War on women, perpetuated by the gop or others?

Monica Lewinski
Jennifer Flowers
Mary Jo Kopechne
A BUNCH of women in San Diego

They accuse the right of a war on women but the body count is all on the left.

3 whole women from 30 years ago? Whoa

That's 3 more than on the right and there was more than three molested by the democrat mayor of San Diego. Obviously you don't give a shit about any of them.
Monica Lewinski
Jennifer Flowers
Mary Jo Kopechne
A BUNCH of women in San Diego

They accuse the right of a war on women but the body count is all on the left.

3 whole women from 30 years ago? Whoa

That's 3 more than on the right and there was more than three molested by the democrat mayor of San Diego. Obviously you don't give a shit about any of them.

Right because fighting equal pay for women only affects 2 women :lol:
The right to choose whether or not to have a child. The GOP has been trying to take away that right of women since the 1970s. Even though Conservatives lost and keep losing that fight, they keep fighting it anyway because they're too stupid to admit defeat.

That's why inbred right-wing racist Southern GOP assholes still fly Confederate flags as if it's something to be proud of.

Dear KNB: the problem is worse than that. The men who are half the cause of pregnancy put the burden on the women.

When will we see leaders stand up and start enforcing laws holding MEN PROPORTIONALLY responsible for their part of the decision to have sex and cause pregnancy?

What if we defined different degrees of "rape" for acts that result in "unwanted sex, pregnancy, children or abortion." And hold BOTH partners equally accountable for abuse.
But do more to go after MEN who coerce sex, and hold those MEN responsible for restitution to the women instead of playing politics with laws to "symbolize" defense of prochoice or prolife.

The problem with the bipartisan political set up is
it is abused by MEN to fight other MEN for territory, dominance and pecking order.

Both parties are guilty of abusing political bullying to "divide and conquer" for control.
That is a patriarchal problem with the system. Men need to have semblance of control,
and the content and consequences of the political stances taken are secondary.

We need to focus on solutions and content of the policies that work for all people. And quit this political posturing and pack mentality that is killing relations, wasting resources, dividing and destroying our nation.
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When will we see leaders stand up and start enforcing laws holding MEN PROPORTIONALLY responsible for their part of the decision to have sex and cause pregnancy?

Right after we start holding women PROPORTIONALLY responsible for funding the raising of the child, if the two parents are not married.
3 whole women from 30 years ago? Whoa

That's 3 more than on the right and there was more than three molested by the democrat mayor of San Diego. Obviously you don't give a shit about any of them.

Right because fighting equal pay for women only affects 2 women :lol:

Why are you arguing about equal pay? That is like house slaves and field slaves
arguing who gets more privileges from the slave master. You are still not equal regardless.

Why don't you look at equal ownership:
who owns companies, property, city, schools, land, housing, control of govt.

When are we going to address the REAL cause of why people aren't equal in society?

Where we don't have equal access to knowledge, training and experience
with laws on business, property management, finances, law, govt, etc.

How long are we going to let those with knowledge and power
"pimp" the people who don't in order to use our tax dollars and votes to play their games?
When are we going to address the REAL cause of why people aren't equal in society?

Umm.... You're going to have to take that up with someone on a much higher level than anyone here at USMB; because that goes back to the creation of the Universe, emily. People are not equal, in society or just in life. People are different. They have different talents. They have different proper roles in life. It's just that simple, and it has been, for far longer than any of us have been alive.
When are we going to address the REAL cause of why people aren't equal in society?

Umm.... You're going to have to take that up with someone on a much higher level than anyone here at USMB; because that goes back to the creation of the Universe, emily. People are not equal, in society or just in life. People are different. They have different talents. They have different proper roles in life. It's just that simple, and it has been, for far longer than any of us have been alive.

Her version of equality is in matters of law and economics, not the talents you believe your god endowed people with. One we can control, one we can't, yet, but we're working on it.
Barefoot and pregnant eh, which makes you happy as a clam? Exactly what the Dems say about you guys.

Not quite. We wear shoes in the condo, mostly because her dog has a habit of missing the pee pad from time to time and pregnant is probably not a realistic possibility due to some of her medical issues. However, we are both very happy with the Traditional gender roles in our relationship. She stays home, cooks, cleans, and keeps the house while I go out and earn us a living. Works perfectly well for both of us.
Her version of equality is in matters of law and economics, not the talents you believe your god endowed people with. One we can control, one we can't, yet, but we're working on it.

So, in other words, hers is based purely on emotion and what people WANT things to be like rather than the realities of how society had existed and flourished for thousands of years. Sounds just like a woman.... Always wanting what they can't have without any really good reason behind it.
Barefoot and pregnant eh, which makes you happy as a clam? Exactly what the Dems say about you guys.

Not quite. We wear shoes in the condo, mostly because her dog has a habit of missing the pee pad from time to time and pregnant is probably not a realistic possibility due to some of her medical issues. However, we are both very happy with the Traditional gender roles in our relationship. She stays home, cooks, cleans, and keeps the house while I go out and earn us a living. Works perfectly well for both of us.
That's an option, not so many want anymore but it is one.
BTW, how much did you pay for her?

Absolutely nothing. In fact she found me, on MATCH.com and contacted me, not the other way around. She's Puerto Rican and has always aspired to be a housewife and mother rather than having a career. She never graduated high school but her skills in maintaining a home, cooking, cleaning, etc... are tremendous.
Her version of equality is in matters of law and economics, not the talents you believe your god endowed people with. One we can control, one we can't, yet, but we're working on it.

So, in other words, hers is based purely on emotion and what people WANT things to be like rather than the realities of how society had existed and flourished for thousands of years. Sounds just like a woman.... Always wanting what they can't have without any really good reason behind it.
Congrats, you got that all wrong.

There's nothing emotional about making people equal before the law. It's actually the moral thing to do, Maybe that's why you don't understand it?
That's an option, not so many want anymore but it is one.

What people WANT really has no valid place in society. It's what people SHOULD do that has merit. Before you ask, what we SHOULD do was determined by our forefathers when human society began thousands of years ago.
There's nothing emotional about making people equal before the law. It's actually the moral thing to do, Maybe that's why you don't understand it?

LOL. Morality is about RIGHT and WRONG, not equality. Morality was determined thousands of years ago when our ancestors first formed basic societies and has not changed, nor will it.

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