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War On Men


Well, there's that once-a-month bleeding thing, for one. :rolleyes:

Iā€™d stab you once a month, if it would make you feel better about not menstruating.

But Iā€™d stab you daily so you could know deep inside, what a man feels like... Is this the part where I insert an emoji?

You poor, poor thing. My vagina bleeds in sympathy for you.
It bleeds anyway...
Nice dodge. My future is fine.....sweetie.

But please, educate me like I still have a chance at womanly happiness.
Sounds like it...

You canā€™t even answer this simple question with an obvious answer.
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
So a man can teach him when to use it. Who to use it on. And what the consequences of misuse are. From a relevant perspective. Not from someone who ā€œthinksā€ they know.

What are the rules you learned about penis usage?
Sounds like it...

You canā€™t even answer this simple question with an obvious answer.
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
So a man can teach him when to use it. Who to use it on. And what the consequences of misuse are. From a relevant perspective. Not from someone who ā€œthinksā€ they know.

What are the rules you learned about penis usage?
#1. When divulging such info to women; it isnā€™t done verbally...
Sweetheart... If you donā€™t have a clue by now... Nothing I tell you will improve your future.

Nice dodge. My future is fine.....sweetie.

But please, educate me like I still have a chance at womanly happiness.
Sounds like it...

You canā€™t even answer this simple question with an obvious answer.
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
Having a penis makes you a male, it takes a man to make that male a man. Itā€™s hard to explain to females what it means to be a man. My father taught me about hard physical labor, standing up for whatā€™s right, going to war to defend a way of life we are willing to die for. Those are things men are supposed to teach. Men are made the way they are by testosterone the same way women are made the way they are by estrogen. Nature determines the role we play in raising children.
You canā€™t even answer this simple question with an obvious answer.
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
So a man can teach him when to use it. Who to use it on. And what the consequences of misuse are. From a relevant perspective. Not from someone who ā€œthinksā€ they know.

What are the rules you learned about penis usage?
#1. When divulging such info to women; it isnā€™t done verbally...


See, I feel like youā€™re trying to be reasonable and light-hearted, but the tripe youā€™re spreading is dangerous.

Are kids better off with two parents? Absolutely. Is there some mystical power that fathers pass on to their sons? No. Are women trying to emasculate boys? No.
Nice dodge. My future is fine.....sweetie.

But please, educate me like I still have a chance at womanly happiness.
Sounds like it...

You canā€™t even answer this simple question with an obvious answer.
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
Having a penis makes you a male, it takes a man to make that male a man. Itā€™s hard to explain to females what it means to be a man. My father taught me about hard physical labor, standing up for whatā€™s right, going to war to defend a way of life we are willing to die for. Those are things men are supposed to teach. Men are made the way they are by testosterone the same way women are made the way they are by estrogen. Nature determines the role we play in raising children.

Thanks for replying.

Women can, and have, experienced hard physical labor. They can, and have, stood up for whatā€™s right. They can, and have, gone to war.
Femenization? What do you think happens when men are raised by women, with no father around to show them what it means to be a man?

You act like they are isolated, like being raised by wolves.

Mothers are people and show their children how to be people.
No. Women and men are not the same. Shelve that nonsensical fantasy. Women do the best they can in most cases Iā€™m sure. But no woman will ever be able to teach a boy what it means to be a man.
All too often they simply teach young boys how to be the man she wishes she landed, instead of the one she actually spread her legs for.

What must be taught to make a boy into a man? Be specific, please.

By the way, I made no claim that men and women are the same. I said women are people. Do you disagree with that?
Can't believe somebody finally asked the question.

Unfortunately, it takes a lesson in reality. First, let's talk about traditional roles - not to say that they are unique to a particular gender, but rather, that they are roles that must be assumed by SOMEBODY.

Men have, for eons, been the hunter, the protector, the provider, the creator. Women, on the other hand, have been the nurturer, the mother, the provider of succor and sympathy. There is no reason that men can't do the women's roles, or vice versa. But, the point is that SOMEBODY has to - in any relationship, in any society, in any civilization.

