War on women, perpetuated by the gop or others?

BTW, how much did you pay for her?

Absolutely nothing. In fact she found me, on MATCH.com and contacted me, not the other way around. She's Puerto Rican and has always aspired to be a housewife and mother rather than having a career. She never graduated high school but her skills in maintaining a home, cooking, cleaning, etc... are tremendous.

Sounds like a winner. Fits you perfectly. I hope you both live very happily, under your rock.
That's an option, not so many want anymore but it is one.

What people WANT really has no valid place in society. It's what people SHOULD do that has merit. Before you ask, what we SHOULD do was determined by our forefathers when human society began thousands of years ago.
Careful there little buddy. The panties used to be in charge once.
There's nothing emotional about making people equal before the law. It's actually the moral thing to do, Maybe that's why you don't understand it?

LOL. Morality is about RIGHT and WRONG, not equality. Morality was determined thousands of years ago when our ancestors first formed basic societies and has not changed, nor will it.
Well, you couldn't be more wrong, on both points, but no matter.
Careful there little buddy. The panties used to be in charge once.

Inside the home, yes. Outside of it, no. There has not been a significant Matriarchal society in the world within the last two millenia. Women have never been the primary leaders or participants in any sizeable society that I am aware of.
Well, you couldn't be more wrong, on both points, but no matter.

If you believe that then you must fall into the 90%+ of Americans and probably 98%+ of human beings who have no idea what Morality really is. I'm not surprised.
Okay, I'll bite. Where do you think your morality comes from? And give an example of who really lives such a thing today, besides you of course?
Careful there little buddy. The panties used to be in charge once.

Inside the home, yes. Outside of it, no. There has not been a significant Matriarchal society in the world within the last two millenia. Women have never been the primary leaders or participants in any sizeable society that I am aware of.

Where's your line in the sand then if we aren't going all the way back, which is where exactly for you?

And do you spank her when she misbehaves? You sound like that type.
Okay, I'll bite. Where do you think your morality comes from? And give an example of who really lives such a thing today, besides you of course?

My morality comes from what I was taught by my family, which came from what they were taught by their parents, and on back through history. It is the traditional lifestyle of both my family and many other families. Go back more than about 150 years it was the traditional lifestyle of most families in Western society.

Very few people today live such a lifestyle. It's definitely very rare amongst the rich, famous, and politically connected because it's not politically correct and it actually expects people to walk the talk rather than just paying lip service to things.

Where's your line in the sand then if we aren't going all the way back, which is where exactly for you?

And do you spank her when she misbehaves? You sound like that type.

My line in the sand would definitely be right around the AD/BC transition. The Western tradition much moreso than the Eastern, though I do find many things to like in parts of the Eastern traditions as well.

We do have provisions in our relationship for corporal punishment. In the 28+ months we've been together it's only actually needed to be used twice, which I am quite happy about. In neither case was there any amount of long-term or permanent injury inflicted. Not even any serious bruising.
That's 3 more than on the right and there was more than three molested by the democrat mayor of San Diego. Obviously you don't give a shit about any of them.

Right because fighting equal pay for women only affects 2 women :lol:

Why are you arguing about equal pay? That is like house slaves and field slaves
arguing who gets more privileges from the slave master. You are still not equal regardless.

Why don't you look at equal ownership:
who owns companies, property, city, schools, land, housing, control of govt.

When are we going to address the REAL cause of why people aren't equal in society?

Where we don't have equal access to knowledge, training and experience
with laws on business, property management, finances, law, govt, etc.

How long are we going to let those with knowledge and power
"pimp" the people who don't in order to use our tax dollars and votes to play their games?

I concur
We do have provisions in our relationship for corporal punishment. In the 28+ months we've been together it's only actually needed to be used twice, which I am quite happy about. In neither case was there any amount of long-term or permanent injury inflicted. Not even any serious bruising.
I thought that was you, the spanker. So many forums, so few people.
According to recent GOP dogma, I'm sure some of those in Conservistan wonder if women had it better during the frontier days when their husband made all the decisions, handled all of the money and the "personnel decisions".
When are we going to address the REAL cause of why people aren't equal in society?

Umm.... You're going to have to take that up with someone on a much higher level than anyone here at USMB; because that goes back to the creation of the Universe, emily. People are not equal, in society or just in life. People are different. They have different talents. They have different proper roles in life. It's just that simple, and it has been, for far longer than any of us have been alive.

Hi Ana: I'm talking about the level we can do something about.

Of course people are at different levels with different talents and roles.

