. If not stopped, then northern Iraq and Syria become another Afghanistan: a safe harbor and staging area for a terrorist group that is openly hostile to the west. We cannot rely on others like the Kurds or Iraqis to be the ground forces in this action. That would me that we are putting the security of the United States into the hands of foreign nations. That idea itself is repulsive, unconstitutional, and constitutes malfeasance on the part of the president.

7. If you repeatedly fail to do what you pledge to do then your credibility will be lost. Nobody in our so-called alliance is risking ground troops or pledging much else. Turkey is very capable and could easily swoop down with ground forces to assist in this endeavor. However, they will not because they fear that Obama will not hold true to his word and provide necessary support.

Obama has already fucked up big time once in the region with that red line clusterfuck. Now he has done it again. The current air strike are futile. He is just pissing away very expensive weapons right now. There is virtually no ground intelligence needed for proper targeting in the air strikes. The missions is to degrade and destroy. Now here we are, many weeks later, and not a damn thing has changed.

Did OBAMA hope that his speech followed by a nominal show of force was going to accomplish something? Was the real plan to just make this nominal show of force and then see what happens, hoping for the best? That is chicken shit stuff if that was the plan. Was the plan to make slow, incremental steps and then thoroughly assess each step as we go? That is NOT how a military planner would go at this. Again, a president has got to make a political decision, such as to degrade and destroy the enemy, then approve a plan drawn up by the military to accomplish said objective, then turn the military loose to execute the plan. Obama does not need to be in the way calculating every possible political affect of each and every action, thereby holding up the mission. Military planners do not go at something like this ad hoc. If OBAMA really meant to degrade and destroy, then turn the matter over to the military to execute a plan to do just that.

Obama is squarely at fault in this ISIS matter. From the moment he announced that the U.S. will act to degrade and destroy ISIS it became Obama's conflict. He owns it. Now he is fucking it up as he had fucked up so many other things overseas. His foreign policy skills are worse than those exercised by Jimmy Carter. Obama is fucking up this whole region and is making the U.S. look weak and indecisive in the process.

To make matters worse, as the ISIS matter continues to worsen notwithstanding a US commitment, not too far away Iran continues balls to the ball with expanding its nuclear program to such an extent that it is now almost a certainty that they will possess nuclear weapons very, very soon. I have not heard much on this lately. Have you? Kerry is still engaged in talks, but that means absolutely nothing. Iran plays Kerry and OBAMA like a violin.

In short, we are fucked. Obama is going to leave us with such a fucking mess in the Middle East that our involvement in armed conflict in the region is a certainty. During Obama's reign the following has occurred in the Middle East:

- The Syrian war has been allowed to rage on despite pressure from the US, including the red line fiasco. It had now spilled over into Iraq and threatens to spill over into other countries.

- Weapons of mass destruction have been used by Assad in Syria to kill countless numbers of innocent people.

- ISIS, a terror group more dangerous than Al Qaida, has emerged and seized land, threatening to create another safe haven and staging location like Afghanistan.

- OBAMA has stunningly failed to get a Status of Forces agreement in Iraq, then opted to pull out. This made it impossible to keep the Shiite Maliki in check, thereby causing a sectarian shift of power in Iraq which cause great unrest, the killings of many, many innocents, and strongly contributed to the rise of ISIS.

- Obama let Mubarak fall in Egypt, despite the fact that he has been a long time and staunch ally to the United States. He kept the radicals under an iron fist. To let him fall was a crime.

- OBAMA openly encouraged the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group of Islamist radicals. By supporting a democratic form of government in the Middle East, and ultimately moving toward the same, the Brotherhood was able to get a foothold in government. This sounds fine, except for the fact that the Brotherhood is anti-democratic. How did this work out for Egypt? Not too dam well.

- Obama negotiated an agreement with Iran that allows them to continue building centrifuges. Now a year later they are closer than ever to having a viable nuclear weapon.

- Obama has alienated Israel, a crucial ally in the region. We need them. Yet OBAMA never passed up an opportunity to snub Israel and to diminish them.