The questions becomes not what - but WHO.

Neither gender is very good at accepting the roles of the other. It is intrinsically impossible to combine the roles in a single person.

When you are the one who binds his wounds, are you capable of also telling him to shut up, suck it up, and keep going? Hardly.

When you are the one who tells you little boy that life is sacred, and all animals should not be mistreated or killed, are you also the one capable of telling him to ignore all that and kill that cute little bunny rabbit because you're hungry? Hardly.

When you are the one who teaches him to be kind to people, to respect his elders, to always obey the person in authority, are you also the one capable of teaching him that sometimes, you just have to kill the motherfucker? Hardly.

Men have their role in the raising of a son - and women have their role, as well. If they BOTH do their jobs well, the son is adjusted and capable. If not, he will tend toward one side of the spectrum or the other.

The dissolution of the nuclear family - coupled with the feminist movement - has created an imbalance in those roles. Women say they don't need men, and men leave. Women say they can handle it on their own - and men let them. Men no longer feel the responsibility to care for their families - they just leave. There was a time when a man accepted his responsibility - and there was a time when society pressured him to do so. No longer - today, we have the government acting as quasi-fathers.

Sad to say, we have a prime example right here in our country today, but it is impolitic to point it out.The percentage of black single mothers has doubled in the last 30 years. The percentage of black single mothers who receive support, or assistance, from a man has dropped by 80% in the past 40 years. There were more black children aborted in 2015 than were BORN!

Some will scream!!! He dares to blame the feminist movement!! How dare I?? I must be a misogynist, a woman-hater, a religious right wing nut. Not so. The feminist movement, while it cloaks itself in the robe of equality and fairness, has transmorphed into a power grab. It is not enough that women be equal - they must be in charge. They can't cooperate with men - they must rule them, control them, subjugate them. While this is, obviously, bad for a male-female relationship, it is catastrophic for a little boy trying to find his role in society. He watches, and he learns.

Every little boy, in order to understand society, in order to adjust to his roles, in order to function, must determine what roles are expected of him, and which roles he will accept. (Little girls are no different - they need role models, too). If he confuses the roles society expects of him, he will not be able to function successfully in that society. He will be judged - like it or not - by the traditional roles society expects of him. The so-called Alpha female does her son no good - in fact, as we've seen for the past 40 years, she does him great harm.

Thank you for your well thought out reply. I like how you acknowledge that the roles are traditional, and that each gender could take on the role of the other gender, but it is a societal construct that has cemented them. Some confuse that societal construct with biological mandate.

So, we might be in the midst of a changing of thought about gender roles, and therefore, will be judged, as you wrote, by the traditional roles society expects of us.

That is not an insurmountable obstacle. Especially if the outcome is more freedom to choose the role one wants to fulfill in a family, in the workforce, and in society.
I suspect you give me more credit than I deserve. I want to be clear about what I said.

I do NOT believe that a woman is capable - psychologically or physiologically - of teaching a boy to kill. They maybe able to teach them the mechanics - but not the need. The innate female compassion makes it impossible. I recognize that there are women who have killed - but they are crimes of passion and emotion, not cold-blooded death. I do NOT believe that a woman is capable - psychologically or physiologically - of teaching a boy to beat someone within an inch of their lives. I do NOT believe a woman is capable of teaching her son that there are times when the right thing to do is to forfeit his life. I do NOT believe a woman is capable of teaching her son the societal requirements of being a man. She is only capable of teaching one-half of his societal requirements - but then, his father is only capable of teaching one half, as well.

