
I agree that there is no PROOF that it was a assad-------it came out of the
CAMP OF ASSAD------the logic being that it was the enemys of assad who
were gassed and it is the camp of assad that has access to endless stores of
IRAQI chemical weapons. Isis does not have the stuff or an airforce-------
"rebel forces" are not bombing "rebel forces"

The aircraft that dispensed the chemical weapons took off from and returned to an Assad-controlled airbase. ISIS did not fly that plane off on and back onto an Assad-held airbase.

Chemical weapons were used - THAT means both Syria and Russia are in violation of the treaty they agreed to with President Obama.
-- Even if ISIS or an ISIS Sympathizer took over the base OR somehow snuck on/loaded up the chemical weapons/dispense the gas/landed back at the base THERE STILL SHOULD HAVE BEEN NO CHEMICAL WEAPONS TO USE, which means Syria/Russia STILL violated the Treaty.

Every bit of logic / common sense (on top of whatever other evidence they have / had but we are not privy to)points to Syria being at fault / sharing responsibility for the chemical weapons attack.

Funny how Trump never believes any intel. But takes this Assad thing as gospel the next day .

Was there any urgency that he couldn't take one day to address congress ? You guys wanted obama impeached for the same behavior.
In fairness, there do seem to be a few who cobbled together enough independently functioning brain cells to stick to their own principles, such as they are, and voice some plaintive disagreement with the Master.

So while praising Conservatives for being independent-minded, you are declaring them to only be so if they agree with snowflakes who disagree with their leaders - like Schumer and Pelosi, who support the strike?! Interesting

LOL, if you saw that post as praise that's a funnier response than I was hoping for.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!

Remember last time Republicans were in charge and they made the biggest blunder fuck by invading Iraq? Yea, and you fucking idiots put them back in power 8 years later. You deserve what comes. Fucking American idiots.

the USA military is actually in the midst of a recognized war------THE WAR ON

There is a HUGE difference between 'Constitutional' and 'Authorized' and your 'Recognized'.
- Please show me where it states in the Constitution that a President can send an invasion force into another country in a prolonged military campaign (WAR) without Congressional authority to do so.

So based on 'The War on Terrorism' President Obama dragged the US into an Un-Authorized WAR in Libya to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 murder and replace the Leader of Libya, who was helping coalition forces fight terrorists in Northern Africa?

So based on the 'War on Terrorism' President Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected ISIS, even facilitated their un-opposed mile-long convoys flowing across empty desert into Iraq, the nation our military had sacrificed so much for in order to liberate it?

I had no idea a President was authorized to do so much simply by pulling the 'War on Terrorism' Card. Does Trump have that card now, or did Obama take it with him when he left?
What does my bravery have to do with his integrity and possible war?

His act was one of BRAVERY and INTEGRITY------and will not MANUFACTURE
a war. ----------the issue is the use of poison gases on civilian populations----or even the use of poison gases as a custom-------poison gases are weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION and a HUGE THREAT to the USA
Its not a threat to us, its a threat to the people that live in that country.
Have you got some more proof assad did it? All I have seen is radar tracking and even Mattis still wouldn't admit it was assad...

I agree that there is no PROOF that it was a assad-------it came out of the
CAMP OF ASSAD------the logic being that it was the enemys of assad who
were gassed and it is the camp of assad that has access to endless stores of
IRAQI chemical weapons. Isis does not have the stuff or an airforce-------
"rebel forces" are not bombing "rebel forces"
ISIS has chemical weapons. They have used them dozens of times. They also have been seen with helicopters.
Reports are out about them training fighter pilots as well. But idk

the TARGET-----is the issue. They targeted themselves?
The chemical attack was probably a false flag event and Trump got duped. Why would Assad who was winning, commit such an atrocity he knew the world and USA would condemn and react to? Plus all the other questions swirling around this event, make it likely to be a false flag. Who benefits from the attack? Certainly not Assad. Maybe done by the Saudis or Israelis. Who knows?