But look at our school system. We don't make rules for the 6th graders and force
college grads in post doctoral jobs to follow them!

Why can't we set up a tiered system, where people can ACCESS the education, mentoring, assistance and support needed to move up the levels in stages?
And have jobs and internships or residencies at each level where they earn their
education and training and/or pay back loans and pay it forward?

Why not set up sustainable ways of managing people GIVEN our different levels,
where it isn't endless handouts, corrupted with abuse or waste, but accountable?
When are we going to address the REAL cause of why people aren't equal in society?

Umm.... You're going to have to take that up with someone on a much higher level than anyone here at USMB; because that goes back to the creation of the Universe, emily. People are not equal, in society or just in life. People are different. They have different talents. They have different proper roles in life. It's just that simple, and it has been, for far longer than any of us have been alive.

Hi Ana: I'm talking about the level we can do something about.

Of course people are at different levels with different talents and roles.

But look at our school system. We don't make rules for the 6th graders and force
college grads in post doctoral jobs to follow them!

Why can't we set up a tiered system, where people can ACCESS the education, mentoring, assistance and support needed to move up the levels in stages?
And have jobs and internships or residencies at each level where they earn their
education and training and/or pay back loans and pay it forward?

Why not set up sustainable ways of managing people GIVEN our different levels,
where it isn't endless handouts, corrupted with abuse or waste, but accountable?

Best of all, why can't such a system be voluntarily run, funded and participated in,
similar to choosing what school, what field, what teachers you want to work with?

Why pay millions if not billions more for prisons that don't work, when we could
be using the same resources to help more people on the preventative side to be
productive? And so the money for school and job training is paid back on a rotating basis?
Of course people are at different levels with different talents and roles.

But look at our school system. We don't make rules for the 6th graders and force
college grads in post doctoral jobs to follow them!

Actually, the basic educational rules stay the same throughout.... You have to do your own work, assignments will be due at a certain time, the teacher is in charge, etc.... No, college students don't get nap and snack time like Ms. Jenkins kindergartners do, but I'd like to think we're talking about a higher level of things than that.

Why can't we set up a tiered system, where people can ACCESS the education, mentoring, assistance and support needed to move up the levels in stages? And have jobs and internships or residencies at each level where they earn their
education and training and/or pay back loans and pay it forward?

We have a tiered system..... thirteen primary/secondary level grades, then four years of college. After that it gets a bit murky on the time frame, but Masters and PhD level education. The problem with what your suggesting is that there is no real structure to the system. There are no consequences for not progressing at the expected rate.

The only real "tier" I'd like to see introduced is a Male / Female tier at everything from the Junior High (7th grade) through high school levels and then a hard cap on the education of women, and even a large percentage of men, at that point.

Why not set up sustainable ways of managing people GIVEN our different levels, where it isn't endless handouts, corrupted with abuse or waste, but accountable?

I agree we need to get rid of the things you talk about.... mostly by getting the Federal (and in some cases even State) Government out of the equation entierly.

Best of all, why can't such a system be voluntarily run, funded and participated in, similar to choosing what school, what field, what teachers you want to work with?

So you're going to tell people they can send their kids to school to do basically whatever they want and not even force them to be paying for it via taxes (or a fee structure)? I think back to a number of the Montesori and other "alternative" education path kids I knew growing up.... with your structure (as I understand it) these kids would never have taken a math class. Even if this was just at the college level, where I agree with this idea more, there still needs to be a structure to it.

I went to a college where the curriculum was specifically tailored to your degree. No extraniousm unnecessary classes that weren't directly related to your major (which had to be selected within 12 weeks of coming onto campus). Even there, the curriculim, while scaled back to the essentials, had an unwavering structure to it.

Why pay millions if not billions more for prisons that don't work, when we could be using the same resources to help more people on the preventative side to be productive? And so the money for school and job training is paid back on a rotating basis?

I agree with cutting the prison budget, though through a different means.... executing all Felons instead of incarcerating them. Those resources saved could be returned to the citizenry, along with all the other money we spend on unConstitutional things like EDUCATION.
Gosh...women hit the equal pay sound barrier at the New York (old)Times.

"As with any such upheaval, there’s a history behind it. Several weeks ago, I’m told, Abramson discovered that her pay and her pension benefits as both executive editor and, before that, as managing editor were considerably less than the pay and pension benefits of Bill Keller, the male editor whom she replaced in both jobs."

Why Jill Abramson Was Fired : The New Yorker

The War on Women...alive and well in liberal democrat America.


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