You say we are in a "transition" of gender roles. This is definitely true. The feminist-driven full scale attack on masculinity, and male roles, is undeniable. The problem is we end up with generations of one parent families, and men confused about their roles in society. We are now beginning to "reap the benefits" of confusion, female misogyny, and a power struggle with our children the pawns in the war.
What exactly does it mean to "be a man" and what aspect of it could a women not teach? And as I said, just because a boy may not have a father, it does not mean that he does not have male role models
Role models are great. But no substitute for a father of the same lineage teaching his child the ways of the world specific to his shared genetics, and experience. What does it mean to be a man? We could be here all day. But frankly... this the the kind of question a son asks his father. And Iā€™ve never gotten a deduction for you. Youā€™ll have to ask the appropriate person...
Well, I think that the far more important question is " what does it mean to be a decent and responsible and productive human being who has the confidence to pursue whatever interest and career that they are inclined to"? And a woman can do that.Again, people are far less hung up on gender roles and what it meant to be man or woman.
Wrong...Women know the difference. And select mates accordingly. Nothing has changed since the dawn of men but the scenery. And most settle into their appropriate role quite comfortably. Even if that means denying millennia of basic biology in order to protect their ego. Thatā€™s as it should be... Isnā€™t nature beautiful to see in action?
Wrong? Seriously? Nothing has changed? The concept of gender roles is that same as always. My god you have to be joking!
Is it today your day to play captain obvious? Or is there an echo in here?
Oh come on! Deal with it. Nothing has changed? We still adhere to the same ridged gender role hang-ups that we, as a society were saddled with decades ago?
Sounds like it...

You canā€™t even answer this simple question with an obvious answer.
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
So a man can teach him when to use it. Who to use it on. And what the consequences of misuse are. From a relevant perspective. Not from someone who ā€œthinksā€ they know.

What are the rules you learned about penis usage?
There are rules of penis usage?
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
So a man can teach him when to use it. Who to use it on. And what the consequences of misuse are. From a relevant perspective. Not from someone who ā€œthinksā€ they know.

What are the rules you learned about penis usage?
#1. When divulging such info to women; it isnā€™t done verbally...


See, I feel like youā€™re trying to be reasonable and light-hearted, but the tripe youā€™re spreading is dangerous.

Are kids better off with two parents? Absolutely. Is there some mystical power that fathers pass on to their sons? No. Are women trying to emasculate boys? No.
Sorry ---- you're one for three.

There IS a "mystical power" that fathers pass on to their sons. It is called "being a man". You haven't been there, so you can't know.

Are women trying to emasculate boys? Unquestionably. Again, you're on the wrong side of the confrontation to see it clearly.

But, at least, you got the part about two parents right.

That gets you a "participation" ribbon.
Sounds like it...

You canā€™t even answer this simple question with an obvious answer.
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
Having a penis makes you a male, it takes a man to make that male a man. Itā€™s hard to explain to females what it means to be a man. My father taught me about hard physical labor, standing up for whatā€™s right, going to war to defend a way of life we are willing to die for. Those are things men are supposed to teach. Men are made the way they are by testosterone the same way women are made the way they are by estrogen. Nature determines the role we play in raising children.

Thanks for replying.

Women can, and have, experienced hard physical labor. They can, and have, stood up for whatā€™s right. They can, and have, gone to war.
Role models are great. But no substitute for a father of the same lineage teaching his child the ways of the world specific to his shared genetics, and experience. What does it mean to be a man? We could be here all day. But frankly... this the the kind of question a son asks his father. And Iā€™ve never gotten a deduction for you. Youā€™ll have to ask the appropriate person...
Well, I think that the far more important question is " what does it mean to be a decent and responsible and productive human being who has the confidence to pursue whatever interest and career that they are inclined to"? And a woman can do that.Again, people are far less hung up on gender roles and what it meant to be man or woman.
Wrong...Women know the difference. And select mates accordingly. Nothing has changed since the dawn of men but the scenery. And most settle into their appropriate role quite comfortably. Even if that means denying millennia of basic biology in order to protect their ego. Thatā€™s as it should be... Isnā€™t nature beautiful to see in action?
Wrong? Seriously? Nothing has changed? The concept of gender roles is that same as always. My god you have to be joking!
Is it today your day to play captain obvious? Or is there an echo in here?
Oh come on! Deal with it. Nothing has changed? We still adhere to the same ridged gender role hang-ups that we, as a society were saddled with decades ago?
Ooooh!!! Whole decades!!! I mean that's like ... almost ... forever!