Did Trump get duped by the fucking Neocons?

...and by the way, where are all those lefties who claimed Putin and Trump were butt buddies? Where have they gone?
It has happened in the past when NK was misbehaving.
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
The Carl Vinson group was turned from it's scheduled course, to go to off coast NOKO.

That IS new.
If Trump gets into regime change and/or nation building then I can see a legitimate complaint about a reversal of campaign rhetoric regarding the military's use. Like Obama, his approach leans sharply towards isolationism but then we're broke and stuck in Afghanistan and Iraq and so there isn't much choice in the matter.
Get some freaking perspective lefties. Harry Truman's criminal negligence in Korea has lasted fifty years. Bill Clinton fired missiles all over the place and just when we needed leadership to battle the jihad terrorists, he bombed freaking Europe. Obama intentionally destabilized Libya which was no threat to the U.S. at the time and just when we needed leadership in the battle for the Benghazi embassy on the anniversary of 9-11 he ordered pizza, watched it in real time and blamed an obscure you tube video for the unpleasantness.
He did it several ( 3) times already in the last few years. The UN even stated he was responsible. Madmen don't think rationally.
His act was one of BRAVERY and INTEGRITY------and will not MANUFACTURE
a war. ----------the issue is the use of poison gases on civilian populations----or even the use of poison gases as a custom-------poison gases are weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION and a HUGE THREAT to the USA
Its not a threat to us, its a threat to the people that live in that country.
Have you got some more proof assad did it? All I have seen is radar tracking and even Mattis still wouldn't admit it was assad...

I agree that there is no PROOF that it was a assad-------it came out of the
CAMP OF ASSAD------the logic being that it was the enemys of assad who
were gassed and it is the camp of assad that has access to endless stores of
IRAQI chemical weapons. Isis does not have the stuff or an airforce-------
"rebel forces" are not bombing "rebel forces"
ISIS has chemical weapons. They have used them dozens of times. They also have been seen with helicopters.
Reports are out about them training fighter pilots as well. But idk

the TARGET-----is the issue. They targeted themselves?
The chemical attack was probably a false flag event and Trump got duped. Why would Assad who was winning, commit such an atrocity he knew the world and USA would condemn and react to? Plus all the other questions swirling around this event, make it likely to be a false flag. Who benefits from the attack? Certainly not Assad. Maybe done by the Saudis or Israelis. Who knows?

Did Trump get duped by the fucking Neocons?

...and by the way, where are all those lefties who claimed Putin and Trump were butt buddies? Where have they gone?
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!

Remember last time Republicans were in charge and they made the biggest blunder fuck by invading Iraq? Yea, and you fucking idiots put them back in power 8 years later. You deserve what comes. Fucking American idiots.

I didn't vote for bush or trump. Nice try.
It has happened in the past when NK was misbehaving.
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
The Carl Vinson group was turned from it's scheduled course, to go to off coast NOKO.

That IS new.

"Adm. Harry Harris, head of U.S. Pacific Command, directed the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson and its accompanying ships to sail north from Singapore on Saturday instead of heading for planned port visits in Australia, a PACOM statement said."
I don't think it is Trump's fault we are on the brink of war with two nations (Syria and NK) backed by the major players (Russia and China) in the world. This has been coming a long time.
Sure, Trump could have continued to ignore Assad's use of chemical weapons. The majority of the world was happy we didn't ignore it; your question is, why didn't THEY send missiles--why US? They apparently don't have warships with Tomahawks available in the Med. to make a targeted strike in a limited way without endangering personnel. That's what happens when we are the boys with the toys, I think.
This was inevitable. Obama kicked the can down the road for eight years.
It's not Trump's fault this landed in his lap. All he and we can do is deal with the mess in our laps. It will not go away if we ignore it. North Korea HAS the missiles and the nukes to make a nuclear attack on Japan or South Korea (or our warships). It will not stop because we close our eyes some more. The war in Syria is not going to wind down anytime soon, either, although I don't see the pressing urgency there that I do with NK.