- The Palestinian peace talks have always been tedious and difficult. However, now they are especially fucked up after Kerry tried his hand at it. It will be years now before this effort ever gets back in track after Kerry insulted and alienated everyone involved.

- The extremely wealthy families in Qatar now have an unprecedented amount of influence with certain jihadist groups in the region, including financing them. Once upon a time there was severe consequences for doing this. Obama has done nothing about it. In fact, his detachment from the Middle East has enabled jihadists to now be better funded and better armed than ever before.

- Our dependence on Middle East oil has not gotten any better due to OBAMA domestic policy against domestic exploration and drilling. Further, if he would get the EPA out of fracking then we would have more natural gas on the market, thereby lowering its price and lowering the income and influence of Qatar, whose income is derived from natural gas.

I could keep going. Suffice it to say that Obama has fucked up at every turn when it comes to the Middle East. A regional international war in the Middle East is a very real threat, moreso now than ever before. Obama is enabling the instability in the region. You really have to wonder whose side is OBAMA on when you look at the current state of affairs there.
And still no one has told us which government around the world got this one right, nor has anyone told us what they would have done.

How many Muslim/Islamic groups have denounced ISIS/ISIL?

Um....how about the ones currently FIGHTING Isis, genius?

Jesus wept...if you don't even know what side the main combatants are on, why are you posting on the topic at all?

I will ask the same of you as you do not follow recent events. Certain governments have as a political ploy, but have done very little to back up their comments. Even the Iraq Army who was better trained with better equipment did not fight off ISIS. Syria denounces them as they are in Asad's country and Asad does not like challenges to his authority.

Obama cuts and run in Iraq, ISIS starts to take back cities in Iraq. In Syria Obama draws a line in the sand and does nothing when it crossed. Then the US has to go back in with air strikes to help these countries fight that which Obama allowed to flourish to appease his extreme base.

There will always be extremists in the world and many groups have denounced ISIS for certain reasons like beheadings, but over all they are not..

It is like the occasional far left poster who will say they are against war and speak out against it, but their own does it, they suddenly have lost their voice. They will may come out say they are against it, but their posting continues to show support.

It is just like those countries against Bush going into Iraq in 2003, the denounced Bush. Later it was shown why they did not want Bush to do what he did when they got caught with hands in the OIL for FOOD cookie jar.

Many Islamic/Muslim groups are on the record as saying "that the militant group does not represent the majority of Muslims."

Well that was stating the obvious.

However they are just words and Obama's coalition of the willing is very small in dealing with ISIS.

Just a year ago Obama called ISIS a Jay-vee Team, even though he had intel to the contrary.

Obama is not the one that needs to be leading the charge as he is no leader.
Kosh -

Would you care to list the Islamic governments and groups currently fighting ISIS, or shall I?
Under George Bush we destroyed Saddams army in 2 weeks.

Obama is doing something very wrong!

You did, and replaced it with an army with loads of equipment, but no real training - you may have well just given the weapons to ISIS, but without the middle man.

Then again, you did.

U.S. ups aid to Syrian rebels sending them missiles and guns - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Haaretz

The United States is regularly sending arms to what it perceives as the more moderate Syrian rebel groups. Most recent supplies have been of anti-tank missiles, light weapons and munitions.

The weapons do not include any advanced anti-aircraft missiles, as Washington fears these could fall into the hands of radical Islamist fighters who, in the future, could endanger civil aviation in neighboring states.

Once again, American stupidity created a problem that bounced back and bit it in the arse.
Will you lot ever get past your stupidity?
Kosh -

Would you care to list the Islamic governments and groups currently fighting ISIS, or shall I?

All the foreign partners participating in the strikes with the United States are Arab countries: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Bahrain and Qatar.

Do you Syria or Iraq in that list? or any other Muslim nations?

Also can you list how many actual planes and/or assets Arab these nations have committed?

If the US was not involved, would that number be enough to take on ISIS?

If the US was not involved would they have committed those military assets in the first place?

The problem here is there is no real ground assets to help with the airstrikes it is mostly being done based on satellite intel.

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