No matter how hard you try to posture - you can't sell it.
Role models are great. But no substitute for a father of the same lineage teaching his child the ways of the world specific to his shared genetics, and experience. What does it mean to be a man? We could be here all day. But frankly... this the the kind of question a son asks his father. And Iā€™ve never gotten a deduction for you. Youā€™ll have to ask the appropriate person...
Well, I think that the far more important question is " what does it mean to be a decent and responsible and productive human being who has the confidence to pursue whatever interest and career that they are inclined to"? And a woman can do that.Again, people are far less hung up on gender roles and what it meant to be man or woman.
Wrong...Women know the difference. And select mates accordingly. Nothing has changed since the dawn of men but the scenery. And most settle into their appropriate role quite comfortably. Even if that means denying millennia of basic biology in order to protect their ego. Thatā€™s as it should be... Isnā€™t nature beautiful to see in action?
Wrong? Seriously? Nothing has changed? The concept of gender roles is that same as always. My god you have to be joking!
Is it today your day to play captain obvious? Or is there an echo in here?
Oh come on! Deal with it. Nothing has changed? We still adhere to the same ridged gender role hang-ups that we, as a society were saddled with decades ago?
Thatā€™s not what I said... You can role play to your hearts content. Women still select who they breed with, according to the same standard as always. Today... you simply have more options at your disposal to lower your ranking. Arenā€™t choices fun?
Sounds like it...

You canā€™t even answer this simple question with an obvious answer.
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
Having a penis makes you a male, it takes a man to make that male a man. Itā€™s hard to explain to females what it means to be a man. My father taught me about hard physical labor, standing up for whatā€™s right, going to war to defend a way of life we are willing to die for. Those are things men are supposed to teach. Men are made the way they are by testosterone the same way women are made the way they are by estrogen. Nature determines the role we play in raising children.

Thanks for replying.

Women can, and have, experienced hard physical labor. They can, and have, stood up for whatā€™s right. They can, and have, gone to war.
True women can do all those things and most men I know appreciate that but most men would not want their daughters going off to die in a war, they would expect their sons to do so. Most men would prefer to do the really awful things that need to be done so their daughter wonā€™t have to. Men want to protect women the way their fathers taught them to do if they have fathers, if they donā€™t have a father in the house to teach them they donā€™t learn it.
Are kids better off with two parents? Absolutely. Is there some mystical power that fathers pass on to their sons? No. Are women trying to emasculate boys? No.

I totally disagree there.

I live in a predominately black city, and with that comes a lot of single-parent families.

I like to listen to my police scanner when possible. The biggest problem our police have are single-parent homes. Women raise their children fine until their boys hit puberty, that's when all hell breaks loose and the women can no longer control their kids.

So they rely on our police which they ran out of time for, so the city passed a law that states if the police are called to your residence more than three times in a year, they charge you for each call after that. Our police don't have the time or resources to be surrogate fathers.

Yes, boys need a father for at the very least, to straighten them out when those boys decide to act too manly. Women are not capable of doing that. Boys are no different than girls when it comes to figuring out where the line is drawn in the sand. The problem is kids will push to see how far they can go and girls are more controllable than boys.
Sounds like you have some serious issues with women. I suggest that you seek professional help right away
I have no serious issues with women. Iā€™ve been married to my high school sweetheart for 51yrs and raised a son and a daughter that is strong and successful. The only thing I have a problem with is women that think we need to prevent toxic masculinity (Whatever that is) by changing the natural traits of boys. Let boys be boys, it comes naturally to them.
Would you say physically/sexually harassing/abusing women comes natural?
I donā€™t know anyone that thinks abusing women is all right. If you want to know who thinks itā€™s ok listen to some rap music made by men that were raised by women with no man in the house. The entire rap music empire exists because so many boys grew up with no male figure to teach them right from wrong or punish them when they strayed from accepted behavior.

So, fatherlessness bestows rhythm onto little boys?????
Do you really think rap is about rhythm. Chuck Berry, BBKing, The Four Tops could teach them rhythm, all rap seems to teach is how to abuse your bitch.

