
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
I understand. You and the Pauls would prefer a US government that was more like Neville Chamberlain's government in the 1930's rather than a US government that was proactive in taking care of America's security.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
I understand. You and the Pauls would prefer a US government that was more like Neville Chamberlain's government in the 1930's rather than a US government that was proactive in taking care of America's security.
indeed. All americans are at risk over chemical/missile attacks that happen on the other side of the world. Thanks for clarifying!
main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .
I watched the Sunday shows yesterday and they're all chomping at the bit to take this and run with it. When they start with the "So Syrian people can live in peace" I know we're in trouble. I've heard THAT one before--WAR is for PEACE. Fortunately, the entire administration is not saying that yet (although Tillerson seemed to agree with Haley about Assad). As Easy pointed out, we already are kinda involved in a war in Syria (ala supporting Syrian fighters fighting ISIS) although not AGAINST Syria. Looking down the road, no one sees how peace can be negotiated in that country with Assad at the helm, so they believe the only way to end this is to get him out at some point. However, it should NOT be America's job to do that. The countries in the Middle East have a lot more at stake in that than we do, as does Europe due to the refugee problem. Let them put their foot forward and handle that.
Indeed it is. If its all evidence, why wont he say it was them?

WTF is the matter with you? Mad Dog has more important things to do than convince you of something that's already been proven with radar tracking screens that show both the ingress and egress of the Syrian fighter jets over the area that was gas bombed.
Indeed it is. If its all evidence, why wont he say it was them?

WTF is the matter with you? Mad Dog has more important things to do than convince you of something that's already been proven with radar tracking screens that show both the ingress and egress of the Syrian fighter jets over the area that was gas bombed.
LOL ok
Things are much more complex than most ever realize. Reality can be a bitch.
I'm sorry but I disagree. Trump was always talking out both sides of his mouth on the use of military. The fact that he is warmongering now is not really that big a surprise.

And since most of the country agrees with his actions on Syria he isn't really losing points with it. I've seen dir hard anti trumpets praising him for his action.

I oppose involvement in Syria and I'm not sure how I feel about n Korea but i don't find any of this surprising.
main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .
I watched the Sunday shows yesterday and they're all chomping at the bit to take this and run with it. When they start with the "So Syrian people can live in peace" I know we're in trouble. I've heard THAT one before--WAR is for PEACE. Fortunately, the entire administration is not saying that yet (although Tillerson seemed to agree with Haley about Assad). As Easy pointed out, we already are kinda involved in a war in Syria (ala supporting Syrian fighters fighting ISIS) although not AGAINST Syria. Looking down the road, no one sees how peace can be negotiated in that country with Assad at the helm, so they believe the only way to end this is to get him out at some point. However, it should NOT be America's job to do that. The countries in the Middle East have a lot more at stake in that than we do, as does Europe due to the refugee problem. Let them put their foot forward and handle that.
Yet we created the refugee problem when we removed Saddam and allowed Iraq to break into sectarian groups.

Isis was also guilty previously of using them. But they do not have the aircraft that was used in this instance.
ISIS has chemical weapons. They have used them dozens of times. They also have been seen with helicopters.
Reports are out about them training fighter pilots as well. But idk

Your panic-attack is duly noted. ISIS doesn't fly helicopters. Syrian jets were directly overhead the area that was gassed, and there's been numerous graphics on Fox News showing their approach and exit. 9/11 proved the oceans can no longer be counted on to defend us from attack so we take care of business where that business comes from. The Russians talk a good game but we'd slaughter them in a full-on conflict...their non-com and junior officers have ZERO experience while ours have multiple combat tours to draw on. The Ivans have almost no naval fleet and sold their submarines to China after the Soviet Union dissolved. Putin wants Syria for port facilities but he won't risk a war with us and our allies to keep it.
Weapons of ISIS
If all that is true, then why wont mattis admit it was Syria?
That is seriously a naive world view in today's world. Unless you believe we should stop all international flights, shipping, importing, exporting, building a wall around the entire US, including the oceans. Never allowing another in or out.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
I understand. You and the Pauls would prefer a US government that was more like Neville Chamberlain's government in the 1930's rather than a US government that was proactive in taking care of America's security.
indeed. All americans are at risk over chemical/missile attacks that happen on the other side of the world. Thanks for clarifying!
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
I understand. You and the Pauls would prefer a US government that was more like Neville Chamberlain's government in the 1930's rather than a US government that was proactive in taking care of America's security.
indeed. All americans are at risk over chemical/missile attacks that happen on the other side of the world. Thanks for clarifying!
It's like you're channeling Neville Chamberlain.
main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .
I watched the Sunday shows yesterday and they're all chomping at the bit to take this and run with it. When they start with the "So Syrian people can live in peace" I know we're in trouble. I've heard THAT one before--WAR is for PEACE. Fortunately, the entire administration is not saying that yet (although Tillerson seemed to agree with Haley about Assad). As Easy pointed out, we already are kinda involved in a war in Syria (ala supporting Syrian fighters fighting ISIS) although not AGAINST Syria. Looking down the road, no one sees how peace can be negotiated in that country with Assad at the helm, so they believe the only way to end this is to get him out at some point. However, it should NOT be America's job to do that. The countries in the Middle East have a lot more at stake in that than we do, as does Europe due to the refugee problem. Let them put their foot forward and handle that.
Yet we created the refugee problem when we removed Saddam and allowed Iraq to break into sectarian groups.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ keep those refugee muslims sitting in boats off the coast of libya . Keep them in their boats , let the muslim refugee invaders do some fishing . Problem was Euro governments letting them land in Lampedusa and then let them invade Europe Ben .
and 'syria' shouldn't have been bombed by Trump . Babies are dying everyday from bullets and bombs BEN !!

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