Thank you for a sane, well thought out post. It's something we usually don't receive from the Left.
He did it several ( 3) times already in the last few years. The UN even stated he was responsible. Madmen don't think rationally.
Its not a threat to us, its a threat to the people that live in that country.
Have you got some more proof assad did it? All I have seen is radar tracking and even Mattis still wouldn't admit it was assad...

I agree that there is no PROOF that it was a assad-------it came out of the
CAMP OF ASSAD------the logic being that it was the enemys of assad who
were gassed and it is the camp of assad that has access to endless stores of
IRAQI chemical weapons. Isis does not have the stuff or an airforce-------
"rebel forces" are not bombing "rebel forces"
ISIS has chemical weapons. They have used them dozens of times. They also have been seen with helicopters.
Reports are out about them training fighter pilots as well. But idk

the TARGET-----is the issue. They targeted themselves?
The chemical attack was probably a false flag event and Trump got duped. Why would Assad who was winning, commit such an atrocity he knew the world and USA would condemn and react to? Plus all the other questions swirling around this event, make it likely to be a false flag. Who benefits from the attack? Certainly not Assad. Maybe done by the Saudis or Israelis. Who knows?

Did Trump get duped by the fucking Neocons?

...and by the way, where are all those lefties who claimed Putin and Trump were butt buddies? Where have they gone?
Assad is a brutal dictator, but he is not a madman. Stop believing the lies of the State, to justify the heinous acts of the State.

Believing the UN is akin to believing the NY Slimes.
I'm sorry but I disagree. Trump was always talking out both sides of his mouth on the use of military. The fact that he is warmongering now is not really that big a surprise.

And since most of the country agrees with his actions on Syria he isn't really losing points with it. I've seen dir hard anti trumpets praising him for his action.

I oppose involvement in Syria and I'm not sure how I feel about n Korea but i don't find any of this surprising.
ISIS has chemical weapons. They have used them dozens of times. They also have been seen with helicopters.
Reports are out about them training fighter pilots as well. But idk

Your panic-attack is duly noted. ISIS doesn't fly helicopters. Syrian jets were directly overhead the area that was gassed, and there's been numerous graphics on Fox News showing their approach and exit. 9/11 proved the oceans can no longer be counted on to defend us from attack so we take care of business where that business comes from. The Russians talk a good game but we'd slaughter them in a full-on conflict...their non-com and junior officers have ZERO experience while ours have multiple combat tours to draw on. The Ivans have almost no naval fleet and sold their submarines to China after the Soviet Union dissolved. Putin wants Syria for port facilities but he won't risk a war with us and our allies to keep it.
ISIS has chemical weapons. They have used them dozens of times. They also have been seen with helicopters.
Reports are out about them training fighter pilots as well. But idk

Your panic-attack is duly noted. ISIS doesn't fly helicopters. Syrian jets were directly overhead the area that was gassed, and there's been numerous graphics on Fox News showing their approach and exit. 9/11 proved the oceans can no longer be counted on to defend us from attack so we take care of business where that business comes from. The Russians talk a good game but we'd slaughter them in a full-on conflict...their non-com and junior officers have ZERO experience while ours have multiple combat tours to draw on. The Ivans have almost no naval fleet and sold their submarines to China after the Soviet Union dissolved. Putin wants Syria for port facilities but he won't risk a war with us and our allies to keep it.
Weapons of ISIS
If all that is true, then why wont mattis admit it was Syria?
I know that. What I am saying is it has happened before, they've turned around when N K was misbehaving. I had a family member and a close friend stationed in the 7th fleet. It has been done before.
It has happened in the past when NK was misbehaving.
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
The Carl Vinson group was turned from it's scheduled course, to go to off coast NOKO.

That IS new.

"Adm. Harry Harris, head of U.S. Pacific Command, directed the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson and its accompanying ships to sail north from Singapore on Saturday instead of heading for planned port visits in Australia, a PACOM statement said."

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