So true. Years ago I had a part-time job teaching music. One day a black kid came into my studio and told me he wanted me to teach him rap. I told him that's impossible because I teach music. Rap is a 70's expression that meant kiss or talk. I don't teach talk--I teach music.

The kid left disappointed and never returned. But music is a group of notes that perform a melody. There is no melody in rap. Because you can't even understand what they are talking about, it's not a message either. However in electronics school, they taught us that if there is a disturbance in the air that has no message and is not music, it's technically noise. Rap is noise.
Why do women feel they need to turn men into sissies? Do they feel they canā€™t complete with men? Do men have more drive, ambition, determination than women, is that what they want to eliminate from men? Why is it men, not women, that need to change? Rather than forcing little boys sit in a circle in kindergarten and talk about their feelings, boys donā€™t do that, why not make little girls elementary school start taking testosterone injections so they develop more male traits? If women want to be more like men make little girls change, not the little boys. Men are generally happy the way they are, if women arenā€™t happy with the life nature determined for them they need to change, not men. Testosterone is generally available to women that want to be more like men and they should use it because men are happy they are. Donā€™t expect most men to be attracted to the new maleized women because real men like women the way nature made them. God made women warm and nurturing and beautiful to attract men to support and protect and to make them mothers. Men are happy with that role and if some women donā€™t like it they can always start testosterone treatment. Men bonā€™t need to change, weā€™re happy.
Society may have a problem with some men using their position for sex, which we have laws to protect victims, but it is not assult when a woman uses sex to further their careers. It seems to me a lot of women have been willing to enter into that arrangement. If all the women in the entertainment industry would file rape charges the problen wouldenā€™t exist, is they stayed silent to further their careers then they are as guilty as the men. They traded sex for their careers. Real men wonā€™t change and real women are generally happy with them, the unhappy women should look for some testosterone.

Yeah, how to justify being an asshole.
You canā€™t even answer this simple question with an obvious answer.
The answer is obvious. Look between your legs for a glimpse down the rabbit hole. ( Iā€™m being gentlemanly here..:)

Yes, that is the obvious and consistent difference between men and women.

Now, tell me.....arenā€™t children born with those obvious physical differences? Why are you insistent that the boy born with a penis needs a father around? The kidā€™s already got the penis.
So a man can teach him when to use it. Who to use it on. And what the consequences of misuse are. From a relevant perspective. Not from someone who ā€œthinksā€ they know.

What are the rules you learned about penis usage?
There are rules of penis usage?

Why do women feel they need to turn men into sissies? Do they feel they canā€™t complete with men? Do men have more drive, ambition, determination than women, is that what they want to eliminate from men? Why is it men, not women, that need to change? Rather than forcing little boys sit in a circle in kindergarten and talk about their feelings, boys donā€™t do that, why not make little girls elementary school start taking testosterone injections so they develop more male traits? If women want to be more like men make little girls change, not the little boys. Men are generally happy the way they are, if women arenā€™t happy with the life nature determined for them they need to change, not men. Testosterone is generally available to women that want to be more like men and they should use it because men are happy they are. Donā€™t expect most men to be attracted to the new maleized women because real men like women the way nature made them. God made women warm and nurturing and beautiful to attract men to support and protect and to make them mothers. Men are happy with that role and if some women donā€™t like it they can always start testosterone treatment. Men bonā€™t need to change, weā€™re happy.
Society may have a problem with some men using their position for sex, which we have laws to protect victims, but it is not assult when a woman uses sex to further their careers. It seems to me a lot of women have been willing to enter into that arrangement. If all the women in the entertainment industry would file rape charges the problen wouldenā€™t exist, is they stayed silent to further their careers then they are as guilty as the men. They traded sex for their careers. Real men wonā€™t change and real women are generally happy with them, the unhappy women should look for some testosterone.

Yeah, how to justify being an asshole.
Typical progressive response, when you canā€™t debate just start calling names. If me wanting boys to grow up to be responsible men makes me and asshole so be it.
Why do women feel they need to turn men into sissies? Do they feel they canā€™t complete with men? Do men have more drive, ambition, determination than women, is that what they want to eliminate from men? Why is it men, not women, that need to change? Rather than forcing little boys sit in a circle in kindergarten and talk about their feelings, boys donā€™t do that, why not make little girls elementary school start taking testosterone injections so they develop more male traits? If women want to be more like men make little girls change, not the little boys. Men are generally happy the way they are, if women arenā€™t happy with the life nature determined for them they need to change, not men. Testosterone is generally available to women that want to be more like men and they should use it because men are happy they are. Donā€™t expect most men to be attracted to the new maleized women because real men like women the way nature made them. God made women warm and nurturing and beautiful to attract men to support and protect and to make them mothers. Men are happy with that role and if some women donā€™t like it they can always start testosterone treatment. Men bonā€™t need to change, weā€™re happy.
Society may have a problem with some men using their position for sex, which we have laws to protect victims, but it is not assult when a woman uses sex to further their careers. It seems to me a lot of women have been willing to enter into that arrangement. If all the women in the entertainment industry would file rape charges the problen wouldenā€™t exist, is they stayed silent to further their careers then they are as guilty as the men. They traded sex for their careers. Real men wonā€™t change and real women are generally happy with them, the unhappy women should look for some testosterone.

Yeah, how to justify being an asshole.
Typical progressive response, when you canā€™t debate just start calling names. If me wanting boys to grow up to be responsible men makes me and asshole so be it.

No, this isn't name calling at all.

A man who thinks he can touch a woman's crotch without permission is an asshole. This is a fact I'm not even willing to debate.
A man who thinks he can make a woman feel uncomfortable at work by using his power to make an unprofessional advance on a woman is an asshole. Again, a fact.

You used the word "sissy" to describe how you think men are when they talk about their feelings, or men who don't act on their testosterone whenever they damn well please.

That's name calling, surely, if my use of asshole is name calling.
Why do women feel they need to turn men into sissies? Do they feel they canā€™t complete with men? Do men have more drive, ambition, determination than women, is that what they want to eliminate from men? Why is it men, not women, that need to change? Rather than forcing little boys sit in a circle in kindergarten and talk about their feelings, boys donā€™t do that, why not make little girls elementary school start taking testosterone injections so they develop more male traits? If women want to be more like men make little girls change, not the little boys. Men are generally happy the way they are, if women arenā€™t happy with the life nature determined for them they need to change, not men. Testosterone is generally available to women that want to be more like men and they should use it because men are happy they are. Donā€™t expect most men to be attracted to the new maleized women because real men like women the way nature made them. God made women warm and nurturing and beautiful to attract men to support and protect and to make them mothers. Men are happy with that role and if some women donā€™t like it they can always start testosterone treatment. Men bonā€™t need to change, weā€™re happy.
Society may have a problem with some men using their position for sex, which we have laws to protect victims, but it is not assult when a woman uses sex to further their careers. It seems to me a lot of women have been willing to enter into that arrangement. If all the women in the entertainment industry would file rape charges the problen wouldenā€™t exist, is they stayed silent to further their careers then they are as guilty as the men. They traded sex for their careers. Real men wonā€™t change and real women are generally happy with them, the unhappy women should look for some testosterone.

Yeah, how to justify being an asshole.
Typical progressive response, when you canā€™t debate just start calling names. If me wanting boys to grow up to be responsible men makes me and asshole so be it.

No, this isn't name calling at all.

A man who thinks he can touch a woman's crotch without permission is an asshole. This is a fact I'm not even willing to debate.
A man who thinks he can make a woman feel uncomfortable at work by using his power to make an unprofessional advance on a woman is an asshole. Again, a fact.

You used the word "sissy" to describe how you think men are when they talk about their feelings, or men who don't act on their testosterone whenever they damn well please.

That's name calling, surely, if my use of asshole is name calling.
Wonderful intentional misinterpretation of what was said .... you should be proud.

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